8I --- ~~(i 1 fl3:1
<br />Utrcpatat CovErrntvrs. Borrower arxl bender cavtnant and agree as foflows;
<br />1. trt lrtirsrJ~rd aqd Interest. Borrower shaft promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedtttes evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Nott, anti the principal of and inteteu
<br />on say Attturo Advances seared by this ~Iar[gage.
<br />7. Nzasds for Tian tad Ireranee. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver hp Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to I.ertdar on the day monthly installments of principal acrd interest art payable under [hc Note, until the Note is panel in full,
<br />a start (heroin "Fund>+") mr~t to one-twelfth of £ht yearly taxes and ass€sstnestts which may attain p~arir; craer this
<br />MtMgage, sad ground rents on :hc property, if a»y, plus tmatwelfth ttf yearly premium installments for hazard inwratxs,
<br />plus ase-twelfth of yearly premitun installments for mortgage insurance. if any, aB as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />tirrte to tirttt sy I:eaCer oa the basis of assesstntnts and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />Tfw Funds shall tit held in an institution the dcposiu ar accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Fedat`ai »r
<br />state agmuy (iachding Letxkr if Lender is such an institution). lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, aasmameats,
<br />rttsttrance pttmiurrss steel growtd rents. l xnder may not charge far so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or vm'77tyiag and oomiritiag said assessrrs tz arm hills, unless (.cadet pavs Harrower interest an the Parcels aril apptipbk law
<br />paxriits Leader to make such a charge. Borrower and Leader may agree in writing at [he time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage the! intpxat on the Fonds shall tat paid to Harrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />t~uirets st~tt interest to be pnfd, !.iodic shaft nest ht rertuired to pay Snrrawer any interest ar casings an the Funds. Lender
<br />` snap give to-Bt~- .rwtr, without charge, an annual aicaunNng o€ [ire Funds showing credits and debits to the Pintos and the
<br />pttrpoae for which each debit to the Funds was made. .Tlte Funds arc pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />by thin Mortpge.
<br />If tI~ atttount of the Funds held ay Lender, tagtther wnh the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due darts o[ tarts, asseaments, insurance premirtms and ground rents, shall extted the atstttune rtgrtired is pay said taxes,
<br />a:la~teats, iaztrrantx premiums sad ground rents as they tall due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />proatptty repaid to Borroter or credited to Horrnwer on rttonthfy rctstallments of Funds. if [he amount of the Patios
<br />ht~ fry Leger Mall tttR be stsHitti~t to pry [axes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fell dtu,
<br />®otrottter shall pay to I.eades arty aa[ooat necessary to make up she deticaency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lendsr to grower rer}ttesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon paraum m foil of ail starts se~urtd by this 'vfartgage, lender shall promptly refund to Horrawee any Funds
<br />ht:id by Lender. If under paragraph 18 hereof the Property is sold or the Property +s otherwise acquired by Lender, (.ender
<br />shalt apply, n» ia[er than itntatdiately prior to the safe .,f the Propettc or its acgwsnion by Ixndtr, say Funds held by
<br />Lewder at the tfox of appticatfon as a credit against the stuns secured try then '`lartgage.
<br />3. Apse of Ytq' Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all paymtnis received by Lender wader the
<br />Nett sad paragraphs I amt 2 hereof shall bt spplttd by !.ender first to 4?aymen[ of amounts payable to (..ender by Borrower
<br />trader paragraph 2 hereof, Bart to imtrtst payable on the !Rote, then to the principal of the Nnte. and then to interest and
<br />pnttttpat on any Future Advances.
<br />0. CAnrsea: film. Borrower shall pay aH texts, assessments and other charges, fines and Impositions attributable to.
<br />t!a Property which may attain a priority over this Mortgage. and ieasc4teld payments or ground rents, if any, in the menace
<br />provitf~ tinder paragraph 2 hettef cr, tf not paid in such manner, by }torrower making payment, when due, directly fo the
<br />payee thttreof. 8orrowor shall prwrtptty farmsh to I.endtr ail notices at amoetnts due under this paragraph, and in the ever+
<br />&urower shag taake paymezn dircet#}°, Borrow~tr shalt prampiky farntsh to I.endtr receipts evtdtncmg such payments.
<br />Borrower shall pramptly discharge any Iitn which has priority raver this '~tortgage: provaded, that Borrower shall not be
<br />Itqurresl to dfscharge any such Iitn .o long as Borrower shall agree in ;vetting to the px}mint of the obligation secured by
<br />s;.c.: ii :. a.. a ma»~ at~pielitt to Linder, cn ;halt in geoid faith crnntst +uch hen hy, or de[end enforcement of such lien in,
<br />legal ptoroedirts which operate to prevem the tnfottemrnt of the l+ta .,r tarte+ture of :hr Property or any part thereof.
<br />3. Hatted ittlnranse. florrowct shall keep the +mprovemrnts r•.ow ettsttng or htreafeer erected an the Property insured
<br />against ions by $rt, haruds included within ihr term '";~xtendrd .:overage--. and vu~h +rcher hazards as fender may require
<br />steel sa such amounts and for sixh ptritxis as ixndtr may cequate, nn,vrded, that tender shall tic:t require that the amount of
<br />such wveragt exceed that atrwunt _nt eaveragr rtquued to pav the ,ums +e~.urcd by this 3tortgage.
<br />'SEa tttsttrsgee ca[tttt pravtdtng the insurance shat! he chosen try Bottvwtr ,ublee£ to approval by Linder: psvided,
<br />chat sut:h appravai shah teat be unroasunabSy withheld. :11i premulms ran ntsutanci ; o!i_•trs shat! F.e psid :n the manner
<br />ptovt~ tagr!er paragraph 2 hxrrrf ar.:! :~£ paid sit su..:. tttarttrer, hY &~r£owtr mal.Ing payment, wttett due. directly to [he
<br />ittsstragtx catrfm.
<br />All insuraast poiterrs and retsrwais ttttrrc,t shall tx in Inrm acceptable to Lender xnd shall mc[ude a standard mortgage
<br />Cintsse m favor of and to Earn[ acceptable tv Leerier. l..t reeler shah hare the right to hued the pof icier and renewals [hereof,
<br />and l:ktrrowu shalt pramprfy furttrsh to Larder ;alt rentwat aouccs and a1I recerpu aF paid pttmiums. to the event of loss,
<br />Horwtvu shall give prompt enact to the ;nsuramt earner and !.ender. Ltndtr inay mase praat of loss it` not made promptly
<br />try Borrower.
<br />Lttsla~ Lender atxi Borrower othettvlse egret en ~vntl:sg, +nsuranct nrat.etxls shah br applied 'a restoration ar repair of
<br />the Property dauttTged, ptavtt~ sir'.h rtaturatroa or repair os ewrxrnucaily iraslhic atxl the srcwity u€ this Mortgage as
<br />tier iflerefry fmpatted. f# stteh restorautn ar repose is not e_orwmrcaliy ',easrblt .u +i the security of !hIS Alartgage would
<br />b6 imitaired, the inwtatnt ptucceds shall 6t applied to the stuns secured by then Mongagr, with the excess, it any. paid
<br />to 3o:totver. [t rile Proport} is aoatxlatxd by Harrower-, or iS Borrower fags to respond to Leader within ail days from the
<br />date troller is matitxi by I.ettdtr iv Borrower shat tfsi +=uurart+_t carrier oilers to settle .r claim for insurance 'c,erttffts, Lender
<br />is autlwrfzed [a colfts;t and apply [he insurance ptcrcttds at Lender's r>ptivn either to restartion or repair of the Preperiy
<br />err to rite attm ses:wed by this Mortgage.
<br />Uaieas Leader attd Borrower ctiterwiai aBttc :n sstiang, any such appticatron .,t prixteds to prtrrcrpat shalt rot extend
<br />or postpone the elite due of rite trwnthiy installments re#errtd to +n ,rragraphs i .r>.,d ~ Hereof "r chaagt the amount of
<br />stx9t ttnialtmtals. f€ uudsr pasagrapfi is frerrv€ flit s'Trapcrry s segue,-ea hs t.ettder, a!! ngltt, t;tie and ;nttrest at Hotrowrr
<br />iA and [o any ittsYratti:e pttli..ies cod in and to zhr ptc+ceuis £htteai resuit+ng irartt damage t,, the Property near [o the sate
<br />tx aegtttsitiaa shalt pass to leader to rite extant srf the runts secured by th+s ~iartgagt +nnltedtately peeve :,, ,uch salt ar
<br />L, 1elOaq'z'»tBaiR ttOd Afatiftttnaatt of property: Ixasehatdr; Coedagsiniutnz: 1'tanaed l:gii I}evo
<br />IoPtaeala Borrower
<br />shalt ~ rite i'rstpetty in good repair xttd strait Ito[ utatnti[ waste at permaf empatrnatnt .tr deterwrataan of the Progeny
<br />ttHd tlhalt cazttg#y with tf~es ptvvtstatts of any least st title Martgagt rs c+n a icasihutd. 4t tiz+s ~turtgage is un a anti asz a
<br />c'.aruta err a planned trntt dtxrk,pment, Horrawer shall perform all vi Harrowers ,.hhgatuuts under the drelarauon
<br />at covaoants crt:a[irtg of governing the cottdominsurn or planned amt develaprntnt. the hy~laws acrd regu4atians I+f the
<br />t-~x$thairtituis yr yyi~aaaed ttnif titvtlol?ntsnt, asnl ecxasti£uenr dstc:turtents. ft :I ,:vndcarntnium .rr ;,tanned anti davelapmen£
<br />rider ~ eaeyttrsd fry ~ Jed Feracttded IOgtihrf w'lih tltEa .'vtattgagr, the cpvy;tianta afro egreC»ttnEa Of sn4h elder
<br />tahttil he itiFZptpsustEad fruit sad st3ttli astt,ettd attd suppltmtttt tF,e cavtna[tts and agrtetttrats of this Mortgage as if the Cider
<br />0 a. part f~ts?sf,
<br />7, ~t. ~. Iitral~9r'~{ Miry. If Harrawec fatLS to perc`arnt the coverta»ts snit sgrttrrnnfs contained in this
<br />Is4titi~yt, czt if afrly aa'tiuti at pttauctdiag ,s cattutttntrd wfaith ntatttisdly .t$ts;ts Lendee's :tttettst in the Pntprny,
<br />but tint-tisxi~ ta, cmittrttk domastt, tnsaivtrts;y, coot infarcetttrttt, or arrangtttrents Ise prt>,^eedings involving a
<br />Ngidtts~ at dfaat, [hen I~r at t.+r + F+pti~=n, :xpsttt uc=tsti r., J3otrc+wcr, mina} m-'ace eels i, appearances, ,tisburzt su.;h
<br />trssgpk atsd tatsg- t a~q as is try to prWrct txtuier's tntertss, .n:.iuu:ng, liar rx]t iimi[td ta. dssbut~ettt¢ni of
<br />r~ atta't-ifpsa attd.tsiry ;rpau that i'raperty to attal;s repairs. tf I.endrr rtyutreu mongrtge insurance as a
<br />trap cri e~l£t~, Sftls Esaa sect~d try` tgrq 04orFgage. 4latrewer shall pa}' =tit P.re»tauttxs rrgrurrd to nraintatrn such
<br />:adttit`antat la t8ect +agtd h titer az tlts; rryrrirtrrseat fix soh trtsurant;r £ermrnattz in .aceorxtartci w,rh Barn=wer`s and
<br />