8I -- 0(1103.1
<br />G~er's written agreement or apptitablt taw. eorrowar shad pay the tsmoum of aif mortgage inatnantx premimns iq tiro
<br />anamm ~ ttndcr paragraph 2 ttereaf.
<br />Aoy emotfnas disbrnita/ by Lender ptirsrtant to tleia paragraph 7, with interest thersca, shell become additsoeal
<br />of HoROwer stxuratf by ibis MoRgagt. tJnbss Borrower arnt t.ertder agree to ether terms of peytnem, salt
<br />eaesanttfa daft ba ptryabk upon notice fraa. I.tgdee to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shaft bear interest ftam the
<br />„r eNe1rF:.mFr,.e ~ t~ ram pa;~k fr_... ~nr to tirif~ on outstatt~_tte pritreipal at?dar the Mott tnt~ pay!'s~t stE
<br />t ~ stte.3r r~ wtxdd bt ctattrary to applicable law: in which watt siren amounts shalt bear itt at the higtfeet rote
<br />pk tinder eppitcabk taw. hlothing contained in -this paragraph 9 shall regain Lender to incur w~ txPaeta ~ trdte
<br />say actin hereunder.
<br />sf. Lends may make tar c:use io be tnade naxmabtt carries open and itsapectiaru of the Pfnperry, prat~ad
<br />that i.~+:.-shat( give Borrtnrer notice prior to aqy sash itispeettan specifying resaanebk cause thenftx related to Lender's
<br />Fntar~ to the I*ropsaty.
<br />!k Cam. The prorxe~ of arty award ar claim for damages, direct or consegtunttat, in cnrmactlon with any
<br />cotuTenufation or ether taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of cond:mnation, are htsreby wdgtted
<br />-shall be Arid to Lender.
<br />Iq tfte evert d a tract taking of the Property, the proFxaer>a shalt be applied to the soma secured by this Matt;ttge,
<br />widf the sxtxfa, if airy, paw to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower atfd Lender
<br />ot'aerwise agra: t.i writing, tlxtt else(( be applied to the sutras secured by ibis Mortgage such propeRion of the ptt+cee~
<br />o is aqua! to chat prapartion which ttfe amount of the sums seared by this Mortgage immediately prior to the data of
<br />taitiagbears to ike fair tnarkat vahte of the Property immediately pritx to the data of taking, with rife batanrx of Clta prtxeeda
<br />p:sist ro Borsowa.
<br />dE die isropaRy a abandoned by Borrower. nr if, after notice by Lender to Barraatr that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or stttk a claim far damages, Harrower faits to respond to Lender within 3t) days after the date stud tmtiae is
<br />taailad. Letaier is aathori~ to collect and apply the practeds, at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />IInlde Lender and Harrower ather'wsse agra in writing, any such application of praeeeds to principal shag not extend
<br />or pastpmre the due date of ttte monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amarnt of
<br />stun itatalimaats.
<br />EB. larrosm Nei Neiased. Extension of the titre far payment yr madiBcation of amortization of the sumo stcut'ed
<br />by this Mortgage granted 6t' Ixrtdtr to any successor in intuest of Bartowcr ,halt net operaee to rckau, in any tnantr~,
<br />!tx liability of the origiml Borrower and Borrowei s successors in interest. Leader shalt nos he required to cotrfinence
<br />praxedings agaitrot stub sutxessor ar refuse to exttnd time for payment ar osherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />xeured by this Mortgage 6t' reason of am Ftemand made by the origins[ Horiowa :,nil Borrowers successors in interest.
<br />Y2, FaAearsite Iq hesdar lest r Weiser. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hettunder, or
<br />otturwiae afforikd by appticsbk taw, snail rrot be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The proctarattrnt of insuratxe or the payment of taxer yr ether Lens or charges by Lender ;hall not 4e a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to ecceknte the maturity of the indebtedness cecured by thisl3ortgagr.
<br />11. Rttsmedlee Casaitdee. All remtdin provided in this Mortgage are distinct and rumulativt to any other right or
<br />ixtmedy udder this Mortgage ar afforded by law nr equity. and may be extrcised roncurmntty, independently or successively.
<br />13. 9seceasass tail Asaipts iced: Infat roil Several ffab8lty: Captieas. The revenants acrd agreements herein
<br />rxiriteitxat shaft hind, and the riglils ht2uridct shall initrc to, the mpecttvt successors and assigns of Lender and Borrow>r,
<br />stabject M (tit provisiarts of paragraph i7 tzereaf, Atf corenarxs and agreetnents of Borrower shalt 6e joint sail several.
<br />The calxiam atul headings of the puagraphs of this Mortgage art far ronvenicFre Doty and are not to bt used to
<br />interpret or detitte rile priavisioris hereof.
<br />l4. Ntotiee. F~capt for any rlptict required under applicable law to tx given in another manner, (a) any notitx to
<br />Borrower ptrnided far in this MaRgage shalt he given by mailing such ostler by certified mail addressed to Harrower at
<br />the Properly Addrds or at such other addscss as Aarrowrr may designate EFy nonce to G°,rrdtr as provtdtd herein, and
<br />fb) arty aaitx to LeFider shat) t>e given by cettifitd malt return recerpt requested, tv Lenders address stated herein or to
<br />xirc#t other address as Lender may designate by notice to Born+wer as provrdtd herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Mortgage shat! 6e deetn~ in beet btxn given to Harrower or (.ender when green in the manner designated herein.
<br />ld. iJaNeere ~t C.avtttds9g i~sr: Stvttuifl>ty, This farm of martsaee combines uniform covenant for tutitynal
<br />ttu anti utiifaRn ctfvettans with tir€aittcf variatirii;e hu jurisdictt~xt to rttstituse a uniform Security instruraat cavtarigg
<br />teat property. This Mortgage sbatt be governed b;1 the law of €hc iurisdiczion in which the Property is located. in the
<br />Oveift that any provision or clause o€ this Mortgage or the Nast canflicu with applicable law, such-conflict shad Trot affect
<br />cttiter praviskgs of this 'AfoRgage ar the Nate which can be green eRrct uirhmit the conflicting provision, and to this
<br />end the provisions of the Mortgage and the N<ue are dertared to be severable.
<br />li. tlarnasra's Co't'. BOrraWet shall be furnished a ronfarmed copy of the Notc and of this Mortgage at the tittle
<br />of mtei-orlon ar a#ftr recordation htrtaf.
<br />17. Tetsster of list PrapaHy; :ls~rprfaa. t€ all ar any part of the Property ar an interest therein is sold or transferred
<br />by t'axrower without [~taiei s prior written ransom, rxciuditg ta) the creation of a lien or encumbrance subordinatt to
<br />!Cris Marigagt, tb) the cttation of a purchase money security interest for household appliances, fc) a transfer by devise,
<br />dGatx%at ar by operation of law upon the death , f a joint tenant or
<br />t~trtder may, at Lender's option. declare alt the sums secured by this Mortgage to Ire
<br />irtt[fiadiaiefy drat and payatsk. Lender shat( have waived ;uch option to accelerate if. prier tv the ;ate or transfer, [.ender
<br />and ttte pttsan to whom the Property is to he sold or transferred reach agreemem rn writing that the credit of such parson
<br />d tiatisfetxary to I.tadtr acrd chat the interest pa rrhie an the sums secured h} this Mortgage shat. ~ at such rate as Lender
<br />shall txqucst. if Legdtt has waived the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17, and :f [iorrower's stacctssor in
<br />imaiast has esacu~'S s written assumption agreement acccptcd ir. writing by [xnder. t.rnder shall retrasc Harrower from alt
<br />atdiguitros tender this Mortgage and the ?Pete.
<br />If Lemur exercises sash aptioa to as'.celerate. Lender stsaii mail Btxrawer nattce F,f e<<eierativn in aceerdanee with
<br />pentgreph 14 lreteaf. Such nutlet shalt provide s perit~i! of nut less than 30 days tram the date the nWirc is mailed within
<br />wbktf Bartxawar may pay the sums dixiared due. if Barrvwer faits tv pay such sums prac*r t.+ the expiraticm of suet! period.
<br />I.aAdnr away, wittwirt further notice or dematxi on Borrawar, invoke arty rer€sedres permrttrd rty paragraph l g hereof.
<br />IStaM-Uisittiesa Cavaxhsv'rs. tksrrowtr and [.ender funthet covenant and ague as ioliows.
<br />fd: ~ Bssc~pi as f3revtiad ~ paragrapi t' itrtsrt, aixte Harrowtr's brtwti of affy c~itPaat Or
<br />ttg ~ tistcsesrar Is iii , iadsidisig rte earettaab to pay when doe teat' scan srriurd by thin Mstrlgage.
<br />f~tzs- ~ ~ r~ wwH satire Ea ~rtawaFr ~ praridtst iw paragrtfpi 13 btrte~f speeifyiag: i1t fie bieaei:
<br />t~'~it a~ m Cara salt iraacln i3) a ilea, eat fats rise 3t3 days ftaaF that dart tit F1WlCt is faafled to Harrower.
<br />a[dt lyaiee- etwst ba zes'a~ atFrd tilt tbad Eaf~m to eett .sect drool rare or trslmre tie diNe spaclGtd is tree Fs~frt
<br />s{yg >r I'a1 M der FatttnLa FatcF~ by ttfkt ~iottt~tge. rurxlasere lxy cif ptnaetediffg a~ ~ d tie PtaptAy,
<br />I14t aatit€r sieH frailer hEerta )RerrrW+r:e M tit right to reiotisst aEitr aFCCekratiea sail tit rtgit fo asatrl fa lie fotaciawfo
<br />~ dse rrittwrtx of a datatde ~ +m9 otirr deEegrt of Rontfwu m actekratiaa sad fareeiaraue. IE tie breaei
<br />i tnM cam Fst; a[ iefatt fir dNt ~ is tit esFflre, t,twier at f~rwder"s opiMa Fast' dectatt t~ of tbt suer aecwisd it'
<br />r;Iria it ~ doe aai psradt{a srNiwN fwaMr daaaad trail arsy totes face by jwBcitd proreetNag. E.tadar
<br />slet~ Nee .;s trd5stt is i ptts€t sH tsgee M f~, i~ttttf3~, ttwrt iba'sed to, cemlr of daeaarafarY
<br />>~a. f tad iteRi,< reparint.
<br />IA Hta[w+aer*a ~ as ~. '+atwittistatxiittg Ltndtr'S ac.r?eratrun ~ tfic .ums secured try this Mortgage.
<br />t3otrgisea shaft (scut the rigia to haves eat' prixtwsfings btguri by ixndtr tt~ rniar<e (has Stasngagr .#iscuntmtttd .tt any itntc
<br />