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.. _ <.. ~ <br />__...~.~_.~~._...~.._.~_.... __._.~ .._ __,n_ __...__,__.__.____.~ _______ ___._.. _ ___... _._.._.._~...._~.___~_.~._w.,._ ~.,.-_.~. <br />(s} TDaG Sn the event: any awards are made to the Martgagor~ or their successors in interest for taxing or damaging 1• - <br />by LDs exera lS6 of eminent damaln she whole or aqy part of the mortgaged premises or a21V easement therein, the said - <br />awerds are hereby assl~Ied to the-`Rlrtgagea; the Mortgagee is hereby autnorized to collect, receive, and receipt ~ ~' <br />tDerefor end to apply the same in payment of any Sndebtedness, maCUred or unmatured, secured by this marCgage. <br />(7} TDst'.tn the event Mortgagors default Sa trio payment of sald:princiPal sum, or of soy installmentthereof, or `~ <br />--n2 any-interest tDet~an,-. at the-Lima 9~ten the same wall De due. ar-with respect to SAY duveneat or nnadition here- <br />of, then, at the oPtiDn of Ttartgages, theentlre Endebtedaesa-secured hereby shall forthwith become due and payeDle,. ;, -.i,-. <br />mall Dear interest at Cze default rate describefl is said note, and Cho Mortgagee may immediately foreclose this if <br />r~t$ nr. P:..~e ~Y pt3sr avell~:?0 1¢gal_ r~c~. ] ,: <br />•~, F.:s:t-1 --ham °vent acLicn--IS-?~railght.ta _*areclmse.this 2~rtCA~e., t'.a-e Mortgagee shall ha a2titlgd-to-±a~sdlate-_ 11~ <br />~ussess3m.2 a1 Lhe-morigagetl pre-seises, gild tl?o courtmay-appoint a receiver to Lake possession o1 said premises, with II ~ <br />the. usual poiteTS of receivers Sn Ylke cases- ~ f <br />S41 That fal3ure or del$y of Mnrti;agee to exercise any of Sts rights ar privlIages shall not be construed as a rz <br />rrllver t?teren ; -that ar,y art of Mortgagee ~siving alyy specific default of Mortgagors shall nbC b~ bonstnzed so a ~, <br />walYBr of-a#ty 'uGitpe defaults;-that °n case in tre aymetiG of-any amortization instsblments or laterest~,- ' <br />qr in Hass a2 payment by Mortgagee at arty Ilea, judgment, tax fhsurarce, cost or expense, pr rents, fees-ai'.~charges, <br />said Mortgagee shall Dave the privilege, without dertarl*.Ig the whal=_-intlebtei3ness due cad-pa~yahla, Co tnreelose-Dn <br />e~asnt nt ;uc^. speei23e default tnr snch sums :.s are in suoh forenlosure proceedings may. be ha3 anil ,~ <br />Lilo sand desai'ihed hareir: may be Bald, suD3eno to he unpaid SrdaDLedness hereby sentn•ed; and this mortgage sha11 tt <br />-continue as a lien for any unpaid baiarr,;e. - <br />r <br />rep) ?hat tDe ;3of~tgagee ;nay extend and deter r_h¢ maturity of and renew and res24ortize said indebtndnBsS,--release ~ ~~ <br />trots liaDSllty any Party i.iahie 'hereon, and rn_iease <<"rom `*sa ten. hereof portions of the property coverod hereby,. 1 .• <br />tritD 't affecting the priority ..*.ereat ar the liability ci~^m Lgagors ar any ether party for the p~imCent of said ~ _• <br />i.r...ehtedness, sit :::ICh axtansians, „ef<rmsnts, renewals, and ~sorti zat ions to oe secured hereby. - i <br />!iii eTansfer Jf jeCSi' t} 't is agreed between the parties ?7er eta. 'heir heirs, legal represEntatives and assighs ~ ~ <br />that the intee^ity and .esy.,ns2bility 't tGe tort;agars c *:stltntes 3 part ~_* the .^n_nsideratlan far the~nate secured 1 <br />ner?by, ar^ that i the event the ^!artgagarc shall sell. `rarster, ~r ^cnvey t*.e reperty described hEreia. the 1 ;. - <br />Mortgagee may ac +ts aPtlan dec late the e^*_ire lndabteIIresG 1€~:edlately ue anG ^syable and may proceed in the -en- E <br />,,--rcemen4 ct ..~ .I,;,,ts as an any :.ther default ,,, ..Lie ter^c of _,,..,,,te and ,:,artgage. iii <br />i32) Asst pert ~f F~:^neaeds rt !'Slieral •-east "!e gagers de ear rarster, set over, and convey to Mortgagee all- f , - <br />re:tt', raga- es n•;,t.,es nd slat ^.oreys * a ~ y r n - .+_: b awe doe a.^d p9yable under any a11, gas. _ <br />ar :tSrer ~aL err'-~ea.,s - an,f iir^ -ew exlstt ,a .: .h -_y ~ e ~n a existence, caverin3. the above land <br />xr =~N part he. en.*. Al s ah sums- reee -- by *~ ,,aizee ra _ n.. _c :he ShdebUe^ness secured hereby; ar <br />said artgag :~-a-v a*. i*s a ~.a r-_r 3n9 d_11 ~_ n_ -'t _:ss ,e+.r successors 1n •ntera st. atly or all <br />'t area: ~tt?ss va:thxtut , ,t,2~i ce .r~~ yart2agee t- "2rJ:t. . are ..,.n r_.L:n fut::re su,~rs. and-9lthout Freludice <br />to sny .,f 1r., ether r-gax odor ri;is ~ qa¢e. '4e 3r-f ~. nveysnce rereunder to Mortgagee of said rents, # <br />rnyalti bnmses, ar,. , mnxieys ;.*.513 .P •iaacs w, ..~: -elan ` ^ the ;:ay"tent ar reduati on of tae mart- t <br />-Sept, sub„eet to the !w~rtpagPe~s :pt cr `.er ~te ^e ..-~, ndent a the viortgage lien on said real <br />eszatn. °.iPan ,ayment :n to?: . the '?artRa.,C wn± ar,,, -,., ea.,e hi mortgage ;,r record. this canveysnce shall ! <br />---_._._ ._^.9~r3'ive 3.ns'`i. ~?t !'_ ...r`hn" !Oren ~:d or±urr_ - <br />_ 7 <br />t <br />r~o-'.'.s 2r1i ~i~a;:es hv.e x"sr~ e _..^,s~nri-:, v.---~., =-v ~ -,a - c><sir~d ss zr, `h~ si±t¢zziar ar ¢dr:a2 - <br />^.CS~P+< ,xryj 35 anS[•1GLP,4' ,'z';3P,t~:2, ti YETCiE~ r •_' Il. . l %i3Pfi4~ ,T' . ~ i?, ~_ ~ - $ <br />f,/~~ Iteyg(y i,. $ lslend i - - - <br />x,, l '-~~.4h?"-' ~. ~ Ls[ O,II_~ __ ~-p~ (SEAt,) , - - <br />o pn en <br />.,,_..,... - ,SEAL2 _ <br />~: tnia-'°t.,~t ~~.~ .. `~`_,x -Lc.L-t~'~'_-. ,.. ..~L. -_ ., ,_c2., .,._. ... >.., ~_. ,_... ..~:..nt ,na <br />-ste, Persanal'y api~are:`~ Wainer L. Bilslend and Carolyn .i. Bilslend, husband and wife, <br />1-- <br />to sob Knawa2 t~De the er9urs ;5~1 .., an" ::i,c riEC-::ce:t ...- . v. _ :<~ ..__. +s'ePiit, end aco-ncr~l edged that 'n<y ~xecut_: <br />t82e saws sa LDeir veicsnta_, •2rt ~u dee1. <br />'~ ~!.'"~ti `-'SS:,r °xt ~FY~_....~- ~RMSI MiM~ate ~d t-/~:~.- !~"~``.G- <br />,_. ry r~.~__ ... ~v _= .,a1^ :-c snty anC __...~. <br />_ __,.__ _.___ _...._,~.-.___. __ ~~ ______ f,_ ____. _ _ _ <br />3 ~ j a ~, ~ w <br /> <br />~ ~r ; <br />: ~ # a ~ i E ~ <br />¢ ~ <br />~ j ~ <br />~ ~ ~ ,=•'~ <br />i <br /> <br />~i ~ <br />~ s <br />': . <br />a :' ~ ~ <br />~ t 1 <br />y ; <br />~# <br /> <br />~~ a¢ir <br />m ~ ' <br />~ ti ~ <br />~, r ~ ~ { <br />,. ( Y~ ~$a <br />~ c ~ c <br />, <br /> r~ y <br />' <br /> # ~ 'S~ ~ t3 ~ <br />~ ~ <br />C~, 6 ~4~ai~i~i <br /> ~ ~ k = 3 <br />~ ~ zs f <br />e ` <br /> <br />F'"'S <br />1i'~. <br /> <br /> { 'lt l <br />