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n. ? <br />- - a ,~a tom: [lam lr•r ,ate ostialmmrtad tma .aid pr~ar .e3s u the taaar ammi ita th. <br />dbmesitr_mitBmd <br />fls ~ a ~ nit +aamw etwuww•..alar satapt need othatr or etlrttt~ma,, Bisimm~ s <br />bP prosr}~ai ]a,n sat iina ae3r e~s. sad sri2) ptmpt#r tial~S~k tba aaiei~' <br />t ~ tea <br />er 1io will par seteh eapertets and fees a. may be itscurred in flee pt»tectioa and maintenance of acid <br />praptxar, iaeladingl else tees of nay attornex ~t~Yed br ~ ~eKEab'~ far t~ rslke:tioa of root ar ail at <br />the ~ ~7 secerred, s ter toreelamore br atertt~agee'e sale, or court proceedit-,Es, er !a par other <br />atiata ar pastta>ediag a$reiis~ maid premsma. Attaaneys' foes reasoeeabfy incurred in nay ether traq ahaq,be <br />~~~r• - <br />d, For T,rettat .scarify of time iadebtrttaaw herrbr xntreA, npoa the regttrst of the tagtt~ itratta <br />cessots as atsn~us, ht shmli e:centr asd ekkorr a sappkasrxttal nrortRaRe er ntortRaRem eosetia~ seer addilioar, <br />latprtatretaweta, et brttererenes made to the property hrttinabsve datribed : ettl eft pnepertr aegnirtx# by <br />it after tyre dare hereof tatl in farm satisfsrtary M ttwrtRaRrt}. Farthrrertort, rhoatd martparar fai# to core <br />stay drfaatt in the pmyment of m prier ~ itefertor eatumbrartee on the ptaptrtr dtseribred br this instrumcut, <br />taort~pmr hereby agrees M prrmmit martttapee to tore sur6 defauk, but mortpal[er u oat abliRated to do so; <br />~d snth adrattrea shall brramr part of the iadrbtrdae~ •eeured by this insttvmrnt, subject to the tame <br />term ate tassditiesae. <br />r. 'fbe rittleta rrratrt! by thin ranrcaaoee .ltatl remain rn full Estee and e6ec! durintt any poaflpottement <br />ar tattassiae of the tine. of payment of the ~adebtrdn.~roa evidence<! by said pramiMaen note ar any pert thereat <br />aecarffid fterrbv. <br />~. He will raaliiauautdv matnta~ banned cnwraaer, of eteth type or tvpea and in stech amounts a• the <br />martpa~ee mat (ram tame to tem. rrqutrr <rn the intprovemenia now nr hereafter on said proprrtr, and <br />ariH par ptlr trhaan doe nay pressimma tlierefar. A[I iararaote shall be tarried u eosptmis acceptable <br />to wt~ao feted the ps~ieis sad rraram#s theTaaf ahmli be held by nbrt~a;pe and bare attaelted tlsesaM <br />law poraNa a~tfaas in fa+w st meld ie fats atumpttbk to the taart~a~se. Ia ere®t o[ Iwr. mart~a~or aitl hr+e <br />:~ -' native lie wiaang tsr aasrt~@er, ~ ttaart~a.~ea eta: mrlir proof ~ low if ®os maede pteaaptlr br <br />oaem~paty sad sated. iasnraeso eas~ey oaacerned is Futrhy atrslrorioed sad tfirererd to stake papsemt for atsely <br />has r ~ sea~a~ae irtMSa1 eJ to wsrtaopr and ~ ia~ttr, and the iomaraaee aroeeada, er our <br />Finas thmraof: tsar ba appfad fry m its option either to the nductiaa ~ tiro iadabtedaeam ltsebr <br />ssermtrd or Eo t6e atsmaeN.iw or rmrpav of the freapatty dataymd ar d.suoratl. to atnttt ~ fararkwsa of thin <br />at odsac trsastara of title to aai+d pevpmrtr is ~ of the iedebtmdrmw saenrad 5ereby, all <br />r+t~t, utie, send inmvew ~ for ,srort~r M sad M aa: iaenrtaet p~cis thsa is foram shall peas ea the <br />pu~rtasr ar ~AattrtJ are at edsr optics ~ for martrapee. mar br srtrernderrd tar a rrderad. <br />z, fire trill keep afi b~niidintts sad other improvrmcnts +m +aid praperry in p..nd repair sad taenditian: <br />pt~pait, cosaueait, ar trmFer tun waste, impaunteal, daieriarauaa ~ wid proputr or ear part therea(: <br />use evera+t ~ failrtre of the nsart~atgar to keep the buildiaRr on maid premises std throne erected on said <br />Txr.-.s~wa_ ~ imprortatrnts tlarrre et, in repair, ehs. martyta~ may ma4r mex}e ecpmirs m in its disMetioB it <br />asst deem neeesmsrr fur the Proper prrtrrvation thereat; and the tut! amount of each aced evert such payment <br />rhtd# hr hamrdiatttr due and payable sad deal! bee srrartd by else lien of this mortaaRt. <br />i4. lit vial oat vohmgtariFv create nr permit to 6e rested attains[ the praperty subject to this mortRape <br />~.y Barr or lions ireferiar ar suf+rt•iru M the lien of this mattts};r without the written cortmeat of :he mivr-- <br />knz: aril fisrt~r, hr wi#l $ttp mnd maintain the umr free from the claim of atl persons wpplyint{ Lbor or <br />nwlCttala tar teastrtictioa of aav awd a!I heuldiattta ar imprarcments now brinK etxGed ar ro bt erected oa <br />said ~. <br />;. IIe trig treat rent ar asm@~tt aa.• part of flu tent of maid mort~rd property or dtmoiis[t, ar restore. <br />or aplirrantia,4ly after anr bttildiaR wilhant the written cansent of the martptatpee. <br />H Afl rrarda of datnapes in tunttee~ti~+n with any- crxtdtmnatton far publtt use ~ or infest; to anr of the <br />pr*tp~t+p a~tl-xt to c etrat'tgape err hereby aaar~ned and' s6afl be paid to tnarl~agee, sells nltty apply t!s <br />nano tai r of tht imttt3laatati+ #aet date emder maid note, mad taart#tsRee is Faeralty wdiar>, is the <br />raatmem ~;~ ~. M ameatse amd dtiisrr slid arquittanctm thereat and to appeal fram any welt aarard. <br />rk;. "f~fa arast~pre +Isll httrr ~s ntdkt.rta tamped fat atomt~s~ prasaat at ~r :aaanable fleets. <br />'` Z #k#'t'`ht iiax ~ the eovraants et raoditieses of [him ia.Rtomcnt ar of the [tear ar loan agseetnestt arcated <br />'d'~~eaaoetlMrltOm`'s-rf~tta passrbmimt, trme< and emjarrrterw ®d the Prop~mr'tr. rot ahr aptiaa of the <br />'n" ~ ±it bm agrertd rinse else ~ mhall bass tEteelt riR}tt until defauti }. ffpaa nay sash <br />r# ~ shat osrnaa of all s-rf tEtie t'tetts and pru{its atcruiate after sieiault » aeterity <br />~t'dM' ~ertetyed harrbr, ttith she ti~bt to eat[et amid prapttty fee the purpasr of cetlectiest; web <br />tirlela eaial psxdtta. 79tis ~t ebal! oftorapr qpt artrt ~ at ~ rentals aw maid pta:p»rety eo theft rxtsate. <br />