.o. _
<br />..~.... f
<br />Lt's watittea agteemtent or apptw'shts law. Borrvrra shall pap the amount of all mortgage iasuraaca prerraiartru is-the.
<br />ttutrms piovtde,i tmd~ paragraph 2 htstmt:
<br />Aay sttratrrts + by Lattdar pittsarartt to rice paragraph 7, with itterest thereon, shall become adtiiEioad
<br />irk ~ Borros+rr scored by this Mmtpge. Uttiass Borrower and Leader agree to-other tetras o['payraent, ~# ~'
<br />uaottab shill 6e payable upon notice 6om Lender to Borrower requesting paymetat ther~f, auc' ehail bear iatuest 6eum tix
<br />data or tfitltarsereent at ebe rate ptayaWe from ante ro these on otetstand'mg principal ewer the Note eaakss psytdeat
<br />L a-e~§ rel; ~ t~~.ry m app ~. to which tev~.t t*~!t L„ts>s~a slmll bast ia7~S at the r
<br />peie [silo isw. Nothi~ rnachsed in this paragraph T shalt rcquirz T_eeatffir to iaear-sag eiptma or taTte
<br />cry teetioa .
<br />H Inpaciaa, Larder a-+y [[[rate err carts m tx made reasonable carries [[part and iropatiom of the ~t'tY, provided-
<br />twt Lsader afntB t1~ Btservwer ttta~e prxr oo any tsrclt inapestier.. ~etifyin@ teasott~le catese thetetc' sedated to Lttrrtler's
<br />#aterest is doe ptttpestg.
<br />,. C>p~iea. The prnc~ ~ any award ~ claim fix damages, direct or dal, sn ~ with sy
<br />~+ or oliaer rating of the Prttpartp. ~ part thereof. or for caavnyance in Tieu of nazioa. arc hereby ss~
<br />acrd s~1 be paid m Ltmdv.
<br />In doe .-veal of a mul tatittg at the Property. the protxttds sha.`l tae applied Fo the sums muted AT this- Mortgtt;e, -
<br />witle the extras, if mv_ paid to Bortnirer. In the event of a partial taking of the Property. tmlrss Bortosser and [.ender
<br />otfserwaa agree in writing, thane shaD ix ap~ied to the sums aerated 6y this Mortgage ssrch ptopartitaa of the prsacetals
<br />~ e squat ~ that prisporFhsta vehicle else amount of t}x seuets soured by this Mortgage hraaantiately prior to the ileac ttf
<br />tffici,; brats to the fair market vsleae ~ [tae Property immediately prior to the date of takitag. with the balaratz of the peotxtds
<br />ptaid to IIbrtvwar.
<br />If the Property is shat by Borrower. m if. afro native by Leader to Botxstgvn that the cantfarnor [risers to rattlo2
<br />as sward or settle a claim frn darnagea, Borrower faits ra respond tat Lender within 3t1 days after the date wch tsodce is
<br />mailed,. Laasdrr a at> to ccdkct grad apply the protxeds. az Leradc's optics, either to teatoratiet or repair of tae
<br />Propeny or to the mass secured by this Margage.
<br />Utz Leader a~ Borsower otherwise ogee in writing, any such application of proceeds to pritsci~l shag not exttaad
<br />or postpcaae the dtsc dart of the tacsthty itgtalirfrettu referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amarnt ~'
<br />srada imWhttaesls.
<br />YA. Barrrwv Nat Rtattesrei. Exunsion of the time fa payment or modification of amoKization of the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage grsnttd Ag [..trader to say staecessor in interest of Bcsrrower shall trot operate to release, in any maatser.
<br />the liahility of the original Borrtwrer and Borrower's succesxors in interest Lender shall not he tequvred to comraaace
<br />praxedhegs agaiest such seteceaor or refuse to txtend time far payment or otherwise modify araortiraiice of the st»m
<br />secured hY dais Mortgage by treat of any demand mock Ay t(se original Borrower erred Borrowers saccesson in interest.
<br />S7. i'rsaaaaes Irk (aria !VaR a i9tsMee. Am forAearance Ay :..ender in exercising any right or remedy hereemder, or
<br />otlaassise at{orded by appGcahk taw. shag not be a waiver of err preclude the txer~ise of any such right or rmn~y.
<br />'I4se Ixacuteaaeat of itrurance err six payment of taxes or other liens or charges Ay Lender shall nor be a waiver of Lendta's
<br />rigla to ataxkraz+e the taaturity ~ dse indebttdrtes: secured by this ;~fertgage.
<br />tZ 11be~ CrwY/ise. Ali teaaedies provided in this '~fortgage arc distinct amt cumulative to any other right or
<br />remedy utader this Mortgage or aBarded by taw or equity. and may be exercised concurrently, indt:pendentiy or stactxssively.
<br />17. 9tsrettwa ttsi Asatper rrter~ 7stsr asi $arerai 4labiify; Ca*Wsos. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />amtuiraed ,:sail I>;etd. and the rights herewder shad mute to. the respective stuccssor and assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />stsh~ct to ttte prirvisicsm of paragQaph tT hereofi. Ali covenants and agreettxetts of Borrower shalt ire joint sad sevtral.
<br />The captiom sat! 6eaditsgs ~ the paragraphs o€ tAis Mrnrgage arc .°ar irotsvertience only and are mat to Fte treed to
<br />ialttpeet ~ tiet3tx doe Aerearf.
<br />r1. !straee P,uept for am notice required under applicable taw tc be given in sachet manntr. sal any notice to
<br />Borrowxt provided for is the Alortga;t shall ire geven by ma:ling such Warier by eertilled mail addressed ro Borrower az
<br />the Properly Adtaess err at such ocher address as Borrower may dnegttate fay taoticr to f.etsder as provided herein, stad
<br />{lsT any acioe kr i etsder shall lx given tfy certifird mad. retsttn tese~pt rcquesud. to Lender's adtfresa stated herein or to
<br />assert other addrseas ere Ltader may dta~.sw t±y notice tc Horrstwer as ~evded herota. Any notice orvvidal tot in this
<br />ltroet shu'2 he deaemd to have Antra given to Borrower or Lcrtdtr whets pvtns in the moaner &aigreatcd herein.
<br />!;. ttdrasm Saw; Sn:eaaldtr. 7*ss fort[ .ff mortgage comA'stto uniform covtnanu for tsationat
<br />sme sued atsx-eattaartsa covenants with limited vanattoas tri' turisdictxus to coorittrte a uniform security itmtrnment covtuing
<br />red property. Tlria Mortgage shal# he govtrised Ay the #aw of the suriadietice in whieit the arty is tocaetd. In the
<br />event that arty pe+avisict or clatwr of dais Mortgage c r six ';V4,ee eottilicrs with applicable law. such cotsflict sAaB na aKect
<br />csdsa provitsiaras d this Mortgage err the ?tteu whidt can Ae given eltect without else txstafiicting provision. and to this
<br />trod the prannis+am of tbt Mortgage and the h#ote are declared to ix severable.
<br />Att. Bsssrwer's Cap. Bttrtawer shtaN be furnished a rnaformed copy of dot Note and of this Mortgage az the tinge
<br />~ traaesgion or afar eecorttadan httreof.
<br />tT. 'rYrss/a a[ tas S?tgasf;; XawsespYw. if all or any part of the Property or sa itsteraa therein is veld or naosfsrted
<br />by 8txrroaitr wither[ Ltnda'a prior wriaen consent, exciualing tat the creation of a lien tx tncum6tenen suborditna to
<br />~s arntt~apt, fb3 doe croon of s psuchrre tewrtey security intertwt far hottaehaid app#iaacea, (cI a transfee try dtwoe,
<br />dstmu a by opertsrion of law upon the dell[ of a tenant ~ td# the grant of stay leasalsold intetesY of three years or ices
<br />sot t ere oplioa m Qurchtttte. Ltazisr Wray, at Lenders optics, dtxtarc a#1 the seam etxurai b7' this Mortgage to be
<br />' tare sad pttyahle. Leader shag have waivtxl such option to tta,einsate if, prior w ttte sale err tramfer. Leader
<br />aril tilts ptamn to whom the Property is to Ae st~l ~ tra:rterre+d reach agrtcmeat is writtig that the cradle ~ wilt pt:rxm
<br />to >Ne4actnsy as Loader sail ~ the interest payable oa the seats secured AY khis Mottg~ shill be 82 wilt rate as Ltntlsr
<br />dsaB rapist. # Lender hart waaivsd the opt~zs to saeltratt provided in this paragraph IT, serail it Borrower's strctxtsor in
<br />ie[e(gt bas a written awe agtttetreat acctpttd its writing by Cexada. Lender shall rt3emt Borrower ftttm aB
<br />oiti~ttoa smart tiers ddttHgsga wad the No[t.
<br />TI' E ttsttcises opera to mate, Ltadnr alts#i merit Barts>wzt ttotict of aCC~etafict in acr~dutu wig
<br />ptraprpi t!I btaaod: Ssrch sbs$ prssvidc a period of rzrn #~ then srl dry. front the date the tscuice is tnailid wsthir.
<br />eNpelt Borrowers easy pay tba stases declared ilea. If Borrower fat8 to pay such surer prior to the expiration of serch period.
<br />Iard[ar easy, tiritbaut [[[etas antiux rx dmmsed on Borrower, invoke any renatdlra permitted Tsy panegraph / s hctotsf.
<br />mat Co+rsrsu~rta, Bermwar sad Lsssder hutlrer arnarnant sail agree m folkrwa:
<br />~ Arasir#rMrsl Haraiilw. ~ w taw.liat it t~eaN iT iasar. ttgtna lsesawee"s iaeeea M r9' testatsort m
<br />d huerss ie tai SlBraya/a, tadsidrag t1e esvsstsls m ph wtetr iat: sy tea.. saasawi ay tats. MtsetgaAa.
<br />Rwtisr paf.#t tr ~ra~ [tsar err [antra ee reateaaa « pr.+ta.r 1. psagrapR Is Mrwr agetir~a~ tt> tlra isrrelr
<br />i$Itiu a~itrssd as alw slit inrdtt pq a late. sat >m ors 3a tr4a fntr see rase tie .aura it ttnrrN w Bererwer.
<br />ir.att~riltataittatolt steal is teaalt trs Htl tart rarer. as ease salt Isesd is v aateas tae two tgedrd !. rte rrtloe
<br />tttst steRa~ ~ tie assts sacrssi ay lain Msveiaatre b all sane-err tae P-Nab'.
<br />Tfs aeiiies.itlUl_#hw41w +rs M tie ~ m tetestter aSNr a~asasra si sin ,dtMt ~ tessrr is act [aatawrw
<br />Ylliag tier rre+~tiares ea tt ta#t#1tti11 er ~ raters tbrsrra err rrarwa M aee~watlw trsl iasseiaarrlh Haas trstraaa
<br />is teat tasxeti as,k a,utr tit ~ M Js fie arMre, iaatla ai txstiir'e a*wa rsay asdrre err er tie [arras rataasl y
<br />t1~t fNiYttlwg+aaaa tsnyrrtllMls~ tart art iM1}asMiie wttiM.t frrlaea Asrsasal teal ~ fasanelsaa ley !t• Lttda
<br />ribtHar attic sttl>rtal lrsattb gatstaaila~{a1i tttgrtsasis er rrasriswwa, asttlaitq, hat ttrt Braid tr. earm d ity
<br />ttol,_silit7teAtii tsttf stiyrte~i.
<br />>~ ~ is Hsilrtlio ~~tH Lerdar's ~a of the staters savored hY the Mnrtgsgt:
<br />tistl6 Ass ~ bl amts say ~ Ay tmlar to msfaroe psis Morgags diacvaeitsuad at say rink
<br />