<br />Ur+tr„ant CoveNaNrs. Burrower and Lender covenam and agree as follows:
<br />L paytnenf of principal and fleetest. BoRnwer shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />inckbtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and tare charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of end interest
<br />on any Fvtttre Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Z. . tteda far Tstd [ttN fswrtnee. Sabject to applicable law or to a written :waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />Ia [.cttdtr on the day trtwtthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a st[s» (hersin "Fonda") equa9 to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain prioriry over thix
<br />Mortgage, and gro[„,d rea a~ t1:7 p:cpzr•.Y. if any, p![ES [:~-twelfth of yearly premium installments far ht:zard insurance,
<br />p(usorrz-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />titre to titrte trv tender on the basin of assessments and hilts acrd reasonable estimates therof.
<br />71u FutttLs shall he held in an imtituutxe the deptnits nr accounts of which are insured or gtearanteed by a Federal or
<br />state agct[cs• i including Lemier if Lrndrr ix such an institWian 1. l.e~r shall apply the Fundx to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />irrsurartec premiums attd grnuttd rents. [.ruder may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or verifying and cvmpiling said assesserxstts and hilts, unless Leader pays Borcower interest on the Funds and applicable taw
<br />permits [.tinter to make such a charge. BuROwer and tender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that intrrcxt nn the Funds shall F,c paid to 8orrrawer, and unless such agreement is made: or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to tae paid, l.ettder shall neat I,e requred to p;ty Borrower any interest or earnings an the Funds. tender
<br />shalt glut to Borrower, wttitout charge, an annual account;ng of the Fur+.ds showing credits and dehits.to the Funds and the
<br />pitrpase fur which rash dehit to [he Funds was made. Tlx Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />I>y this Mortgage.
<br />tf the atrrount of the Funds held by Lentkr, rogtther with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the-des dares of taxes, assessments, imurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />assesaatents. rnsurance premiums ated ground rents as they fall due, such excess shat{ I[e, at Borcower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower yr credited tv Burrower nn monthly tnstaBments of Funds. tf the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender shall oat rte sufficient to pay taxes. assessments, insurarce premiums attd ground rents as they fall due,
<br />Borrower shalt pay iv tender any amount «ecessan to make up the deficiency wuhin 30 nays from the date notice is mailed
<br />try Leader tv Borrower requesting payment titerevl.
<br />Uptm paytncnt in fitB of aft sums secured by thrs Mortgage. Lender shalt promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held b}' iendrr. It under paragraph 18 hereof the Propcny „sold yr the Property is otherwise acquired try Lender, Lender
<br />shelf apply. nv later than imrttediatsty prior iv the ,ale of the Property nr its acquisiuon by Lender, any Funds hdd by
<br />E.ender at the tome of applicatitrtt as a credit against the sums secured by then Mortgage.
<br />a. Ag~icteftxt of PaytRe~. Unless applicable law proviDes otherwise. ail payments received by L.enthr under the
<br />Note a~td paragraphs t and Z hereof shah be applied by I,endrr first to payment of amounts payahte to Lender by Harrower
<br />under paragraph ~ hereof, then to interest payahte on the Nvre, then to the principal of the Note, and then to interest and
<br />pnncrpal on ant- Future Advances.
<br />7, fhuResr Liem. Burrower snail pay all tasc,_ a,scssmrnts and other charges. fines and impositions attributable to
<br />the Properly which may attain a priority over thi, Afortgage.:uad leasehold paymems or ground rents, if any, in the manger
<br />provided umter paragraph 2 hereof nr, D not paid to ,uch manner. by torrower making payment, when dire, directly to the
<br />payer therrxt, Borrower shad promptly furnish tv t_cnder ati nvuces of amounts der unsicr this paragraph, attd in the evert
<br />Harrower shall make psyittenl dlrce{Ik, BnRnwr( .half pmmptty furnish to i.ender receipts evidencing such payments.
<br />Borrower shall prvmptly Discharge any Ilea which has pr+oniy over tMs Mortgage: provtdrd, the[ Borrower shalt trot be
<br />requercd to dtxharge any wch lien ,a> tong as lfa+rruwer ,hall agree in wnteng to ehe payment of the oMtgation secured by
<br />stun hen m a manner accept:hit tv tender, or ,halt rn gekxl latch cantr,t such ltcn hy, o: defenD entoreemenf of such lien in,
<br />Ieeai prnxcrDengs which operate to prrvem the cnturcemcn: ut the I+cn or fvrtet[ure of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />5. !!~,~ l~~e. tkarrvw:r shat: ! ~p ; ~ :ntpn::::mem; n+:•R c;:,t:ag ar t:zr~atie: etrc:ed on the Pmpsrty insured
<br />agauut In,s hp flrc, hoards irrclerded wiihtn the term "csternirD aawcrage`~. aril such ether hazards as Lender may require
<br />wort m senh .+mv,+nts anD for such pentxl, a, i e»der ,:ray teyu+rc; tnu4rdeD, that 1 ender ,hall nut require that the amount of
<br />such _ce,•eraKc excenf shat amvuirt of cavrrage reyuual t,• pay the ,one, .tercet} by this Afongage.
<br />7hr amurame caterer provh3ing the ia~errarecr ,haft tK snorer by f~rrRC+wct suhlrct to approval by I_emkr, provided,
<br />that steep approval ,halt not Fat unreasamahty wuhhrici. All prcm,um, on msurarur pnticies shall frc paid in the manner
<br />pmro-sleil umkr paragraph Z hereof ur, :t ncM paid in se;a:h manrw:t. by Borrower making paymetet, when due, directly to the
<br />rnsurme Garner.
<br />Alt imuratxc t,nlicre, aril renewals therrui ,hart he ur tvr[n stcepiehic its i_cnJir and shall include a standard mortgage
<br />~lau,c m tarot ut and in form ;t.,:eptah[e to I.eixi,:r- LereDrr ,hall hose tttt ngM to hnFti the pvlieies amt renewals (hereof,
<br />and Bs,rruwer ,hall peexnpti_y tumult w Lenilrr oil renewal ;turrets anD alt tccetpts of paid premiums. In the event of loss,
<br />Bvrn,wer ,troll grvr pre;met trance to the nasurattce carne: aiiil i.e[silsr. i_cnder nwy make prvvt of loss iL nut mods promptly
<br />by tlotrnwer.
<br />Unk'ss {.cooler roil Borrower atM:rwt,r agree m wrung. tmutarne prcxeccl, shall foe applied to restora[ivn or repair of
<br />the Prrrpn-tt} :iatttagcD. provided aa`=it :r;to:attc=n err repa.r :s rxcn.:anrcaity trastth'e and tF,e secuti[y aE this MoRgage is
<br />uv[ tttcrrb} itnpaucti. 13 wch r,.^.tnrauwr ur report +s nut a-~n;x+mr_ails It•asthM ur rt the security of this Mortgage wt+uld
<br />tee rntpauril. rFte msuranee pruce¢ds shall tae applieD n+ ttx ,uma ,rsureD by thrs Mortgage. wuh the excess, if any, Paid
<br />to Barr<rwcr. !1 the Prerps;ny to ataandoned h} Ilnrrcawer. err ,, Harrower tads to rcypond to Lendsr withrn 3U days from the
<br />date notice rs +xat{eil by Leniler tv Hotrower that rtes +rsurancr career utkrs to settle a claim fur insurance henefits, Lentkr
<br />vs autlxaneeD to collect and apply the tnsurattcc prvcssds at Leniler's option either tv restoration or repair of the Property
<br />or w tier sums sca;ured by this Moxtgagr.
<br />Unless l.i•rtder and Burrvwer vthsrwise ague an writing, any seen application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />ur parstponr the due date of the moathiy installment, referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 herevF yr change the amvunt of
<br />such n[stalhiunis. ii under paragraph Ill fxrwt the Ptupert} a acquired b}' Lender, all right, title attd interest of Harrower
<br />in atni u+ any insurance policies attd in arxt tea the pnx,:etxis thereo[ resufi:tig {root damage to the Property prior tv the sale
<br />or acyuiatt+uu shat! pass iv Lender to the extent of the sums xcured do this Mvrtgage immediately prior to such sale or
<br />acyuisttw?n.
<br />6. presenaliea atsd Aittiatetse[unce o6 Psvgseriy; ixiasrlattds; C'undntniaiunrs: PImMd Uelt t)!evtlaptrtenls. Borrower
<br />shalt {:cep the Prapcr[y in gawd report and snail trot ctxt[n[ia waste or perm+t rmpairment or drteriaration of the Property
<br />and xhait comply wuh the prnvis[otts of any lease rt ih+s Mortgage „ un a leasehold. If this Mvrtgage is nn a unit inr
<br />c[T[tdumiauun or a planned umf akvclopment. Burrower shall pertvrm ail of Barrvwer's ubltgateons under the dnlarauon
<br />rv covcuanis crratrng or govumag the condoinrneum or planned unit devetopmeru, the by-laws and regulations of the
<br />'=onJt?s[tir!rum ut pLant[ed t[ait tlsvs-{ttr+=t"sa[. and cnnstite:ent e!!v<us:+ents, tt a cvndvminium ar piarned unit ckvelup:n¢ni
<br />ruler 3s rxtcuta! lsY Bwrawrr acrd recorded tvgtther wuh thrs Mortgage, the cvve»ants and agreements nt such rider
<br />tf he ria;rtrput~tt iota atut stt~l a.~nd and supplers>:nt the cvvstsants and agreetnen[s of this Martgags as it the rider
<br />were a part hsreof.
<br />T. pastlecliwwt! of l,trtdet"s 3iaet~, tf Bvrruwrr fads tv lnriorm ttx cavrnaa[s and agreements cnntaitetd iri this
<br />Mar[gat3r, or if any arttC>n yr prvs~Jing.is c.rm[ttcnred whtsh materially atfa_ts Lenilrt's mterrst in the Property.
<br />etra,luding, but curt irrmted tv, emo-ttcnt dmreain, insalvemv, Guile rntvrcement, ur arrangsmrma or prviceedtngs involvitt; a
<br />taa,ttktupt w dsxedent, thsn l.et[der at Lendti x option, upon nvtite to Borrower, neat' make such appearances, disburse such
<br />aunts xttd tales saxh xtiaa as u necssstuy tv protect Lceetkr's mtrrsxt, e:nluding, but not hmiled to, diabursetncnt of
<br />rtasatsahkt attorney's ti~x and entry ttpvn tttr Prttptrtr to mike repairs. !f lentber reyttiteil rnvrtgag~e insurance as a
<br />st xttletusn of ntak+ag t#ys itsan s+~ure! ttY [his Mvrtgage, BuROwer shall pas the pfemiutrts required to maintain such
<br />intilHar[Cb rn clkct tent€i such brae as the requtremett[ flu such truwrat[rs tcrmirtatca in as:cardatxe wtih Borrower's and
<br />