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~" _ <br />t 3. Lrsxr +balt have the right m rettxare alf pm{arrq~ Fmm the buildings, rrwms :md; nr premises herein demised to such othtr rylate or glues as - ' <br />Lessee aedy deem proper nr expedient in the rvrnt fiae Lr+s+>r vio{ates 3nq caf the ixrms nr conditions of this Iease or shall in any manner in[erfere with <br />or :nxke difficul[ the duties of the aKents..ervan[s, ar employees of Lc xe. or beceimes invrh~ent, or in the event thaa the premises herein demised <br />shall hecotne involveaf in any tnauer in litigation, or the Lessor ur Lessee is ejected nr ousted therefrom or proceedings are begun for that purpos[' atul <br />in cast of arts senfi cetnova! Lessor rutdertakrs and agrets ro pay ro Lesxe all expenses of such remo+'al and of scoring said property dstwhert until al( <br />wratehouse rerei}sts representing pmpern' su srrrrrd shall be returned ux Lessee proryer{y endnsed for delivery or utuil rtlcase orders have bem.~siRad ' <br />by holders of alt reyeipts and until +uch deli+erp shall have been complettd and alI {r3yments herein referred m made. <br />t•!. it is expressly agreed chat this Irse +upersedes anv and al[ {eaxs hererofnre made he the parties hereto which in any wilt atfect..thc build- <br />ings, rooms andinr premises herein demised. <br />!,'~ WITtiESS WHEREOF, Lesser has executed or caused this lease to he executed 6y a partner thereuato thtty autlsorited nt caused this lease: to <br />be executed 6y an officer or officers thueunto duly authorir~d and Lrsxv'r has sau`>z~.. this :eo;e :o >~ ex~ urea l:y an-c~f>< : rat: :~.ta duly-.,~.:....:w <br />the cby attd y r htrein first abo+e w~iuen. - <br />/'~ ~ ~t <br />~Wpitness ~ ~r ~~ ~ ~~~~ <br />..-. <br />Dav~ B Mt - <br />_ Wirtttss ey .. Chasxlnan. ., _ .~ E~ ..... <br /># ~r <br />PROPRFETOR OR P3RTti ERSHtp ACI+NOWLEDGE'.fEh'f ~ - _ - - <br />Stue of ._. .. ..-.. _ y# ~ - <br />...-.. ~ 55. C#n this.. ..... ... day nf...-.. - a~.ta. r~ '~ f9 ..... <br />111 -~~-. <br />fxauttry of.. .. - --: - <br />hefore the plrinnal:y 3pPC+,..._ - .... ................................................................................... <br />m me known to tat the (person to i+erxmv) ciescrtixd to and whcs esecutrd the foregoing lost na«uta[ atxl acknow'{edged [hac tom, et<tcuted the same <br />ss hu free ace and deed. <br />their <br />lti FFSTFMOh'S' WHFREOF. 1 have herrrantn x: m+ h3ad aad ..tfixrd ms ,rifirtal seal ip the - --......_...-.._..._..atai Sate-sforeaaid <br />the clay and +taz f:rs[ ilxavr written. - <br />3f) item expirts: .. .. .. ..........._......-................_............._ <br />. Votary Public. <br />t i`1Rf'tiRATF :4[-Iitit}4Y'LEt>C;E4iE_'vT <br />5rate of ~'S8Z"TidTit3 2.QLh .fay af .Z$II118Z'~.._..._ ..................._.., 14.....~.~ - <br />ti. :%r.:hi+ <br />t:uumy nf.. Hd~.t."~.Il}Ort~ - <br />heftyre m< ap#!eared Davi3. B. Micr.:e3s - _ ............_.....,__........._ ..........................._., <br />m rtae perstrna!!v krxn+a, xha, t+eant !a. me .iui, , .Ld ,a+ ;eau hr i. •he %}?dl3'.utc`liI-.iii Y~3f_a_.~{33~t~.._ .............................................. . <br /><rf 'Y'rJ `7+1ii@ cQDL~Sr ZRC. .,........_....-,.._ ....................._...... <br />a (i,rpor3cucn .at mr '+t•re ,.. ~.aT'y i 3Zl Cl ,nd :has =nr ~=! a:texre} r„ ;hr '•:xegurng rnstrut~nf #r+t#te `m*PRr+stt;aeal of said <br />c <br />corparxt:rn:. aruf riot weal ~ns;rumsmr W+s •,enn} :m? "Face,? :< :x#ca?t :,i vaid <+,r {xrratxcn, hs- auchnrity of its }iaatd=of Uireemtr.-and safai......,.... <br />D3V1Gt ~.. 1LCh~ ~ 5 ~. kn:.r.:ceinc-.s .aia •:ns.rumamt ;,a hr the Etta act ~ ~ of said cmpotatitm. <br />.ti 7'F'cT343S)ti4' `,1t~Nr-REC)F. { t*a+r `*rrt°.;r.:.. --t'. .,=a..: ,^.i .,tl~xr.+ -:; .:a#+ ai .cal ,n alar COll31t~-_-.-:_ ...-._aBSi.State aftsreaaid, the <br />~a+ ann rear fat+v .aha+r wraatcn r - <br />rrn rxprrrs .. ~, 8 ~ °- ` _ -- ...a_ -d. r ~t:._.:' _...... <br />u+ t_. - -- tin,-iey_Pttblic. <br />.X-:yRl#ir ){ "`+f t eDitPi44 ~i } 3.i .}i'i t??t.} ~F~T_ ,,. ,.~ <br />//~~ <br />\ 1 .. <br />1f %~sx.r~..+,q~ s <br />fir. C ese - ~ 6f. t~. ~-f11k@, t3_. <br />s:art .1 *~:~:: ! t <br />4, ,9 ..., ... .. ~S,9xa.. _ .~.$.~r <br />t~t+ ,,l k L,wts ~ _ _ . <br />"rxaarr :tar ap)wartxi ~!. We ~l'1~6.Etr vr. .. ... :...... ........_....._,..H......_....-., <br />to we ~ rxessil+ wMa. )+rcrsa In nr +ui, .n x-s7 na -- .hc - ~ p n t x SLT 4Z'.4REfitl~iSF. Ctl~°AN]';, a. Corgota- <br />.xYa :.k :114 Mtalr ,at Atiss.FUre, *M; tEUt .hF •c'al 3tFtatil :. ti.r .,F~..'•rx +, r.aaasraai `- ,ss c s-{itraae ,an# :r: v:c# trstp~3AL iYAS ~~ '++ser~t <br /> +:} aan# saultsi .n #rhxif .,t card .aur.araur,n r •~.xt .met. .s ;r,,.,t.. ,>t :Jrsx .,-,+. .nns# sa;d. S8A1lJZ-. Y2,GQ..:~"8$,i1~@IIt.._-. . <br />aeinses3,nttlyd :asd :mrrumast :.a tx ttae tree a.a Ana{+•Lee.i s«:tie ~..srr-.e .ra.x: - - - <br />1V TtJTl Mt)`~l~ 43'l#LRf t.)F, 1 iu+r hrteau.;t. +a. ..i, '-,ate;: x,.r. ...t.r_. -.,, .=t:, ,si eear :n ~ Coy atuf Gate afu id, tht daY sod year first <br />at+usr w.retttn_ -. ;' .' !A ~ -. <br />?its reran rsr,errs 3tkl.x 1,} . i9&~ .... -. r <br />__ <br />„t$cy $ S+lot!i<xt~irblic. <br />,~ - <br />-fk~+ ixa,r #,:r{wrsvi ;.a Za,_k. I~_ ti~~~ "_ ~. <br />ALT u'3rr~ yt (~,_.a~;-,K•;, .. - - <br />t~ <br />~.: <br />r-s <br />a:~ <br />GQ <br />.'3'f- <br />,;/1 <br />:,; <br />.t.. <br />., <br />'~ <br />~r <br />,. <br />:.: <br />:. <br />r`'~ <br />'~; <br />~.+ <br />j <br />