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~. ~_~_. <br /> <br />$Z~--ti(~f}894 <br />Tcs HL-v8 AND TG HoI.D the same unto the Mortgagee, as het'ein provided. Mortgagor represents to, <br />and covenants wi#it, the Mortgagee,. that the D4artgagar has good right to sell and convey said premises; <br />that they era Erse from encumbrance, except as hereinotherwise recited ;that the Mortgagor will warrant <br />syid defend t#Ya salsa agaiirs"~ :lie Isw'Pul :.!aims of al! persons whomsoever. Mortgagor hereby . ~linquishes <br />ri.~#~ ~ hor!+es~+~- ~1 manila! rights, either in late or in equity; and aft ether contingent interests o€ <br />floe Binrtgs€gor in and W the ak~ove-slsseritsed premises. <br />FictY ~lbwalYB, and these pt~sents are executed and delivered upon the fallowing cunditiotts, tb <br />wit= <br />~[or tgagar agrees to pay to the 8ortgagee, or order, the aforesaid principal sum with snterest Prom date <br />at tote rate of 2T•#a~'t,'`'€ and '375 J toils per cesium ~ ? . ~ f,!A } per annum on the unpaid baIanae until paid. <br />'Phe said principal and interest shall be payable at the vtRce of Gameaercfal Federal Savings & Loan Assoc. <br />in Kearney , ~1e6 rasica , or at such other place as the holder of the note may designate in <br />writing delivered or mailed to the monthly installments of 't'11R 'tEi?~11RFI's FIFCT 3F:VEp $nd 4fs/1 <br />I;aI}ar's (~ 357.5t~ }. commencing an the first day aP April , 29 r3dand continuing on <br />the first clay oP each month t ;srsaftar until said note is fully paid, except that, iP not soarer paid, the final <br />payment oP principal and interest shall lye due and payable vn the karat day of `larch , 2f} t t ;all <br />according to the terms of a certain promissory note of even date herewith executed by the said Martgagar. <br />The'~dortgagar further agrees: <br />1. fie wilt pa5° the indebtedness, as herntntae`ore prat ide<l. Privilege is reserved to prepay at any <br />tame, without premium oe .fee, Ltae f_=mire indebtedness ;ir an;.' part thereof not less than the amount of one <br />iru#Gatla~nt, or one hundred dollars t$2t}{1.40}, whichever is leas. Prepayment in full shall he crednted on <br />ttae date reeaiaed. Partial ~epaynunat, other than an an installment due date, need not be credited until <br />tie neret. fallowing installment due data yr thug days after such prepayment, whichever is earlier. <br />$. 'I'q~@ther with, and in additiaa ta, the monthly payments rrf principal and interest payable under <br />tare terms of the note secured isereby, 14tnrtgagcrr :ctll pay tct 3lartgagee, as tnYStee, (under the terms of this <br />tr>rat as hnafter mated} an ±tise first day of each month until said note is fully paid <br />ta) ,~{ sum atQuai ,,, the ground rents. if ar:>~. next ;3ue, phis Lh,~ prcmiuma that will next became due <br />and paY~rie ur. pnlicae,s of firt~ anei ;rthc;r iiazarri <naurarce cacerinq the mortgaged property. <br />plus taxes and a.esmenta next ~irx• ,r#z the m,rrtgaK~"i prnpE+rty' 4.+ii :is+~stimated by the Mvrt- <br />>i.~n~i=~f •ti:~eh thc?,Irrrigagt:a- x::r;t:•i;,lr . .4 ;,il ~um:a uira~atsi}' paad therefor divided by <br />nn7nh~tr .}f mvnthi< tc .-laps- h~•sf,r.• <;#„• mr,ntt: ssr:~rr to *.h~~ :isx avhen such ground rents, <br />prem;uaax, ~xea. a,td asR3nent~ ~v=.ll :~r„m~- ;ia.i;~=;u~at, auto soma to be held i7Y ~tortga¢ee <br />in trust to pat ssaet gr%;cinci rents, prem.:,cns. taxr:r ~#:ci :;t~ec-:al a~sxrnar,~. <br />%b} The aggregate ;rf *.ha. a•ra„asnta gky,,ahi:~ trur~uacrt =;, ,utr#;at•ak;-rrph t2'r and fi3;ose payable an the <br />nuts aierured herc=€iy. Khali E~ t}atr, ,tr a ,angi,• tiaym<•~;t .~aci; mantle, to appii.;d to the follow- <br />ing sterns rn Lhr }rrder stat~i <br />r;1 g;-coand rr_^.ta, *~x}~a, a~sr~~r~~n+~. `r*~ ar.•~ ~,tirrxr h:rci snaurarca premiums: <br />? It} 'ttt~~si ur thr~ #t~zta s~t.#re=<i ?;~r+!bt ~ anti <br />i#Yli amartixation ::rf file pa•anc°rpal =r€ .;ate# 1<tzte. <br />,~ ny d~sc3#:eg^ n teart:;t;=;n#;t r,i` .~ - ...,_;",~. ,n-•.r ale ;~a:-ricait ,tail, un?era made good <br />try the :'dortgai3>r prior to t}a±? zti3e~dat+- .,f *_ise aFxt suc•:: patrnc•rt, cnnst:tut; an event of default <br />under tl?ix #nartgagr. AL 'lStYrt~*a#te~^ s :zpti€sn_ :~tvrtgagar wilt ;,a5' a "!ate charge„ sat exceed- <br />ing four ~r c~utum !-i= ~ } c>f an° ;taxta:#n=e~nt :s h,~t pai,.i more khan fift,~n 1 t:~}Maya after the <br />due ciaty thrrr~rf to ,'+rver >Ite fxtr#c extri'R5r ins=~.`s~-cct :a har~ileng ct~+.inrtuent pa}'#nents. het such <br />"'late clxsrge" sisaif not be parabitf =;u: •f tote r*~=~RTa F=f env 3ait• r.:sdr to satisfy •~he indebted- <br />ta~s sesrured hereby, unless „uch pr<,e+=esr~ ar=~ sutFcirnt t.; ;iiseharge the entire indebtedness and <br />alt proper emits anti ecpenses sr~car=>.i Lhcrc~by, <br />3. If the laical aP the ~ta made by the ;4tax'tgagar under (aj of paragraph '~ precedmg shalt <br />the amount of payments actually manic by the ~lartgagaa, as trustee, far ground rents, taxes and <br />t; ar ittturate~ presninma. as the ease may be, such shall be credit~l by the Mottgs$aee <br />or3 sit paptr~nb tv be matte try tltc Mart~agor far such items ar, at ~Iarigagee's aptaon, as trnxtee. <br />aRRiI be refunded ~ Mgrtyagsr. If, however, auc:h monthly payments shad sat he auflicient to pay such <br />it~#. •~n the aaerte sisal! became dos and I~Yab~, then the Tefartgatt;or Yhall pay tv the Aivrtgagee, sa <br />ang amount wry '.~ make up ±,c#e =ieticienci u;thin thirty {, SUf bays after w rifles natieP from <br />~ s#taatYg ~ at'r~nt oi' ti:e deA.c.;-nr5'. ~ehitt! notice mss- 6e given by final!. If at any time <br />atsgll te>~er to t}~„e '.d'art, :R a:•conie.ree ~F•ath the provisions trf the natc+ securec# <br />la~etsj, fall payment of the satire *ndebtxdneae repro-aant~i LhPr«~h;•, the yiortga8ve, as ±iuatea, ,hail, <br />ale ~ the artsca&i r,S s~cfs ;s~'.~ .rsa. ~'€i3i: t: *_hx err.,,+~^c „f ra:A ASrtt'tgagor any rrndit hstAnee <br />under t~s proerisiorss of € a} of paragraph '.}. hereof. tf there shalt be s default under any <br />q€ the d thin trxrrtgaa~ resultirsg in a putrSic sale of the premises covered hereby, ar if the <br />~~ tbs nrrcv ottt«reriae after <tefault, the tortgagee, a6 trustee, shall apply, at the <br />Lim eef t>!fe tot isuets prdinyGa, ar at the time the property is ntherwiaa acquired. the <br />aft ~ credit the urular (a> of paragraph 2 pr+eteAiing, sa a credit on the <br />:~ a~ aa#t uapeid a~ t:~ wala.~x iv the pri~ipe! sea rem~in:rsg unpaid on said Hate. <br />4,. '~ llan of this inatrsrmesst salasit r~r~iacs in ; ui} fiance and tiiect during any pvstpanement ar exten- <br />~af'ti~ tune of iu4S'mt~ of ttze indebteai:iva~ ar any part. therecif securnd hrrcby. <br />~. 'w331 pay au, ~ :'antes, teak. - ~, war ratex, and other governmental «r munici- <br />~el ~, dn€a. nr i.nnp~itrrta, levied ;3 said pr~nis€~ and tlsat he will pay all laves levied upon this <br />ar ilea d asczar~ tiaat~ry, tc~rther :rit#i any :sttlcxr trace +~r rratnenis vtti:~h ma3 be Died <br />ut tip la+esr~f ~ agasinat thelfortgagee, or tine legal ht~lder of said principal note, an account aP <br />th4 ' # ~ s•ie+sn payer+t "or all surta rts!stss has f«l~+areu?iorv 1n~Yt anode iindar (st) crf para_ <br />+tR"a 'n ?tar~at, and hr+ •atii ttrsrnptl¥ drlivrr the ±~+t'~ial r~!c`eipts Lhttrrtrrr to the ;1rlcrrtgAl~?. In default <br />thief t3~ !1 may pa} the r<r#nia, <br />