ilttt>Irosttrs Cas^~vrsrfs. Haerasr~ sod Leodet covattant and agr++a as folla+va: 8 ~ r ~~ L~ o Q ~ O
<br />t. ABaaeef a< ~ art llslssesd. Borrorvwa` sha0 It~PUY pay when dun the principal of and interest oo the
<br />itaet evod try the Nota ptgiaym~a and fate chars as pnavided in the Mae, and the ptirtcipal at sod itttMeft
<br />od aaey FnRtae kdranaa secta+ad by tltn ~
<br />i ~amis for-'Imes tttsi I>ssse~e. Sub{cct ta applicable isw or to a wt~ao waiver by Lender, Hu:row+ar shell paq
<br />ua Letttder an [fie day mauNy ittsuNmenta of paincipa! and itetetest arc payabli: antler the Kole, ttoFil the Nate is paid in fdi,
<br />s aunt {hi,reiet "Ftmds"7 egtsd to tioatwelfth of the ytsrly taxes and attatts which troy attafo pritafty over- this
<br />Mortgage, cad grotmd tsars on tlta Pnopetty, if saq, ptm Otte-twelhlt of yt:at#y premium iitstaHtt>onus for laira=d lnptraacb.
<br />"~, =°°'~iek s~ y~±y Isg,~ : t~ €e~ t;~ i;~, 9f raty: a!I ss-ray trd i~# !-#y-ate fsam
<br />sine to limn by t.eader on the 6atais of aria aad filth and le estirttates this:
<br />11te sheg be heht is an institution the dt~Oaits or accouwa of which are trollied or guaraoteod by a Fedszai or
<br />agency tittehdiing ietiiler if tender is such an ittatitution}. Ieadu shall apply she Funds ta pay said taxes, :>stis,
<br />tint sad gtwtod rents. Leader rosy tort charge for so holding-and. applying the Ftxsds, sttalyriagsaul acrauot
<br />or Ji and tximpilittg said aweastaents slid bills. unless Lartdar pays Horittwu interest on the Fttmis and applicahka-law'
<br />pamtib Leader to resits st>c!t a charge. Borrower aad Lend may agree in writing at the tithe of exeimtitat of this
<br />[tfEartp~e that interest an the Fttmis-shat[ !x paid to Btirrasvu, and unless such agrrxtrtuat u made or appfieabin law
<br />regtdres retell iitteeeat to be paid, Lerida shall not be required to pay Btircawu any inurtat ar eatrtings an the Fteo#Ii: Linder
<br />shag give to Borrower. withoiet charge, an annual accounting of the Funds atrowing credits and debits-tor the Fissth sod:-the.
<br />ptapoae for which each debit to dg Futt<b was trintle. The Funds are pledged as additiatul scattily for the soma secures
<br />by t~ hlortgye.
<br />II the amottni of the Fim#k bed by Lender, toauher with the fuettre monthly iiistafiaaenta of Funds payable prime to
<br />the dun data ~ taxes. assessntmts, ittauranu premiuau and ground rents, she[( exceed the atnoaat tegixir6d to pay said.saxes,.
<br />wit, inwrtiaca ptemhmts ztd gtoard tetra as they fall due, such excess shall bn, a[ BorrowePs optiaa, eithu
<br />praotrtiy rtpiiid to Bortutrcr or credited to Borrower on monthtp irotalheents of Funds. If the atttottat of the Funds
<br />hia6d by Leader shell nos he stdBcisnt to pay taxes, assessitxass, irattrarme prpnittms and ground rents as they faB due.
<br />Borrower shall pay to Leader any amaimt iiecettary to make up the deficiency within 30 drys from the date notice is mailed
<br />hY Leader ta Barrowu requatt#ng payttrcnt thereof.
<br />Upset payeoesa is ftaB od art storm secured by this Mortgag:. L.eeder shall promptly refuted to Borrower any Fetttda
<br />ttdd by Leerier, [! under paragraph Ig hereof the Property u sold or the Property is athersviae acquired by Leader, Lettdet
<br />that apply, tto truer than itamediatety prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisi#ioit fry Leadu, arty Ftit~ held by
<br />Leades ,v the ttme of application as a credit against the sums secured ray this Mortgage.
<br />3. A~titaeisae e( tgasnaae Unless appticabte Iaw pravida athetwise_ all paptnems received by Lerder voder the
<br />Note sod paragraphs !grad 2 heteof shall Ix applied lay L.erx~er fast in payment of amounts payafak to Lender by Harrower
<br />uadu paragaph 2 Fiereaf, then tar interest payable on the Nare, theta to rtes principal of the Nou. and then ta interest and
<br />principal an arty Fortin Advattca.
<br />3, tint Barrrrwer shall pay elf taxes, assessments and other charges, fides slut impositions attributable to
<br />the Ptropmty which may attain a priority ova this Mongagn. and leasehold payments ar ground trots, if any, is the meaner
<br />provided tinder paragraph 2 hntwf ot, i[ rear paid in such manner, by Borrower rnakiag payment. whin due, directly ta the
<br />payee thetaot'. Aorrawer shelf promptly furnish to !.ender all twuces o[ amoutiu due undo this paragraph, attd in cite coast
<br />Borrower shall make payment directly. Borrower shall promptly fumuh to [.ender receipu evidetxing such paytents_
<br />Hotrosvu shall promptly discharge any lien which has prianty ,giver this 'Mortgage: provided, that Harrower shall not be
<br />tequtred to discharge any stack Tien sa long as iorrower shall agree in ++nting to the payttxnt of the obligation secured by
<br />such ties is a maaiter acrsptable to Lender, cx shalt in goad faith contest such lien by, or defend enforcement of such lien i4
<br />legal ~ which operate ta prevem the enforcement at the Isen or torfeiture o£ the Property or any part thereof.
<br />3. u`aeai t~ Borrower shalt keep the imprcwcmeats new existing ar ixreafter erected on the Property insured
<br />against loss by flee, lurards included wtthia the term `tattertded ccrreragc". sad such other haZStds as Lenrkr tray require
<br />aad in attar amounn attd for sitclt petiads as Leader may require, provided. that Leader shalt not require that the amount of
<br />Bitch rnvctagn sassed that atttoimt of coverage required to pay the sums secured by this Mortgagor.
<br />7'tan iesirraace cartitr providing [he ittstirata^e shall ix shown by ltorrawer sabject to approve! by Lender. provided,
<br />thu such apptt+vd skirl! nor !>t uorcasonably wtYtthe#d. ,tit pretnsurta ai ir,a-:-ats~. t:..::Vs shsLt ~ pasd in tht matttur
<br />provided order parags`sptt 2 ttntaof or, i( [tar pod in sash rnaauer, by Borrower ritakigg payment, when arts, distttly to the
<br />uartsraete carrier.
<br />.~' i ,~ ~ rt~ewele t#~reat shall tic in farm acceptaE~ t3 Litr#er atad shat! iuc[trsSe a standard mortgage
<br />dawn to favor td and m forte aawptab#a to l.cndu_ 1_rader chart have the right to hold the poticies and renewals thereof,
<br />m3 Bavtawu shalt prataptty format to L.ertdu al! renewal iiatices and all receipts at paid premiums. In the even[ of loss,
<br />shalt giv`+e prompt astux to rho ittsuratice carrier sod Lender. LsaCxr mar make proof of lass if not made promptly
<br />try Bertoerer.
<br />Uttfes Leader aad Bttrtarwer attterwtse agree in writing, iitwrance Prate shall be applied to restata[ion or repair of
<br />flee Irvvparty d>msBed, provided alias reasorauon or repair is eeanixtaieaUy feasible slid ¢he seciuiry of this Mostgsge is
<br />sat thdtrby iograired. [f arch restorutoa or rtFa.r u oat ecaixamically teautde or if the seciuity of this Mortgage would
<br />be itt9paited, the iesutmoe proixs+ds shall lie applied to the sums soured by [his Mortgage, wuh the excxss. if soy, paid
<br />ta Borrawu. [f the Property is abaitdotied by tiotrower, or it Borrower tails to respotxl to Lentkr within 30 days from the
<br />dare rxstu+e is mtutad by Leader to Borrawcr that the insurance uirrier nlftrx ro settle a claim for ttisurartce benefits, [xnder
<br />ss stafhiuised ta collect aad apply the imurattce proceeds It Leiidei s opttote eithu to restoration or repair of the Froperty
<br />or fti the s~ secut>Dd by timt Maxt~t.
<br />Ualw Lender and Borrower otherwise agree m w[itmg, any such appf&:atiai of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or pttmps~ the dine dale of the mwtthty installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such iastallrmnn. if under parsfrspk ;g hereof tits Property is acquired by Leader, aft right, title and interest of 13orrowcr
<br />in aad to any iitatrtmu pa[icaea aad in arui ra the procetds thereof resulting from damage to the Property prior to the sate
<br />to dull pees to Leader m the exttxtt of the sums secursct by this Martgags imm~satety prier zo xuch sale or
<br />~~
<br />b ifbsdrrraOisrQ std Alsiasasrww ul Psopany: trssehtddx C PMisaed Udt t]kvdejitasa4. borrower
<br />s6anEt lsaep tits Pticparty [a ipttad rnpatr aad sl+di tint commit wasu ar pumit itilpaignniit or deterioration of the Prapntty
<br />sad shall ctto>piy with the pravisioas of say lease if the Maitgage is on a leasehold 3€ this Mtmgage is on a trait in a
<br />at a t trait desselapattat, Boiraw~ shall piaform all of Borrower's obligations under the declarati#xt
<br />m otsseOSttb t:teatity or govitrttiag the coutdosetinittm ar pfattaed uaii developatent, the- by-laws aaxi regalatiora of the
<br />w pfaaaed utth doveloprt~ttt. aad catr;aitutmt dociutients. if a catxlaminitim or plaetie~ tmi# dcveiuprnent
<br />tides` is exewtaed b!' Barrarrer aad reixxdad tngetitu wish this Mortgage, she cavetiants and- agrertrtents of such rider
<br />>~ hs d itt std smtfl atta~d attd sttppletnnnt tttt covenanb atxl agreeanertta of this Mortgage as if the rider
<br />tirps.a part IsNSei.
<br />7, lAetlseffint etc I,aaier"s 3a~ssalgt, tf Barwwer fails to pcrfwm the covcnaats and agreements eoatsitxd in this
<br />as H ash asttat -or peg rs comitxttrxsl which materia-ly afl'ects Lender`s ittternst in the Prapetty,
<br />i~ bad set d to, eminaM dutaein, insc+lsceuy, code enforcement, or azrangstten~ ar praigs involving a
<br />INS~t+at drstxdaswt. thtat L,esdes at t.eadar`s option. upon itrstice is Barrtnver, may make sttclt appesrattccs, disburse siteh
<br />smsR east ~ shah asdon as h ttac+esaary to protn:t [.ender'[ iiterest, iricluditk, but twit timitcd !o, disburaeanettt of
<br />taaae®ahie a4toeesry's f+tas serf icy host ibe Property tit make repairs. [f Lctder reslttirt:d mortgage itatrarrce as a
<br />o1t~m of tits ktse rscu[ed try tftis Mzutg~e, Bomavrer shall pay the ptrmiutus required to ms[tuaia srieb
<br />insetaasa m sNsa sratil .such' titUir as the itiquvaAyw# lot axdt tmtttartce tarrttinates in ar~rtdarxe with Horsower's and
<br />