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<br /> <br />6. if he fails to pay any surn or keep any covenant provided fvr in this mortgage, the Mortgag~se, at <br />its option, may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum <br />owing on the above note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided <br />for in the prittcipat indebtedness. <br />T. Gpon request of the i4lo: tgagee, i'ifortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes <br />for the sum ar s„n,~ advann•d by for±g~ee fvr t~fe alt~+ra+_ivn, tnvdorri:atian, or iraproventotit made at <br />the $fortgagor's request; or for maintenance of said premises, ar for taxes or assessments againet the <br />satt~, and for any other purpose a!sewhere authorised hereunder. Said note or notes shall be secured <br />hereby on a parity with and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were included in the note first <br />described above. said supplemental note or ttoti?s shall bear interest at the rate prvvided for in the-prin. <br />cipal indebtedness and shall be payable in approximately equal monthly pa}'menu for such period as may <br />be agreed upon by the Sturtgagee and i4fortgagor° Failing tv agree or. the taturity, the whole of the sum <br />yr sums ao advanaeti shalt }>e due and payable thirty 1304 clays after demand by the 'tSvrtgagee_ In no <br />event shall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note first described above. <br />S. Fie hereby assigns, transfers and sets aver tct the mortgagee, to be applied toward the payment of <br />.tttJie note and all sumo sn:urctcl ltrtrhy in case of a default in the performance of an}• of the terms and condi- <br />tions Erf this mortga~s or the said natc, a!I the rents. rr•ennues and income ra be derived fmm the mort- <br />gaged tsremtsee during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall retnain unpaid; and the Jfortgagee <br />shall hate poker fi appoint anc agent ar agents et may desire fvr the purpose of renting the same and col- <br />ic~ting the rents, rev.•nues and income, attd it :na} pa>• out of said tncuntes xil necessary cvmmissions and <br />.•xIK=ones tncurreKt ir, .•crnt,nK and managing the same and of :-ollecting mntaLs therefrom; the balance <br />rc~matning, if any, to }x sppiiatd tau arri the di.?charge of said mortgage fndehtedness. <br />fl. He trill . ant;.,ttorsis maintain hazard inauranre, of such type: ur types.tnd amaustts as iHortgagee <br />ma4° Pram titter t-„ t;n,,.: ,'fe tir±=, on the impravements near ±,r }temafter on said premises and except when <br />pa}tricot for zll such l,r, mtums l;ag theretofore }x en made urscler t„~ „f paragraph `~ herc=af, twill pay <br />prcttnptls° ,when dnr cans ls•,-mtnms therefor. t'pem di=f~ttt}t thereof. Siortgagee~ may par the :;ame. All <br />irzant•ance sitati tn~ rarr?,•:i :n ;°«mpanses appnrve•d by the Mortgagee :tnd the p~dicics anti renewals ±}iereof <br />~isall tx= ?tetd i,v the'~t„E-?t;agrw xn+7 hate xttaehrd iht=reto loss payable clatt~•s in favor ref and in form <br />urr-~~tttat,it• t~, the Si„rtgrt~e~fl. In E•t°ent of lass ~inrtgagor ec•ill ;iv€s immf~dia[r~ notic,= by mai, to the= ~ort- <br />qag,~,•. s-h,• mac° trzab,• t,,,,.«a -=f tasq a' not made prnmpt}S' by liarigagtrr, an,i ruclt insurance company can- <br />°,~rtsx~i :w 1„~retzy authc,r~ah•<i anri •Gra4rfard to make. pap^tnent for such le=ss dira=etl~ hr the lfortgagee instead <br />tit '°!r "Ytr tlc,r2~'tl};or .it i,l `.?1P i1s,Ytgag[!B iOtn tl t•, anC? iii C' t :an r77iirtr t,rn(IEteiis. ~~F any 1]art ttiQY£?4)f, <br />tnae ixa? stp~ist=tl ~' ttxe lNr+rtlt. ~~ at its upttan .•ithc•r to ti,e e•e.tiusLOn of 'kte iatdc•htx=t;ne~ itcrvhy strum°d <br />,, tc, ,h=- ~-<~,izrratzcan err e-~~ir r,C the prnpr rty <famagetl. in c~t•rn* ,f ftsrc=f•iasazrn „{ this enorigage, or other <br />°r.+ afet- -- ,t'--. *o t~- „nt~gnttt~l itraS>ia-t} in .°xt~ngus~tirnent ,t '„~ inuez,tsx[n==ns ~ecnrt'd herrhs`, aH <br />~~nt_ °:tit• ,~n,i =nt,-:°c=>€ .,t r+,,. !ts?rtgagar to eit2ti to cloy intsurartce p<,ticza f=,r~n r, „rr#= shad pass trs the <br />[!te 1't`Tta.rst*F „#° `g't'anti4'. <br />ta. :3s re4ctitsunr.l :a~,t ~ •.,listrrrai -~~urstt i„r ttac na, meat E3f `Ftti=,suti~ sic-;; rtu,wl. and ail x:uszts t=t lir•t•nma <br />clot•,2:tzi~srthssrtr+sY1{--s&r`. i}s„ iartg<~i~,rr.t=t°ein a~,iaT,is q3 ti,r i`s-,~c~sg~.• sll lenses` d~;nt.~.~Y. {;r•,t;t~. '~.. <br />eii(f~.a. etsyaltsH~. tight?. ~:rml ,+iher bc-reait~ azc•. ltog s_o ;1;e ~iortaa~r ,€r:~}er ;ins. atsd ~1 =>zl and gas }eases <br />:lies. ar duz•zttlt the it€e ,,t tnzx tnarigagr, .•,te•cntcKl .an sa:d ;rt•r~mtsea, the t°ig}st to reec=ive and t°eceipt <br />Isar thN sxsnr• aad aiapic t.e~?n is sairi szxdt•l;t~ine~s~ rt'~fI s=-fa,r,~ ;;_~ a; ter =!=={atilt in the= rrnditinns of this <br /> ;ind the 'a#„rty;agi•c znac• de mand, suc• ':,r anti r°,~r•n°er snit svc=t ts~°me>nis .c~hc=n doe and pay- <br />sbir. Eutt sh:xii nut lar, retGuizr~i ~c, t°. «lo. `Inis as«zunmc-nt as to ;.~rmsc;ato anti t,ccc,me cull and crstd ulxrn <br />mleame of !his martgage- <br />11. He ..hail nest eammit.:cr t~rmit u°p-; and shalt rtx~€rtaitz the prt3jsa~•rtc ,tt s gtxxi condition as at <br />pre;~nt, re$scnable tt°ear ,end tear «~srepted. i ipt,n any fazlure to ~ znxtntam. tinrtgagee, at its option. <br />niay savise i~,,+tiizaas; matnt<=nanee a,ttrii to ia€ lx•rfc,rttsr2l 3t the ci,st of 3fortgagor. .6tty .unount~ paid <br />th,~rt>for hy~ A[oa-fgu~c~ sizes}i kax*ar ;nte,rest si •:he- raCa^ ,rnesrlYti for En tty prsnrspal knalebtr<Inc3s. ,3ta11 <br />thesru~~n }x=tomt. a part :,f the ind•~hte=cin=•sa ~¢~•ur?~•i tr}- this ,natrutts~nt. rxtabl4• and c,n ~z paritg° ~t ith all <br />:=thc•r ttt>fe8ticlne:,*-w:~c=rezrert k=.r=rt~b}°.:tnd sttall ta• Irarahte thirty. ±;3t1) Clays .iftz•r •lemand. <br />i:?. if Chi= l,remz~~rs. ar anv start there~,f. i#, ,_andr*rssi{=ci =tncles' tha ,-wtcrr ~f rrnittent damain. yr <br />~~uit•eci for a p€tuhi tam, t°?r =lamtcg~ ,acv°ar = thz rru-E=rrs i`nr the t:;k€reg :,i. „r the es3n=ri:is•rar,ion fcrr <br />sort! acquisitis>n, -*,o Yhc• e=ct~,ta of thw m'tai tinnuatit ;:2 ~r e~+masning Jnptsd iadrittedness ~e>currrd by this <br />nrrzrtgage. ,,rr hera>bs• .ssstgntvf u, 23,..° s4orgaFreet. and -hall lx- t,asd f„rthwath ',, said ~l,artnagc=r. to be <br />applie~ti :,n acrautst =:t' the laxt tnatur~ng srat:i:iment± such sntirhti=dne•ss. <br />i:l. if Cite ~laa:gagor ?szlx tr, made arv Itazte•,:ts •.c;st*n dtts, ar to i•anf+,s'm to anti eompl}' u•zth any <br />of tie t.tttstiitia;ns cer agnxrntetttx containt~cl .n :his rnrr-*_~,tge, ur thtr totes ~.rhit-h it sectzres,'then the <br />?tiSi~ k,rinsi~i ;Mini =and aas~rana€i snt~•ra'~€ vlzall r..=nt°Y iirnerfne• Clue and 1?-tt'ahir~. at the' ,eta=etinn of tha <br />}#ttrt~Ptgec: and ~si„E r!scsKgnage taay t,4ereupon he,ftrrccloied immediatt3lr tar ttee tvttoke of the indebted- <br />tzs hereby atrtrred, iucituiing tlzt: rt~nx .,s" «.,ctarnsizng the ataztrtut r,f title frr,tn the t}ate of this mc,rt- <br />ifa> to the tittta~ at commencing ituch suit, a rr=asnnatilr suitortt+-c'a fi~.:tatd an~° Fume }raztl l,y the •~'c>teraus <br />?4dmanistratittn F,n acr•.7unt :af Cite trttaranty <}r srsuranct• «:,° the ~neiEi,tednc-~sa ,;ak ttrt,rl "her.•h~~. ;t}i of •.c^hcch <br />t i~lstd€K! ntlie tiet~r~ :ef for~€:€rssrg. <br />t~. if th+* ittd~zl7tscitte;is ~euret9 tterebY ttf. gsistant>ix•d „r ,t~urr•ei under Titl€ °ll, t'nitetl :`°-testae €`txle, <br />st~It 'T'itle l ila' ,gtJ}atiattA i,+ssttotl the=_reunc~t+r zs= ~ ; r¢Fex t t}:e .late hrre€sf shalt gc,v.trn the ri~rhta, elutiea <br />#iildtiea of Cite ttaztiesz Irerekt~, and any pn , cc,ns csf this t,r anther instrtrrttezits a=xe•~ut€~i in cattncrrtion <br />svit33 I n ivtt~ti are ineeJatixiiNtent halts :laid `~tle c,r It~t;iationx are htt~by ctntetsdeel Lo <br />c;~xr'rfi~mi tlfr~trto. <br />'lam t`z h±?tx*irs i°emit4Fd shalt hlt;tl, stt:3 the °r~ntu anel riadrnnta shalt =.nstr+: to. the <br />