<br />Ltttder's written agreement or applicable ]aw. Borrnwtr shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 6aecof.
<br />Any amounts disbtsraed by Leader pursuant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon, shall become ~lditfonat
<br />irtdt:bttdrress of Borrower socuted 6v this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agm to ocher terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shad be payable capon ntxiee from Lender to Horrowtr regttesttng payment thermf. and shall bear interest fr+wtt the
<br />t(ate of disbutbesrunt at the rats pgyable from time to time on attstanding prtxipal under the Note tui[ess paytnets4 of
<br />{tstere~ at ~h rate sctmld be coat;er: to appl"s :b;e taR, in Rhech „vent stxtt asattsunts sfiatl b€?r int~5st at the highest sag
<br />serttyissibk tinder appfiiceble taw. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 steal{ require i_ander to ittettr any expessse ttr take
<br />airy adiatt iier~ttttder.
<br />~. Yagael[ew. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and insptxtiotn of the Property. provided
<br />[hat Lander shah give Borrower ttMiee prior to anq such inspection spees€yring reatuznable cause tlretefer related to Lentkr'a
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />$, .The proceeds of any award nr ;.lasm fo: damages, direct or eottsegtxntiat. in connection witfi anq
<br />condemnation or oilier taking of the Property, r?r part thereof. or for conveyance ir. lieu of cordemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and sfiaTt tx paid to Lender.
<br />in the esx;st of a total taking of rite Property, the proceeds shalt be applied to the cams secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with the errors, if any, paid to ttnfrOwtr, to the event of a Rartia! taking at the Propem•. unless Bnnawer and Lt:nder
<br />tztlterwinte agree in writing, thcrz sfiall bin applied to the sums secured by fhis Mortgage stub propottinn of the proceeds
<br />as is trtuai to that proportion which the amamt of the rams secured by this :ttnrtgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />atakittg hears to tfie fair marled vahre of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid u, Borrower,
<br />[f the pnspetty is abandoned by Borrower. nr if. after notir:e hp under to Borrnwrr that ttte cottdetntto: ofteta to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damagr<s, linrrower fails to respond to i_ender within 3Cs days after the date stx:h notitt is
<br />ntailezl, Lender is att$rorhed to collect and apply the proceeds. at finder's option. either m reseoratiat or repair of the
<br />Propersg of to the soma Securest hY thiS Mnrigage.
<br />t;nletar Lendez and Borntwtr otherwise agate in writing, am such application of Rrnceeds to principal shall not extetrd
<br />ar pasttpone the due dace of the monthly inssaliments referred Sn in paragraphs i and 2 hereof nr change the amount of
<br />such irrata{{rtterHS
<br />t,l. Barnfwer :sib Seltaaed. Extension of the time far payment or mndif{canon of amortization of the sums seetmd
<br />by this Mortgage granted by Lestd~ to any sticcessar rn interest of liarrnwer chaIt :mt aRerate to release. in arty manner,
<br />the liability of the original tiorower and Hc=rrnwrr's sttcceswts ;n interest. tender shall not Ix required to cotnmertce
<br />preeeedings against stxfi succt~or .tr rehrse to tztcnd Stine Car paymetzt or otherwise modify amnrtiutinn of the sums
<br />secured b'y this Martgagt bs• reason of any demand made b}• the ariq±nat Bnrmwer and Bnrrmrer's successtxs in imereat.
<br />it. Faritaraat-Y by Lestlty !fiat a ppatrer. Am' fnrhtarartcr by {.ender in tsercistng any tight nr remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise aRordert by appiicablc law. shall not t+e a waiver ++f :ar pra-fuot the exercise c+f any such right or remedy.
<br />The precurtmtent of irowance or the payment of razes :,r ;,the[ ;;ens .ar charges M' i.crteier shall ant he a waiver of Lender's
<br />right so accttera[e tfie maturity of the indetstednecs ~reurrd F>v this tiinrtgatte-
<br />12. 9earedles Caaaiatise. .11E rer[eecltes prov;~d :n th;s 4!ortgagt :;rc .tistinci and tumuiative to any outer right or
<br />mmedv trader this Martgagt tx a$car~d Irv law ,+r cyuuv. and may hr. rtcrt:;ed ~oncurrentlt•. indcRendend}' nr succesaiveiy.
<br />t3, $actsaanes sad ,!>Rt~ Bowl: 1ahN aura Sr:end t-ialsrYits: C's T'tte .'o>'cnants and agreements heroic
<br />contairxsl shall hrtni, acrd ttte rights heteundet shalt rmtrc tc+.:hr ;rspecto+~e .avcces:x+rs acrd assigns nE t_ender acrd Btrrower.
<br />subject to she Rrcvisiuns of Raragraph f? Iterenf. riit covenants sari _rgreerrtertts nt Bnrrawer shat{ ~ ;c+int acrd stverat.
<br />The captions am# Iteadirtgtc of the paragraphs of thin '<tart~agc arc for snnvenicnce :anly .tad are neat to Fat used to
<br />tnttry_ vet car rfelitfe the ifrea;iait:.ts Fterrof.
<br />t$. '•aetiee. E?ta'eRt for any tss~ue ret;e:ired ;:nder .tpplicahlc !aw +. t, tx given :n attoiher manner, ta) any notitx to
<br />tiurrant~er R€~ for an titia Mortgage shad he ;.;:yen tn~ fnarhng ••~tih •ec;uec hv --.:erttfied rnat( addressed to f3ortower at
<br />the Ptnpt»y Address or at welt rather addxz. s as &>irs,wcr :era+• tks.gnate by rnatice to {coder as provided herein. and
<br />Ib) an}• notice to l_tatsies xhati be gsven by ctrufted ma:l :rte,m _+,,nt -eyixestW. °n I.tnder•~ address stated herein nr to
<br />catch ottttr<r addtsss as i.ttsder may ;lesigastr b> rn=r~r '_, Itarr<*>Eer as p[.?e~rdetl htrYrri_ 4nv rx=tier provided far in Shis
<br />Mcxtgagt steal{ tit deerntsi to haze i?etu rttvcn tr, tk.rn=w~cr ~n { carter -.>hen gtvrn in the manrter designated herein.
<br />.R. k,>~~ ~; (i$v t~sr: StrreratA~e. _TM:-. ~ ,one ,_? mnrtgsgt _-trmhines crriform covenants for nalinoal
<br />test and tmer-anifcxtn im~nants with {imired s,eraautnts bs ;a+n4di~t;nn t„ ~atnt»ntr s v,nrtnrrzt se.ar;ty insaet»rnt covering
<br />real property, i~zia MS?€tgage s}t.ll tse ttvvetnc-si hs *. ha '. a+: ~=r the ::rncvectstan ~n =.•hich the Ptayerty i. Ia.aEed. 4a She
<br />etrtrft fhat any provis+c'n :vr ;:{sure t*€ tt:es '4fortgugt .,r :hc '4.=at ~..nita.t. Aith :eRpitcabk iaa, suite ctmflie? shall not affect
<br />ottrer prnvistans t~ this Mortgage ar for avcvc whtkh :ar he ;;=rn eNee? witha,ztt the eanfticting provision. and to this
<br />tad the provisions of the Mortgagr ated tint `~otc ,.rc h'clatrd t+= "tar .rarrslak.
<br />1f. Htrrnswrt"s Ctyy. Borrower <hnlt t>+: ftu~tr.he.l ,; c,~ntnrr»ed c:~p} „? the :Vatt and of ?his Mortgage at tfie time
<br />aF execution or after ctxordatinn tter+~xat.
<br />i7, 7taattet o1 fire tsteptxtyt Asia. 1F al: to a,ty nrsrt c+f th< Proptnv =x art interest kliercen is sold ar transferred
<br />by Borrower wrtitaut Ltntieis pri.+r wrreien cc,usrnt. rzils~tng :ai tltt :reation ai a lira or encumbrance cnbordinate to
<br />tizzy kiurtgage, {hl tfie creatoon of a purchase nn=nr} ~L.urat} rntttes: Eor hc~neho{d appiianccs, !c+ a traixier by devise.
<br />runt or by nperatitan of law upcan tat el,:ath a+f s tes;nt !?n-ant ~,, .,':+ th.: eranr oaf vn. teaseht,Ed tnterest tai three }•ears a les+,
<br />not containing au option to putcitaat. Lent-r nta}. et I es:drr ~,pt;rn. deciaer a{l she sum: srcurtd by this Mortgage to {x
<br />;mmtdialety due aril payable. l..ender shalt tease v..u.eti w:h :apr;un *o accr{erate if• prior to the: sale or transfer, 3,rrtder
<br />acrd fife persc;tt tee wttsmz ttte Ptop>Wzts is t:+ I+e :c=1d or t;ansterr~at re~~h ~agt°ta:rrtnt ~n :a?rang that t#ts: ;:vials of .such nerwn
<br />is satisfactory to Lers:itr and that the sntcre.t ayat+:e <!n Stts~ .csm< v,~ured by dais 'L4€frtgage ,trail he .st such rate a+ Lcitder
<br />xhait rey}ucat. if f.esetier t~s waived the :~pts.~ts tc, a.atirratc prnv;ded :n ±his Faragraph 17, and if tiortatwer's successcx in
<br />intesect iztt€ txecuttd a wrirte7t aaauntption agre,euxnt acceptrti :r, wtitirig fry t.eszaier. {.ender ;halt release 1ltarrowef frtxn all
<br />nbfigatiana antler this Mortgaga acid the Mate.
<br />if Lertdt:r tzCrcisrs such option to a.cetcta?c_ t_cr;der s zst *.aail tti.rr<zwer nptite <+f at4eterati6n in satcordam:e with
<br />p~aagraph I~t Itcreof. Stith ttgt?t~t ':b?ta!1 provtdt a I+erebi n; i.at leis than ;ix days fnyn ?he deft tar raoticc is mailer! °wi?hen
<br />vstticts Btxrower [tzar pap rtes gums de>;larett doe, It Borrower ?arts r,* ,+ay sorb .ums pr;.ar tc the tzpirauan <,t st?ch prr;ad.
<br />L®tsdcr [gay, witlta>`vi ftul{tcr txuue ar tltmarxf cHS Hc+trt:cerr. ~aa~oke an} sernvdtta pxtr»,ttesi by paragraph 1r ireteos.
<br />*+ifstri-iintrottAt Ctsve!+th,~rs. Bc`*rr;avre: ;int: l.ettder tuntrrr cr,senarti ::cad agree as [oNnws~.
<br />iii, ~ Rte 1?atcepl as prorisad is paragraph 17 hcrraf, ttppa itunswcr s brracb ai say cereaaat ar
<br />agwt of tiarrauar ~ Wig. ia+rigait9t the cozesasts to par whcu dar anti scar, secarra 6y this ~•
<br />/Rip[ !o aSa~Eraiiptt strati ~$ aaditr to Hnreawer as pewsiard is paragraph i4 lfartet aprtifyisrg: tit Ihr btwcht
<br />~ ttra aekt6ta r 6a trove 4saac~ t1) a ~, sat bear than 3@ day, trsra she date ipe aaticr is coiled to Harrower.
<br />tB trttiei trta aRrt 9r eta arcs fat tiiuM fare to care Bach 6roacG sa os tretMe tiR dste specified is the petite
<br />ttayt trtatai its stmerinatBtra;at tdiR stetsa srcwea isy this ~t=KtstaRw taractrrwro by ia6ieiai ptocrr spa tear d tee Praptrty.
<br />"lisp tpraat ~ irdan>: iilrr~ct e1 stir ti;M to .= •~ adira accrkttrNise ;tax the sight to araFrt iti tt~ fosecitcsare
<br />thpt a ttattrtr4{ at a~ vtAar cietraeR a# iarromt la actrieratioa stay fareelretwa, tf the htrxtr
<br />is salt tsaast all as !?dwise tFaik s[[aeMi~pt itr lire wrattr+t txpabt ai issaa's Qplive tvwX drihrr+t di of, Eire -roam attcurea by
<br />ttlltl ~_Mf tMt -dArR aas!?g3+rTtta alt4estt fprshes ataaaa ass arpy tamiwr by p>~ciaf ~ i.eaaer
<br />afl~ is ~+~ srtpfait ~ sates ~ oape at tsrr€ctaratre. ~ bat. aW ta, a•s of aacrrsaeritary
<br />artlr?tt®a, i tnai tea
<br />i~. ti~tt N ~ ti€~.wetifitacrding t.arustr'ss.~cieESix>n of Elm scams sectued M~ this Sic+ragagt.
<br />iiotxtrvat ~artl have; !~ t~tt to ttr+~ asp ptaac'~trtgt Iaegutt `ry t.eraie~ to rnfxxtr tMs Mongag.: disconntinuect at any Sit;x
<br />