<br />~3I-4-~1~89~
<br />& If he fails to pay any sum or keep any eavenattt provided far in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at
<br />it,8 option, may pay ar perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum
<br />awing on the above ttote, shall be s~sred hereby, and shall bear =merest until paid at the rate provided
<br />for itt the gri~ipal inzlebtedr+~e.
<br />7, Llpmt _*ertuaat of the 3fori. Mortgagor ahzil exaaute a+~nd d@lxv@a a stzppl@zn@atal note or Hates
<br />for the auttt ar soars advaneeci by 3fartgagee far the aiteratiax, axadarxiaatiatt, or improvement made at
<br />the Mortgagor's request; ar for ntaintettance of said pr@misea, ar far taxes ar assessments against Lhe
<br />same, and for any other purpose elsewhere authariz@d hereunder. Said note or notes shall be secured
<br />hereby an a parity with and as fully as if the advattee evidenced thereby :sere ine}uded in the nat@ Brat
<br />described ahoy@. Said suppiementai note or Hates shall bear interest st the rate provided far in fire prin-
<br />cipal indebtedness and shah be payable in appraximateiy equal monthly pa}-nients for such period as may
<br />be agreed upon by the ~fartgage@ and Mortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity, the whole of the sum
<br />ar awns so advanced shall #ae due and payable thirty (HQ) daps after demand by the 'Kartgagee. In no
<br />eE@nt shall the maturity extend beyond the ultiatate rnaturitp of the not@ first described above.
<br />8. M@ h@r~by assigns, *.ranafers and stets aver to the'.d' arLga~-~, to be applied toward the paym@nt of
<br />the Hate arzd sit stems secured hereb}• in ease of a defzu#t in the perfarmarcc of an}• of the terms and candi-
<br />tiaaia of thin mortgage ar the said note, all the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mort-
<br />gagetl pt•emises during such time as the mortgage indebtec#nesn shall remain unpaid; and the Mortgagee
<br />shall have pox-er to appoint any agent or agents it mar desire far Ll:e ptarpase of ranting the soma and cal-
<br />ltacting the rants, revenues and income, and it may pa}• out of sa;d incomes a!l necf*3san- commisaians and
<br />expetiaes incurred in tinting and managing the :isms and ,>f ea#lect:ng ten±als therefrom; she balance
<br />resziaining, if any, to ix applie;l toward the discharge o? said martga~ inde't,tckiness.
<br />3. ll@ H=ill :antinuuusiy tnalntain hazard insurznceg of sueF type+~r t>•pes and amount,, as I4fortgag@e
<br />may tram time Lo time i•eattire. <.:n Lhe impravemen*~ nr,u= ,-,r hereof±er on .:.aid tremises and except when
<br />pnymcnt far all such prrmiums has theretaforr• been made unrest i,n, +rf p»ratrraph 2 hereof, a=ill pay
<br />r~mmptiy evhen due any preniiumn there far- t'pan default therrnf, ]fartgaq~ may pay the same. :;ii
<br />s nsurar~ shzil lte carte.*d :n t.ampanies approved try the Siorgag~~ n€;d flit ,:xlici:=s a.nr} rene.3•ala thereof
<br />shall he }is'#d h}• the 34r,rtgage~Q and hates attached thereto la.~ trayaE,it• , taacr:r•s ~a facer of and ,n form
<br />ar:reptntrie to the 34artgagre. In ec•cstt of lase Mortgagor ~~sR qie•,-- ;trmtci:si=., neLi~e try mail to the liort-
<br />SaYe'e', echo tttyF malts isroni „f l~ xf ~. prom >7y 3icrt~agor, and :_:,~ ?.:rsarance company' cert..
<br />_er'ied s s=rrbg= auxhorxeel :trr# ci:rrx•tcwl to :name ;;xsrt.nr ?nr =;ac i„K.~ ,i:r>~„i; `„ thH ~S,;rtgageE• instead
<br />r,f 'o rile ~l<.rtga£or :~rd r;;e 4lr,rtgaq~ ;,,:ntl}~, .attr; ti:e ;,z==3r:~tia-.~ ;;r+;~-a:~d:s, =,r :sty cart therroi,
<br />mad `~ »nf~itr•d it} :he idr,rtyt»q~ at :La a;rtran +•.ther ~ --.h:~ re~t,it.een e,t ,.. ~: is tz tdra*?~a herettr seci:rt.i
<br />r to the ~~tr,rataori err : ~ t;a;r ,>f tar prapert;- rlam$g€x1. in ,,-:rrt c. I trrrc,osa; c +,i` ass mortgage. „r other
<br />tr»;=:sf€r ~,f title to tie *s..,tF;sged t.rrt[lFr'.} in =.-xtingn.s,Rment .,f the .r:,ie7t,•=:lre=s srcurr~+# :erPt,g, ail
<br />nght. titre anus .rrterr-~t •.;F thg 4iartgagr,z :n and ea ant• ...auranet polir~,F~x :t;,•,: .:.,~:-cti shall ,,ass to the
<br />ptirtna~F f?T g3'aYitee+,
<br />.o. 1s additiorai a .e ~ t,iiateral ,serarrtg ''ur ttte ;~~ me.=:t .>t ?.';..~ :,-- -~_ .,,.s_ f_ :`:>-<~, :::,,i =!_ s;im~ t„ iki.,,,,nr.
<br />due uxder ;lilts mnrtgxgr•, thc• Martgagar hereby assigns •o the Slrsrtga~e~ 11 ie»?e tx,ntises. profits, ret-+*-
<br />nuc~s, ro}aaLies. rights. F:tzd :,:her #sPt;effLa aecr:'tng tr, tits ~lurtgagor unr"set :; :~• .end ai# o,l and ga_s lessee
<br />naK~, ar duringr the t;fe ~f this mcsrLgs{te, f~xecutt~ci :,n sand , retn:~z, +t-~xtz th., iRhL*.n a-rYS.~i4•r, »rrl rr~~ipt
<br />far the sortie once apply ttz,•m tc e~zd tndebtednr~ss axi .r~.ti i,rfare as aft;=r :efai:lt ;re the r•onditiona of this
<br />rtsortgage. and the ~foa-tgagrr ma}° demand, sue far anal recover »n}- sacs; fayn;r•r,ts is hen +iue and pay-
<br />ab#€, but shall not be rY,,u:rerl so to da, This assignment is Lo terminau and i~rame r:ull and Said upon
<br />release of this mortgage.
<br />Il. ti@ shall Hat ~x,mmtt +=r permit hoses; and aiatl3 msintain the prepert}- in as q'orxl condition as at
<br />pres*ttt, reasonable crest and fret •~xcepted. t'pan »ti}- failure to ~srr mainta€:r, Mortgagee, tat its option,
<br />miv cause rrasanatrle ;tiainLr<t.anca ~vark to i;e pea-formr£f at thf c°ost =.,t' llortgagar. .•1ny amaunLS paid
<br />the;+e#ar b}` bit,rtgagae abate i,ear intenat at the rzL.~ pro•aeda,l far in the prs:tcipa# indebtedness, shall
<br />ther@aipan b~rcame a pa,'t >t' th@ ine'iebt@dness secua~,i by this instrument. torah!}• and on a parity k}•ith a{l
<br />aier 3nd~:btedttess se~`urt?d l~rebc, end shall be pa}•abie itrirty € t3? Mays after demand.
<br />I2. if the premiss, ar :ny part thereaaf. be condemned under the po~•er r,f eminent domain. or
<br />arctuirrd for a putrtie :sae, the dasaagea a?~°arded, flit prz.e€~~s far the takting ,>f, r3r the canvir?eratian far
<br />avr3t atxtuiaition, Lo the extent tif`he full atnaunt of the remaining unpaid indetteilness secured by this
<br />~, ar hereby asst`rned La the ~4artgagre. and shall ire paid farthx-ith to 4€.id ivlot•Lgzgee, to be
<br />appil,~el cttt account of the #ast anaturina instailnter;it +rf such indebtedness.
<br />I$. if L#sc 3Sos.g~gar fails tD xzzke any payutients :vlten due, or to conform to and tamplYcvith any
<br />of the canditiDtis ar .tgreements rontained in this mortgage, ar the Hates to°hich it securna, then the
<br />entire ptittcipai strrtt oriel sccrtsed interest sltail at once became due and- pa}abbe, at the election of the
<br />3lar•e and this snort°=~ mar• ther~pran ba fareelt~d in±iately for the :.-hula <,f ih~ iad~tezi-
<br />ncmra }rrre~, u~d. inclsde`ng th@ east of ~xt~ndsng the abstract of title from ?he .#ate of this mort-
<br />;rs L t trf ~C€trr€trtfttCix~g stash suit, a reasonable attorney's fee, acid at;p• aunts pain by the L'eterans
<br />Ad~iittiatraSlon ern a€eaun# of the guaranty or insurance of the indebtedness yee:urcvt hereby. all of v:hicit
<br />sisalt:lae itzrdudsCi in its d,~reet of faree~sure.
<br />t~f. If flee i~rtesa seewr@d hereby s~> #fuarantred =,r ;na?xred tender Title ::il, fnit@c1 States C[de,
<br />awl ~latiarts iastu+erd thereund,rr r:nd in effect on the rlatra hereof shall (tavern the rights. rluti@n
<br />FlaRbl!ltlca eel rite partir~r hstetts, and anY pr?rv:aurns of this or other instruments exreutcrl in t-ann~tian
<br />w:tfi said '. wttirh are iaeonsistetit with said Title c,r I:eg+-rlatirns are !sere:by stmendc~ct tc>
<br />c: t~_
<br />' ~~ lr,-:a ctrta.tn~i slta#l 6itzd. anti .#ie t>~netka slid ad~anta;ges slrail inurr~ tn. the
<br />