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81--~~(i08%1 <br />To Hava nrao To Hot.n the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided. Mortgagor represents to, <br />and covenants with, the Mortgagee, that the \3ortgagor has good right to sell and convey said premises; <br />that- they are free from encumbrance, except as hereinotherwise recited ;that the Mortgagor will warrant <br />and defend the same against the lawful claims of sit persons ~vhomsvever. Mortgagor hereby relinquishes <br />all rim is of homestead, all marital rights, either in ia?v ar in rxtuity, and ail other contingent in*_ereats of <br />khe l4tvrtgagor in and to the aiwve-described premises. <br />~ovrr~ r3hwava, and those presents are exc~xuted and delivered upaa the fallowing cvttditioris, ~ <br />wit: <br />Mvrtgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or*nXler, the aforesaid principal sum with interest from date <br />at the rats of 12.375 per centum t12 , 3`f!S) per annum on the unpaid kstlance until paid. <br />The said principal and inter€ilt shah rte ta<3yable at the oH`ice of Cotmnercial National Bank & Tzust Co. <br />itt Grand Zsiand, Nebraska , or at such other puce as the holder of the taote may designate in <br />:sriting delivered ur mailad to ttte Jortgagor; in mcrnth#y installments of Three Hundred Thizty Three & 14/ <br />Dallars($ 333.14 1,eummenringvnthefirstdayof Apzii ,'1981 ,and continuing on 100 <br />the Brat day of each month thereafter until :raid note is fully paid, except that, if not sooner paid, the final <br />payment of principal :enri interest =hxl1't~e due and payable vn the first +,lay of March, 2211 ;all <br />according to the terms of a r•ertain promissvrp note of even date hc:•cevith cxeeuted by the said 3iortgagor. <br />The Mortgagor ttu-thcr agrcres: <br />1. Hg wiI! pay tine mdrht~niness, as herd :before provided. Privilege is reserved to prepay at any <br />time, wtthaut premium +.r f+'e, the rntiro indehtrK#ness .,r auy part thereof not less than the amount of one <br />Installment, or one hundmd dollars {$100.001. whichever is less. Prepayment in frill shall be credited on <br />th+e date rer~ived. Partaal Eepayment, other than an an installment due date, need not be credited until <br />the next following tnstallment due date nr thariy days after such prepayment, whichever is earlier. <br />Y.. Together with, and in additurn t<', the monthly payments of principal and interest payable- under <br />the fr>rtrts of the mate s+ruml herring, MorRagor «#II ,way i<> Mr;rtga:grw, .ts trtastee, (under the terms of Chia <br />trrast as heminafter stated) vn the first dcy of each month rant#i said note is fully paid: <br />4ai A sum*~7ttai ro the grr+und rents, if uuy, nc~zt Niue, plus *he premiums that wiq next become due <br />anal papa%rt.° ~.n is+,iiru;s •+f tiro and .dF.„r hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, <br />pies ttixea .tzad t-s±-wan5+•ttts uoxt +h:r „s+ ttrr• rn+,rtuaf;F`d property as estimated by the MOrt- <br />t,~ge~. at„': ,i .:+;,<~i; th+- t!<.rtgai?or :4 n„iai..a) !_.; aiiarms already paid therefor divided by <br />the rntr.:'.~rr ~,i 'n+,nthz; t.+,~iapsr~ tw~t+,r,• „n+. sr.+,:rti+ p?~i•,r to the mate when such ground rents, <br />;xre*mu+aes. r,asr~: unr# a.~.tie.vsments ;•:aii .u ~:umv +it=iinquent, such sutras tv be held by Mortgagee <br />an tn:>;t .r ,=a4 =a.d ~,r>+.,.,,i ,, .:±s, l+reminms. taxc•sand spr>rdal a.~sesamenhs. <br />tb) 'I'}±e:~gr.-gat>",t ±la,° .+;rn~:utts ueylrt,ir ltt+r~aan[ t++ ,subparagraph fu) and those payable vn the <br />,,,..~ .,. ,.,-.., ...:..::~- ,t„o+=, ,.E .+ • . ++r +~A~ i, ;no pplied to the faliaw- <br />:,,,... ,..:,..-.::-.-.,.. --..... iu, ltA.......t.-.-tr, - j3-f7;e_.__ tl__S. ![+ t_x• a _ <br />ing items str ti:.•++rrler ~-tatc~i: <br />+ t i xn,c:n+# +-+=rats. taxx+•s, assr~.mE•stts. 'ir+> :u:+# ,+tt+er hazard :nsurare-e lsrrmiuma; <br />i1i) %nYx`re;t+rtt the nri<te:i<~':a 7'e'~i fit~rf-liS'; ;ilkel <br />itu) aiooett~iaott .+f th+ pnri+-:pat of ~atd rcete. <br />ring dkfsr~+.-nry •u ?lt+- sn:utaa >>f a=:1 -r+c'r. agytr+~Kat. ;au.nt#r#e gay meet shalk unfeas made good <br />b}• rite it+,rtKag+,r t>rnn~ to the ~iur ~#,,te •.{ the rI+•xt such }+a~~ment, > vttstitute an event of default <br />tinder th:, m+,rtgage. .lt ltc,rtt;ar;r+~'~ ~;;+t#<,n.i=~rts;agf,r wrti t+ay a"'late eltar`ge `not exceed- <br />ing frut la-r..•zttuan ; i`. r „t :sn; :~._,...1=t:e°tIt +E+.rt;+at+#rot,r+°thantiftec>n(Ifi)daysafterthe <br />due dais thert~,f to <,ava-r `#te .•xtrsa • ~pti•tta' ;:t3+=ix~c•d ;.t handling <i.•hrx;went payments, but such <br />"rate +lrar{,n>" shalll trot r>t lea, sia#e ,rut ~,i 1he Icr~xc:r-ris c.f any sale made to satisfy the inde6ted- <br />near sc~ureti iu•reby, unless ,uch irhxr+xis :rr,, ,utfscrent ?+++#isc#targa chi antire indebtedness and <br />all prop+>r coats and expenses secure-r# thereb}'. <br />3. If ifse total of the payments made by the Mortgagor under ta} of paragraph 2 preceding shall <br />r!arCCet! ttte attwunt of payments actually made by the iortgagee, ag trttatee. far ground rants, taxes and <br />is or inattrataew premiums, as the case may Exm. such excess shall he credited by the Mortgagee <br />os- subs~trent pay-menta to tae made by the Mortgagor for such items or, at Mortgagee's option, as trustee, <br />shall be refunded to Mortgagor. 1f. however, such monthly payments shall not be sufficient to pay such <br />items when tlta same shalt beeame due xnd payable, then the hfurtlrngor shai# pay to the Mortgagee, as <br />trustee, any amount nt~x~sary to make up the deficiency within thirty i 30) eL•sys after written notit:e from <br />the Mortgages stating the amount of the detx:ieney, which notice may be given by mail. If at any time <br />Lhe Mortgsgor shall tender to the ~iartgagee, n :tccetrdarace •w #th the lrrovlsions of the Hate sxscureii <br />htm~y, full payment of the entire indebtedness aeprrsented thereby, the ortgagee. as trustee, shall, <br />in czrmputing the amount +r€ sarch indebtedness, credit tv the account of the 1HortAagor anY credit balance <br />aaxuisstrlated u:ader the provisions of ta) of paragraph 2 hereof. If there shalt be a default under any <br />of the provisioms of this mortgage resulting in a public :tale of the premises covered hereby, yr if the <br />M~ ttirea the property otherwise after default, the 'Mortgagee, as trustee, shall apply, at the <br />time of tt~ comraenc•e~rrent of such proc~dinga, ar at the time the property is othene~ise acquirc>d, the <br />aa3t them resraaining tp zredit the Mortgagor under tax) of paragraph '.~. preceding, as a credit vn the <br />ini:asrat atxrued and unpaid attd the balance f:o the principal then remaining unpaid on said Hots. <br />~. "!hR [t?r3 r!f this inatrum~nt :that! retrtar-. in full force and +:rtfect during any fx>stpvnemont yr exten- <br />sic~t of tha time of payment of ttte ittdebtedn~:s;; or any part thereof secu_*ed hereby. <br />"a. vrill 1~3k all grrHSnd rents, taxes, .~ssrsstsrsents, water rags, and other t~t~vernmenta! yr munici- <br />pal e~~ flnnat, oar imptssitions, u:viorl upon ttaial pt*miaos sad that he will pap aii taxes levied upon this <br />r?r tl `ietrt t~cunxs` thsr€lfp, tc+griher with array other taxes ar a«$tnonts which may be levied <br />u td~ ewe of ltbraska atCainst thol4ortgattga+. or the legal holder of said prtncipai note, on aectrunt of <br />;ititi-s~tu~x, tempt. when paytruxnt fcsr tell such items has theret~sfare been made under tax) of pares <br />slph Y her+s±af, 1 he :+•sit promptly deih•trr thrt-retYlc#af receipts lteref~r ttt the l4ortgagr*rr. In default <br />tl~r+c+f tRrr',l#urtgaitr~ may pay the warty. <br />