<br />~ 'f7ae aoseftagor cewertattta sad ±tli~ that i# be abatl ftta~ to pap said ittdebtedaes' or atzr part ibetaaf tt!laaa
<br />+11~. ~ +bali Cail to perforce aag eervenaat ar aptf ~ iatet;ttaautt nr the proraiaaory ante seemed b: tl}at
<br />- +iaoilre-~ hesebg areared abatl itnaaediatety betaatttt +lus, paeabl+r. said collectible witbaut not5aas at tsa
<br />-- t ' a .~ - ~ ,....tt_... Mr ®:e~~v~.~d.t ~.~,~ar n: u aaapsa
<br />,:Po. .~.a..,,~ ~-t...-. ,..,,~...~.._ ..._ t~ _ lea h__ a~i,;,__ X ~!t>n or t*~__r mss?
<br />- soft amid proaerts witboed apprais. t tba eaort~aROr batrstgt waived aatd aasilttaed to the taort~~ee ail zd
<br />tt? ~ jtti sate pnraoaat to the proviptaas of Z~ fl.S.f:. ~llQf (a} : er
<br />{ ra) at tlrs Qf tbo eidter by as3etiet' or bg st aaelad ~.~far the b~art a:Bd
<br />,0era isid eawplybtg with the forma of ak aed matins: of paytaaaat L~paaiPrsi is tbo priLiahed rtotiea ati ttrla,l~tM
<br />pireap fonr weclta' notere of the tune, terms, sad place df atteh fie. br advertlta trot lea flue swap;
<br />dnriralt each of said foar tire~eica in a newropaper prt6}iabed nr destribated in the esunt7 is w}$eh said pa~rpwRt
<br />is aittpaaad, all atbea aatice be:~o{q tteraby waat+ad bg ttw taart{,a~os 1 toad said or awT pta~ow aw
<br />btu ~ tmid . mag bit w4tb eba ~ptaid iatlebtedtasus evidm8ed by ~ tt}. Sadd arse ~sfl b
<br />bsW a! or as the prtrprrty to be sold or at the Federal, county. or citg LwvtUtouae for the R»6ttty is wluab tlae
<br />prapertr t- (oeatad. 7'lte ntartpa~ae is hrrrby autttoriud to raecute fa sad on behalf o[ the taoet~asetr awd to
<br />ieiisxt 9s the purchaser at such wk a atti~eient canveraace of raid Property, which eoovegstxaa aba61 eewtaia
<br />eaeitata ar to fire hsppeaia~ of the deQanlt npoa which the exeeuti~ of the power of ak betels 6ttawtei
<br />depaer4; sal the said taartaaRor hercbr eonatitntes and appbiats the taort~aaee or any spear or attorawy of the
<br />• sbs• sad atttoratry in fur of said mortRa~or to make suela reeitak and to ettaetatra aid
<br />emwseXaree +ad hereity cassrwenu and :Knees that the mitala ao madr shall be etfeetnal to bar ail equity or
<br />right of nsdempti~, hottae~ead. down, and alt rather rtemptiottr of the mortp{attarr, ail of whlcb art berehY
<br />eapreaalY rrri.rd acrd eaarryed to the ennrtaagee:.,r
<br />(tut tape atsY anther appsopriate action paravani to mate w Fetkral statute either in state or Federal
<br />rontt or otberwpw for ibe dispaaitian of the property.
<br />la the„et~aaAf a ask aa~ ptoyidrd. the rnortRsFar ar any person is poaseaaion ttndrr the ntortRaRor sbafl
<br />rhea beraiMr saui 6e waaawliata~t os.r and shall #vrdneith ekliver parcasion to the purchaser at auc6 ak or be
<br />stat~aaa'ih ~• in aerar+fatwr with thr praviaiurts of law appiirable to tenants holdiaR over. The power
<br />a~ a{etars be-r"br arsntrd an rnupied wrth as entereat and are irxvocabla br death w etherwire, and ass Rrant,erl
<br />as cauatttatiaw to tlar rttar+tira for ro:lrrtioat ~ .aid indtbtedncrs provided bs law.
<br />~. Tlta pta of aaX sade arf attiti peaport7 is xeesrd~ae with else preeadia~ parapraplp sbatl be applied &tot
<br />r gag tbra eaoos +twd a of said rla rbr ~araa iEOaaar+ad ~ the maeteelor tAe putpraae of prat:etita~ or nnia-
<br />`s:'t=f -.®;d f..~s:t. ~ s.-. .,-i'- a~~-;-' :cr-; d:j, t;; j.:r the r$i-"v e,:o.~. Mire„ hereby; sad t`nitdl.,
<br />~ Pay +wX wrpitta w ~~ to the parsmt orRpersorrs leRaily retitled tbaseto.
<br />§. fat tlaa ereaW said property is sold at • jsd-ieial iwaelrure yak nr pBrsva»t to thr poenrr of wk tstteesabora
<br />prsated, tavd tlaa prerexds are aoe sairiaat to pry tbs rata! indab3edaaaas sacared by ihb imAtnwent and eridetaaed bg
<br />rid prowaiaaasr note. the martpagee will be bgitlad to a deieieaey )aad~at for nbe amorwr! of the dmiFeiaaey wrAert
<br />e, l;; the rvetrt the mort*attor fails to pry sae Federal, stay. ,rr lurxl tea ataesament, itaeonar tea or other to flea.
<br />rltat}e, fee, .tt other rsprrtrr cbast[ed eaataae the Property, the mortaaRee it hereby authorized N his optiara W gag
<br />t>r . ~S t~ R ~ is t4- ~~--e ~a3f ~ add¢d to ssd °~€+rsure a part of the prs~pal aaaottart of ttte
<br />rvdsotrd by said Darr. wbjeet to tfsr .aotr tertm a:.d ronditioeta. tf trite eneetpsryior :ball pay sad
<br />dia¢learRe the ia+~ebMdaa;4s r. idestcrd by vtd praaaaraorr note, sari .lyal! pay saach soars and shall diarbartQe at) tattea
<br />attd Haar std rite oases, famr, sad rspaanao of oaforrin~. srrt# ezecntia~ thin taortpaRt, rhea the eaoet~apt
<br />sbsU bee caaea#ed and ~,
<br />?. Tba *. beertia caatapeaed aitall hied sari she 6ayaefits and adraaaat¢a abaA itatare m tin awpaeaive aatr
<br />eawaaa awd aati~as at +dte ptartiaas 'lamer otwd. tbA site tsttartdaier all ie tba pbtaaR, tAs pitsal ~
<br />ais~r#arr, awtl ~s aro ed sag pmder taudt iaelude ale pwitwta.
<br />~ ~" sr of aa7t bordr ae at the obliptatian aeeor~a} larebjr altall u am titers tbereaftanr ba bald
<br />as tat a ~airaar aE tsta taaaa bathaaf or si tie saes aaaroi hereby,
<br />4. to wrest _r°ne, sootier 1~1.I 4d l a3 ~ Ralars cad ~ g# tAa Seal1 ~ !! [13
<br />C~~, l~tl£tN ). wmf as 4a left rAwt~taed sari eafoaesd its aooaedsrae watt ap~sios6le Fedaad law.
<br />l~ N ~ dam ordsos e,s say
<br />-abaft. fast tIt ar w P~ or partioa elf flats iftl iarabd or let
<br />Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
<br />~,~. .
<br />toe awe, car rr.rax x . s.
<br />