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s <br />'i'p HavE AND To How the same unto the i1€oetgage~, ~ het•ein provided. Mortgagor represents to, <br />and revenants with, the Mortgagee, that the Mortgagor has good right to stiff and convey said premiseat <br />that they are free from enrumuranre, except as itertinflthtrcvise recited: that the Morigagvr~vrll warrant <br />and defend fire same against the io. ~fui niaSms of ail persons ivhamsctaver. ;tortgagor hereby reiinquishea <br />all- ~~~-sue 1,.~r~,..t- alt marital rights, either in lsev ar is equity, and ail ether canttnbent intertats of <br />tii~ trtgagar in sad to the ~vedescribed premixes. conditiorta; ~ <br />~ r'1twA'Yes, and these presents are executed and delivered upon- the following <br />self: <br />Mortgagor egrets to pay to the Mortgagee. ar orate, the afrtre.?aid Principal sum with interest fi:am date <br />~ the rate of twelve&three/e1g~g€~ntum {12 gr/1~rer annum un the unpaid balance until paid. <br />The said principal and interest shail'oe {rayahie at the otxce of The First National Sant o ate i~~l~nd <br />in Grand I stand. Nebraska ' or at such other place as the holder of the note may ~ fou~~~9/ <br />writing delivered or rrrailed to the ~inrtgagor, in month$ installments of Four i8 ~ dry ~n'~ ~utring on <br />l~liars {$ q2q, U9 >, eommenetng an the first day of April <br />the first day of eaclt month titereafttr until said note is fully Paid• except tha~~ rCh ~ 202p~d, the fi sal <br />t <br />fa}-meet of principal and interest shall Ire due and pa}`able on the nest day of <br />recording tQ fife terms of a certain promissory note of even date herewith executed by the said Aiortgsgor. <br />The 3ortgagor further agrees: vat any <br />i. He wilt pa}' the irr'tcbtc-dness. as hereinb~far~ ,sravideri. PriviieSe is reserved to preps. <br />time, acithaut prFmium nt• 'lee. the entire irdeutcKlness err ani' part thereof ni in fullashaIl be aucreditecl on <br />inayaliment, or one hundred dollars i.~i00.ti0}, whichever u Less. Prepaytne r.~€i oat be reedited tmtil <br />th¢ dtN.e received. l'artisl prepaYr~at, other than an an installment due date, <br />the neat following installment duf date or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is earlier. <br />y Tamer witdr. and in addiiion to. the monthly payments of principal and inierest payable under <br />the Terms of the Hatt secured hereby. Mortgagor a ill Pay to ;4iartgat{ee, :ts tn:stee, { uandder the terms of this <br />treat as hereinafter statedi an the fleet daY of eah month unfit said note is fully- p <br />{ai A sum axonal w iht• ground rents, if an}-, next =lue. plus the premiums that cviii next become due <br />and payabl+.• =,n ix,lictes of tiro anti „th?r hazard ins:.[rarce ca,+,rintt the mortgaged property, <br />pies Loxes atui assessments :text due r,n tixe marrgagf-d grape-rt;, tall as estimated by the l`Aort- <br />gagee. uni s,i =..vir,•eh the wie,rtga>rot• ,4 nati;t=ai) =~•s =tif sums alrcadti° paid therefor divided by <br />the numt~_r at matrtits t.r relapse lx~ic>rE"'tt;,,met=it3i;tula trtr3,trch =ums toebe head b~v ~3artga$t <br />r <br />premiums. Laxe-s anti :tsst:~`merrts '~t:ii >,~: - <br />in trust to pas said s-round rc=nt3, premiums. =axe°s r,nd sp!Yral assessments. <br />.,,d t~,nsP payable on the <br />`LFr..,~;•:utrnts tati'aitie-pursuant *.« sutpart.Ki.;pt, :~, -... <br />th) T'rte agyregats of l had to the follaw- <br />nate sc=surrd hereirs', sitaii ix. Patd i•t ar `''-rtYg', raaytn<an*. +ach month, to i>e app <br />ing items tin the „evict =fated <br />err ri r<rrtt=, #axes,:i.~sessm,~nts. r~° cent. r~.her hazard insurance Premiums; <br />ifi ~" <br />It i t fete at ,n the u,te cs iter+ bi enu <br />S I? amirttzattott he r,r n ~sl 3-r .ail t rte <br />:art} let ~ r~~r t the - : ,r_t = er } • uc n gtr a'g~ t=u n r exm. nr shall. urlesa made g~ <br />the ~iurtgag a' l,rt~i. t;~ ti~c• sue +rare t r- .: t:~at uc t.:ta~ me rat, ranstitute an event of default <br />under tit is merrtgage>. At ~lcrtgar~Y•s ,ri;t.on. sirrtgar+sr ~citl P:tS:r 'late charge„ not exreed- <br />ing fatty lx-r ,-,-rrtum r~`_- i "= rU+~ =t.a~ilrtter,t s~h~rt t+ara m=,rt tin frf*.etn i1~3 Sys but such <br />doe date ti?t•rraf to coscr fife extLa =:trx~Ytah'{tt't°,rtYjisr }i~}+ ril:ntiettnade to satisfy the indebted- <br />: t ~b,z ==r;t -- } ,. <br />„late. charge' r:hail ten. Tat: pa.'° rr' •_ . <br />toss ~>z°ru-ed hr°r.•1}y, at,irss such 1>rc~==c_?s at~=~ stt__i~== rc tr> discharge the entire indebtedness and <br />ail Pr'oper' e«ats and expenses secure:i thvrtbs• h 2 pr¢cxding shall <br />3. if fire torsi of the pa}meets made by the ?Mrtgagor under ia} of paragrag <br />t x the a?tsount of payments actually made by the liarigagt~, as trrtstce, far ground rents, taxes and <br />t$ ar insurance Pnmiutass, ~ the =tray ~' sc~eh excess shall he credited by the Mottgageee <br />an subtleq~rt ~Ymenta to ~ made by the Siartgagar far such items ar, at Mortgagee's aptafln, as trustee, <br />ahs[l be re€unded to \iari,gagtar. lf. hasvtver, such monthly Payments shall not tx sutSieient to pay such <br />ig wirett the scare shall bet'ume due ;sod paY$ble, then the : iartga,gar shall paS to the Mortgagee. as <br />trustee, aaY amatuttt neE.smcr}` to make up ih4• €eticitncy ~°ithin thirty f 301 days after tc•ritten notice tiatne <br />the ;ilortga ,Ming the amount of the delietencY, whisit notice may bt gictn tsy mail. If at any <br />the Mor+rr sits3l xrtder tsr the Martgagoe. in aecartianre with the pr-ovisiarts of the Hate sEKUrtd <br />irer~Y, roll t;,,,,~ment r?f the entire indebtecinesa represented thereby, the fortgalg~€• ~ *-rnstee, shall. <br />in rom~sttirtg the amauni of such indebtedness, ereriit to the ~`"?nt of the ~fartgagar an}' credit balance <br />~7°tssrnted under the provisiarss of t,a} of paragraph ~ hereof. if there srtali lm a default under ate}' <br />of Sttts~aua of this nxtrtgage resulting in a public salt ::f the premises cuvtreri hereby, ar if the <br />nix fire p~.sperty otherwise after rief=suit, the Mortgagee, as trustee, snail apply, at the <br />tiatse of fife ro+nmtar.,tment of suete P~-'~~iinSs, ar at the time the itrrperty is oth$nvise acquired, the <br />stni then retiuainirtg to credit the l4tartgagc+r unde=r #ai «f paragraph 2 Prtct+iing, as a credit on the <br />-;nRers ~:~ ? trdid and the ba:att£~:° tc~ the principal titan rtaraining unpaid an said notes. <br />d. 'l`ht fleet <rf this instrumettt.:~hall t~xr*t~+-n in :uli fr?r-ce rsad r~ifcet during any PU%tPanement ar e~cten- <br />sisn a3 tits truth ry paynst?rti <_,f the inel€sbterire~a-s :+r ens part iher~si sc,:ureri hertbY. <br />. He will ' ail ~d rents, trsxr, trs-snsattt~nts, ~v atr-r rates. and aihrr govtrnrntutal #~r muniei- <br />#,~, fittrssa, nr ItnA~itir'rts• levi~:tl-upon :;a:d isrtmi and that te= u ill pat' all taxes it=-vied upon this <br />~; c~ tiff nebL ~t~ssi thr4t}', together is a arts" c,ttt~°r tgtcss+ or asse:4.~rnettts r h nit tnr4v be teviea <br />~rtliimwsrtf Nt'irratcis& aS{anatthe ~Iflrtga t;r the legal holder Y :;aid principae ruts. t^> arcouni of <br />t$~ia i#tixtciinw~, x',i>t 'M`itten nrrTr€ ~ £ asi su€It its rna has ihtrr-te fr~r•° hren mrxdt rturr ~r r-<rit ~r~~pgrat <br />~r'alt ;~ ltes~K{, :,nd he -~ili pretptlF ,.i+~iev,r ihw 4etilcial r.^eeijrE.r thcselrrr era tier ~iiartga({r"e• <br />tl~r<~f tom= Marld~~e trtsty ~Y ths* tisntc, <br />