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t ,, <br />!" <br />8 I --0 (? (} $ ~ ~ REAL ESTATE r~RTSA6E Foy Fl.B zoe (xer. 1-r~~ <br />i~ <br />Hate Fetiruazy 1$,. T48I <br />~, ~~ <br />'; <br />1 i;' <br />i7alter L. Bilslead and ~rolyn .I. Bilslend, husbaad and wife <br />- _.. _lSOrtga6rrrs, i jt <br />. 4_ <br />a* HaI.1 qty Nebraska is cemaidesasisa of ~ ~ <br />tiie edvaaae df the prlnclpsl su¢ recited In the note hereinettar ffeacrihed, ^eceiytnt adifch is aeknptsis~si. h!lsDy ~ " <br />mortgage and convey c: j .1 <br />TMf f€D€RAL S.AIt6 BABB (tF BIMNA, a Corppratio#t, i ;' <br />of Oesfia, Douglas County. Bahraaka, wltese address <br />is fors Credit Bnildinq, Osafia. Behnska BetQ~r I <br />` e <br />tiortgagNe ;sablect to oil. qss, anC alaerel rights awned by petrLies ether than pX,rtgagvrs; sxisti~ eaiseser#ta~af -{ ~: <br />rsevrC; reservatia:rs In ';iiitNd 3tstes sad State pgtents;.sbd ehs rights of the puh1YC is a1I highways), the-fo13a-~_- <br />dNSCribed real estate in Hall ~.cnty, Nebra&kkat _ _ ~_ ,.,~~, <br />~C. T11r. ? ,` <br />Al.l of the SW'-~ ly#etg ~torth of the C'nion Pacific Railroad ~- <br />Goii~any tight-of-vay (excepc 1.61 acres, more or less, <br />conveyed Co the State of Yebraska by deed recorded in ~' <br />Bank I2'? of needs, Page 525; and except 8O acres, more ar <br />less, conveyed by deed regarded in ~3oak l77 of Oeeds, <br />Page 3L9) ------- -------- -----------6 ION IO FF6thF.M.. <br />471i5tJZt------------------------- 26 lON 11 HSthF.1~4, ~~ <br />li3 <br />. .nIng <br />.- '.F_~r. .. .~~';±er AI S; ' :rf 1}o re ~.yr Tie, d 1 <br />' ,Sr nterest <br />' - <br />,_w ar:W:3 ; :•rr«:•, <br />,c_-,~;--.. _ ~~,; „~,-..Y, :'ng 21 9ui;.Cings, impr¢ve!ne[tts, r17c..tu'es, <br />,r ~;:.,,r•~r. .r.~ .rc. - ~;;.: .~- } x -. ,gaticei, aaa i.^a-aatee ~+a14cs: :he tenements, - <br />~ <br />:tere„l~~e+' <br />, r, r-. ~..r:... - ~*r ~aa ,.'i* suing r~na ,ale :ands: and cif <br />• <br />1$i~_' r~ Jr c.f ,7~^~J$2-°.; Yi. :CESB3, p9[TSi tS. <br />- - -- <br /> <br />. <br />a,, ~ ~1R ~ u, .'r _T3 - !V'a~i`" '~mi a .tw )r reattRr SSt3ed, 9zLCi%I¢d. <br />„7 "it:+'w4:C S.E +ixK°.- <br />~ - .. -.. .. .~,_ .. ._._ ... wr.. ... -_:;e -alive-.;e~~. .ir , i~ ..,.~..° ,,, <br />r ~rtY __ - <br />- 'k„ - ---. . .-. --' - - <br />- ZS13 'F3rF ~~t' :~ n -- t_ L`.•~XR -".l_' Vic,- -_ -~f ~ _ :2Ga '; rowi z^.. *?YP ~t^^ ~j `4~;!"~S3aF8 ~`.S; MOPGgdfSBH. ih <br />t;je yrtnci;al sage v tINE HV.'-#DP~fI PORi"!-YTitiE ?'?I€?i'S1;.:7 :l;~i'J YttJl(ln _ - - - - - - - - ~J6LtrtRB. <br />"v~v awte wl t3t iaterast ~iC^_c;.^,°ing ',.. 'he _nras ._ :,a:~.l ^ute, ^w .: .,^a3 yyyaest cel::g :~e end ,Rgyabie ~ rtes first d4Y <br />at March, 2014 -.,, „~ .,.i, <br />- -- ---'``~"~ -- ~s-; -.. _ ..*.e r,3rwent ,. sai ,.ramisa.;ty Hots. <br />:!e15 aortgage is .iup,lecC to tae ;?rCV.sans ff !1F1; ?A,qf! ~'L,g; *_';` Aim ar.G .s ? acts ~~ma#rdacn#y thNreaf or silpplemental - <br />thNrsto. '?tie PraCaeds at ti:a ltaa yer_~,jra_tl Hereby wil' be ~.stnl f^. ~a P~^,.dses spscitled Sn the rgrtgagors~ appli- <br />- <br />ration for said iaan sac autharltNC by sa=» ;,cL. - <br />.. l!!8 ttort :~, snsi each ^: ~ heresy xsrrant tP.ti -F;ey ere f»e Hers at the !aortgaged real property; chaC they <br />wiI` <br />t <br />d * <br />~ds <br />¢n <br />_he tit?e ~aga3ns: s3i ^?ai;.t m4~suevsr, sc,:. tuet saiC (rrt;erty ,s !res tram sli anc4aaQrances: that <br />" *-°~Y w`-_, ka~ a- - thg S;aFrcve~¢R s `iX _ ~ - ~ tenor..- ¢S vCC:.: Sei mid :n a~'.. _ aIr and - t -t~ acts ~~f <br />3t+ '~ . er!rti _ <br />n r <br />mresta. an_ hNy w-;: _iihc7ni ^., a.~ .:~, _ ., T~,a..._ad In mss,- ;revises, ?esd °avensat sad ~-ee with '.he ?br•.gagee, <br />as f_.l!iwS: <br />` ;^t>•st r-heY wi d: ;~ mhee M.> _... "',sXas. ~''>aas. `nCg~rts, ~r ssses~ents wh1Ch - <br />'a{Y ha lawful lY assessed against <br />~.*.,e ^r^_-party herein :ter±gage <br />i2' 'it[a° ub4'c .eti; ,3,: ors ~r kee;; +rz~.:.-~G S~.,i:~:.rigs -e rue#~ ;~rvemects new n ^,r Mich m4y hereafter bs p3aced <br />cn Said preAilse~ tc --he saL:sfsc; la, of - s +XrrT-~~„ze n •rs~'v,es ;,~.1;^y "hs?? C'¢ at;dorseC mi L.*. a mortgage cause - <br />with ttxe :aaa there'.cse:iar "o be Payat:-l> r~ ~ gsge~. d^y says received may be :xsed tC say far reC onstiteation <br />er t`tea daatr~ysd 1~*`ava:ta. ~, ,` rrt ~a ''-r&:,~ . may. at _he ;vtlcez of the yartgagae, c3YN ~ppliact in Payment o.* - <br />' <br />~J itiu <br />M?YLti.1hv55. IDm t';:r!Ri O#' 'SnCatiSY'ed, sec'. *SCC ay '_!liS >$c:t'Ugtt~ie. <br />4w~ '.'a Y~ay 9i1 ;^anL°u, .f9e6, -1'!` '..=~3$.°"B,e$ sow sue ~.rr to ??CS=(R9l' ;i'Sa 11119E`r LfIC 'C7'S119 Jf EfiCi] 79x34. .@71111t. :~.CaS19 F'e or '. <br />privil¢ge a+x t~4 pukilr. dc•~ia wn'_:. is "a;:p~s~teasat ar ^caay*purt.snanC tr; the mortgaged preeises. which has b4en - . <br />"steed, sxterxfed, ^' r4isewNd 'ay the 12x1 t5'C ~r~L_..a, er ,,*.he sLat° is iB:1rh tna aCnv4-dasarl bed Pr'eper'.Y is laCated; end <br />is psttdrie seed rdzserve ~vitry sat. ;~c,vacsnat, est±ditl~'-„ sn-z stiyulatiaa neessaar; Lc keep each of t#;e :sae In 3oad <br />s2akydit~' are4 t~a t.at4 wYery e•x sss+~y ?Lsp to sec,u'++ i,~ r4dssue, rea4sal. or ixitNnsfon at aaoR a! the cams: !end to <br />- sastitn. i~ti~e, kin, ar a#Mtora4 `»C LhB tco.^LgaaN -YCi: l2a$e, 5;R^mit, Iicanse, ar gri vliege if ;~rtgagcra~ rights <br />.r. ;~lir ~saaia are :^Nr,~u1:.+rC by i#ortgnge4 for sec°.~ ~ <.-r ~:z'pases. <br />~~~ tlbad `A th4 evsn.t yte "#>rtgagae is a Farts` ~- lit:gs"t±bn off act itrg Ltie sNCUt~l ty ~~r L#le l.$n o-' ".t. meet- <br />- ;r'se 1?,~'*'m'G ~f ~h. - dY "ts !ltt:^tep .~ *brlc a .. a tsct`Cq~ Gr any atilt it2 whi eh the ?kfr[gagav !rta <br />Da :ta®ed 1 <br />i <br />p <br />y <br />7a FendBnt a mtl wtt is Ss otrai~ted <~ prrti ¢•- ,US rigt#ts ar Iien, Secluding cendai~eatlan ~utd Oankxti-tcy .i <br />~ <br />z <br />y p{g5, t$$ `lag=lea t;ity 1;3~iir BJ[ptln"^9¢ 'ItSfi 9tia9i:s'C 9aynL ftlr 3Y15LraCC ~84°R. 9t:0:9Fy :FNS £ICtl~ti"C. '... LhC <br />~+Yb9P.i p4`~isibi°+~'. Cy z6w?, ^crBts, R3peC.9ex, end ntfie#° '°nal"stg9. <br />f`i5T `•~ efi4 `.lt "Y!3` ~:5 '# a 7aY ~Yb`#! -+,~433.`y °+~7f@~. LS~E~~. '-t~71BAf .. rrr .3aSEg.,ygGntw, •~r ,`5.15 •C <br />~E~st <br />e <br />s <br />^ <br />S <br />' <br />" <br />" <br />- <br />' <br />- <br />- <br />- <br />Sts <br />~ ~2 <br />h S#SR° ~€# y7re3x <br />T.@ . <br />t~ <br />- -~~y '^rii;GS, <br />tea. ~±3- che[`R53 zut~er _ :erak4 ,,r aIXY 'fie, <br />' <br />` <br />' <br />^' <br />~ <br />`~ic*ai , <br />$~ ->r <br />- <br />1 <br />«, iFeYlf: Y fir.-~,F3y~+Ea -~ *'+r'ttris'rz <.{, .a.r ~ay_tyai rer ab;trart rpF>l, <br />._c sc;rn4y teas, :. c.=. <br />+eAtY~ Y '#4f ~bar <br />93 :k ~ <br />e6 <br />" <br />t <br />x1' <br />' ° <br />' <br />:$ <br />f <br />N <br />< <br />ztt <br />2 <br />- aytt Stn. ~n# <br />caeaeaea ~e ~;uCts Gwymen r at'„v i-'4 .Yi::h 4RSa"an !?. <br />•,r ~'~-^37' _"+ R-.~L .~, `}j'¢.:-_ jS{ ~'}j:,!:;$ $.j~ .: v''{E~ _~.7I` -"k.~tl °3!$'kX~d 3 y'taf'f ;?r ttya :av4~tC- <br />t!'4R:t y!!~€IrNG 't@r@6 <br />~ ~~iE <br />` <br />. <br />} <br />~xiC a#z <br />5' ~wet9 att+,~. a#r 22 ~sl-, ~Sar *ter..5_ irno s3sN ..see Ft f~famnt st ~.`he ';.ems *=~te ,s irt-nvi deC to .tnfaui: <br />ts4 .r,. ~,at~, - <br />