~ I ---4)~~(~~~ 7
<br />(I) month prior to its due date ilia annual nxtrtgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder
<br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban pevelopmcnt pursuant to the
<br />Natiortai Housing Act, as artxnded, and applicable Regulations thereunder; ar
<br />(It) if and so fang as said note of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and
<br />Urban fkvelorrment, a montftly charge (fn lfeu of a martgage rnsurance p~emiunrl which shall be in an
<br />atrtaunt equal to rise-twelfth fIJl2') of one-half (If'--) per centum of the average outstanding balance
<br />due on the Hate computed without taking into acecwnt delinquencies ar prepayments;
<br />(Yt A s~~zt xyztal tc th>v grattrrd ants, if : ny, n;zxt doe. plus the premium.-that will next became due and payable an
<br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance crn'cring t#te mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due
<br />ten the mcsrtgagrd property ,/all es estimated hr the .tfrrrtgagee7 less ail sums already paid therefor divided by the
<br />number of trronths to elapse before one month prior t{> the date when such ground rents, premiums. taxes and
<br />atet~nzenzs will hes~Hrae delinquent, such sums to be held by !rlortgagce in trust to pay said ground rents, pre-
<br />rnllitRE, taXES and special aXSefairterttS: and
<br />(c) Ail payments rnrntianed itt the two preceding subsections at this paragraph and all payments to be made under
<br />the ante secured hereby shall be added tergether. and the asgrega[r amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor
<br />each month in a sinalr payment to he applted by the Mortgagee to the tntlowing items in the order set forth:
<br />i;} premium charges tinder the ;:ontracr of insurance wtt}t the. Secretat}' r+i Housing and Lhtaatt llevetaptnent,
<br />or monthly charge lln lieu :~1 martgage insurance nrcmium/. ax ihr case may be;
<br />(l#) ground rents. taxes, assesstrsents. foe arrd other hazard insurance nrrmiwrrs:
<br />ft#il tnterest on the mete secured hereby; and
<br />1IV) attwrttzation of the princrpai of said Hate.
<br />Any aitfiriency #n the amraunt of arty such aggregate monthly navment shall. unless made gavel by thz Slort-
<br />gaga: prior to the due date of the next such I~ayrneFtt, ,orstttute an event nr Jefatdt under this mortgage. The
<br />!+foRgagee may a>jtect a "late »Itarge" not ro exceed f,.:.,x _rnts t•itt? fvr eac!t cialfar t*! ! vieach paynunt mare
<br />than fifteen f I ~`r days in arras Fa arver the ez=.xa cxxrsr- ens=*ived :n handling de!snquent paytttents.
<br />:I. That if dtt+ tarot of the' payment- made fry the Slottg-agor tindr-r • t of paragraph ! prPCedinQ 'half exceed
<br />the rae+ianrt of paymrstt.; actually made b}° ilia tlt+rtgalter• far around rt~rt[.~. sate- ar+d :t~=~r.>-mt•nt. to insursn+•e pm-
<br />mrues~', at ilia came may be. ~urh exGecs- if the larrt tv current.:tt the crgticx+ of cite S}rurgagor. shall be credited liy
<br />the 594rtee ran nubr,ecptent payments to her made by the Rk~rttaetx. or mfunded err thr~ tlnrtgaKaar. If, hatweter. the
<br />mrntihly paytaenc.t rttac#t to the ~tgafttx under `, rif !t:tragra~+ 'preceding *hall n<>t tx soffit tent to (zjy gro+tnd
<br />rent, utxe4 amd a>~5mentt. m tnt~xrrant•t' pmmtum~, a: thc• r:+:^+- mrr} !~r• r«h~n sh+• -ame -ha!! ha~.•eme dvtr and pay-
<br />abie, then rite lktrtga}twr >ttall pay ut the S9ettga~etr any :ttnr+unt na`++•~-an to maAe• up the defirienry. r+n nr hefate
<br />the date wdsen pastrtwtt of ~urh ground rent>, taxt~-, ax-;a*~~mrnt- c.r tn.urana ~ pn•mium- -ha1# I>t• due If at any
<br />time t}ee *`fartgttgnr 4ha11 tender to the Slrtrtga,tma•, in art atdatt+ «• +s+ih tilt pr+,st>it_m^ elf the safe -ecurcrd hereby.
<br />foil trbkFreMtt of rite entire intiebtrnirtr~- n-prrvttted thereby, the yktrt[ia>:e«• -hats. rn a nmputtnrt the amount of such
<br />itnlebrtr>'~eas, +.=cant to slu: accaxant rr£ the Martttattvs alt lxatmc^+tts matte u+xfer ilia ptuytstu+>x srf ; <: ~ of paragraph
<br />hrrxrvf wftich lire Yiurtigalttc*e ha.: txri flat-ome +rh#igaAr•t# u, pay to the `a'c rotary of tlnuean}t and I-than (7eXeialm+ent
<br />and ant balance rc>maining in th«• funds .+c+-tsu+ctfat+-d under the Itr.,c+l+arr+^ .rf - ~ r of psrc+Kreph ? h.•re++t. If thfre
<br />- :. .; tits- ~ s ~ut+lr.' ihr °+_«~«+-«_- rotemd
<br />~naii lie a dcfmult +tttder arty +rf iha- t~srv.+~,rn^ :,f !hi^ rrc.«rt~-,~.~ - ,.,.- . - pe -
<br />herrby, or tf Uzp ibarttrxgea° ar aFrim~ the prraprrts ,.rh:•r>+i-«•~r#ur «l+•{cult. th«• lloat~aer,e .-hall aplals. at ilia time of
<br />t#te rar~mt~tse~rxtt ref -uch ptxereeetinu'~, .:r st tt5r• r,mr th«• pmpent =- <.thernr.e a: quirr•+t, d+N halanc~e then remain-
<br />in~ in t71e ftind.= arr~rrntulau~d rmdrr a+f paragraph _' pn-e «Kf+ne, » .+ +r;drt agarn,r tha• .~neertn+ of prm++pal then
<br />remarntng vrig;#rd +atrlrt »asd itrttt°. artd Jtratf ttn.pe•r!t :tdfu-t one V+,ment- ~h+rh -l+a!1 t+atr• t+eer+ made under !-::;
<br />of partutraph :.
<br />v- !'ltat ihr 't=faHY#t.~aKrir ~,>. et! pr. Fr«-~nci '_.+ tar,. .,, *r,tia:+cntF Bier rn,_ anaf ,. ~Fhrr j;srrcrntntnt'il ,~t nat+n+cira!
<br />.Iwt}€t,. iittra- r,r isnpa*csttc=n,. fr+r v.!tach lx:+::>+.:n ha. nrH tits rtar*.e hrrrrr+~~tc:;r'r;net tt*. ,inf.+n!t ttaercr~f !t+r Rfrrttit.xrer ana4
<br />taay the ,;rarwr. at+ai that the Rfc~F}ttrtarr w:!i ^r,+ttzrtic drt::rr the ,~trt,~ai rr.rtt+!• therel,,r s.r [t+r Rtrtr[ga$rc
<br />c. The rfcaty;artr+r alit pa. ;,SI t:+xe~ -Xnr+.h "..,: '~r e:+c:i .;~:r: ti+e 1t.~rtg=s~r; - :n.Y=r.~,t +rt -alit ;tai r,tatr .,nd in.nrx~,r~
<br />mete. motet winch mac f+c krtteF ctl+eart Nu, mrui+ts~-e ,+r the dept ,r, xi:rur ;.c+ihr <hc+t t•ris Fr, Fhr crtr r+t that tuc h rv no! pr.±hihft-
<br />tsf ttw law ar`wt rzn!§ ip t#!t rttrnF that qua •-, r;': 'h!t =n ~i.r to+~ `U,+r! ~;<t+rlr,iltr r*+1F cs..lu+~tnK a+iw +naontr teR. titatY r`t Zrrdtral,
<br />impuac#f,rnR4axtrr-anJwti!hfrthrr~N6~~Str-:cqa.hrraar~,Wthrtamrnt:arthF!'+eltr=ttgssgec ltu+++taf:a+anrrlth+,unrier~
<br />~k=tom. tx if ihr *.t utgantr +, profntw[rv by nny taw !nru .:+ t+crenhrr rv,hn>+ frc=m ;?soma the w Holt or nny prxuon a+f the atauc~
<br />card trtrc. :~ uprrn ihr relit#ra attg .+t .+ny .truer riccrse pt r,htating +}tc g:xt ttsrnt hr the R}ortrta>:ut ..r not ,trc!t to crc. err tf cush!au
<br />w altcret t rvcrdec th:ti an+ an+r+unt ~ nn+d h+ Fhr Rt,atitw~fur .hci! !>r , trdttrr=,=n t?er enurttcagr debt, 'hr Ltortgsget ,trail hart
<br />the r~ tv arc ninety ;S.aye wane+trrharar to zhct ,•wnre ,,! ihr ~rt++r-,fir=; crcrty+,e.- trqu+rmg the ra};nent of the mortgage
<br />r~hi. If s++ch nraticr t,r ~rcen, ihr ,.r+ri drl+t ,t.,a!! ~ r.:rvnr cur. , _ .:t~.t .,:sr! ~.. , f. stt+k .E~ the c x,,rr~,u«,rr,~t ,:rsd mnrt'. gay t.
<br />h. "Iltrat chrw:sf ?rr fart €+, ,,,+} ass ,um ;-r keep .;try . •.~.-:;~,r,. per>t+t.le.i t~;r ~n she, Rfnrt~gc. then the Rtartgagrr. at its up-
<br />tkm, antsy paw aFS perform t}rp vmr, and al! rx~emftturr, +a, rn:+de ~h«I! t+c under± te. the pr+txnpal cum owing r+n ihr aho.e nr,tt.
<br />a3Fa8 ire sri:r.CC; here!"-y. a~r# ;has'3 f+e;:r tr=.ic€r,t .:t Fhc' :...- =r - -~ it +:-. t#:e a,t: nrFa. ui7€ti pu+d
<br />?. 'I~tsat Ek turet+} :eta+gm, trart+tc., .,Hat ,rt..r.rs•t+~ts~ St+xtgxgcr~.tr= !~r pf?!+rri toward ttx payment cif the note and alt
<br />saint >ecurrd hernc~ rn :act n# a .frfaae. it ^n :hs ~riormancr .=i' ass ,•f the trrt++, and .ondtnor:, .rf tfias 4fort~+}r «:r the ,aid
<br />nt#s. sit the ttnt~, rttrrit+t+.at+d rncra+ttr iz• tae dtrtcY+f frr=n? tftr at<.rtgargcJ ~.rcrn+.c~ d:+reag :r,ih nine .i> the mtrrta_,a' gr tnrfet:tcd-
<br />rtess sdtatt rrtnain uetpnri::rrpi ihr Wcu€gtger ,ha,! !lair ;-.:u.s~: r:= .+ptrr?ant :,nc .+y'fnt a*r agent, rt may dcktre fur the Purpocr ref
<br />ri paw ssti~l ~&ttni~+2s astf +r~f tentt#+g liar c.:mr srni .r!!;e.~.:;:~ lire- rani ~.. tt, tsar, and ~niamr. stir! It mat pay alit i+f .`,ant in-
<br />+•xsmrsall tepetrses esf rrpatrrw~t xr+rd pectinate anti Mra'c+sary ce.r.+mt.wwnw attd twprnwrw incurred to rentin-t anal tnanaprng the
<br />aaaye aatl «rt rstlccrireg itntatw rlterrfr.+ra; tfte tmlxucr xernatrrtrrg, rf an±_ to ire arp!tec! t+rward ihr d+sct+argt of paid martRagr
<br />itwtttttrcres
<br />ti. Thrt Ire wx~ keep iHee tmpro+rmrnt• rasa, existing <x tsrrraftcr rrrcted nn the: t+:nrittattrd prrapsrty. msursd 'sw may t+e
<br />requited fr~.m bate tv i+ms ta} the Martee a;iR+t :ace t±y fur and of!trr hatwrd+- do,ua!ttt, and contingent.~iet in ,uch
<br />attntwsty and fM yach #+tr5ods as m;ay !'err required by the Sivrtgagse an+i wilt gas fxc: ntpt!} . uhrn dear. any prom+nm, tin su:h
<br />iasur'attet pruvirinq feu traymrnt €xf which hats mH tilts made ftcretnixr'axr. R!i msurertcr .hall t+t .~+rried to pump:+n+t> aG-
<br />trroved t>y the S1<xzgagee and the ptrhere> and reatttats thereof shall he held f+y ihr Stvriftaytrr :ttu# hate :+na. hrd thrrct;, to>,
<br />~gattlc clauses era fawr?f sxf eFtd rn Iurm acraptatde t+± the Ntrrtga}kre. !n ttetit ++f !acs tivrtga}?cu well grill tins:cd+_+te nra+e:r ht
<br />trrarl #t Mrs MsXt;aatrt. wltta axa rn;3ire pnx# of l:t^.- :f ntH made pet+mgtt} by Start,vr..iud ea.h m«uaanac , ornpany c::n-
<br />crir iz hereby a~kC+r'ilatcl art:l diresaea€ toartalir ~str+tnt far Bradt ksies drrsctly to the 1Naripaget +ts?trad of ro ihr ~'fcu'ttiiltaN
<br />: t~ !~.;,~ ;,~atf#, tsttit r msttrr txc~eec€=- ;z at++s,-art their+:#. may fx;+r.phrd by tzar Rtcxtg,+tcr<r at m c:; txtn tither
<br />ha the tc+dnc&uA trf fhc rr~fstattttcstc htrayktt 'Ercttrad rte tc: ilia restzttatirart +~ rcpe€t of tilt pre=gtrty dttmatxti In r><rnt art fo+ri t+=-
<br />r€wrrz aal t~ia +rr crt#!t ttmxts#or t*f fiFFs to the +tr*ttt =-,rr:^d pittprny in exringui>hnx nt .rf ihr +naithtednr~, +c~ nre,S ha refit
<br />xdf r,~. n#3c aarl itttrfeyi ref tiae ~z+€t~pur m and tar any insurance }rtrlicies then an furs ,hSll pa~c tit t he gar, h:++et :y Kt antes -
<br />~'. 'Ti1rd a; d$ttitn. anal.:railatsr,tl ~currty fart t~ iz~}`tngnt ed tits darts dexint~et.+nd ail -stm> tc~ hrka*nts due ur;afrt the,
<br />~. '.',ai,tiesaar heratry asxilgts taJ the '~'s~°tg~a~e alt felt+r4t-, rasinur..=:rt,.irte:, rr}iht= <+r,t; tr<netns :;..+tm~ti t.= tfn
<br />ldt~+r ;r:+;:et :., ~. an:: r,#l cnI >tthf ~€~ Irasts :gin sat:; pxeartt.w:-. aatk ihr rapist to r c cr :and rte Y+p+ f.tr the car++r anaf Ftitrtw
<br />dram ra =cam tttdefrtsct€wewi as welt €ssft•trs trx offer dsfatriz rn tttr a"r'3r+d#ir4tat> <+f this nt+rrtptaa;,c ..end tilt 1latrtgtrgrr tn;tt rcn+an+i, s++r
<br />tart d te-,r3ytr su> sh;h }Sayantzttw +wlrsts deal ash! ftaYa#+le, I+ut witalE rtctit !sr rtz{a+uew . .r- , , i h+e ,s.ugrttr+cni i, ir+ tt:,rt:r.;+tr
<br />anr# t±t~:"~:^:;. rsteN stad *artwy u}we.~%tslraas cif titre snrrt4~:
<br />
<br />