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<br />(1) month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay such premtum to the Secretary of Husrsing and Urban Development pursuant to the <br />Alatiortal Mousing Act, as amended, and applicable Regulations thereunder; or <br />~~ (fI) if and so =:utg as said Hate of even date snd this instrument ate herd by the Secretary of Housing and <br />~ Urban Developst€ent, a monthly charge lie lieu oja mortgage insurance premium) which shall be in an <br />~ arnr^rnt ~:rasl to sae .vcelfth (tfi2)-uE roe-ha.'f {It2) par centnm of the average outstanding batanee <br />Q due un the note ctmrputed wtthaut taking into accesunt deiinquenc;ies or prepayments: <br />+:r(b) A sum equal to the ground rexits, if any, ssext due, plus iht prenstutns ttsat will next txcane due and payable on <br />Rtes of fire and other hazard insurance caverin the mart lus taxes and assessments next due <br />po g gaged property, p <br />tyn the me rtgaged proQ°rty loll as estimated hs' the .ifurtgggee! Iess all sums already paid there Ear divided by the <br />~^"! tturitbes a3 months to elapse before one month prsur to the gate when such t;raund rents, prrmituns, taxes and <br />assessments wilt !aecotne delingttant, such sums to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay sold ground rents, pre• <br />rnittms. taxes and special assessments: and <br />tc) Alt payments mtntiarseri in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />cite Harr secured hereby shalt fx added together, and the aggregate amount thereat shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month in a single payment to be applied by the Mortgagee to the following items in the order set Earth: <br />ii) premium charges under the contract uE inssrcarscr wnh the Secretary ut' Housing and Urban Development, <br />ut monthly :.barge :ire lieu of rnerrtgagr insurance frrrrniuml. as the case inay be: <br />(lt) ~ratsnd rrnrs, taxes. awsesssr~rnts, fire :,nil other tsarara insurance tsrerruums: <br />Eti1) snterest un the hate seeused hereby: and <br />f [V } amortuattan uE the pttnctpat of card Harz. <br />Any detizirncy in tfse amount of arty suds aggregate ~nunthty fragment shall, unless made good by the Mort- <br />eagur pnu; to the chue date uE the next su.h paymr:;t. ~„r!sittute an event ut drfauSt under thu mortgage. The <br />Martgager may collect a 'gate charge" Hat to rxteed r•,ur .tints 1-trl roe eacta dolls; t51 t of each navment mote <br />than ttfreen f i c t sloes in areas ro cover the extra :xr~rnse nivnived in handhn¢ drlmquert pay men t5. <br />,. That iF the total of Use payrnen[:: made to the ihsrtgagnr under ' - of paragraph '_' pmcedinft ~hsill extet>zl <br />the tttttnt€nt wf pay7nent~ actuhlty made by rise iii+n¢ager• for ensand met,, taxee and as:~e ~mentr; ur insurance psr- <br />miumr<. ax= the ra.~e mew ire, -uch exeesc. if the ientn rs currenr.:st the upttm of the Motgagor, stroll be credited In• <br />the i4ortgaftee on pub,-eyuant payments ui tsr made ts} the 1ksnKagor, or refunded to the itot~agnr. if, however, the <br />rnarcthly paytnent:~ rnadt Iri the 34orrgagw urxle:r ; %„ of pEua#trsplt ~ prec~cding sh;,i! nu: tx- Sufficient ra pay ground <br />rent, raze. and aaneysmeat•. ur inst€rant-c prnmium-. a.4 the ramie mat he. when tht• -acre ~hal! become due and pay- <br />ah{c+, titan the ifwytaR~ ~ha71 pry to tke ihsrtgaet=+* arsw amount neca--acv to make up the deficiency, an or before <br />the data when psyurwtt of •urh ground met... raze., a.,er:~ment- ur !n-urance premsum- -hall tee due- if at any <br />time the- WoregaRorhell tender to the ikrrtgay;ee, in arrnsdant•e with the prnvi-tart:- of the note -erured hewbv, <br />fat) payment of the twttire irsdebtedrse-~ reprn~ented themby, the ihsrtgagee ,hall, in crtmputin>: the amount of much <br />i:.t}*tttc~!€tcst•,, t-relit to t3ac accvurtt of :hc Kiortar <tiE fxt1rmxrta made utt,ler tfic pruvisicsns of (,:l;if paragraph <br />hereof which the tiongagee ha.: nest kx>ECatr obligated to pay to the ~ecr.-tan of llou~ing and t roan t?eve{ottrnent <br />:tnd :tny $aiancr• remaining sn the fared= arrumuiated under tfsc pruYS-trzn4 :,[ ,.i ,tar ar-aph ' tteret>f, If tht•re <br />•+hall br a default under an} of the prays-tuna- of the' mttrt>z atte re~ultrnr in :! public ~<tle of the prc•mi:.+~~ roxenvi <br />htn. ar if the iktrtkrxirwr actptiti•? rite pmpt•nt uthertsi-e after default- [he 1}uetg:ty+ee ~itall ;spp} tht• rim+• of <br />the rommettctment cif ~-uch prrsci>edins,-. ur e€ tht- time tht- props=r€t :- uthr•rnr-e acyuired, thr• baiasice then remsin- <br />,ng in €he fund*< arc°s+mutat<sti under !' of parateuph ' prt•{ c•d!nr=, .:- r , r+•dtt ruin-t the :unuunt of print ipai then <br />rtunnieriaz utepard tstidet --aid nr;rn, ad -half ttnrpt.ri_ :sdtt.-t n. ...- •n€- whirls .hall hxse Iseen madt• under i a! <br />of Isasattrsrpis 1, <br />1 Thut the ".forr~gc+r <.-t`i ~a} gntund erect. ..:vc~..,.c..nrcn>_; ~Ier :::[e,- <br />~~ and _ •hrr gcncrnnientai ur mumctpat <br />:harms:. >rte,, ,x imptnstrors, fc~r -<. htc,. nr :,;z.,.r, -,.a- ~,.i ~rcn ~rn,tr 'irrr!ni,rt,:re. •nYi m riei.,uli thrreni the ii orttt.rgrr may <br />pat fttr +amt; and that the hit?rtgagur alit ^rorr,txdt >3eS;aet iiir Y•[!l<,a} rrcctiit+ [heretnt to the 1lastg:rgre <br />` -i-he'tifortg~Y~r <.tlt nab ati tear- »he<h ,na, "<e ie,rcJ u~,n the Sdr,r[p;y.;ee ~ :nterrst :n scid era; elate unJ !mpraYr- <br />ments,:,rui wh nh rnt. he irY-test u(ti,n ihss ruort~gr ,~r the Lrht seunrd hereby shut .only tYa the extent that >uih rs nut prohibit- <br />ed t,. taw and unit' tr the extent that ,u~ts ,.ril Hirt :naAr the loan +:sunuu+r. hui excluding xny mc€rme tea. Starr or 1=edersl. <br />nnptrsed <,n "tlc,rtgagcr. and wtf! (i!c the ,atfii ta7 rr<rrpt ,howrig .uch pay meet w nh the Si<stt~gre. (,i pOn , tolahon srC this undtr- <br />taYirsg- Ysr i[ the xic,nj~tgt•r is pmh:hstrd h} ,;ns taw nuYe .rr hereafter evstmg from payrng the w t;ult or any purtrun of the alare- <br /><rsd taxes, au ~pesn ttu =rudrrrng ui .,ns .curt ilrc frr nr.~hstrttsng ['ere pa, meet he the Sortgagor ur any such taxes, ur tf such law <br />,u decree prtsvales that arts amount ,., p:z:d ?+, the lic,rtgap;.,r .half hr crrdttrct un the rnurtgagr drht. the Licngagrr shah have <br />Fhe ngM to grt~r nte~t} „a,i written mHicr to the .,wnrr •+f the murtsuged premises. reltuirink the p:sytneat of the mur[page <br />~!bt Ff stab ntsttte t*c }tr.rn. the utsd drhe <hal! rr<:arrr Luc. pa} ahlz and cu`trcuhie at the zapiratron of seed nuartp days- <br />n. That shouui he tall ~:, prey .:ny .ant .,r t.rrfa .<ny ~. -... ^erza fir,,: tided t<u ~n the !sicxtgage, then the \lurtgagee. a1 ii. op- <br />tsun. msp qty ur prrf:rna [he ,ame, arxi :,t's c.pcnsirturr. ,,; male shah Iv :,.idrd tea the prsnciptti Burst uwtng un the ata?ve Harr. <br />shtdi twr yrttueil beset y• and snail hear tntrrrst at the rate set forth to tht ,asd nor, unlit @aid. <br />'. That he hereiey uaatgrta. trcn~fer, .,nd Berl ,aver to ihr iiurttYigrt, ter hz ai€phed toward the pa}meet of the Hate and all <br />sum+ ,ec:urrd hereby in :arc of .+ sfrfaait in tt!c t,rrE:armaa:~r .~f ..nt ,.f the terms and ;`c,nditiuns YsF chi, '<iorigtge nr the said <br />mute. all the rrnrs, tevetaue+.,rsd rnct,mr to hr Jrrrved tr.,rn the mrarigagcd premtsr, dunes; ,u~€s ame :Yy the mortgage mdehted- <br />ttetxs l rematin unpaid: and the ltcxtgrgte ~hati ha+ r ,43 zr tc appczint anc .:gent ur ;:gent i[ treat' desire k,r the , urpusr of <br />repanrtr~, sr€id prtntires acrd rat renting the ,ame ,:net .:u;le.;m;? the rents. rrYenuex attei tncumr, and ii may pu} out of said in- <br />eet[ttts aft rcg+en:aes ni repasssrtp <atd turnu><es acrd ratcec.wrs r.,mmsrsaems :+r€u i <pris-:c- i^tusr:t::^ rtntins an'd ;-s!nagi^.y; the <br />=orate zeta .yt asts€sq renters tf~sctrxrtn: the Ivdanse rrmasnmtt, if arty. to he applied toward the drsrharste of said mortgage <br />itrte4~xs. <br />tt. Ar wit; ttrrp thr impra.rtrtenss at.=w a;r,tieg,x ttcrezfter creCrtd un ihr mongusrcd pntprrty, rnsuftd as may t+r <br />ret}utred frursr rsrrr to ursre ray ttte '4lcangsgcr agaitsst lisle by rice :,nd ,*t her hat:uds..asual[+e+ end <„nungen. ies in such <br />~~€`ttr:~ a tar s;i~h t'isastit as tray i>r rtyai:~ai by ttsr i.?rss2agtr .snd will pu} t+nrm ftiS. „-hen due.:my premissms nn such <br />insaar@r~e prar~itata ftnr trapnten€ of aritich itas rtta ieecn mstde ttcrttinisefnre. Ali rn,urance stroll 6r .:::used in uampanies ap. <br />~-sv>=st ~' th `~x;~,K'er -rx: ,*:r aut~ses a€-.d rrnewcds ;hereof =hai3 t~ hrtti hp the iiurt~ger :snd have :tttachrJ [hereto ir+s. <br />pay'abte clauses in farix at arnf m form acsegtab~ !:<tht 41c,rtgagee- In cunt cf tYns ~I [,nR-agc,r wiii hive immrdtatc Huber by <br />t»I its tt~'dttrtet, wht3 trreg ttut$e p€txtf ut '_.*®~ ,~ it~v made promptly by 41ntYgagor. tend reefs rn<usaner <s;n=.pany c`on- <br /> ix heretti autl~xsttd acrd directed tt• mafxr ;-e.;r;rnt fur cttCh In>s <#ircetiv° to tt€t `<1urt~~grr emsttad nt ka f.+s 'ttr,ngagesr <br />oral the ?s4svrttre 3crin€h, :snd tht insurance pr,ax`r€°n,, .,r any part thrrcuf, mny he upplietf t,y the Na±ttit;sgrr :at st=..,pston other <br />€uth+s rratiaa pf the ts€td~Poeba herelyy sutured <~ te, ttxe rcataratusn,=r reparr „{ ihr pevpzr€~~ damaged- In event at turtrk. <br />3ur8 xsf tkia. s`xrt{~€r ar ;:€ ttttr to the mar€gagrd property in ectirtgtrtehtnent of the tndrhtadne.- ,r<urrsi hrrchs . <br />:cli rte. t€itr and intareat <d the 4#a#rtyagcu in „stcf to any ists~an>A ~ticies ttxn m f<urr shalt pn,s tr, th€ pa ~h:r,et a: grantee <br />+1, "filet t+,tArfitiatsa€ and <r.+l#atrtax scc+tntt fns tl~ pat?~eRt cal tl~ Hesse :tcscrriaed, and .its a:,ars [,~ h~.u:nr du€ =.cnder tt,ss <br />rasrt`~„ liar ~ttrtttu istt€=fsy as>:i~na ru the 4i€?rtK,atter art itr=_+tits- re o~rtnur, ro}a?ttL'~s. rr~f_ts zsni T+rneht. ,.rrr,rtnK r,; Ifrr <br />'44tarkesr €ertt$~i xuv ~rtd ~l eaif r»t:G# tea, feaar+ +,rt std swtcrNSSt'., w$ttt the rtgftt su receive snd rcceapt f,jr the sttmr .rtrd u,t=1>,~ <br />€s #ty teaN3-t>TataT,ai :ra wet! t:!rfnrr a.:aft'+t uetatsit to tilt wusuirtiriR+ of this m<*r t~cgZ - tFcr ii u-t~agre may dctr>at~rd- one <br />t'tsr ans0 =e:c~:;>+tt arty sus-# f'kty irtrnte a~hrn dtse xtki pay;thk httt shat! nv,•t !+e reuurrr „ :,, :s:.• ttreA :ss•+tstnnttnt ss to trr• ,anatr <br />:tstaf Fee a'.;~nc rqe# m.€ut <a>nk ut~<,:-t rets:te+r t=f ihty rerrrtt, <br /> <br />