<br />16+~~DR'TGA~E
<br />a-1~~~~~~~~
<br />This form is used in connee-
<br />tinn with mortaaRes inaurxd
<br />under the une- to foerr•family
<br />praniaions of the tYataana!
<br />Flauaing Act.
<br />TIiIS A!t'1TtTfih(,E. made zed executed this ~~ da of r~~rrrusr~ .4:€3:
<br />#9 ~# . by tretwrtn - "~,t8~"C_f2r I.~G ~; ~8 - -
<br />of the Cottaty of H&11 . arM State of Nebraska, party of the first parr: hereettafttrcatled-
<br />thi: fwftatgagar, aad ~ex3tsr Ht'rTt~Bg$r
<br />a c;rrpargtian otRanize4 sad nxistin~ uttder tltc laws of t,~ts t~'11Y,9d ~t88 of A1t~Tf-iSi
<br />party of the second part. hereinafter called the Mongagee.
<br />WtTl+l~.+''SE7H_ That the said Afartlsatl{or. fc+r and in ~ronstderatiatrof the sum of Th#.rty S+eTan '11tCYitt i~tte
<br />F33 tip t.}p/1 pp#h [~}iars l S 37, 7OQ.t~ , }. peal by the Mott-
<br />eagts. tht receipt of which is herebg ac kacvwlydged, lies granted and Said and bq these preatnrs dots Crrattt; -Bee=
<br />Baia. Sell, Ccatvey artd Coafirm :rota the ~fartttafete. its suceessrm and asstgrts. farerrtr. the fOllQWtng-descrt[+etf.
<br />rest estats. siHUtcd in the Cauaty +d X13 , sad Statt
<br />!+€ Rlrhraska. tit wit:
<br />T~tt SeYen (7)s pi~pts !i2eat ~nixi3vi~;;ai kseiitq a 3tti'xlivis3.on csf Zot$ ~i.ght tai. slsd ~ (9}a -
<br />t#tarratt S1tD31viSi.~ny lit Ltrra dity ~f ~rTBrtd ~;33snd, HaZI Caunt2rs Diabraaka.
<br />aiso ls~inra aat 2?f3 *l, Piper, ihiit ~, ~xt"9t'td Is2aadr !{~ b8SU3
<br />„fthrtii~tthl'rincipa!'•trtersit[+.~r-ntarnsntttn;,h .'^~Z:'~~ ~'L`^~r"t_;~ ._+;r,°s;ucur;;inpteGr?vern-
<br />flCa{ ~trT Uri'
<br />t't.,1 H,4~'E ANfS Pt) ll()Lt3 the i-.remtsc, ctw+:c ,ie«n^z:J. >i~!th ..; 3=':e s~purtrnarcae~ zhSrrurtt~ crl£sapntt and ineludin{t
<br />aLi heutmg. p}umbta¢ and aghunx f?xtascs 3rti ru_u+prnrnt ru=>a i,e ;tetrmitc :'FseP.cJ to ter cr.eti ter urnnrt~tinn with said teal es[atr
<br />ants+tltr '.~.fattlpgrr, and tt, itt -, u.Ces~,.r:a anJ as,ty;,a•_ `.4~z~r, et. t-he ~1,.rzt;;t~ut rr{~rr,cnt, tr...rnsi <<+4rnant. atilt, the ~9attga-
<br />Kre, ttrat tht ldt+rt{~.saur has #;cK:ai tigtvt t, ~eii ::nsl ,insr+. ,.ccd ;+rer#arte,, th:3t thc~ .err t'rrr ter+rn cr:.~utnl.rante::tnd that the
<br />~iart~s,r u,#fl warra#tt and eiefead tlae ~xatr „gxin,t thz .- , ~t:..t.s.m - .? .: ,err -,.•n• ~» hr,rz+cs: srr.:~nd tf3i: <:+id 11<ar#gaKC#r here
<br />tsg rtftnrrtr»i'trs ail rights ~,:* humestr:ad...nci ..ti ncarnm r+rti+t.. other ~n i.,k ,.t ;n .:y~,+ts .,nd _rii „thee :,a+ttnKent interest, ut the
<br />Si~t~c+r u+ aaii to the ah+.e+fe-.~rztrrJ g+rrmt.e.. '.hr +ntra#s<;n ne+ag t<r ~„n,e, beter: ,ta .;+?,r~~ute tole, rn fee ,i;np}e. ineit#d-
<br />:~a#l rights trf humrstead- ~rss} c,ttfcr re{tt+te .,rn4 aetue,z~ .+, .a.=resev
<br />r Tt)Y if"JEl? A1, 44 .4Y3. Utlt# tlx~e ;=rr,eni. are c eet'.utec3 .+ati ,Seitkrtcv ~a".+~ the E,~. i:.w tuk wtuftUnn3, to+s. tt ~.
<br />c:
<br />The ~fextg~egur a{tree, tee pay t„ the etc#tt3ager. ,=t ..:,det. the l~r+u.:tt,,;; • - , ,- "hli'~' J~QV82t '`hall-88AC! QA8 HU21riSt±Cl
<br />artd f)C)1tOffthrs--~--~--+--~--~,...._...r....,.4,..._ +~r,-_,s#,~,E ,qrt .t?t?
<br />with uurtrse f7um:lxtr.tt tt#e sate+,t Cni ign s~ ot1~ '~5~~' vxr ~;:ntuan t } 3.j(I "_) trcr.+nnumsrn
<br />the onpar~J t+zl3r#eF units` trartl. T±re said psin+:ipai sznu #ntrr+tst ,#taSd t~ s y ~h~~ t:t the , .Rice of `~ triOi` ~~ea ?nc.
<br />+n firarad i81~r*d, 'l~3bZ'8~t9 ,~r ;+s ~u.i# c>ther place a~ zhr ltoldet .+l
<br />the rurlr stay drstgttste to writintt, to m+ss;ahiy Fn.~llmcat. of aQt1r !?t~tcti°ad ":tit8aty o:d2' Arai ~,/?QOt~lt9--~-
<br />la i=.-ata +'± t+&~;,r . ~'_; : sTn3mrading ran the first day .+f
<br />A}~i'~.~. - f'?;wt . gas+i~ ,.at tine tirst.ie} of ea.t+mutrih thtxcafier :rrxil the pri#tt:tpai:+nd in-
<br />t€rrst eta full}- paid. cx+:ept that the tits~S ;~ayrstrat ~,= prtncipxi anu atrrrst< if rtirt >>cu>nrr ~atd, shaft l+e due xnrl
<br />pay~#lr +.a il#r t'srst da> ~i ~Saa~eh ~ ? ? aa! a4c.~3tng to tltr terms cf a t:ecttun prantis-
<br />x:rv note ea=` erceo JFrtr here ~sth r ee+: t.t:e<t t~. •#,r <;t-4,t 'rt,,,.t :sgtx
<br />-lim l~fartgpgar tPr ceder rneHr totl4 to prz+sect the sactrrity ,:f this klortpare..;~nrs--
<br />i. ittnt tx xzil pay the rndetNr+3ne5:, a~ hrrtsnl~etore pravidrd. Y17vilege iti reserved to pxy the dttbt is whelk.,-aria as
<br />.enwurtt eyr.~l to+rrrr cxs tac>rc rrtiratlily paytnenis on the {;renctpal this arc nett dry .en tt+r r#cttr, cxt the fast day of Tay mtxnh
<br />n tc.:ttatitTtt;: prastf, lxawcver.'fhxt wrrttrn tastir;r a+f sniatttrtirxa tarxrrcise such priviFe~+it+givea-At`ksastrF+~ttt;-ill
<br />ways tursx ts~ ptrpayaarnt.
<br />.'. That,. ztrgctlwr +atih, .srtri trt a+ldtttc#a tsx, tt~ zr~.::tta<. pay:rents c:f pritxiptsl sad irst€[@st pay~#t y ike tcrtzis ~f t~s
<br />rrvrr' rr.,ured itetrity, kac Sfrtrttg;+~r#r will pay tc. iar ~it+# .t:,c~.cr, txt the tarsi 4lay e?t eattrnrhratt.~l tiaru'sFotE is fttilF.t~, #hr - - -
<br />trsl#awFrtg .rttn,: - -
<br />ta} ~~a;r+: rx#ffis3rttt tc> F the httlr~e ltrtrxf with triads ter fiat i~ aexr tnat3 rsmet ptetritum ifrhis
<br />ttt~trr+t#~sti atatl. the rtr+tr sraurrtl hrrrRy ;#r*F ate, vs a m~ tduetl~i ~j ~ Rrcart~pe' dt+termrc'r pew
<br />gityttrrt r 3t trey sir hr131 t!r tSir ~crr€ary <+f HQtsrttt$ sad Urh~ ~€at, 4a €t_. - -.. -
<br />z l # tf asx t=!!r;;a.:er saxi rate rrt even mate :~ tltht nessrutrttrtr ore-trtsartes cat are-t~>tradrr zits pit?-.- -.-
<br />~z crf the "#atirtrrtd ltotasiatg +4ct. an stnataat ata€fat ter aut~sttatrlatc is ihtr3tact~iti`thr holt#rr c~
<br />`~f`4`i`i~ fflF :`t~i#l~ia1
<br />+#M%~r~s s {K A ,~ 44,~#r .yrcr;rh mMr to .rrsa ..~nrp; aurw;x %~ ex#vwFe~1+1
<br />