M~RTGA+UE 8~-- U(}10~~3
<br />T'HiS 1VfORTGAGE is maa9e thg.... ~.cd..... , ..... .day ad. Marchf, .
<br />i9.-.&7.,-between t1~141ortggar,..4'bps'3-QS.?r..Ydpostsand,am]„L*,arlene.L. Vanostr~d,_h:!s_%s~:-~~
<br />.....vide .......................... {herein "Borrower"j, and the 14tortgaget,.CoFCia1 jai
<br />..Bartle . &,17ruRt; .C9. .......................................... a corporation orgartiied artd
<br />utr~t the laws of.. . titekt`~ ........................... .whose address is... $24. West 24~ird; Street
<br />....mss crsnd. I5J3.. ~etxrA~4a ..... . .................................... (taereitt "Cantkr" J.
<br />Wttearas, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal snm of . Forty, F'iye Thousand and. no fI40 .
<br />"---'-'-"'---""-'""'-_ .°-°--"--'19oilars, which indebsedetess is evidenced by Borrower's trots
<br />dated.....~~P~..3...~,98i........ {herein "Note"), providing far monebiy installments of principa! atxi.intnsest,
<br />with the balara-e of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable an .. Apri1.1, .2011. , ........ .
<br />To SECtittE to Linder {a} the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by ttre Note, with interest thereon, th0
<br />paytaent of ail other surds, with interest thereon, advanced in accardanca herewith to proteri the security o€ t)da
<br />Mortgage, aced the perfanmance of the covenants and agrcements of Borrower herein contained, a~ {b) the repsyaxot
<br />any future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 h•.reof (her~tr
<br />"Fatucs Advances"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following desen'bed property
<br />}orated in the CoantY of .... Ha11 ....... .. , State of Nebraska:
<br />........................
<br />Lot Nineteen {19), Eagievood Acres &ubdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />whirls bees the addres of..4308 Storeeridge Pathr ................... . (,.rand Island ..,
<br />... ~ttraslta 689072........ {her;tin ` ~°roperty Addrese'') ;
<br />tataarano nn taw~a
<br />TarrC'tt~st with all EhC improvemrnts new err hereafter everted on the property, and sit casrrnents, rte, `
<br />rttNS, zrryalttts, mirreral, nit and gas rights and profiu, water. water rights, and waltz stock, and sli .it
<br />$,attx~ or ~rza#ter stud to zlts property, alt cif which, nteluding rzplacerttenzs ;red additions zlterettr, iFhsll ba
<br />dew tat ba anrd ttgtaist a part txf the pr<><terty ca~rrd by this Ma~rt~gc: and all rf sty f<rre$oing, terggethtr with saw
<br />{ar eke learehold estate if th»t Ainrtgagt is rxn a I.asehatd) are herc5in referred to us zhe ")'roperty"
<br />~` ok}verstaw thst 8srrttwer is Iawftttty seised of the :.state hetclrr ecrnsryeri attr3 has the right to tacrrtgttg¢,
<br />gran! snd rx,at~y t#se may, that t#tt Prrapcrty i¢ untrrcumbered, and that lia3rrc~wrr vailt warrant and defemi
<br />ggwrally the to thr. ptogarty against rr#l cfaimr and dcmatrds, suh{rtY to any ricr:tarazicxxtts, emenzs or restrictions
<br />tiattd in a ~ of txccptiona zct ae>vara~ in any title irtsararter erotic. insuring I.cnrier . rntrrr~wt in the property.
<br />
<br />