8I- f}~ip86f3
<br />t{„ttrcrttrt CP+rnteatira. Borrower arW Larder covenant atxf agree as follows:
<br />L psEy>wn aE attg itstesate. Borrower shall P~Pkly Pay when due the principal o[ and interest on the
<br />evidmnd by the Nuts. prepayment and tart charges as providak in the Nose, and rite prittcipt!t of and beterest
<br />as Fwtue Attvsrtcts secured by this faced of Trirsa.
<br />tPseria hr Titttaw tra/ 1>~er. Suiyect to apFlicabls t:w or to a written waiver try Leader, 8orma,rr shalt ~y
<br />to Last~i as the day ntaadeky iasta{tstetsts of prietcipat and interest are payable trasier the Nrne, unlit the Hatt is pasd m utl,
<br />a slips pseran °Ftrads") equal t~ aae-tseKtfth cd tht yearly taxes and asscssraents which rosy attain prtar't:y aver this
<br />Deed of Ttvst, t~ gtauad reads txt the Property, if aay, phis am-twelfth o€ yearly premium instaAments for hanrd insurance,
<br />plus ate•tweftth ~ yearty prestspemt irtualftrteMS for tntaztgage instarattce, if say, ail as reasonsbfy eatiatated initsally and from
<br />t trs ~ by Lsa~;r aye the tttish of asau~msents aad-bills aad reawrsabk estimates thereof.
<br />7'ta Fmsds be tte~ in an i~tsulinn the dsptnits or accauats of which ate irtstrred or guaranteed by a Feder} or
<br />ante agency (itsctudia~ l.asda if l.tader is such an institution!. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay azsid taxes, assessmt:nts,
<br />irse prsaait~s amt grc+ttnd rata. Ltaekr may rat charge far so holding and applying tfx Festeda, aaaly-zing-said-account
<br />tx verifyitsg sled ~ oast ataessatatts sled bills, untess Leader pays Borrower mteresi on the Funds and appticabk law
<br />lstsdsr to mobs rah a char;e. Borrower and Ltrtdtm tray ague in writing at the tittx of extxutton of -this
<br />~sof True ther inteet~ on the Ftmds shall be paid v, Borrower, aad unless such agrt:etttent is made nr applicable law
<br />requires such intetW Ea bt paid, Lender ttisall trot he required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on ttte Fund. Lender
<br />shaft girt w Stxrower, without charge, as annual aaa~*untin; of [he Funds showing rrcdits azid debits to the Funds and tlm
<br />putmoae for tads debit to the Fsmels was mad<_ one Funds arc pkdgW as additional security for ttx stuns secured
<br />ksY lists latsed aS Trtra.
<br />]f the taatsast ~ the Furtdt twdd by Lender, togtther with the fuwrs manthty installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />tir due d"asea of taxes, asaetaments, ieentrarsce premitms and grntrnd rents, shark acted tht atnoum required to pay said taxes,
<br />saeasmea:. itaurapee ptraniuttu aad ground rewts.as,they tali due, such excess shat[ be, at Borrower's o ton, either
<br />pmmpsiy reiraid to Bert#~Rr err credited to Borrower on tnanthfy instafltesersts of Furtds. If the amend of tht Fatale
<br />herd by t.er>der shag na! be suSicient to pay taxes, assessmenn, inwrance premiums and grouted rents ~ they felt dtx.
<br />Barrowtr shall pay w Lersder say smourn neceuary to makt up the deficiency w,thm 30 days from the date notice ,s mailed
<br />by T to Bacsotver rs~e.tietg payment thereof.
<br />Uptra paymerst in ftdl of all stdsB serum by this Deed of Trust, [tnder shall promptly refund [o Borrower any Ft:nds
<br />held by I..atder. tf under paragraph i8 hereof tree Propcny ,s sold or ihr Property +s otherwise acquired by Larder, t_endsr
<br />shah apply. txt kater thtm intraedtatdy prior eo the sale of the Progeny or us auluiution by [sndtr, any Funds held 6y
<br />leader a the tit>me of apptitatiaa m a ert:dit against the sums secured 6y this Deed of Trust
<br />3. sl~Yeptbaa tN Yaytwott. Unltxa+ app£ecatrk law provides otherwise. all payments received by Lender under the
<br />Ntde aad pvagraphs t and Z hereof shag be applied by t_ertdcr first ,n payment of smtxtnis payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />ttatder paragraph ? , tfeea eo interest paysbk an the Nwe, thtn to the princ+paf of the Mott. and then to mtercst and
<br />priacspa3 on say Future Advaocea.
<br />1. L'>•spu; [3ea< Borrawzr shalt pay all [axe, assessments and other charges. fines and impositions attributabtc to
<br />the property tstttich easy attain a priority over this Geed of Trust, and Itauhafd payments or ground rents, if say, is the
<br />tartiap pacMidsd wade[ patrtgnph 2 hertsof or, if tent paid in such manner, by Borrower maktng payment, whrn due, directly
<br />to rba ppaayee thttrmof. Borrower shsU P ly furnish to Lendez elf natives of amaunu dote under this paragraph, and in the
<br />areffi Barraarer shell make paytarnt dirtt yt, )~rozver shat! promptly furntsh io Lender ra'sifns evidencing such paymtnES.
<br />Borrarver xhaW promptly ttischat}e say IKn which hex priority aver this Bred of Trust; poivided, that Borrower shall not R
<br />rts~tetred to dirclssrge spy such Isere so song as Borrower shall -ague in writing to the payment of the obLgation secured by
<br />stscb tree m a maaaer tseeeptabk to Lt:tder, err shall in good fa+th contest such #:tn by, or defend enforcement of such lien in.
<br />jai ¢ tugs which operate to peevent the cnforctment of the 3+en err forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />S.r liasti lhaatra~. Borrower shalt kttp ttu impravemems raw exutmg err heteafttr everted on the Property insured
<br />rfa~irsit loos bk' flee. hrxasds iesefesded within the trim "exttnded coverage", and such other hazards as Lender may require
<br />and in such sasnutsb aad far suefe periods as l.entfer may require; prov,dtd, that Lader shall ttax regwre thsi the smount of
<br />sesch cotnerage exceed tr=ot sensual of coverngt required [o pay the :tiros secured by th+s Deed of Tent.
<br />T7se imueanee Barrier providing the imurattce shall lie chosen by t'larro+ver. scebfcet to approval by Lender: prov,deJ.
<br />ttn~ curb evert s§s_kt >int he unrskrly wittthtkd_ Ali prtmrums tta ituurartce mhcia shall !x paid in the minter
<br />provided teadatr ptsramsph 2 Lrrsaf err, if not Qaid in such rttaaaer, by Harrower making pryrnad, when dote, dirxAy to the
<br />AB itttrutsaer poficics aad renewals therasf shalt be m farm a.:eeptabk to Lentitr and shall include a standard rnortgagc
<br />s°tagars is favor of s~ io faros acceptabM to under, t.endu shalt bout the r,ght to hoiJ the poficits and rentwak thereof.
<br />aad Stxratriar shag prt~pAy furnish to Ltader elf renewal natxes and off receipts of oatd prenu±~ms. In :!x tutor of Pass.
<br />Btarmwv thteB give prpmmi<, rtatM to i:'tt irestrratttz carrier artcl Lender. t.enskr may melee proof of loss if not made promptly
<br />bk' .
<br />tlydam t.~sdier rod Borrossee othtrwise agra is wriurtg, ,rtsuram_-e pracet$s shaft fx applied to resWrarion or repair of
<br />the Prvptsry ttama~sl, provided such restaratian or repair is erar~mrcaffy trasibk arm tttt security of thu Decd of Trust is
<br />teat thereby srapiired. if such testaration err npair is cwt economiplky ferxrbk err if the security of this feed of Trust wttedd
<br />be st~attrmt, the itm¢rrance prtscesds stsaB be a{gttittl to ttx sums secured by this Decd of Trust. with the exeesx, if any, pail
<br />to 8arrorer. ]f else Property s abaodonett by Harrower, or if Borrower fails to rtsportd to L.ertdet within 3f) days from the
<br />lists realest is rtaaiied bf' f.etlder to Sarrower that the insar'arKt rarretr offers to seek a claim far insterartce bertsCts. Lendtr
<br />is azNhOrirad 4a crtllaci sad apply the insurance prcxeeds ai l.snder'x option c,aher to ressoratton or repair of the Property
<br />or W the ttttas sasesred by this tTssd of Trtrst.
<br />l.kal€.>f L sad _ atlt~.vist egret .n vrrtipg, anq sash appfieattan of ptrx~eds to prerseipai shat! rttsi extend
<br />rsr ttrs•dtms dett® of tlx tnoeghfy instakttt~nn referred to in paragraphs 1 amt 2 hereof or cbattge tIx attwunt oC
<br />~taeata. 1[ trader paragraph 18 hsretsf tktt Property +s atquutd by Lender, ail right, Hilt and tntertst of Borrower
<br />to sled w +aY irtsuraesce pobcies amt in amt to tltt proctxds thereof restdting foam darnage to the Property prior to the salt
<br />err ~ shaft pass to Lender tit Art taunt of tree sevens secured by this [?std of 'T'russ immtdiatelY prior to sexh sale or
<br />t ltzwsrvadaa ad MaiMwnee ~ Prepertyt t.raeehnlots; C P Utsit Devttoptneests. Borrower
<br />chalet ktep the Pr~peaty in geed repair and shall sou ronvmit w~astc ur perm:t irnktairneent or drteriorattna ai` ttte Propertp
<br />arsd tbail comply wiAt list prWriaiom of nay 3esse if This Betd of Trtrst is on a ieasehoid. If this Deed of Trust is on a unit in a
<br />rx a planned unit dtwsfopmem, Bmrowtt chaff pedarm all of Borrower's abtigatiaas under the declaration
<br />err tJas~Altpts Ctrtrlt4lg tK govtrssing the condomrnittm err pfantted unit devebpment. the by-laws oral regulations of the
<br />err ply{ tragt v#avtkspasent, and catxsinuent dtxutaeots. !f a ctmdomirsitun or plastnt:d unit dtvelapmem
<br />rider is tteecstsmnl by Boreotser :sod riaCardtd togttiszr with tfus Ihed of Treat, tht covenants and agretnteats of such rider
<br />t Se itsaxporsaad i~ and sissl# ametxt amt sttppkment the eavtnaata nrtd agrtttrttnts of this Deed of Tresst ax if the rider
<br />leans a pen .
<br />Y. TewrettTa! ai i_eatier9 srtsedry. !f t3onr±.ver fa.:Ss ?n periarm the ~ovettanis artei agrexmenis conu,nt6 +n this
<br />t)aat sit Ttntrt, ~ d any srriort ar procetdtt~ is Barnmete~d which rnateriafty affects trader's imergt in the Property,
<br />ittsCtYdlaq„ brat nos to, e>tt dwrwu, imdvtaa:.p, code tnfon,-esnent, or arrnngen~rses to proce~ings involving :e
<br />baeeileupt otr tiacadad, tfew t~rda :£ Ltatkr's apsion, upaa na£itt ea 8rxrawer, rosy melee such appearances, disburxe such
<br />seta rtpd fate ratsh acsipa ~ is ness3.sary to pratart Leader's interest, iteCltxling, but rcpt Itmutd ter, disbursement of
<br />t+ atrortsay's fsg sled etstry upors rht T>roptrsy to trtaks regains, tf fsap3er rer~rtd rnartgage insunrrce as a
<br />totadi~ea a( tatdtttrg the keep secwttd fry ttm Died ~ Trust, 13tsrrower chalet pay ttx premiums rtquirt:d to maintain such
<br />irtttprapea ~ !~[eet tdxt'ii wtdt test ax tftt rtrluitematt far s;rrh rttsuranrs ttrmatates to arBOtttanre with Barrawa's attd
<br />Lsodtrr`s atitsan agrsaraeaat err Itw Borrower shall pap the amount of ski mortgage insurance prtmiutns to the
<br />Provided stadar pttra~a~khrrsof,
<br />r`mY dittbtustsd tsy t_cattsr pwssatat ter this paragraph ?. with ~ntatst thereon. shall tseeon£e additional
<br />~ ~ mriested by £his 11~ of Tn~ , t `mess ~trtwer and Lrrsdtr agree to ocher terms of payrtrt:tt, sttcfs
<br />sraateata shah 6a payablk spars nasice Pram l.ettder to E xrower requesting paymctM ttttrtof. arxt sha~f b€ar in£tttst from Atr
<br />tfdta of ~ at the vela payable frtrta lilac to tisa~t on tNdatanding principal under the No+t unlua papmtrtt of interpt
<br />itt >slr~t raw reaMy3d bE coatrrsrp £tr appdicabk ttew, in wktrcf£ avast sucA amounts shaft bras intertu at tht hightst rate
<br />~ etpoltr etpplitibTc law. Nathirsg cttntairstd in this paragraph '3 shat? require Letxier to incur any expense or take
<br />a[~}' aGSPOa ~.
<br />B. ~ Later easy cooler err elute £a its assdt rtasostaldc ernrrex upon and inspections of the Property, pruvtdetl
<br />the. l,ASStiar sksil grvt;rowfr aasict prwr to say urcA iaspectioar spertfying rtasanstde crnsc thtrefar rslatt:d to 4.sndrr"a
<br />usrsiaM re the t°rop£etr_
<br />