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<br />$~._..(}()915 <br />6. If he fails to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at <br />its option, may pay or perform the same, and ail expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum <br />owing on the above note, shad be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided <br />for in the principal indebtedness. <br />7. Lrpon- regtt of the Mortgagee, Mortgagor shall exet:ute and deliver a supplemental Hate or notes <br />for the stout or sums advanced by iortgagee for the alteration, modernization, ar improvement made at <br />the Mortgagor's request; or for maintenance of said premises, ar for taxes ar assessments against the <br />same, and for any other purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said note or notes shall be secnred <br />heresy trn a parity w;tlr and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were included in-the Hate firs!; <br />described alxsve. Said supplemental rote or notes shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the prin- <br />eipal indebtedness and shat} be payable in approximately equal monthly payments for su..h period as may <br />be agreed upon by the 3Eartgagee and Mortgagor. Failing to agree nn the maturity, the whole rf rite sum <br />ar sums so advanced shall he due and payable thirty (30} days after demand by the Mortgagee. In no <br />event shall the maturity extend beyond the u#t#matematvrity of the Hate first described above. <br />8. 11e, hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the Mortgagee, to be applied totivard the payment of <br />Lhe Hate and all sums secure,! hereby in comae of a default in the performance of any of the terms and candt- <br />tians of this mm•tgage ar the said Hate, ail the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mort- <br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage inde6t~'dness shall remain unpaid; and the Mortgagee <br />shall have pavver to appoint any agent ar agents it may desire for the puraase of renting the same and col- <br />la+cting the rents. rt~senues 2'ind income, and it may pay out of said incomes alt necessarg cammissians and <br />exp,~nses incurred in rettttag and managing the same and of collecting rental therefrom; the balance <br />retrtaining, if any, ice he applied tatcard the discharge at said mortgage indetrte€Iness. <br />9. Ne rvill rantinttrttrs#} rnaitttain hazard insurance, of such type ar types and amounts as Mortgagee <br />rosy from time to time r~r-ottire, an the improvements now- or hereafter on said premiss and except when <br />pa:roc-ut fr~r :ti# a::lh p;.~miums leas ther~tafare beers made under tr:) of paragraph 2 hereof, wi11 pay <br />pramlrtlE• Evtrsrn due any pr.°ntiums therefor. L,'pan default thercaf. 3iartgagc~ rosy pay the same. All <br />ittsuratresa shall be catri,ni +n campantes approved by the Sfartgas;ee and the is<~lieies and renetca#s thereof <br />slrsr#l ise Itcld by the= 31oYgagee and have aitached thereto lass payab#c= clans«zs in favor of and in form <br />,t, ctptahlr. to the ~lor-t~agre. In .went of lass 3iortgagar ~.r ill g>.-u immr-diatr• notice l,v mail ko the Mort- <br />~gee, trlru may make Eerrx;f of loss if sat made promptly Fly Mortgagor. anri carte insurance company con- <br />~er-trea tY herelsy .,uthari::cvi and direarted to make pacnrent far such lots Eiirr=rttr to the }tortgagee instear. <br />of to tiro tilaretrakur and the 3i,}rtgat;ee }aintlp•, and ±he insur~nc.e ;~rrxeFVis, „r any part Lhzreof, <br />ma~° Fx :tpltiird i,y ti:e iiortltaieee at its option c~itlter to the reduction :;£ tlir• indebtt•ilnesa hereby secured <br />err to the re•e;r,ration or repair erf the pmpr~rty damaged. In event of farecl.,sure uC this mortgage, ar other <br />...=...,aer :.. tom.:c,,e ,..., ;,rs°vd pro,;,:rt=' .., ...,ng'a::~= ms-,.~ ,;~ ~, , -.:t,tecir,.•__. ~.ured iterehy, aiE <br />Ctj;h t, Ytt#e ,St7d ini.erebt ~! t31e ;~~artga~aF to and to ant; rri~6 rar:GY' policies ttl f'n Rt farce shall t'tA93 tO ttte <br />T3U rCha~r 6r granter. <br />ILr. ~w additianrl ai;c1 tullateral security- for the pad ment of Lh=- trc:t{~ <les< r'ix e#.:.rd all sums tc, tx come <br />due un der this mcr<Ltg~Y, the Mortgagor %;ereby :t.•signs Ca the ~lartgagee All s'r-ass lx,rtuses, profits. reve- <br />nues. royalt ia~zs, rigttts, and rrtlter l~nef'tts accruing to Lire Siartg,tgar under any soil all ail and gas leases <br />rte)u', ar during Lire life a£ this mortgage, executed ,=n said premises, ,vith ,lie right to rr•ec ivm and receipt <br />for the sarna and app!>~ thf•m to said indebtedness as ices! tx~forc as after r?efaalt in the conditions of this <br />mortgage, and the ~ksrtgagek may° demand, sue for and recover any such pa±men±s when ,.#ue and PaF- <br />at,ic, i~ut alts!! trot tie rc~;uit:ri _, to cla. This assignor:•nt is to terrttittate anti l:~~ante null and void upon <br />rc•ieus+= of this mortgage. <br />t t• Ho shaq n=zt csstnnrit s.r Ek=rmi+_ •-~°aste; a::l ,hall maintain t hc- pr~pt=rtc in <ts gxx3 conriition as at <br />prLsunt, reasrrnable ::ear A n~i tear excepted. I'pan any failure to su maintaitt, :klartXagee. at its option. <br />rttay cause reasstttahle ntaintenaner: ,mark to be performed at rite ee*st of 3Ent•tgagar. .any amounts paid <br />thcarvfor be lY[o3-tgag.•e shall i,ear interest at the rate provided far in the principal indettedness, shalt <br />tiret~upon Itevame a part of the irtdrbtedness secured by tt:is instrvtnent, ratably anti ort a parity with all <br />oilier indebtedness sia•ured hereby, sad shall he payable thirty t3tt1 days of*.c=r demand. <br />12. If the premises, e,r any- Iratrt thereof, ~ condemned under the pasvt~r of =•mit;ent domain, or <br />a~~vired for a pubhe use. rite c#rursagas awardwl, the prac-eerls for the t,2ltiug e,f, nr the consideration for <br />such a~uisition, to the extrnt r,f rite full amount cf the rer*taining unpaid ittclehtedness securo~d by this <br />mortgage, err heretry assigned to the ;4ortgagee, ;and shall l,e pait# ftsrthrvittt to ~iartfi;tgee, to tae <br />applied an aee~xtnt txf the East maturing instaitment~t of such indebtcKlness. , <br />24. if the livregag+.,r fails to tt-tak~ env nra4ntpat_g ~,-h~ dvF, or to r~<,,r•=_rr• t.~ an=+ cun;,,f .:tit arty <br />of ttte ran<ittiorrs ar agrc~tnertts contained in this mortgage, ar the Hates ~.chiclt it strc;ures, then the <br />antir'e principal sum atad accrued interesE cthalt aL once lretrome due and payable, at the e#ection of the <br />~ortgsgc°s; an<i this xt'ortgage may thereupon be foeeciosad immediately for the ivhuk of the indebted- <br />ness hcreb}• ~cttreKt„ rtc~luding the cost c>f «:xtettcling the abstract «f title frc ~-tt tttcj date of this mart- <br />gagre to tie tisnc of comnretxing suite suit, a rrtr.~:tnable attttrney`s fee, attd any .:tints ptiirl 6y the L'eterans <br />rtdminiatratian an accatmt at t_he guaranty r:r .:surarrce of the indebtedness sr°ctn•erl herds}. tilt of svhich <br />slraEl kte ixtcltstieti in the €lerrer of foreciasure. <br />t%c. of me ,_` secux°e41 hereby be guar~nt<sed nr insurrri under Title °d. 1'nitecl Stag t`.zxie, <br />s~rlt Title and Regwlatirtans issv~! tirereutuler an<I in etfecL stn the date hereof shalt gtsrern the rights, duties <br />lilttrilit xrf fhe parttt~ hereto, and any pravisitttrs caf Livia yr other insLruttrcrtts .•xc~cated irr ecrrtnr?c:tirrn <br />vr<itlt -ttRld iadas ~ltieh ors intrxrsi_st~tt with mid 'title tic l.egtrlatiuns :rre ttet•ei,y suttr3tt€lexi to <br />e ~Y: f ~. <br />`T ~tnts hari;in ~aptain~*sl alts!! birxd, aml the h~rtett;ts and :€dv:sntag€~c ;halt itutr-r ta, thet <br />