<br />~~- ~i(~0944
<br />Leader"s writma agteeeaeat or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurartce ptaaiutta in the
<br />maatxr pt'ovided under p~sgraph 2 hereof.
<br />Anp attttwats disbursed by Leader pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become at9ditiaad
<br />indebtedness of Eierrower secured by this Mortgage. TJnless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of paymeat, such
<br />atnoaata shad 6e payable open notice Erma Lender to Borrower req[xsting payrtsent thereof, and shall beae interea frart the
<br />d~ of ~! t aE- tRa rare ~ from time to rims on ontstatttBng principal trader the Nom uale~ payrIIerst of
<br />itstertat at tt>`h rate would bt cont_Pary to applicable law. in which riveter stuEt amoutua shall Erect itttetest at fhe h'sgbe~ rate
<br />peras~ie wader applicable law. Nothing cmrtaitted in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur nay eapeme or take
<br />cap action hsmrndtx.
<br />8, Leader rosy make ~ settee to be merle tesemsble entries upon and inspentiats of the Prctpasry, provided
<br />that Leader shall give Horrezrer ttotiee prior to any attch inspection specifying ttraatrnalrk cause thenefar slated to Lender's
<br />inteest in the Ptt>Eterty.
<br />9. The proceeds of any avaard ar claim far damages. dirtxt ar cansequentiaL in contteaion with crag
<br />condetttnaNOn ar ot!>=r taking of the Property, or part themrf, ar far caaveyance in lirtr of co[tdemnatiwt, arc hertby a~igned
<br />and shrti be paid to Leader.
<br />in rite areas o€ a total taksttg of the Pnspery, the groceats shall be ap~ied [a the stuns secttr~ by this Morttsge,
<br />wilt the excel, if any. paid to Burrower In the event of a penis! taking of the Property, unless Hotrawer and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writir[g, there shalt ire s:pplied to the sums secvted Irv tfiis Mortgage such gtoportion of the proceeds
<br />'as is equal to that propartiaa which the atrttrunt of the sums secttrxd try this Wortgage immediately prior to the dale of
<br />taking bears to the fair market rattle of the Pravertv amnrtdiatety pric,r in ttte date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Barrosvrr.
<br />if the Prapem is abandoetad Mr Borrower. cx ,f. after m,tise M lender to Htsrmwer that the coatlemaar o!!va to tmka
<br />an award or sense a daim far damsjes. Borrtwer tails to respnnd ro Lenais=r within 30 days after the date such tteiite ?s
<br />tuaikd, Lender is aut/torixd ro calker and apply the proc«ds, at l.ender`5 option, either to restoration or repair ~ the
<br />Property or to the sums aecsued by thrs Mort>sape.
<br />LJnle;s Leader and Hstfrasver otherwist agree :n writing. env such applicatlan of proeecds to principal shall not extend
<br />ar pastpnrse the d~ date of the mcnrtirh• instaiimrnts rrtrrtrd to in nara€eraphs t and ?hereof or change the atrtotmt of
<br />such it :talltttems.
<br />18. Bserewer F1ot Rele~i. Extensrcm cr€ the rune €ar pavttrart or modification of amaniaation of the sums secated
<br />by this Mortgage gtnatt:d by Lendew tc aao• surxes>"x ~n interest of Hatrawer shat! not operate to release. in any manner,
<br />the tiabitity of the original tlmroeer acrd lkrrrawes'a s[tcresa'rrs m interest. i._ender shall net tre regained to commence
<br />peoctedings agarnat sash stscttss® or ar nefrtse to rsreml itrrn €nr pevment ar otherwise modify amottirstion of the sums
<br />sectuesl by this Mortgagt by reason of any demand made t?v it; <,rigtnal Bntrawer artd &rtrawer's sttccesson in imerat.
<br />1t. Fps4erraraaw Ig t.erder Wrt p!-srser. Anv totRearanrr by E ruder in csereising any° right or remedy hetettnder, or
<br />atheswice aBorded by appiieabte law. shall net tre a watvrr at ar preclnd€ the exercise et any ouch nght or remedy.
<br />Tice ptxrcunement ~ irsttraasee or the payment c,1 rases ar „riser ".irns ,x ~-harges by T.cndcr Shah nor lx a waiver of l~..der's
<br />right to accelerate ttte tsularirv of the rndetrtedrxss :ecurrd i=v *,hrs llnngasr
<br />12. Rs~a~ms CireYi/se. .Art rrmedirs pr.,saded +n this MoncaKr a~ ~listin~, and cumulative to am c,ther right or
<br />remedy antler thts ls{orsgage to sBarded by law :.s esiu:ty. and roar ire csrrcacd :atuurrrntiv. indepetrdentty at successivdy.
<br />/3. Snscceasars earl Asetpa ides aed Sereral t,ea0ntp: Capdera. The covenants and agreementx herein
<br />carttaitad shalt hind. am! the righh trereuader shat! ,note ua. the mpecrive suc.°evsctrs at[d assigm of Lender and Harrower,
<br />~a.;.4-r to :e,.. mr,,,:.~_ .ter .,~.>.,~~.,a :? t,.,.,K.r kit ~^.vrnan.s .,,.s ae...r~,r.;t4 ,,t n~=.,__ _ !. ... _a_~veta..
<br />_ _ .._. _., _.... ___.~. ..~ =hat M ~ A 1
<br />The captions at+d headings of ttx puageaphs of this Martgag;• art far :anvemrtxe :,xtivYand ate Yncx~ to Ere used to
<br />mttrpra or detine the provtsiatts hereof.
<br />14. FlMlee. Except far any ;tsxisae res}uired urtde•. applicatrk lass- to be gtven m am#her rnantrrr, tat any na[ice to
<br />$atrawa gravided for in this Slorsgage shal3 }re gtvett try mailing rust; cerise by xrtitled mail addressed to Barrewer at
<br />the Property Address ar at such other address as 8ani*+rr msY desutnsee by rn,rice to [,ender as provided herein. and
<br />th) any natiG to Leader :hall he given try cern€icd mail, recum tree:pt rcgetested. to 1 encler's address stated herein nr to
<br />stair otirtr aorta as Lender may designate 13y rwticx ni fkrrn,srer as provided heron. .Anv notice provided for in this
<br />Mortgage shalt he deemed is have treat gtven ro Borrower nr Lender whrn given in the manner dtsignated herein.
<br />1S. Ustiferrs C,orersisB f,rx; 9evrraintp. Thee form of manpage u,mhinea tmtfarm covenann fen national
<br />area sad tiea-uniform covenants with limited variations t+v jurisdiction to camtitttte a uniform secunty itratrument rnvering
<br />rtai property. This Martgan shall he gavtrrxd try the law o€ [he jurisdictean in wlticf[ the Property is located. In the
<br />evert [hat any provision or cla[tse at this Mortgage or the Note con8ists with applicairle law, sect: carrttict shall not aff~t
<br />othu provisiatts of this iNettgage err the Note which can be given rtIect wiifiov: *.he cotrflicting praviswa. and to this
<br />~ tm prv •h:==^tr zr# t;~ #rrt~: a ~ [tx °t ne err :l~iated to t~ ~c~rs#~.
<br />t£ )ie~s+sesvs Capp. Snrraa+er shall he furnisF.ed a canfortned copy of tfa 'YC~ sad of this Mortgage at the time
<br />a{ execution or after itcordetiott hereof.
<br />2T. Trarafe- e! Eta lsrattSaE±; Ash l€ alt err any part of [he Proper=y a: as interest ttxrein is sold or traasfetred
<br />by Borrower wahmtt Leader's prior wri[en consent. excitrding tai tM creation of a lien or mcumbraace subordinate to
<br />ibis Mme, ibl the crertwa of a purcfiase money stcurt[y interest far frauaehaid ap~iatrcts, (cl a tramsfer by dev~,
<br />dasctat err by operation of !aw upaa the death of a joint tetras: err tdt the great of any teas3told iatezeat of throe years or less
<br />car lei as option m purchase. Leader stray, at Lender 5 aptian. declare all the sums securr~d by this Mortgage to be
<br />due and payable. Lear shall have warred such aptiutr to accelerate if, prior to the sale or ttarrafa. Lender
<br />aed the ptxsaa to whom the Property is [o rte sold as transferred reach agreement in writing that [he credit of such person
<br />is my to Leader sad that the ineerest payable an tine sums srcured by [his Mortgage shall tee at such rate as Lender
<br />sttaR rttpteet. if 1.eedet has wttimd the option to atxelerate pravitled in [hie paragraph i7, aril if Borrower's successor in
<br />1~ lauexecuted a writteae aioa ag:e~xnt accepted in ,vriti[tg by Leader, Leader shall releast l~rrower from all
<br />otter trader this Mort and the Flom.
<br />if S.mder a:sercisxs such aptioa to accaietate. Lender shall mail Borrower notice of acceleration in arsardence wi[h
<br />ptr:s~splt 14 hereof. Such notice sfiali provide a peritxi oft net less than 3t} days frrnn the date the notict is mailed within
<br />srhiich ~ may lay the auras declared dtx. if Borrower faik ro pay such urnts prior to the expiration of such period,
<br />Ltestftt ttsay, without ftet/tet notice or demand on Borrower. invoke any remedies permitted by paragraph i g hermf.
<br />FWsrt#ttraratsa t<`ortste,ttrrts. 8atrwer s><d L+trnrkr farther covenant a~ agree ss fa#lowa:
<br />n Peseltied ~, i fT lei. lissrsrsves's pt test' c ~
<br />. tlse esaesgara tr !ay wixe d! srry nssa secastd k'Y tith ,ilkslyBe,
<br />t.ortMt ~ Ms reeaiooeadsa strati sreB eelke ~ Rrsresrer re pvrEdad ks prrges¢is 14 beret sPec#{ie(E: (t) 4te hsameh;
<br />#~ lire trrllars ~ crate nos Beorest t~ r drs, tsar tans tits 3a daps frpre dte rwe dre tsaHee b aaeBeid~te ^psxwwsr.
<br />t+i' +lrC-'ftasu! 6t aatrait aartE tot drat faYart t~ cassr sse! leaac4 oar atr keilas EYe dtNt sgec~s# ~ the rsalk'e
<br />iirrilr tsrr[R it aao~ndoa alt Bea ones srnrrri 6t' tAis . fptss:tesnr! ti jssiielaF ttseceedktr card ark of tfle PtoPertf.
<br />'till Aieliee t#di t~I1tl' #atiarte losstsnnr d #a right a refoearte stiMt acceames~err-red rise rttt6t m ttrrert' ~ t6e faeeeieere
<br />prs~a/ta~ lien ~ pl a raisrtM at cry xslser rsReswe of loaresssr to ~ rrr tmselosap. ffi ese 6eereA
<br />t7 rM newt pas alt iwfrw fixt tart stead M die codes. /.tetMsr a t.eadsrs e!~ eery dectrre aN of Bra nsaws trtwser h4
<br />~ilr lr M Mlrwstaihist~ rme teed pogtits sit}lrel fatrffior desrari err mh' farr[scieer #ay f preceadksR. I.esrrer
<br />tft~ Bat nrsttHor ie cst111et it arras tlstsrra~ rrM eagorsaat of hs~ulrsrp, teems, tart sas+t MtsdEer to eeela pt roesmaWay
<br />pvitLltro, airNirHF atrri ditto rs/ttafit
<br />!'!. ~rttYMtrjl ~ Y 1~4b. Notw~ /..artrrt'3 aCederatxra of the stttas secttndd by this Mong~e,
<br />t lfpro ~ r to first era!' ~ ~ try T.aarder to enfarct #hn Mortgage dita:anrimred at any ume
<br />