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r <br />F;. <br />- , _ SL a~ ~~rehau~e Company s ~ ~~ c~ ~ ~ ~ j~ ~~ ,try: <br />,, <br />' ~ P. O. Bax 242 <br />~ S'ii~?4 i0 ''~,. ,,....,.~ <br />.. , SA'r"''~~`~ Si. tOU1S, M3SSOURt 631156 NAREHOUSE COMPAM/ <br />r- ~. BOX ?42 <br />;~ ~ ~a<t>f FIELD VYAREH4USE LEASE sr. Louis, rrH~oua~ ~_~ <br />~s made and rnicred mtn nn the _ of .IanUBr)t ......... ......__..._....._.. 19_..~.y in the City of 5t. Louis, Stnts <br />r>f A/isEgsuri, hr and IXrw•tYtt }.V,._TiME_.FQOD~S.,..INC_. .. _.._.__........_....._ ................_............. <br />_ B.3ltimare,,--Maryland. and. .......... .. ....................................... <br />haretnafter re(crred m as LES"SaR, and the SLT Iti AREHt)li5E COMFANY, a Corporation nrgxrtized uttdrr the taws of the State of Missouri, herein- <br />akttr xsrlarrcd oa as LESS£f.: <br />Vt'YI;~,SSETIi: <br />6CFIEREAS, the Lessee has hcrn and rx x~ is cnGaged in the find a~arrhe>usr husiness and in crmnertinn therewith issues wacdsouse receipts; <br />6Nla V.'HERE 4S, Lessor is the ` of s~enam warehouse nxsms, hurldin and:~or <br />gs premtxs located m the City of............A.LZY1-_ .................... <br />Crntnrx of HaZ.I. _ _...- ... _ State of........iTf'~1ra3}58....._....._.....__.,._......._ ............. <br />and mt>rr patticularty dexr;hed as 3nflnwt:those two metal bins numbered 3 and 5 more particularly <br />described by the attached plat which is made apart thereof and Ioc~ted on a <br />tract of Land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter (SE1/4) of Section <br />Six ;6} Tawnshig Ten (10), Range Ten {10} 57est of the 6th P.M., in Hall Catuttq, <br />PQebraska, more particularly described as follows; <br />Beginning at the intersection of the southeasterly right-af-way line of <br />the Union Pacific Railroad with the east Line of said Southeast Quarter (SE114), <br />thence sauthwf=_sterly along said railroad right-of-way Line, a distance of Nine <br />Hundred Eleven and Fifty Eight Hundredths (911.5$} feet, thence southerly <br />parallel to the east line of said Southeast Quarter (SE114), a distance of Eight <br />Hundred Seventy Three and Eight Hundredths ($73.0$}, thence northeasterly <br />parallel to said southeasterly railroad right-of-way line a distance of Nine <br />Hundred Eleven and Fifty Ei~ht Hundredths {911.5$} feet, the the east line of <br />said Southeast Quarter (SE1,4}, thence northerly along the east Line of said <br />Southeast Quarter (SE2I4}, a distance of Eight Hundred Seventy Three and Light <br />Hundredths ($73.1$} feet to the place of beginning. <br />S '3}".1;cRi: i3, the 3xsscr cn .noun trcxt waft .es field wareluausr ausmrss :je.rxcs rn icase u,., warrhrwx puddings, norms anal-or premises: <br />-.t1t}ttf' TH£REE{)RE, :n ctmsidrnsuut :.# :hc ;xrmaxs xad rsau-caaf r=.,-crurts an,i ,crcrn~crtis hcre:n :,mtaanw, a i< agreed hs- rate parties as foltnws: <br />i. Lrsanr clzacs hrrt3zs rent, demist nd 3rax xn Lesxr n i L scr k - 3 ~ -aitr f lessor the abtzac described wart3touse build- <br />utgs, rarmts atai;~or F*rtmiss" .>a a rcn.eac -tom ztsxntfa sn-rtx h =3 { ~: .y -r m ed hs a thirty r; 307 days wrium ruttier given <br />by rsthrr party to rhr vehrr, fvr tnc r. tai .mezf .,r t)ne .k.., a. .3,. as;, -. -. ,., :r ,. . . xtxn,~..s tecigrt3 l:s rhe =-sssur. <br />713 Hit'E _{tiI2 7(} Ht)LU wd R.:nr.4 u>.t. .,_ e. ':~;sr., r; cr3eRrs, rssevrsrnts attd appurernatsces tht,sunm attaching <br />and betnagirgt uaw xhr Lessee. its saucessrsrs an!I assaxrts. <br />' l.rast>r agrees and it s ptafira8lp u[ufrrsic,.n3 that :n xfsr rxm dau 3sxszr +ftalf have ~ wtd xad there shall 3sr nutstarding warehouse rn <br />ripts nn any tazads aad mcrc-fraadix stcxet3 to rrr .,n ant :.f wd wacr±o,ux !xa: i.lins;x, nxws, arnf .m prtYruses, then under rut cittvrnstances shall this <br />Frost 6e tt=rssinatetf as m a31 or sny parr of Vtt7 ~arcftawx hu:ldvnxs, rv-..nn and .m !.trmtxs ::mail nc~rr shalt br delivered «> Lessee etidetn:r uI rhr <br />r»rsr ..f obi rich ~.tarelinust: Ices.-tipas aad un:ri i,xwrr sfaai isasc t-ar •~ [.sssce a!! :ftarKrs :iue ,usd nor-,ng f<rr .tnraye and 7atwr and all tspensrs <br />iacn[red by .`=1T and a71 c>dttr cttargts crl L7 and ,sti aals<aurs .ms iha cx.><is anc! mrrtfaaoaiasr .-:s e•e=i os vril warrduewe receiCns, ur othrrs that nyy <br />bare bsttt issx:asL - . <br />}. Laswsv agrees that [.state. ets agent. xrs aux. xrtd rtrtp:ue-ces =1aai1 E>asr rhr :*.~n :cs ixass :!:r-nuLts ur o. ec am a:hrr Pn*OtrtS- .d dte Ltsxsr for <br />for irtsrizrast eI rnttrrntt atn3 fravrrtg .aid wardttwsr `wxafs3angs. -xxam. aaxi :,r prrasases xrz.l agrees shat [xssre sisat3 have rhr right to place and aninnin <br />such stgas or taxrha :itertsan arxd rm t!x gisnds aad menhand,x s«,r J i3:err,n zs :txs hr nos essan~ rx, :nduats the maerast of Lessee cn said wardutase <br />Mtt3dirtgs, ttxrtas aad of txemtxs and nc~ sooners ,tt,rRi etxerrm .u>ater cue : _ :,t efirs teasr_ <br />' Les;sr agrees that Lessee sessii f;azc six c:ttfat as aFl r;mr, :l~r:nr•ihc ,;znnnauar ~:f rfaes t~K rr, ua< ant tu>lities arnl rtpttpmtnt of the <br />cut far taeessaag, iuansil:nq, weigftrnF, suxrnx. .xt:ntx i<r, tax tsrte. ,haf>prast nr ,ltit: rrera: :he ;;+. rds and ,>>rri hanclsx sxnresf :zr to Sze st,xrd in ,n rm <br />sand aartisottse buildings, nwnx: artxl =sr ;.rrrn:>r.. <br />i. Lrsetzr agrees snot Lc as a wa;rMruxmrn :. ~,. saa,c ihr. ;rir .L naxnacrn x.:xl .,znen.; .># sa,. =acehtxssr bnsldiogs.'rooms aad.-nr premises <br />anti t3te agnds and rtterrisaarlxse stnrtnf ::: «= he su:rref t#xrrm .nr rhrmm, and :s swh warrhtxxsenxan is en >< mtxtlyd ar ail struts trs rtca+s~c and store <br />goofs aad xtaenfaarsafise m nr r+r- satd =total isaar}dmgs, r,.uns and ;<re:naxs xnd r„ ,slue .t arefs<wse rrcnws zherefnt Vursuaot ro the provisicros of <br />rfte 4aa of the Strut m wistth rhr ahnr wattsxxasa .: ,:xzrtd <br />~. kt is rapeesaly urn#rrsttant and a;zrcxr: ti .rsd ,rt,., ern i.a ... o, _r_- char i ++.r d>aIf ran .e rhr wartiuwse #>nxldtnxs. n>n <br />aad. `nr s-r': Mars txrrarn ,3em.ent «sr an ~t .-c.,t a cwt ,+ t 'a - esi.,+r .r f ,. r:r:rsk~ ana rhr I.ess+=r sfufl n:x s.xrn,se at ant rcme <br />at»~ ~antnal ,d m~ tsars v. rr am ;si .h ~, .s ann o,rr, nzradaw axasnse wft,afi .. amts.-na.r rpts ha+e stern , r snalf :.r et. n~ L set durtng rhr <br />term of than ttau. M,wasex, `easar mat fry xarezr : , s:irtr ,zau~ n= Lcsaa.r te.r i.tzs..:',Y irrupt. - such c ,rrrem+ <,t nc~ ,frmtseal prcmtn not <br />thou zt~.trtsi }n Lessor. it ra ua.}ers« 2n# za:! :tt: rcc :i-a: cttr Lrssa ~a?3 ..t ,ii ; nos raer hr ux <br />ngftt w acup.~ aft „i riot .lrns,srd ptemzxs. ,ar sxach <br />gars durtaaf. a: us +hr stds duxmnrn . f Pxt~x sF.alf 3>< retpar<-rd meet Lesser saregta arrmesus. <br />Ltaee atfreea dart n wdl tux assxyazs dos icaac .s vdslar xny ,s.,:sK>n .zt rhr d~t~ srrrms.cs w~sris+aur xiu w•rirten .onseatt of stator. <br />& Lantee agrees tux ua ust the a#asnsnf w,arciuwase riwi4Lnas, ryaxns ux3 .=r prtxssisr3 for ans purpose reviser ritart xhat ..f ;a tielt3 s.archnux and <br />Eta[ the traast:~ta>a t>f sue3t ~iaintas as may ~ .:x:na^axn3 rhrressath .,r inc rtletrt chereu:, <br />~- Lresev agrees efut irssnr call. at nc~ cuv and rsprrtsr <nf Lrstssr, put and 3ttpe tht `u~atssd ~xidiags, rooters aad.~ w prcmiata, taodr inside aml <br />~ f~ttu3 tematahle orx~r asd regatt cturstyt t#tr stbtate of dot term harrrbv demised. atu3- a=rtes [hat Lasaet shall aot Sat cegatired m rna5re <br />a!X fataaxra or ae}~ 4atad tsr rtanarr «,. ~ -. abw., .~. .s r a;isrxl !.u ;nxta, , . an.! :>rt-m.xa. <br />fg. itsaer that ttndtt eta ~utxamsxaxsecs'sf•.a_tlx t n~ i±r~ 3iahfe usrsLrsstrr far ans loss n{, damage to, crr ahr>ttagr t>f asst gttoda sad mtrclua- <br />daa that mtY hr atnrtd in svd watr}u>ux, rt 3zrtng rhr snsax.taaxt .xf tfx partite that all itna uf. Satnase tn, x>r shortage ref gtxxls aad rnerrharaifae that <br />ataY fie att>ra!d in said .aardtanse sbaif hr 3some hr Lassc[. Lrsxzr agrm to rrta3tmnih and Fsrsid Lessee hornless a,ui does herelsy ina-rmnih• and held <br />Lrs,~ t~tttdras fn>m '-1 agaira,t an} xnsl a3 xfarms, Eaai>doces, fuss, -larnage oral eapensrs, uxludu>g axwrnn s Itta, ahuh f,easna twy FtV, suatasa uc <br />~: l I) bg reaatm csf the fadatst saf Lassarx tt> paa#orm era) cosnpl~: .rrh ape rorms oral cc>ttditioas of this Ct><se aaad ehr terms and cmtditirms of tfu <br />P°teSd ~ + iaty M l.nsor a€d Lcsatt: oar h3 as x resatx +zf .:r in orutertirm w;th doe ~rrhnusing by LtasR of gtzods atu3 <br />- ~ ht' ~ Ins' Lcanr asdlrx dse istwrtce of uarshcause receipts by Lessee covtnng said gezr>ds and tnaxe$andiae. or (3} arasiag nut <br />ai oast hrras nf. oitrrstk ua. or trf g;,rr,{s oral merchant3ise sorted in soar ssa:rMwsr; ur (i) resulting from the izcaunaoc} of mid wareftt>ux by <br />, sod wr+#eut IsmitmM the laaasgsinrk attd ail rlaims, fiahrift}~, Enss, damage anal esgertsrs, €ncludiog Errs n7 attotnaTS, ck>ne or ocrasu>rterl: ta) <br />~ tar twra. Ds6. laa. rater. stem, -stt -sr ot4utr nips c.r sraernue ur rhr !as x-ng.:raking cx rnmung of :av `tatrm.~-:unh, washstand. sratel <br />`.'w' saeat as. abort. upesa crr ablaut scud >`arrhouae: ftr) hs arrr, snow r s r tnmang rhnugh the s>t>i, sftvlight, -rraptftx>r ur otitetwiae: <br />ft1 firma aav °` a# w•[auaats tat otfret .atxtprlsas ,y rhr tune 3wildi cocoas xrsd or remiacs .cm iitut:n x w <br />~ ~ rassssets ~ roe, ~. s:r nfla. p K sa v nnfioosr or ans rtnptotryres <br />i L Llgttt a g+em+arta <unstatutmg syid wsr~ttzttre nr Itq ana ,zwrttra ur „< uirrnu of aaipaCrn! euf ccxatiµnwaf pruprny. <br />6uasaati ttawls~a ~sas to txy'ftx all ,ps, skasruity: light, heat, nowm, sttsm. w~atn. or other utifiries wgglfed nt nc ustd is xx upon said <br />~rxgC duo tstm rrF drss taaautas- <br />14- Carona m go! L.tnrn in Qu+a c>f tbt dcros:,esf asrrmissa asd wtlt ,. rrs;ir Lrasc+e t,> tg.irtis- hold eas.f rnitn~ rhtm during rite term <br />bera~rt ftra~++f t~4 +e ~t c+i~i e~tt isswr is net sftt ,sra.un~ of tb peeruiaas hera•tn ,lrmrte.l l.eseur agrrn u> otsiemnaty and Itnld l.rscrc harmlese t+f and <br />fswn +ta! aszti "~ '- i:iahtfi~. ~~ xLssIDStte amf tatrstzars, auludiaa Eras ,>f artsxrn:sa. wlria:h may- 3sr uu rrral by r aria ,wt .;f .rr in .xznructirzn <br />srsrh ~' ''~X alt>ra €x any wuuttup, exgaltxsfak, n ?drax nblflHstxsm or uhfigatfuns aauanse+-i by t csar_~ irs fa -:,r of rfse nwtret rst nwr>ers of <br />daa +hence ddett~ed Ixeanira. e _ - oars attts oral «~t,e~fyla ;usmess.,Kyt of rhr yretneus ixa Lxssrr. C.e: x.r htrtbre aortas to esrute .=r <br />raeia4 su I'+a erasuaa8 stn htrslcar sltrarmrtrt ar asarrrmtraaa t$aa ~.•; f>r tarses,arv tr, a,xcu:e rhr .cu>+rn,nn .ier attd aKttnr s_eaw>t „f the h:utdutts, n <br />amA,'?a prraaiaas bsrsrb: irusad t+z Cowart. >,..nns <br />