<br />~.
<br />(I }month pricer to ita due date the annual mortgage insurance premium ir. order to provide such holder
<br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the
<br />Aiatiana}' Hattsing Act. as amended, and app}icabir Regulatittrts thereunder: or
<br />{I#) i# and so lottg as said Wale of even date and this instruntsnt are held by the Secretary of itottsing and
<br />Urban f]evelupmeat, a tttanthly charge (trt tietx t)f a martaage insurance premfunt~ which aka}} ba in an
<br />~ antostnt e9uai to onGtwe}fth (}112} of rxte•half {tl?} per cerrtum of the arrrage outstaadmg balance
<br />:.` due tin rite note computed vvithout taking into account dclinquen~s at ptsppy<ytrrzrtts;
<br />~ {b} A sum aqua} to the ground tents, if arty, ntxt due, plus the premiums t}tat will next become due arced payab}e on
<br />pops of fur:-and other hazard insurance coveting-the mortgaged pmpetty, p}us taxes and assessments next due
<br />~-.~ ,m tits mortgaged property Fait as estimated ~p the Murtg~eet teas all sums already paid therefor divided by the
<br />nttraber a€tttontlss to elap~ More Otte manih prior to the date uhrn such ground rents, premiums, texts and
<br />asaeeuxunis tieili brccene detirtgtrent, such sums to t)e he}d by 4lorttxagee in trust to pay said ground rents, pre-
<br />tr~ rnitmts. texts and sttecial asseasmettts; and
<br />~(c} A#l payments mtMitsrted in dte two preceding subsectians of this paragraph and all payments to be made under
<br />the nr»e secured hereby shall be added ia~ther, and the aggregate amount thereof shalt tie paid by the Mortgagee
<br />tacit mooch in a single payment to bs applied leg- the klorigaatt to t}se toflosving items in the order set fords:
<br />{})' prrtnitun;.itarges under t-he 4antract +,f ine.rrance w!th the Secretarry• of liousrng and Urhart I)evelrrpment,
<br />or tnontldy t:hargc (tn tiara aj tnerrgare insurrrnec t,renrirarrtt, as the t:ase Wray be;
<br />{i}} grtwnd tents. tames. asstsstnents. foe and ua}ter itatard insurance premiums:
<br />(lit} intrr~st un the note secured hrrshy:and
<br />f }i7 } amtmiratat>n ni the principal of said note.
<br />Arty rlefxiet~y in the amount of any such aggregate :nernthly ;saynttnt +haJl. utdtss made good by the Mort-
<br />gager prier to the dot dart of the rtezi 5ut:h ;5:tvnre,rt.:+,t,stttute an r4"ent :.rf drfata}t under this mortgage. Tht-
<br />Mrritgagea may crdket a "late c#rarge" nest ±;. exceed irutr tents €•td) t<x each dot€ar (Sf 1 of each payment more
<br />than ilfiern ~ f ~} d$i'S m areas et? t`C)Y#'t".hr Extra ext'ensr rot+sitP,: ,n dandling LFCitn tttwnf B3VmEntS.
<br />,,.. That if t}te weal :af the pay~ent~ made hti' the l}+)rtga~ar under : ~•: of paragraph precr!dinR shall exceed
<br />the a~utitrt of partag+tis actual}}' matte isy dtc Liort~av for ertnand cetti.*. late.- and apse::-mcstit:~ or ittsutattee prr-
<br />taium:: , a.•s the ca»e mat lee. >=uct1 :=zces~. sf the !smn r~ e:urrent. ,tr the option of the ~ittrtgagor. shall he credited by
<br />the 1#trtRaKt~ tin wb=~equamt paytn,mt~ w he made by the ttot2t;agtx, +sr rnfunded ur t}se ilotYnagor. If, hnuevtsr, the
<br />mortthlti paytnen4: tnttde by the MorrRaRtir cruder : %° ,sf paragrtta}t ~ Fsrcect4m}t cls a€ i rot ise sufficient ro tYay grtatnd
<br />tint. tase*t a~ at~.ent~ttsc!atar tx ensarrance prt~tum~, u.>5' the ra-.{• m.ia ht^, ~.ht'n Fhax -a.me ~€iai€ hconme duY and pay_
<br />ab}e. them tBe 'ritxtg;sgrtr Oita}} pay to the 24ontfagr•.• an± :.ntenmt ne,r~<ary ao make up the deficiency. an or before
<br />rite date when paya~nt ttf trercir around mntsa, rear=. a~-ns~tttent~ err ~n-uranre pn'mtum~ LLhall €te duo. tf at am-
<br />itrste the "dartRaitor Khali it*rtder to the EitirtBaSee, in accnrdancr sstih the prrt4t4fon< arf thc~ note -rrured hereby.
<br />fui} payrnettt eef the entire intietkr~tr~= tepee-toted therebs, the' i}ortieaar+• -ttrti, in rotnputing tht• $muuttr of -ach
<br />itrdEbetcfnrss, rtxx#it w tt~ ace Door td the ..°dortgagar .tlt pay°mrrots nt.tdc ,ttt+ier dtt~ ixcr.°t~icsrtc of i ~r ,af paragraph '
<br />htneaf vrttieh the RtOrtg~{ee hay rtmt lxenme ohlinatcd err pac :tr that *errtrt_ tar of llou-inn and i=rlt;ett Lieve4tiptnertt
<br />and trot era}ante tvtnxininF in the fund- tilt eint)l$teti under thf't'sr,st~c+ui~ .,f . , ,•s` paratraph '? i!orMrf. if there
<br />:?bait 6e a tteiaalt uttdrr arts ,*f the tame-!on'^ ,rl t#+i- ~rt;!a,~a rs•>u€ttna in .+ pubtit• -Ala of the prryni°~es eou>retl
<br />hre, ttt if file: 'ritfiteaner att>trit~ the prs,pt=rte ut}tr*rwira after default, elte titmrat;t~e -hall xpplg, at the !line of
<br />else errmmsxictaaent,if much txerr:et~dtntr+, ,)r at ifte liar- t.,:• p:frt. ; :)rho-,.-:;=a n.ruimd, the ba€s&'Ca°ea then remain-
<br />inn in the faint. ar'ruatuietctt iratt#er r' ct parattrsp#a _' t;rre•:^danti. ak , rn-t}it ;tatr!n-t the ;;mount =rf ptincipxf then
<br />rentsfntnq unpaid tinder -aid Werra=, and -ha€; tsnrp4•rfv .:dtu-a tuts patmemt- .,hiri! -haft hate been made under /ai
<br />n{ paragraph "_'.
<br />a. '}'h.at iht ~leutrr uiS? ga< >srcrur~t :ent+ tsar,..,. .. .went,. .+aicr :atrs..rnd .,that ~o4ernmenta! „r munteipat
<br />Charges. tins., ,+r !rrtposniesns. feat uhte?3 pr,,.a+::,n t*.as +zt+1 ^ecn tttade f.tsetntsefexr. anti in eirfautt thcrreat the Linrtrragtr tnxy
<br />Pay tilt tantr::snd ittu! the 0{rarrt;aatu u+t€ Pr<ernpstt :iri+Ler ;hr c>tb;:tsi srzrrpl. ihettfot to the ~ie»tguget
<br />.- -;"rte ~inr[tu voiA {ra. atf tast+ shah race. E'e ic,=etd upon the 4t~xt;.~.ce"<,rtrrrst in .atd rea€ r=;att anti ,mprurr-
<br />;rxrns. areal vahich map t*e tatted rlp.rn (tu. msvira~ ,*r rtx ;;eht >rcur~i hereby thut r,n?y t+s the citent that such is not prohitnt-
<br />rti hy~ vw ae~,~)nfF to the ulcer char ~usi >.r)i rest -rzaicr 7~> Icsan crunc~sa. 3-na EzciudmK env +nCOmr tax. 'irate ¢r Fedtrat.
<br />tt>szd c}r; ~#eRt~ai-.e.:n°.d ::tl. tilt t a ..;f;<:ai rr.F t _,.,.;F~. ~>u::h txa~. mtr:F :=e:h t!'- 4+,z.rtga; er f';~tn 4'ii+?ati+rn ui !hie ttnder-
<br />iakirtiz. t±r if the 6ioet-~+r:s Pxe+htiviee: hi ant `:a++ rr:,~~r hrtra#tez ca!s*.utg frtm ; a}+ng the uhuie,rr °an': finrttun of the:+fare-
<br />srtid texts. cat upaathc tettderrntterf any turret darter Pr.slsiitttrn~ the patitrtrnt by the kttsrtga}wr yr env .tub rates. ur tl .uch lau
<br />t~' detest Rovu#r-c that ant- :.v:aane ~,> pah7 ht the tt,=tti~,~n'r .hat; hr ti redueo +;^ at,c rrt)rtKage czeht. the Eit+rigagee <hai€ beer
<br />the stght to gi>°e nmrF) ila}~ ~nttrn noir-r t., ttte ,~u~er <<f ;;+e rsx:rt€sgeu ,rentt>r,- :eyutring rite pa:r,!ea[ . f the mortp:age
<br />i.~ettt, }f cock n,ittce €*r gisen. the .std delis :hat, txc..mr dur. ; ;+t ah?r .end te''le::ttrtie :st the rxpuat+oa .sf .,ud ninrtg day>
<br />r., T"hae shttuht he fail to Puy :,nt +um t,s keep. ene ; t,tvna~: Pen) tdtu t~,r !n chi, aie,rts>agc. then the Eturtgagte, at its c,p-
<br />tiatt, stag psv tx perform the ~amc- „rsd a?t rcprndtturt+ .c, m,+dr ihaii hr :,dried s., ttrt princtpu7 >um uwinK un zht ,t}x+ve nexe.
<br />sb~i hr sscurtd hereby. atut shall hear ,rtterest sr rite rote art forth to the std n+ur. unnf Pant.
<br />', I`M~3 ter htrrbv asssgits, trtn+tsrs arro 4rts t)ver to t#tc yttsrrtt. to Ex vpp€sed toward the pay mcnt of the Wort and a€t
<br />«,utstK utuzeti herst)y in <ass .sf :; drfauft is tier t+crf,rtmanet s=f .,np of the tart. and cnndition> .,f thu 'tinrtgaste ,:r fhe laid
<br />txttr. all the troth, rtsrnues and rrutsmr !e t+e ,itr=..ed fra,rtz ; hr =;;c)rtf~aged txem!>ek :iur!nF Guth Itme a+ the m,)rtgagt )ndrhted-
<br />t~sa ~ setnstitr unpaid: aruf the ~Sa~s°t~e >it::ll base ,^:--s°> to ::p,~)tnt ~+nt :+Kcni oe :+grnt5 +t may dss+rr t:)r ttte ,^.urpo+e of
<br />r ~ern'r.,es astt# tiff renttttg eke'~a€tte .;t+;i ..,ttrctine tl+e =;^nts. re+entrc> and tn: t.mr. arty rt ma; t*at rout of .out ir.-
<br />t.tJt.°~"5~ expenses if €rpatrir>g sarsi prrrs~rsei zittt ttecessaty ck*n•;missiores atut rapensrx trtcur*etl in renrtng attd inanaPrinr3 the
<br />satnr Lard .-~$ eviiet:tirtg reran}s therefrom: tier l>ffiiatsrr rsrnaittir~, rf any. to hr apptitnl tnavard the discharge of >aui mortgatcr
<br />€~ss
<br />8. 't'here-lie wig tilt ic,'tpr+7veerrnt4 sloe rxiciing tx itersafter erected rm the mmttta{ied property. ensured-as may to
<br />r"e@i~rd frnti+ time to sirnr hr the sf<xtgatzec .t#tautst `:.ss !s=r• fErr and ,.=treat hazardc.:a>n$tta.:+nd ,<rntingenritc in >uch
<br />-and Sz3i encit periods xs srt>ar he retcd by tttt ~ftsri~attee and u itt pay promptly ,when due. anc , remtumh s,n >uch
<br />ter:'vis3tt~t f~ grayttixat t~ w-hicir hart rut i?een t+tartc hcretnt'efotc. ~N insurance than tae t arrsrd ;n 4c)mpattiet ;.p-
<br />yxtt~tai by the ~r anti ttx paiicir. and renew: is ti~rtsf she€f tee held by the ~forFttaxer and hat r :attached thereto ic!.s
<br />}wl~ab}e ckaitx in faTra~r ,ri and in term accept~s~ te, the Q4on.tr. In rc'ent of tors ~tcxtgygt:r ><+if gttr smtnediate aatice by
<br />it4ail-N3~ t4itattt~per, whet ttq~- rrtlitt pared ttf ttrt-* ~t not irratie promptty by \{,~~r. ,end rash tn.urunct tijmpany cc=n-
<br />t iva isarefty uutiettttstt and dircrted to meat P.+ ~ merit for xtieit ia~+ diets"#y ter the Mcttr~pec instead of its the fttrilur
<br />atsd ti+e t~tnp tR~ity, acrd tare trrstuarerrr proceeds. ,=r $ny part thersot. array l*t apptrtvt by the 4turtgager at its e)ption either
<br />let File rr~reti&tr of tke irMAettted6r+t~s hrttttbit sam:ured car to t#t€ restoratitul a?i tepee of the #±rc'rpttt~ damgttrd. to runt of tc)rsclo-
<br />=urrt taf~if~ t rir rtiFrr-tran*Efttr saf 1iHe ter the rnztrtga$rd t*.nprrty an ratirrgriiefttrtrent t,l rhx uadrt+ieetnrs.s ,ecured hsrrhy_
<br />akt. ti€t€ irtterr"Et.rf the ~ to amt €o any ,natiranse ix)€ures oxen rn icxbr shut Pak, ;:a the put.: teaser art r~$ntec
<br />~- f'f+st ar; addit#erssrt etasi co#atrrat tsca2ity fax she payrnrm td the errata dcsc>zt+cd. -and :+1? sores t=~ t~r,tmr clot usktrt t hi•
<br />;!a"Sr, tAe-,`H+~tiaMst 3ltrrtiby..r<s4ians to tree !41earrgagee :;t€ Piafits. rC CenU[<. r:;u;?ttei st~fei> and ttrrttfith ais<rvtrYg i,5 the
<br />~aefEr atry atrd~ai# ltd -mss }t-ttscs on lard t~rt:mis:rs. +•tth tier r+~rt t., c er)+= ~,nd r: t-ctPt frx the ,stmt a:ttt app. t?
<br />thttP! t=~ sit tteha as r.til hrfwe a* atts€ ti,r3auk In the 4 etru#itinns tf .his ;r„rr>w:q,.r. end the St,rrYtee mot dem:rr:d..ur
<br />tsar re~_r,~trr ;tns +'h parr mints witrn eiat acrd t'~Yat~`• tits#t t€rtt tae r~4uirr.t :,, ;, ..,, i}iie .sa.i~ttmrnt rs s:) trtmtrwic
<br />,zarf t~xe ,t~l a~# .~;td up .n eettuatr €d thir,rsr~tr:
<br />ast=i7 yaIr43M !h. tgi
<br />