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1 <br />CJtx,rdtra C8V8NAMttx. Harrower cad lmdmr cwvtoan[ and agrot as follows: ~ ~ s ~~ U 0 "~ 4 <br />t. 1!ryasnt d net Ittlatatr. Borrower shad prwcsptly pay when due the principal of and iatatest oa the <br />eridnaoed by the Note, ~xsymatt sod late charges as provided in the Nate, and the principal of aad iatetest <br />oa tray Future Advances sacused by this Mortgage. <br />?. Frsie ~ 'A'rts Yard fie. Stitbject to applicebk kw ar to a written waiver Fry I.ettderc, Harrower shall pay <br />m Leaner oa the day mamrhiy itusaiimeats of ptiacipai sttd interest aro payaiile ue~er cite Note, uau`i the Hots is pafd fn fttU, <br />a actin t'horein "Funda'~ egaal to oas-tws~tk of the yearly taxes cad asstutosatt wteisk rosy attain priority ova titer <br />Mostgtxge> aad ginned recta as t!x Property, if aoy, plus t>asetwelfffi of vearty premium ia~Hroeats for hamtd itsstrmate, <br />P~ ~ ~ Y~1Y p~iuatsapaltatents for tocatgage irttttrartte, it atgr, all ~ renwsably estitmled initially attd ft~s <br />time ~ thpe by Lander oa t>x bass of assaas acrd bfth and reasanabk estimate tlmreof. <br />Tlw F>anfr shah ice lseld is as ittnitutian dfe dEpeaiES er a~xouais of wh>Ea are irattted or guaranteed by a Fe~ceal or <br />agatcg iinclt~ng lender if Leader ix such an imtitu[ion). Gender shall apply the Ftmds to pay said taxes, assasmmby <br />iatrraoce prmtiums atvd gssxmd txrds. tauukr may not s~g+e for se holding atxl applying the Funds, aaalyziag.saitt a¢coaat, <br />or verifying and corrtpiifng said assessttteats and frills, unias Leader pass Borrower imdeat oa the fronds sod appGcabla law <br />permits f.~der fa tee stsde a charge. Borrower and l.endtr may agree in writing st the tithe of exertttiear of this <br />Most~a that iOIerpf on the Fnt~ shat! 6e pool to 8onower. atxt unksa such agreement is made or appiio:bte law <br />r¢,tg[irtq arch interest to be paid, Leader snail trot tae roquired to pay Borrower any itettreat or esrniags oa the Ftrads. Leader <br />shalt give to Borrovra, withtna charge. an anteetal acsttuating of the Funds showieg creeti4 and debits to the Farads cad the <br />purpose. far whictt each debit to the Funds eves made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the steers secsaed <br />by dtis Mort~e. <br />if tree amount of tlx Funds 6dd 6y [a;ntkr, tiigeehrr with tht fututt ma[tMy instaUmertts of Funds payable prime to <br />the dm dates of taxes, atnasrnmta, infaranCe prtmttems and ground meta. shslt excttd the amount requited to pay said taxes, <br />affiesttntats, iasurattct premiums and ground rents as they fail due, sash excess shall lx. at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly eepaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly ettstaiieamts of Ftmds. If the amount of the Fuadr <br />lank! by Leader stray rem !x set~iewi to pay toes. amersseettts. itesuraiut ptetnituets and gttnetsd rcssts ~ they fall due. <br />Harrower shall pay to Leader nay amrrunt ttectssan to make up the detictencv within 30 days from the date rtorice is mailed <br />by leader m)brrowu tegttast:ug payment thereof. <br />upon pas~saeat ea foil o€ all stress secured by zhts Mottgage, Lender shad promptly refund to Borrower arty Fur1~ <br />tae by Leader. If ut~ paragrsp6 IS Iserrof tht Property is sold or the Property is atltetwrse acquired by[der, L.~der <br />snail apply, no Inter than tmardiatety poor to the sale of the Property nr its acquisition by l.earier, any Ftutds htdd by <br />Leader at the time of application as a credit against [ht puma sesuttd by thes Mortgage. <br />3. AgtpAlaNas at tlnMesa agpirsabte taw provides otherwise. act pamxnts retsived by Lender trader rise <br />Nate acrd paragraphs S and Z hereof shalt tx appbed by Lender first rn payment of amounts payable to Lender 6y Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest payable on the Note, then to the principal of Ilse Note, and rhea to intermit and <br />principal as any Future Advances. <br />A. Cfsasgte; AJsas. Borrower .hall pa}• aU taxes, assessmcats and other charges. 5trcs and tmptxiitians attributable to <br />the Property wlt~h tatty attain a pnority over this Mortgage, and teasehaid payments or ground rents. if any. in tht tttanear <br />prawided tattler paragraph 2 Sercaf or. tf nrn paid m such manner, by Borrower making payment, whin dtx, directly [o the <br />payee thereof. Borrower snail prwrtptly furnish to Lender a71 rwaces of amounts due under this paragraph, and is the event <br />Borrower shall make payment direetty. Borrower ;}tall pecmptfy furnish to Isatder resripts evi~nang such payments. <br />t3ortowet shall pratapf!y discharge cry lien which boa prtorny over this Mnngsge; provided, that Borrower shall not be <br />trogteited to discharge coy streh rich so tang as Bnrrawer strait agree to wnung to the payment cif the obligation secured by <br />s+*~ !~ i^ a ms.A.•mr ~..Y.a~+,.-. to l r.;>wr.:st shaE; in b, a: fai€ h s:,rrs[ s42sh :r n b.. or dzfe:-rd erforc~rent of such ;ice ia, <br />legal groctxdiags which operate to prevent the ettforcerrtcnt of the brn or fotfet[ure of tttt Property or any putt thereof. <br />5. fawt>rre. Borrower shalt keEp tttr =.mprovemrnts now existing nr hereafter erected on the Property imuted <br />a~aittst i~9 by fire, hazards incluaed within tree term "cxtrnded .average`, and such other hazards as Lender may require <br />sad in stu3t amounts artd tar such periods as l_eatkr may require: provided, that Lender shall hat require that the amount of <br />such wverage ettseed Shat amount of coverage regturrd to pay [hc sums secured ny thrs Morgage. <br />The itewrattsx cattier providing the snsurance shaft f[e chose b,' Borrower subiect so approver by Lander, provided, <br />that sash approval shat trot tfe tsaressotsabfy withheld- Ail premiums tin insurance poiistea shall be paid en rite manner <br />provided tt paragraph 2 i~recd or..f zinc pats? in s!zth rttaat~, ?sy Berutwer tttaftsag gaytzustt. when d[[r, tiitestly to the <br />itatttraoee carrRr. <br />Ay iosutmtse pops a~ renewals ihereot shalt be to form accrptabte to tender oral chaff include a standard mortgage <br />clause is favor of acrd in form ~ to l.etshr. tender shall have the right to hold the policies and retttwats thereof, <br />cad tituttrtaxr shalt partly ft:t7vah to Les~rr all rrnewai nottccs anti nli rrcei~pts of paid premiums. In the event of loss. <br />Harsvwer shiiF gir+e prompt erotica ro the etauraace carver and lender. Lender may make ptoo# oti toss if not made promptly <br />~ ~. <br />LInles t.eridet sad lAartoarer otberwrst agree in writing, ittstuattce proceeds shall be applied to resmratian or repair of <br />the Ptttperty +Samaged, provided such restoration nr repair ;s rsenerttaxlly teasdtte and the sestuity of this Mortgage is <br />tsar ttsa,eby e>tapaired. If such restorauaa or frpatt is :tot rcanoatically frasibte or of the security of this Mortgage would <br />be iaspatred, t~ insurance ptnseetb shelf be applied to the strtaa seceued fry this Mortgage, won the excess, if any, paid <br />w liarrosrer. tf rise Property u abattdonal by Borrower, or it Aorrower faits to respond to Lender within 30 da}~s from the <br />dais taattcx u nesikd fry Leader to Bcrrawer that the truttraasc earner c+fftts to settle a cfaim for i~rar+s_^. benefits, tender <br />is ariud to astlent cad apply tlu tttsurtsnce prtxuxfs at ter[der's option etthxr to rmtoration or repair of the Property <br />or m the stems soured by tEss Mrmgage. <br />L°t Lender and Harrower trtherwise agree to wrtutg, any such application of proceeds to pnncipal shall not extern! <br />to pesgpcmt tlx dot date of the monthly ittsttailrotnts referred to in paragraphs l sad Z hermf ar change the amount of <br />coca iaatayrteeats. If tttsdet paragraph t ti tscreof the Prcptrty is acquired t:y Lender, all right_ title atttl interest of Borrower <br />is cad to ~y i pelitees a~ is and n~ the procyrds rt~reaf rraulting from damage w the Property prior m the salt <br />or atxyttirifiost shalt pan to t.ea~:r to tlw extent of the Hems sxured by this Mortgage immediately pnar i0 Bach sale ar <br />b. Pttrrsveslian erg fabinae ~ Peo*ertty; I•taaslsetdr C~ Phwad U>dt ITerebapratats. t3txrowcr <br />> steep the Pro~rcy m repair cad sitar[ tntt coaearit want ar petm[t impsera~m of deterforatfon of the Property <br />s~ : vy saifh the pistvis~ts of any teams ii this Mortgage is cm a leasehold. Ef this Mangage a on a unit in a <br />~ a plnsaed [halt tf~ot, iksrrower shalt perftxm all of yarrower's ubligatitsns under the declaratron <br />tx wants a'eati~ or gt+voraittg the eorrdmninttttre or ptanrred unit devefnptnenG the by-laws acrd regulations of Ilse <br />' att t tmit art, artd cotrttituem dosuraeats. if a condominium or planned unit devetaptretstt <br />tidpt is execttmti by Barliswef cad t~arded together wt1f1 thrs Mortgage. the covenanu and agreements of such rider <br />wig ha ioaatp iaP,a rid shalt attaend and su~learent tht covrnanrs cad al,txaroeats of this Mortgage as if the rider <br />sra[e a h' <br />7 Ttnllasdlrs ai A.tsoies's 9attiaftt. if &~trower lath to perform she covenants arnd agteemerrtt cotttairred in this <br />~> ~ if any action ar prrog :s :xxr3nxrtced whisk materially atfccts 1_cnder's tatetext in the Prnperty, <br />that rtM litaieed to, emiuans tSasoasa, insnlvrntsy, cods eafarcetttent. t,r arrangernents or ptnceedimgs involving a <br />ti>rt, [Itdat I.eta~ at I.enrker'a cptiatt, upoe €~ti~ to Bosrawer, mad trtaitc creek appearances, disbunr such <br />attt9 catch sib ss ti tom- to protest I.sredtrs mtereat. ine~Etedtag, but nm titre;€ed to. disbutaemrnt nt <br />rsnasaaAlt at'rtsstiy'a taw- cad sntrv trpott the Ptttyerty ao makt reparra. If I_rttdcr <br />required tnartgage itxsurans-e as a <br />of ~ tAe k+an satvred hY thtt Mnrtt~e, Harrower shelf Rtay the premiums rvquttxxt to maintare[ st~h <br />iaattY[ata~ let tfwlet t task Gi86a as ttt>e for strch tnwrrutt~ tcrrtttnates m aceeurdamce wrth Btsrpnver`s srtd <br />