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This form is used in cantx+c- <br />tion with ttntirtRages insured <br />~~~'~'' AG'' ~je under the one- to four-family <br />provisions of-the Adationaf <br />Houaiisq Act. <br />~~.~it)~89'1 <br />'t`NIS!slc~RT~GAGE.tna6eandaxtcutecllfiis 25th dap©f ~~ ,A.D- <br />t9 !SI- , by tretae~a ~y~[md L. C:c~eriut~"t and Nancy Kay Gesrbart, huab~ind an8 ta*ife' <br />Of tht ~ of t~a~.'i. - , 3eid $Sflt@ 4f f:ieiwasica, party of-[he firs[-patt.-hsrEinafter-Cam -.. <br />ihG Mart~gor. atgf f'st}Pfiitl(kt L~R3SGAG8e IN4,'. <br />a carporstisirt organized seat rxistifi~nnder the taws of Nebraska , - <br />pa.Yp M tht second part. httrinafttr catkd the Mottgs~er. <br />W1T:VFSSE7-N: That ttre said ;-fartgagor. for 3r1d inconsideration of the sum of Thirty slat thottsasld efght - <br />hundred Fifty and do/100------___~~~__~~ Ikitlara tf36, 850.48 3, paid by the tfort- <br />ratgce, itx reeript of which is hrrrtt_v acRtwsvFsdgtd. fins. Grantrd and Surd slid by these- prosen~€s dose Grant. fir- <br />gear. Srtt. °C(xivey and Ccinfrcrn unla stir Mangatxe. its sitccessars still assigns. faresei. the- fot)awineriE+ed, <br />~-.,at astern. situated it: the f: ortttap of Ffa 1 i .awl State <br />of Nekr2tska, ttt wit: <br />Lot Five SS), Piper's Glen Subdivision, besng a Subdivision of hots Pa.g3~t.f81 <br />and Mine t9), 64ars:~t Sixbdivisitsn, in the City o£ Grand Island, Hall County; <br />Nebras);a <br />.f tttr Sizt3a t'rim-ipat 1tt:itdtan..smt:avr.,ns .n .:r' <br />::tent survcE" <br />,:cis. ,.~r~ru,ng n+ f rn-e;n- <br />-ft} HA~`N ^t Pi l} .rt} t!F}I. i3 :hs ntrnusr~ dza.,.r Jr~.tnt+rd. ~~tth ast h{ appns,endn~r- iizeieuirtu €ze=ringtnR .anti ancitiding <br />art ttratitti4, p3utnbtng:ttxf tterAtttxa itxsc:tr, and ryuiptnrnt na,~ r;s €stir,zt to€::,hrd tE= rr :~teu zn ..~:nn£~ itc,n u ith .std rztatr <br />ualtt i!!S 1~loet~.ngee, anti tt, n~ ~n<. rs„ur+ mis.j :rn+rlenw. imcY ei. -i7er iic.r!'kis€€:i : r~tr~ertt~ €e~..:tut sig. endnt> u I!it, ihr ',4}Uft~s1. <br />tit. intai ifdr 1Aoitg€~rri h.>ae gc».:! 'tyt#+i ~t, .-ri! .::tci :<mve'r 4an3 ;+ir:sit+r+. tt!t; .Irr irrc• tr:>rn scnumbran.r, :snu that ttts <br />NrnYgapx Watt warrant a>~,,elrttG rye ~amr a~,atn+s ^-Re ~~•+1u3 cist;n, ra[ _e'ri fir,.=n, „-'wrm <.>.^ rr- ..nd ihr +nid 4~inrtgagt?rheie- <br />t*~ tt~ ;,^-~:s- i=£~ r±y ~.f !'±.~x*u t~g~g. r+~ ~ ~±.~: -~I~. rit+~F ttt i:t t~ „r ,It =_•;al~: _:rr>.f z!! ,thrr -,,;fitn¢Ynt ir:€r•g•t• r,( f!le <br />}r1;?ltr to arW 4d tbC ;eftit:8-ci~'x17Dew ¢rstfrtt~Y'~. tF,r rnirSN#'.r! ~ettfg i., ,rn.rtr t•,crr~~ .ut sa^, ,: csir tote. tR tee .unple, kne18J- <br />t€tyt art ti~lllA :,f t#t!{ttr3[E.%l. _t",t ¢Sittrl f/~iH* dtW '.It}rt4 tLc .;x iisfr*dlal <br />r'#4t~~t~fr t~.-''t~~. .i>Jid ti_5r~£ Mr~vt EEE~ aSC t' rCC Utcv «i;u tfE t..CI£.3 ;fj ¢*{. iff tc.iz3R 4ifk ~t>3'ttlinan4. tr. 4s-Yf. <br />i'ttr '9i+uiga~,vt >;g3er*. i,~~a~ ik==ix 4te+=~:ttlrs .~ :::its:. t?r t'rtti59g,oi °.u' ,? 3h7.rt}' SiX ~ittu;safld eiijitt <br />husx3re3 fifty and *7ol;i3i7------------^--°--------'~:":'s"'i6,850.c0 ' <br />with tntcirst 4rsnn dais et the tart u? Thirteen and one-t-taaf ,±rt ~_.rnir,:ak t 13. St) ' t r-rr .onnUni „r, <br />ihr uapau3 3+alarxr uafii paw. Thr wtfl pttex:igsai 3ixf !nirir,t -.ttai: >`<, p<..<rw .st ;isr .,tti.r,+i <br />;stf?~I4i€2 EstQTt4'tiAGi~, Imo. <br />to Cirar#~ I4i1~t7td -.`d@~bi'a 3iC$ .,t ;.! +ar~h „tiKt ^ts.r .;> thr h..sirr :°i <br />the twtc may destgnats set scrttu~ to mern~ftty instattatrtxts k,i Paur` hundred twenty Cw4 and 08/2 00-------- <br />_.~ .-~._.,--.....-__-~..» tk~lfat ~ 42 t) - ntt nd n~ tt .rte nr t - ..t <br />1], ".u ,~j '«:~.,t3 {~£Iae*C Ut_y i ....rg Tor ,Lh t},Cfc, .ti tt tf r.~t ,tY:_- <br />trrest -.mot f~ [~. rs.-~egt :hat tltc a°~; na?<eat ~ ,-, t~~tpai .;id tntrrcxt. _; ont „ nsr h:r't ;~ _,ns „ncl <br />tmyab3e .rt {~ t s#eY of PSa.XCh 2D12 ai# d.~.,idtn;a h, the terttc, .,t a : grinln prom+.~ <br />scut' et+tNe ctf rrrndair ttrirwsih cxriutrd ht ':he ~atct'ti<=trio+€s~ <br />t'tu.~ivrtgr'agtrr in e~des xtte?rr ti,i3p to pttzt€ct thc•rctsrity tri ilzi+ `Heutgtge..:grt^e..- <br />[h~i S§t Witt pat t}te sttdetM>w•sinras. d3 ierretz5brlt-trr t'rvctdrd. t'tisriegr ,c ie~.ertcd tr; pas the efrt,i to w'hoir. :,r rn ,ut <br />n <br />~.-..grit ~~ts~ t€sa?r ttxtse ra€ste~~ pt-`:it;ttt~ e~ she ..^iiAc:;•wt +.hii ::te rr~=.:'ate :tti th=..: ,te. .n t#ae t.,~t ,t. ..r .. ,it <br />prtor to tstity; Hsa€~k1e11. #is,ae'rvei, 'Trier .Feittso ctts;ice tzl tta tntrntxan n7 esrtri>n ,u_h pat. rte rye +~ {ZtcYn t :ra,t tntttb ! ails <br />:lap i ttrtctr to ~s st~:u#. <br />_. fha€> icsy~tt~t *>rx}h, ~,i ~ ti;zz t.>, ittr r .-rthlg payments :.i y+ttn7a~t .,red ,naeie±t ~}.,tz;e s: n.tst tit.; team, ,=t titr <br />mots sstuxsd herbs. ttis 'bltxtgtytirr x'i!t peg Cca the ti €,~gic£, un ttar fsr~t ct}is ,f :^sfwh ict~intF €anei tine •si5 sz<' t u iari;c pzi~t, ihr <br />ta€lo,tityt xisfes4; <br />i'st zttt~.xintt stst~`icztstt €o lri~rwe-thc hatldee izete. ti with funds rs trap- thr nu:xi mattfage tnsataaer t>trnt, sstzi tt r>u± <br />;oat€uietsat tlt+e t1t7iE srcuird hetttsr x1r ittxuirtl, +ei a !nssrzttalp _ha±>,r =n !;7°tr ;=s is me,rtgatge ++tszarii.u n tug. <br />t+ett €? SttrFv nsr tirid tEy tfte yr~tetaty +tf tttitistng and tlrhait t7tuaicxtiraent~ as l.zift+~, <br />{l,b tl attd ~i! as s~a~ ,,^s>ta of rvcn dritr arts! ffihts citAt~ur~tts ate azat:r~s nt ~t:a ;:,rs-vied s,:f,te, td=i° g-t.;- <br />vstti€ ri# thfit ~YtFCSrESS !#tnrsang Att. 3ek un~zuua x+i~^€nt ;ear=r,uzau;ute ;rt thY naro~ c,t t},e ttaiitYt =~:~- <br />rtMWwM:~s 6 Ha.. ity~t wxs+sz~ .+yy t!W ,.YRf ,+!,t:t aN.~ty .e oaFtsawtvJ HUt1-~JiYt 1.#M #~t. 'r1> <br />