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~~ ---QED 102#3 <br />Utrttrta~taa Covattratvara. borrower amt Lender covenant and agree as follows; <br />I. ltayass~ eft? tPs~ tmd BatTOwe:t' shatl promptly pay when due the principal of and inkreat on the <br />i»t3sluedrteas evidenced by the Note, prepaytaent and laic charges as prnvided to the Note, and the; P-.incitssl of and intettxt <br />rm tray Future Advwccs sescured by this Iortgage. <br />2. Funds !fort T~ reef L~woc. Sub; xt to applit:abk taw ar to a written waiver by Leaflet, Borrower shall pay <br />to-L on sIx day tnonehty fnataumsrsta of pnincfpel and interest arc payable under the Note, unfit the Nott: is paid fn fart, <br />a rarest therein "Fug") equal to one•tarelfth of t~ yearly tares and asaeasmeats which taay attain priority over this <br />~= - a,.~, t€s=3-~ t~ fro €~- ~; if any, ph€a -€w~elfth of yearly pts:siutn irtsta;lttteats far hazard i[tsutas~, <br />pFut ~a-fteralfttt of yrar}y prtunftrAt iastaifinents far mortga~ insurance, if any, all as rcasottabty estimated initially and from <br />tie. to time by Left on t!~ toasts of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates therwf. <br />The Ft~s shag 6e 1~ in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed'by a Federal or <br />t agency (itst:hrding Lt~kr if Lender is such an instiMtfon). Leaflet shalt apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />fnsiaraatx pttwintns and grouted rents. Lender may not charge for so holding attd applying the Funds, analyzing said aoeount, <br />or vaati~rin; attd-rwenpiling said assessments sad bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interoai on the Funds and applicable Lw <br />peatdits Lettxkr to matte 3ttch a charge. n^rtowsr sad Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mariga~ that interest an kite Funds shall tx paid to Borrower, and unteas such agreement is made or applicable law <br />-e9uir+et s~ itttateau to his paid, Lender shall not tx required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Ftmds. Lender <br />`s6alf give its borrower, wit$atu charge, an annual aaouming of the Futtds shtswing credits and debits to the Funds sad dte <br />ptupaae for which :sh debit to the Funds was made. TBe Funds are plexigext as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this Moriga~. <br />Yf the amount of the Fumla held by Lerida, together with the future momhly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />t!x due data of taxes, assessments, inattrance premiums and ground rents, shall exctxd the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />aorta, ituvrance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such ezc~s sha!! be, at Borrower's option, either <br />pro~tty rapsiid to llarower ~ credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. It the amount of the Funds <br />bolt! by Iaoder shall acre Ste ate to pay taxes, assessments, insurance ptrntiums and ground rents u they fall due, <br />$orroaser tthatl pay to t:estdar any amouax nexesBary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Leader to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon payaxni in full of afI soma secured by this Mortgage. i.ets~r shat! promptly refund to Borrower any Fund <br />IxW tsy Lender. If ut~ paragraph 18 rarest the Property is sold or the Propeny is otherwise acqu,rcd by I.entkr, !.ender <br />shalt apply, no later than itntrtediatoly Prior to the sale of the Propeny ur its acquisition by Lender. any r"ands held by <br />t.EBdes' at tlx titate of applicat~m ate a credit against the sums secured by thts htongage. <br />3. A~iieatltra ~ Pgyieais. Unteas applicable law provides otherwise. a:l paytnenu received by Lender under the <br />Noss a~ paragraphs I and 2 hereof shat{ be applied by Lender first to payment of amtwnts payable to Lender by Bortower <br />undar ptragaph 2 ttertwf, than to rntertst payable on the Note, then to :he pnncipa[ of the Note, and then to interest and <br />prirtcipai ~ asy Future Advances. <br />•. ~ 7Jsam. Harrower shall pay a!! taxes, assessments and other charges. fines and imposinans attributable to <br />the Prxtpwiy which may attain a priority over this Mortgage, and leasehold payments ur ground rents, if any, in the ttttmtter <br />provided wader patagraptt 2 tterwf or. if nor patd m such manner, by Horrower making payment, when due. directly to the <br />ptayoo thereof. Borrower shall promptly fttraish to Lender all nottccs of amounu due under this paragraph, ate in ttrc avast <br />Aeant€wn6r shat! make paymesnt directly, Borrower shall promptly !umnh to Lender receipts evidencing such payments. <br />~ shall promptly dktchatge any lxn whtch has priority coca this Mortgage; provided, that Harrower shall nest 6e <br />tegnittaf to disc6arga any ssertt lkn sa long as Harrowu shall agree in ~.~-.,wog to the payment of the obhgatinn secured by <br />atxl:Iim in a manner ~ to Letter. ar shaft in good faith cantese such lien hy, or defend enforcement of such lien in, <br />legal greexedptgs winch operate to prevent the enfarct~tent ai the Iran ur forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof. <br />S. I1~sd Bortowu shall keep the ,mprovements now exisung or hereafter erected on ttu Propeny insured <br />against lcea by Sre, htsrsrda ittcituiat wtthin the term "txundeil coverage'. and such other hazards as Lender may require <br />atuf is ttttch amouttta and for at~tt periods as Lender may require; preveded, that Lender shalt not require [hat the amount of <br />such cavetage exceed flat ammutt of coverage required to pap the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />The itetttrance rattier pcovMing the insurance shalt be chosen by Borrower subjut to approval by Lendee; provided, <br />that such appravtd shag not 6e uttrctsaonably withhe~. Al! premiums on imurartce palictes shall be paid in the manner <br />provieed trader paragraph 2 tteueot ar, tf sot paid in such manner, by Borrower mrktag payment, when due, directly to the <br />it~rrttsoe tzrrier- <br />AH t~traart: patieies toad renewtrls thutof shalt tx nor form acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mongage <br />efaatse in favor of and in form acceptable to Leader. Lender shall have the right ro held the psstiein and renewals tttueof, <br />sad )hOttotver slaati promptly furtsuh to Lender all retuwat nMtces and a[l receipts of paid premiums. In the event of loss. <br />Aort~ssrer shall give prom}M ~tisx to ttte insurance tamer and Le[xder. !.ender may make proof of loss if not made promptly <br />by borrosree. <br />Utakot I.ettda aad Barrawe:r nelurwtse agree in wrinttg, insurattre procoeds shat! be applied to restoration or repair of <br />ttx Pritporty damaged, provided such testorattan ar repair is economtcailt feasible anti the security of [his Mortgage is <br />tt~ tY impaired. 1f stte6 restorauon ar repair is nest ecottomical3y irastbie ar tf ttte security of this Mongage would <br />he tasgasittd. the iaaerranee prsxsods shalt be applied to the sutras secured by this 4fongage, wah the excess, if any, paid <br />to Borrawet. Cf the Propettr• is aharsdotted by Borrower, er it Borrower faits to respond to Lender within 30 days from the <br />dada aatico is maitod by Lesakr to Borrowu that rho insurance carrier otle~rs to scale s clam for tnsuratsre txnefits, Lender <br />is ~ to sxrdksct attd apply Ilse issaurattsx proceeds at L.ettder i uptten cttlxr to restoration or repair of the Property <br />or to the sittn seeettpl by this Mongsge. <br />llalass Londe atsd Borcower otttetrwtse agree er. wrt[tttg, any such appliratton .~f prs~eeds to prsrtripal shall nest extend <br />to putttpoae the duo dais of the tttattthly ittstalFtaents ret"erred to to paragraphs t ,rid 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />stseh ittmllmenis. tf wader paragraph t$ ber~f the Property is arquued by Leader, ati rrght, title attd interest of Itorroww <br />in sad to asy-itmvtrax ptsliriea amt in and to flu gros'•eeds thereof resuhtng from damage to the Propeny prior,to zhc sale <br />or shall paw so Linder to ttu extt:nt of the sums secured b} thu `lortgage immedutdy prior to such sale or <br />4 haMtvsiaa asd et! 1Pea~aaty; t.ettetet'as~t Cam; Pl~ae+d Utdt llkretlopweatra. Borrower <br />shalt leap flea Ptoporty bs good repair atsd shall tin commit wave or permit impairtrteatt at detcrioratian of the Property <br />sad aRati Y wst#t the pmvniona of say tease tf this Mortgage is as a Iea>leftald_ If this Mortgage is an a unit in a <br />ix a plaawd unit devaiopatent, Bortower shat) perform all of Horrowei a obttgationa under the decfaratfon <br />ear tea ceeatiag or gaveuning the condominium or ptantud unit development, thr by-lava and rcguluiow of the <br />.eft ptamwd trait desi~aiont, and cottsuttecnt ttorutnents. If a condominium ar planrted unit development <br />tilt ~ ~ 8cttt+arat and eitcoxded togtuttet wuh Shia Mactgage, ttx rovenanu and :agreements of ae~b rider <br />arm; ba i~ i»ta and shat! aaaextf and suppletttemi flu tovenanta and agreements of this Mortgage as if the rider <br />wt~ _a ~Ilt[R . <br />"8: ~ eti ti~atiiotfia fiir, If Borrtrwer faits to parfttrm the cas'cttaata and agrecrtuats contaitud in thin <br />to i€ tttfy ae~pa or ~ is tornxstet[ced wraith taafotially a$erts [,ernter's interest in the Property, <br />i1~ tNNt lest tit to. ~ dcsaairt. irtsotveacy, code en#arc~ectent. ar arrangements ar proresadings involving a <br />'~~pt ar duaadeaa, then Ltaidei' at I.endaYs apliett, open twtire to Horrawer. may make swab appesaractrea, disburu such <br />~qft, ats/ hllaE a~raa at y ptfvy to pratoei f.oetder i tttfcrest, iradudizvg. trot ttsu limtmi ta, disburseroeat of <br />auticwarn}~`a totatt and etorty upon the Pfopetty tit trtake repairs. E2 Leffler requires! mangttga ittaura~e as a <br />iaar off ~_ ttso l~ ssiauad by tttix Idirrytibs, betrtawesr sl+alt pay rho promiuraa required to ntatniain sash <br />het amt tltua a+ fix far It trssutatttx tatrtrtinstes in asx~nrdanea wtiNt bnrrosveis and <br />