<br />81-i)t~0874
<br />Utvtpottus Cov6esxH7'S. Borrower snot Lender covenam and sgree as follows:
<br />L t ~ ad [aPSrsst. Borrower atwtt promptly pay when due the prim:ipai of and interest on ttte
<br />i~ cvitknctd by ttx Note, prepayerxnt and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Ftettue Advattees stxtued by this Mtxtgage.
<br />Y. IFaris its Titres aa8 ~ateatatr. Subject w applicable law or m a writun waiver by Letter, Borrower shah pay
<br />FYr a`...i: ',ate oa t. ~ ~y nw,ntt'p i~,tm6 serfs of p xipaf ant! interest are paY~ ttttder t!:t Ides. ~tiF the kto#ets paid in fail,
<br />a satni {heron °F`tmds'ry a;ttai to ottatwdfih of the yearly taxes and assesstttents which tray attain priority over this
<br />Mortgaage, atxl grotanl tsars t>n the Propes[y, if any, plus otse-twelfth of yearly premium installmenu for hazard ittattrttttc~e.
<br />phew tmatsrotfUi of yearly premium installments for tttortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably pttmated initially and ftvtn
<br />Stem ro time by fxnaEtr on tt~ basis of asstastrtettts and tz+#fs atsd reasonable estimates thet~f.
<br />The Panda shall 6e held in an institution the deposits ar accounts of which are ittsttt+ed or guaranteed 6y a Federal o[
<br />rate sgencp tistcittding Lender if Lender is such an ietssituiion5. Lemte: shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />insursnce premiums aad grtx~i rents. Lender may not charge for sa hording and applying the Funds, anaiyzittg said account,
<br />~ verifying and trotrtpiling said assesstttents and buts, unless Lt:rtder pays Borrower interest on the Futtds and applicablt law
<br />permits Letxter to mate sash a charge. Borrewes and Lender may agree in writing at the- titre of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest on the Fttttds shalt he paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />e~uires tmc-t inmrest to !x paid, Lrttder she{# tux ire required to pay Borrower any inttrea or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shta$i give tar Harrower, wititotti charge. an annual accounting of ttte Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds arc pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />by thn Marlgage.
<br />If the attxtxust of the Fsmds ttetd by Lentler. together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dazes of taxes. assessments, irtwranct prerrsiutns and ground rents, shall exreed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />at~nenta, itutaraBCe premiums attd ground rtttis as thty fat! due, such excess shall ix, ai Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Bottower of crafited to Borrower :m monthly enstallments of Funds. If the amount of the Futs~
<br />hdd by Leadrr shall as be sufllcitmt to luv taxes. assessments, insurance premiums and grovrtd rents u they fall dtee.
<br />Horra+Rer shalt pay to Linder any amount necessary to make up the Aleficrencp within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Leader to Borrows rcqueseing (mytnenr thett'<rf.
<br />Upon pavmetq to foil of all sums secured by this Mortgage, tender shalt prarrtptly refund to Barrowtr any Funds
<br />heNi by Lender. If under paragraph f g hereof ttse Proper} is v,fd or the Proptrt1 ~s othet'wist acquired by Lender. Lender
<br />shd! apply, tso rater titan tttsrtsedialety prior to the .ale nt the propttty ar its acgtusiuaa by (xnder, any Funds held by
<br />L~Rder at the titce of application n a ctrdit against the sums sectutd h} this tilottgage,
<br />3. A~Sealisa et > Unless xpptreabfC !aw provides otherwix_ alt oayments reitived by Lender under the
<br />Pion attd ptuagrtytixs !and 2 hereof Malt be applttd by i.erder first m payment at amounts payable to Lender try Borrower
<br />uetder paragraph 2 ttert»f. than to rnttttat payable on the tiwe. then to the pnnctpat ut the tiara. end thin in interest and
<br />ptinagal on guy Futstre Advaxts.
<br />0. C.'1rrBsr, Lises. Borrower .tsar} pay atf rain. asyessrm:ms and .ether ~hergei. fitter and +mpasitians attnbutabit to
<br />t!K t'ifrpeRy wt9ctt may attnm a prsotity over thn Mortgage, and ltaxhc•!d paattrcnts or ground rents. if any, in the mancer
<br />prrrvtdad under psragrapit 2 hermt or. ~t ncK pxtd :n yucrt manner. F,y &,rr:?war ma-tng payment, when due. dirtxtty to the
<br />payee thexxuf. 8arrasatr sbaf! pramtrtty furnish to (_enskr alt naxtc,:s of amaunis due utukr this paragraph. ate to the teen.
<br />Ilort+oaver stsall matte paptststst duectty. Barrowtr .hall pramptf+ turnnh tc t trader crceipts rvtdenemg such payrttents.
<br />8atrowtt shall promptly disthztge any tits whrs:6 has prxsrtty ,+ver this tsiartgage: pranafcd. that &+rrnwer shalt rat be
<br />regttersxf to tfixteatgt any stxh tier sa tong as Borrower sisatl agnt to ,.rtttrg to tht payment of the .~bhgation ucured by
<br />sir:6 Lt~ sn a eaanrssr stable to L4taltr, an shah rn gas4xt faith santc:.t such ittn by, Frr 6efend tnf•~rcement of sorb lien tn,
<br />regal proctxdtrrgs wineh operate to prevtnt !ht enforcement vt the f,en <.r tarfetturr of the Prt,petty ar any part thereof.
<br />3. teil~sti Lantanre. borrower shah keep the rmpravtmrnts n,+v. ccutmg at tFtreafter erected an the Praptrty insured
<br />ag.:..~. leas bg t?e, hauttis incitsded witbsn the term 'cattttdtd :::,+.crage-"_ and ssu:h txhtr hazards as t_eodtr may rcqutre
<br />and to tawtt ama,unri and for ssrch ptriotis as Ltrxttr may reyuert_ provided, shat Lrnder yhx}f net reyutre that !ht amount a(
<br />such coverage excetd that amount of tuverage rsqurrrd to pay the u:my cecurtd Fry this Mortgagt.
<br />The iawttmce eatriet providirsg the insuranct shalt tae ~tmm~ f,y Barrawer sutfictt ro approval fy Lender, provided,
<br />that retch approval xhaB trot bt unteasotsabty withhtld. :~tf premstsms on imttraurt policies shalt tx paid in ftce mancer
<br />provided antler psragtaph 2 tsertof or, if not pard rn wch rrsanrttr. by 8arruacr Rsa:.ang payttsent, wfxn dsx, directly to the
<br />zest+urant;t carrier,
<br />Ali isutrartct potuies and tcrtewats thern+f shall tsc en form .ACreptabk co I_rndte and shall +nciude a ytatsdard mortgage
<br />clause Fn favor of 8nd FR Ia(en aCzeptatree !a txtattr. Ltnsttr +haft hayr the rigtst to ha+td the policies and retstwats thereof,
<br />sad t3arrowet shat! pnsmptiy ftsritieit to Lender art rttxwai nacres atsd sit reretpts c;f paid premiums. In the went of loss,
<br />Tiorratrer shalt gire prompt notice to the tttsurarsce rarr:rr atsd t ender. lender map makt prsxx of loss tf rat made promptly
<br />"~-~ .
<br />Utstns L.tndet am9 Borrower .%iterv rst agree to wrAtrng, €nsurart~~ pr€~reds shalt he applied to rGStoratioa or repair of
<br />the Property damagrd, pmvisied stash rtaturaawn or repair .s t<euatmically ftasrbte arts) the sts:unty of this Mortgage is
<br />tort thereby imparted. If such rtstaxattws or rtpa;r is tort rc;:rutmsraity feasible or at the ste:urtty of this Mortgage would
<br />bs itapairtd, the itsatatarne proctaEs shaft be apptitd to tht rattle secured bt ihts Mortgage, with tht excess, if any, Paid
<br />td Bon€ovver. tf the Prupeety is abatxtaned hp tiarrawer. or t# Borrower farts [a restwnd to Larder wtdsrn 36 bays from the
<br />date notice is tnailtd try Caroler to Borra~wyr ?hat tht rnsurarsce carrier ~+tTtrs eo stark a datm Eor insurance txcefits, Ixnder
<br />is atstiartzed to calker and apply tht stssttrar..< pracecds at Linder s option eitl~r to restoration or repair at the Propene
<br />or m the sums sa:ured by this Martgrsgc-
<br />U I.etsder sad tltxrowtt othetroriss: agree m witting, arty such application of prxesds to pnacrpal shaft not extend
<br />~ pct$tpnne the dtx dart of the trsanthly inststtmtnts rtftrred 4cr in paragraphs f and 2 hers-,~t or changt tht amount of
<br />Bach inaodtmcats. li utukr paragrap4 t 3 ttettaf the Property i> acyuuecf by tztxter, stf right, tint and in!eresd et Borrower
<br />in sad to-aay ittwrance ptatieim atn# in and to tht pro:.-tuts tbertof rtsutting linen damage to the Propttty pear to tht gait
<br />or tsCqutsition shalt pass m itnsier to the txtent of tttt sums secured try this '+lartgage Fmttrediattiy prior to :acts Batt or
<br />G. I~sntttlsa rust/ h4lairMwaact of Prspesty; le~l~ (:oedttmintae~t Pgweed Lttt~ Deveiopsstwfa Borrower
<br />shalt ko[yt tits ~ ~ garrd regain and shalt trot commit waste ar permit ithpairrtscnt or dettriaravan of the Property
<br />tend sleal6 tatrrply with the provistoas a# any lease ,f this t+tartgage rs an a ftasthatd. if this hlartgage is an a unit in a
<br />f~ yr a r•,Isesced arse! r~vt~yvatr'~t, L~rrs:wtr shat! pt3furm alt at &3rrewei s abtrgatu,ns under the dc:,taraiiass
<br />a'st tCi'i$Yinta tr;mtsttg, of govetnittg the condesrntn+um ar ptanntd unrt skvtk-,-snttnr_ the l,y-taws atsd rtgutattens of !ht
<br />a piangm# ' deve.r, ate _txnstiettc.~st oeranents. tf a causddeminium or Planned unit devtk+pment
<br />rides is casfisste+d by 80s7YrM•elt attd rttortfed tugcthtt v tth this Mortgage, ttse cavenanis artd agretrrtrnts of yttch rider
<br />tlw~ Frs.turt~i ttttn sell shalt aetsend atnst stsp}+1eaa>trt the cavenanes acct agrtttntnis sst this Mortgage as tt ttx rider
<br />aas?it a ptsrt ittsaot.
<br />!. lrrttt7w/is~ d le~s'a Secsits. If BQRawed tarts to pcrfarm the covenants artd agrtemtrtts cmtatntd an this
<br />* ~ $ asy at;tatn ar practsed:ng is r:tommmctxtd whtth matttially aTtrts t..essder's rnterest iu tce Prapeny,
<br />bttt txtl iirtti(ed tu, aendrtetu dosoain, irsntvcttcy, 6sttfe tntaxn:tmeoi, c+r arrattgerttents oar prayteetiings rnvolvitsg a
<br />tkt daeo~t, t la`ndar at !_t's opttt»m upon trotter to Batreswer, may matte such appeararnxa, disburse su::h
<br />a~ tales r z~taast a> as ~ to proor t ienslcr's ustcrtsY. .nctatdtng. teat inn timi[ret i>:•„ disbarsetaen! ~>f
<br />tk sttaatey's ! sand ea3ty se~tm tits Prapetty to maa¢ ttpaits. tt txtsdtr tegttired mortgage instuam:t as :+
<br />tam of t tlfs last[ set:rstact terry' this Wottgags, Bnrrowcr sRa#i pay rttt premiums :equArtd tsk maintaru such
<br />in *~les4 is tttsdi tbntt as the rtxitsiretasnt fm sneh tnxurat~ terminates m acca,rdatscc with Ba;rvwer`s and
<br />