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<br />t0. That the Mortgagor wilt keep the buildings upon said premises in good rtpair, and neither commit nor permit waste <br />upon said tared. nor wffer the said premises to be ustd for any urtlawfirl putpase. <br />t t. That if the premises, or any part thereof, tx condemned cinder the power of eminent domain, or acquired for a pu6lir <br />use, the damages awarded, the proceeds for the taking af, or the considers[ion for such acyuisitiort, [o #hr txtent of the fulf <br />amaunt of itrdebtcdrirs ttptrn this msutgagt and the nnte-which It is given to seeure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the <br />~ fMortgagor to ttte Mortgagor, ano shat! be paid farthwith to said Mortgagee to be applied by the tatter on account of the next. <br />~ rttatnristg instathiaents of such indebtedness. <br />~- t2. Tta Mioriga~tir further agrees that shotdd this mortgage anti the. recite secured- hereby not tre eligible far in- <br />~ `~-~~" `itt><#ar t~ ?~-i umt ~; :vithis ' u~ t;~ fr~am the data hereof ivrrit#en statement of any otftcer <br />€~ t#te f3tputmrnt of Houma amt Urban Development or authorized agent of the serretazy of Housing and Urban <br />'~ IIevelopmeM doted su rtt to the ctgage_decGttiirgtoah3urc said <br />,~ b~y~ ~Y DayB time from aitedatc ofihis roo <br />..r rxt3e and- this mortgage. beitxg deemed eotsetusive pronf of such itrrligibilityk fhe Marrgagee or holder of the note. <br />msy, at its ciptarr+, declare all sums serurixd hereby immediately due and payablt. <br />t3. That if the ?Mortgagor faits to make any paymetttx of money when the same txrome due. or faits td conform to artd <br />*~ comply with-any of rite conditlaans or agreements eontaitted in this mortgage, or the trots which it secures. then the entire princi- <br />Q(j pat sum aced accrttor! intcres# shalt at rmce become due acrd payable, at the election of the Mortgagee: and this mortgage may <br />tltercupon tic foreclosed immediately for the whole of said money, interest, monthly payments, casts, ground rents, taxes and <br />the etist of exienditrg the abstract o€ title fram the date of this lri;in ro the time crf commencing such fotartosttre suit; and area- <br />~er~ik attoritev's fee, alt of whieh shaft be inclttdrd in the decree of forecfosure: and the cortttart rmtiodied in ttds mtrtgage <br />a~ the tmzr sexueed tttrtby, shall fn aft respects br gavrmed. construed and adjudgtd by the laws of Ncbtaska, wlsrsc the <br />' sarttcismude. <br />The covenants herein contained shalt friend, •md the hene9i[s and adv;intages chart insure tn, the respcrtivt hors, txcsutors, <br />adtninistratcrrs. srtcresstirs and assigns cif rht trarties hereto. tbfienever used. the singular numtirr shall include [hc plural, the <br />plural the singular, and the use of any gcndtr shalt f+r apgticable to a!1 genders. <br />The ftsregoirtg costditiums, alt amt singular, tieing performed arcardittg to thtir natural and Legal import. this conveyance <br />What! be void and said premises released at the expense of thr Mortgagor, cnhcrws+_ to br and remtin in fait force and e$ert. <br />t?~ NtITNESS :f•`HERE{tF- the 's4nrttcagori ss hri ve hereunto yet heir handisl the day and veaz first <br />above written. <br />in prrsrntx of: <br /> <br />~~ 1 SE.4-L j <br />~" tSEALE <br />1-J , <br />i SlrAi_ <br />I S1wh.L i <br />ISEALI <br />;;vim. -~ar.sse <br />~'T.~TEt3Ptif~t3ttASKA. <br />ss <br /> <br />(hi ihix ~r^.~h dtt}-~*{ ~bY'tt~t'w' A.U. t9 fit _!>Nfnrr mr. <br />a 'tot;8'!y p~hY1N in and frx *aat C-.utnts. personalty game <br />r~~bt1E'Lt .',2'p3F 8IId 'P~jg.~, .1rti3 :I'e8f tl t33bAt1St 8rr~ #3.oQ <br />prrsiinatii ro me known <br />eta t+t the a~ntitat riersart ,.trtt rtamr 9 82`!r .stftxed to the above and ftire- <br />gnrng itntrutitettt am Mnrtgagcx, and tfttty h8v8 atknnwrrdtted the snot instrument and the <br />txe#:Uttun {hueot iID tSr thsiS .. ;:: rir:i; :.rti t ;snd s?t2u. ir.r the pnrpoxs ttterelfl t tp(t35Cd. <br />to :estinacxiy 'thereof, t have lirrrunto ;rt mC tw:nd artd atiixrd hs mY +eal at sretzti i91812dr #+e~retsfse <br />,in the daF' and d+{te last about urntrn. <br />-~ <br />+aew~asagratrt>r~ ~cNarF' F'trhlic <br />SfaTE ot« t+t~ax~~ 3~ <br />filed forrct:o~this day .ef <br />ai cx'c-lprk <br />relydin ilixok <br />of <br />A.U. J9 <br />,Of .. and entered m tiumrrtr~d Index. and <br />:,i atoni•:,v„, „n <br />ftecrsterof f?eed~. <br />sK,te'?~~ii3M t~.1§) <br />