<br />,. Casrdertttrliaa. The protxeds of any awed or claim for damages, diract or conxquentiat, in conttatfon with any
<br />c~dm~tioo or otMt takiag of tM Property; or put tlteeeof, ar for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby :usigexd
<br />feast sie~ Lee paid to I.imda.
<br />f» do araat ~ a tout [akiny of the Proptxty, the proccafs shall be applied to the stuns secured by this Decd of Trust, q
<br />the esaem, if any, paid sa Borrower. 1d tIx tevpu of a partial tatting of the Property, unless Ilormwer attd i.ender f1
<br />atiaevriae ~a fa writing, there shalt be appiiat to the sums secured by this Deed of Trent such proptrrtian of the prasceds
<br />as ~ M that ptYtpa'tion which the amount of the alma secured by this Deed of Trout imtnediatNy prior is the dau of
<br />-~' snc+`^rt rt-~rR~ s-ait~ of !'rm Pry y imm-~dtetely y.:o: is :f:e des:e of taking, with ttw 6afa_~= of tfs pro~tds
<br />Yf tit Ptopeaty u absntiattd by Borrower. or if, afar notice by Lender to Borrower that tint condetttnor ta4trt; to tie
<br />a award sx sank a Maim far damages, Borrower fails to rapimd to Lertsltr within 30 days after the dart such stoiice is
<br />eatdled,_Lsesder is twthoris~ to colLtx:t acrd apply the proceeds, at Lender`s option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Prope¢ty or to-the stern secured by this Uttd of Trent.
<br />itsrkss Corder and Ssirrower otherwise agrte in writing, any such application of proceeds to priacipaj shag tat extend
<br />rrf poapoae the dire dart of tLte saoothty instalttrrcnts referred to in paragraphs I and Z hereof or Change the amount of
<br />catch iwtaiiattaue.
<br />1b. Mrsserer Not Rekrad. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of tht sums secured
<br />by ittis Decd of True gnntctf try fender to any successor : ~ ;nttrest of Borrower shat) not operatt to releau, in any marmer,
<br />She fiatmLity of the tirigirut Borrower and Borrower's successors in in[erest. 1_cnder shaft not be required to cammente
<br />p-oceadirsgs against such suceessot or rtfuse Eo extend time for petymrnt or otherwise modify amortization of the stems
<br />acc~tired try this Died of Tntst by reason of aay demand made by the origina4 Borrower and Borrower's successors in interat.
<br />` tY. Fal[iswaace 6y fender Nat a Wdvsr. Any forbearance by Lcntier in exercisissg any right or remedy hereutt~r, or
<br />otfetrwsta aRorQed by apgalieable law, shalt not be a waiver of or precletde the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The proctutnttmt of ietatuatset or the payment of taxes ar oiher liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Leader's
<br />rigit to sttxsteeate the rnaturity of the indebtedness stcurcd by this Died of Trust.
<br />I2. Ruasdfea CsrsakHre. All remedies provided m this Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to arty other right
<br />or remedy undo this Deed of Trust or afforded by lave or equity, and may be exercisad coticurrentty, independtntly or
<br />success
<br />lA sad Aattgas Bereash Jett cad Serrrd i-ia': Captiotat. The rnvmants and agreements herein
<br />corstaiatd shaft tom, and the rigttu htrturtdtr shall +nure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender atad Harrower,
<br />st+bjeei to the pnoviaeaas of parageaph t 7 hereof. Al! covenanu arui agmtnems of Borrower shall be joint and several.
<br />Tke ciom surd ttcaditagc ~ ttu paragraphs of this Deed of Trust art tar Convenitoce Daly and are rte[ to be used to
<br />interprex w dCirte the tnatrisioas hereof.
<br />li. Nariea. E~t«pt for any mnstY regwrt:d under appbcabte law to 6e given in another manner, (a) any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for is this Deed of Treat shaft ~ glum try mating such ra:ices by cettifttd mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />t~ Property Address or ~ sudt outer address as $atravrtr [stay 6esignate by nonce to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />(b) any ratite to 1_ettder shall tae given by ctrnfied mad, rewrn receipt requested, to Lrnder's address stated herein or to
<br />sucJt attar ashtrm as t,eadtr may tesigaate by notice to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Decd of Tent stmt{ be tfstaeed [a have beext gevrn to 4Mrrower ar Lender when given in the moaner designated herein.
<br />iS. UtaEaera i3asd d Tract: Cwrerairg t.aw; $errrab~y. This farm of deed of trust Combines uniform covenants for
<br />naGortat use cad naa-ttrtiiarm covenants wsth limited vanat+ans by Surisdicuan to constitute a uniform security irtsirument
<br />cotreaietg real properly. Ttiu Deed of Treat shah rte goverrttd by the law of the turisdirtwn to which the Property is located.
<br />in the erttat that any proviuars of clause of :his geed of Trust ar the Nate caniticts with appfscab}e taw, such conflict shat)
<br />trot affect attrer provittions of this (~ of Truss ar the Rote which can be gtvcn effect w+thout the conflicting provision,
<br />std Est This teed she provisions of the l~ of Trust and the Note are slxlaracl to be severable.
<br />1f. laersrwst's Cep. Botrawtr shaft tsc fwntshed a con(ormcd copy of the Note and of this Daed of Trus! at the time
<br />of estectstitttt of afux rctardsuan ttuwf.
<br />IT. Trawler e! tltt it~rag:raty; Atttsttw~tlew. If akl or any part of the Property or an intttrst therein is sold or transferred
<br />try Borrrrwor withnsst [cadet's prior written coctsent, excluding (al the creation of a lien or encumbrantt subordinate to
<br />chic f9eto` of Trent, f'o) tM txeatfan of a purchase money ssxursty intt7ctt for houszhaid app#iatie4t, (ci a transfer fry devise,
<br />or by operation of taw upon tfte death of a loins tenant or (d) the grant a€ any leasshoid intuese of three years or lass
<br />+!m eoatairaiag art option [o purchau_ Lender rtuy, .it t._ender's option, deelarr nit thz sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be
<br />ia.eiy skta aosL ptyakde. leader shall have ,vaivtd such opunn to accelerate if, prior to she sate or transfer, Lrnder
<br />cad ttta person to wLam the Psvptrig it to tae sold or iransfurtxf reach agrtetsscnt m writing that the credit of such pcrsan
<br />n tsaiislrstmy to trader 3wf test itx interest payable an the sums smsred by then Deed of Trust shall ~ at such rate as
<br />[.coda siml! rtqueat. tF I.etsdu Acs waivssf the apian to aecetsrate provided en this paragraph I T, and if Borrower's sttccusar
<br />in iatarrst etas saauted a wnttas assumption agreement atrcpted m venting by Lender, irnder shalt release Borrower from
<br />afi sibki trade this 1)asd at Tent and thx Notc.
<br />If~r ettcrcises such npeinn m asxelerate, Lather shall mail Harrower iwttss of arceltration in accordance with
<br />pau>Sgretph 14 harcof. Such notice shalt provide a paatf of nut less than )U days from the date the notice is mailed within
<br />wLat6 Borcowu may ppaay Efts nuns declared dace. t( Hnrrowu fads to pay such sums prior w the expiration of such period,
<br />ld:a4kr may, wiEhout furthrx tatiet ar demand nn Borrower, ~nvatts any rcmedtes permatttxi by paragraph l8 hereof.
<br />Non-Unstktttst CovErrattrs. Borrower and trader funhtr cavenastt arul agra as foilowa:
<br />It. Aavaiaral3atq Reassdks, ~ w proritW tw paragr4a 17 testreof, u/a 13orrerree's Mtaei srl say corersatY ar
<br />d lettorrer la this [)cad of Tract, iariredbq the covesuak to pay wMa ice say same asxarsd by ihia Dead
<br />of Trraeb [,ntrMr pries fo asttMratieet saw mai uatice to Berrewar w proreai is paragraph t4 ttereaif specityiss~s ti) the
<br />Mach (2) do asYlaa to care Bach braac~ t3) s drtc oat leas ttms 34 days from tie fide ttx netics is emiled to
<br />iarararrer, i!' Wilde sus lraaei msra Lee raett~ sad ti) thN failrre to care sash Meath a or before the data spceit3ed
<br />tar tie sadoe essay rositB u aadadioa sd Litt wens secured by tint tJeed d Trtsq ad ads ~ the Property. The reotiee
<br />tsiall farlYa ielars liarreseer d Cis right !a rtisntate firer acreleratiea cad the ri;M to Irriag s coat: as:liea to atrsat
<br />tie aaa.saitleass et a delasdt oe say atav tkleaae of Borrower to sccelantloa cad sale. 1f the bnac6 is not cured
<br />sat as. Patlora rte Bats is Cis oadcr, i,eades # i.satta's optic ,toy tteciue .it d tie swmt scared by tl~ Dnd
<br />of Traw N hs brmsnliatdy five cad poyaYlt withers fwtarr dtauesd ash racy inrafsc the power of tde and say Bier raaaediea
<br />psttaigstl tY tepgdkaNe tart. ldsr alril Esc eatitLerl to coikrt ads reaaea~fe cosh qd expener iaeareed [a parssebej tae
<br />rsr~ea t H ttla IB, i1. Mil aef hesited 10, fetmaaabti ariarssy'S fW.
<br />fT Ns pawK of ado i iareia4 Te>asae sYie6i [acrd a erwbce of ddaaLt to each ceaaly it r.hich Iha Propett y or sswe
<br />pis! dsaratd' is 1ww1 cad stay staafJ eo/3ss s6 sar6 nottre is the maaeer preaeriied by apptiss60a taw to Berraaar atad to tie
<br />aMlter paeaaas f try taw. Alta tae fa~/ss of such rim K may 6t rgairei by apptictd+ie tarn. Twrtas :tut{
<br />(~~a psilio aatleo al cols H dYs )rmasw cad is she mover pasr3zsi-ed Dr aithie mw, Traasac, s+itRsst tktasad oa
<br />Baeaie'fsar, s9ad! ties Prapiwtg r p~ aactiea to sac higtnau ~ the lima a~ place cad ttwdar t>u term deaiasated
<br />is ~t+s #tkfN al raft t! ant ar carte preola cad is sods crier as Trssaae may detsrmiwe. Traaysa may paagaae ask ai atl
<br />alt as9` Na's'd d tlrs frapssty b }aiYs rtsaaacstteeat r rte [bas atatA place stf try prsvierriy scltelaled tde, t.ewder or
<br />I.aaYrrs id~w ttaay twrdsrtr tie sN try stttk.
<br />ktpta tosaipi ~ psyasaat at #fie~r itii, Tr~atc abaB ekitver eo tke pancirv TrrsYee's deed zaa.sybsg he Property
<br />aaii. iYea. aesftedt is tits TeaaNa`s deco) clod is pries facie ariieaee of the tetetk of rte taatewsawht made ttarda Treastss
<br />~~'nlffll' lie peasarit et ties reds f. qea tetYewiae oriera fat to all esrsaaatle torts cad esspoasr of the ask, lacladieq, ba4
<br />tttsi tfktallaG tern Tfaatea's a~ al aai were tfttaa 5G of tic grsas sde price. re_.._.__u_ d:orary's fees cad rasa a!
<br />~11R.;if'ta tiM taratt ttrewad iy this Dss6 0l Tract; cad trf Las carer, d aey, to the )tsrsea er panem Legally eatltkd
<br />fanaywwf'f ~ to lfeheNttar NWwilMtaadxng i ~nskr's aerakraram u4 the sutM secured fey this 17eed of Tnss1,
<br />&it'r+Iaswtr tdpti) tars tact t to bare any psncscdings tacguo !ry Lceufer to enforec the [knf of Tnest discantintxet at
<br />aay tree bier to the a~artier w oczur ~ ti) the iitth day bcf lac the sale of the Prespeny parsuatu to the power of sale camaitsed
<br />iiattps;f~Trsdartu)awryada judgwesnt enftmiag;h+a Rrted ui Trssst if: fa! Borrower pays t_erukr atI sums wfeich would
<br />iR tlrwe shag soda stars Doast sat TraW, rho Nate atvct noses tuunseg frutttrc Advasxts, .f any, had no acrtlervtion occurred:
<br />ib# t~ estt~ au breadoa rrf aay ultra[ eaveaanttt or agreeraerua of Borrower cansaitxd t.^. this Dctd of Truss:
<br />f~ pegs aB r~ anctrttd by i,etafvs atwl Trtwtea m crriarcmg site cavenatits and agrertsants of
<br />tam is t#ns flltadoa T~rasi 2tu9 +n enfeersin; t.tnder's :.;uf ~ rux:ee s rtrn¢dits as provided in paragraph t'?
<br />`. bwet not tiateted-to. ~ attw toy's feat: acid idl ibrsrrsv,iner t.><es such aeewn as Lender shay reasomsbiy
<br />ragMrs tea ataeae that ttut Ears pt this fYtPal rrl "Erase, L.ersdsr's ~nterrst ,~ ehF t~rrpatty and Barrawer's obiigaticm so pay
<br />