<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br /> } -a "ry::P w + t t;' ris diir Fate the annum itY rtzage ilrsxtl::iraCC "ICSTUUrrt t°; .ardrr to provide suClY !tl?i rr
<br /> ;nor w tr +rt~rYiar.( to ,he Se.tet-ary nS l cuung :feed V!baI tlCv:Iwipme t lYittsriattt :(e the
<br /> 4x : li:wa, r Aaa. as atr'tendt^d. 3nJ a ; bc*',;e Ritprla A: ms there-tndet. vt
<br /> 1{ a Ii , ti,- C At wd noic of riven i:ale P,4 this kr ivatmn: ate held by th- 4cretary Of 110UMng area
<br /> i't a~, f! r[', r ~e nt. a "Iwsothiv rharsr 0 4., writil, o ;t ^k-a►,;tt y ir.rresrcr rrxxr:iur-0 which shell he to All
<br /> a r f,;.Va'i to front"tuelfth f /I 'I of ac( ',elf (I r 1 p+~t vvntum of the average outstanding halantc
<br /> r:t"c tPTi t;t sY,:tr ccrsp 1s.d rr itha+u: tdktttp intn accunxn!Clitigextnists rte ; rrl,n trtgt.i;
<br /> t! r r, I .;,,a' tc !Nr ~r;'ru ad rM1%, tt an%. next JUL... p"us the ptermurns Chas woilri next, Nv:mw due and ray;i! le or,
<br /> r•,,•.; x•; acs..°. c"flit. r ka:ai➢! ^.t watstrae Ctrirrtng Ism M, otttaFCJ }+trl er*v, ► ius taxes and assCSarrtCrats twit Ctir
<br /> ..w o txttr•rrTdra't Fes . tfM>rYMevl ;ce.t ali turn.'s idteadr peed thercfoi diAnded hi} the
<br /> twits ..dti+« ter! a•rr ,uric rrtwrt.th ; r: sr t('x ahe datr %her such p mriwd tenti, yrTimusTA, taxC% ,tr,td
<br /> a+:w a rw ; t«''`. ~,...eme del t~.{ut tit, vwt► iwio tc, Se held b mottgartt' :;'1 ;rust to pa% said Fou"d rent.. Per"
<br /> rt",r [.a♦!C 1 ,'B'r;s; arxertwmcntt; knw!
<br /> c".,t.rlrt:i 'if.. ;`•e t'rra I4rr-ct€1g, use-Nito"I rf thla;,AT*Ftaph and All. Piffle itt to be mj%!C find[Y
<br /> rrt~, ,hs?i'be xd&d t4j=Owt, any, the aggregoote art aunt thmol %hA t-e r.214 ho, th. Mottfap*t
<br /> ^y ! R ,rz::`u k* 1 -4-orn- fto, t<r .1r;4 ri! ~r t~"c RefiFt:gagttC t4- the t+ t1+M `rig lttrnt t'"! the (,tdr: ict lctrt't,
<br /> i{ b fr!*tir i"s ;t'talvvi wxntiel the is`r+tnKI of .ow.-ar'ir w►'ith Ise 4e4 treaty of fitsu(tng ar•d UTI ia*w D"vrlo "Wot.
<br /> i,~i r::,i..i:y:aL. '}:►t(trt' 4.ier :k'rF •.arJ T+pff',"F",Tjrf ja!,+;t►'Jn,^P jw/Y+"'ld'►'!1, a1 ,IM! CA" tltA\..:*r.
<br /> t{1t .rQr_ t-m- taste, aseriwnmrovt. fire arad t%,t~ r harsart mv;t3AV* ptemlUln't,
<br /> tltit ll3trerv t the rwou WI~utrj tomby, ml
<br /> iIV I - r! l.f t`c Iwttta:;eFal (if want r►cte
<br /> :\rp' t:s: c.rT>ti,~ r des ar uviit .d an: starts Aq-e ztc m",-Iihiv ,a-meet ohAll, urtlevs malt P„+d b% tfx 4.°.t
<br /> FAIt"t r7l'L"T to the woe date of the nexl wch rr.-PmI. ye""*Itutx a'rt trx'ent of Jelsull unfit: :hr troo-1pFir 'I'Ir
<br /> ~'urYtapr; ,"jr + t[.t a °"1a:c charge- net t.` Mx::ce"w." !,-uT arras (41r) tot each dolfa: 151 t t?f tarh pa)rrPetit m,xc
<br /> v,a.r ''leer-c^ 1 I `1 11. % Un _mhs :'±cr cs the meta Cx, -Tress srirs6td to fundltng dcltro"nt ear rnen's.
<br /> tf ti;e wl;ol Of &Le Pawa►rnt- rta,ln bs the Vknt,aror tender of paraxraph 2 precedintr !.Wl exrt•rd
<br /> the a,rwv;t of pxkl^e nt. xrtuailr trade- by the \lrxrtr,arre for err,und r of-. izirs and •-•--wr:ent- for inlrrancetrw! I•.
<br /> Mlu'^t 1- !hw' rt:iw -ue°h trxcr,«~,. if the loan o%. ur•rrrv. at tlh trFtiwrrt of the kxi!v px.
<br /> thew \}L:rLM.ic,t r• w=a •L,alx-e~quent pa"'Ment- txd tx- taatde. lit the Mortexpor. or refunded to the \leirtgaeor. If, honr•rr•r, the
<br /> 7xtrne-nt~ t•wa.3c In the %kVitragcor xujct ~ of pea acr ph w prec"ling shall tztrt toc sufficient to P' "Ttutril
<br /> rent, tax*- a.nd t.:r:. iiMntr or tn►urxricv prt•miuta,M, a, they ea«e mas be, 'when the t-3me .~-hatll be•vome dues and pA%-
<br /> :oMe. thrp tear 1t •rtt t0.~`lwt !~,hadl parr to the \kartg r'r ."I, amar t here-.an to make up the defirienrr, on or before
<br /> lh,• tt,et,. their, F +rmml of ►ur"tt gn;►und rvnt7~. ttrxr!►. a~ r• ~ Yme'nt« or in440r'affIC0 prrmtutr - -hAIl be due. If at am
<br /> time thw° ~tcrlti;it.j'r?r -halt tendt•r ter the: 't1e►ritga r•e•,. in ariftotdAnCe Vith the praa'i-irttt- Of the note .enured hen•L'.,
<br /> ,.aR^«r"rli ('f ttxe• •Ynttre iritle'bte()rte«« tepee«r"tttr'd thrrrbM, tier \tntrlf;ae•e" .}tall. in rUrtnpy:inL the aTntittnt of =uc1i
<br /> :l9wl+C3•"fCw'~ts(""Per, CIrk!lt TO the .:h Count of des ~leYttg,ag(st all -,%v ffwnt% rr ioje utmict the 1Yr'ttlt ons, (if "1" 14 fe,aracrral"ll
<br /> tcwrr••wf kt,+t: t t ; \ki trab-re ha- not twoolwrr- ohltgittcd Ito, par tar the `ettr"tat of i ou-ine and i rbP,,n (k.rtle•fronufPY
<br /> x, At retie tr;Pl race w- ri'm iming to the fond" .t(cumul° led undct the f►rr►si"Piort, of 4,: of Para) mph 2 has m& It theti
<br /> 1- a fie"!"ault Undo"r atrM of des pfwmr iowt of tht^- m. rigagr• re-ulting in a ptiblir +atr= elf the puree+ew V0%41►w•41
<br /> hw'te!71 • or !f thr \{.trleaf:ef,• arrf:urr~ t:xe- prr•►Iacrv# otheT'+eri " aftr, default. the Mottza,~rr shell app"... at the iit•Y.• ref
<br /> ihr GergP rirtt'rt7+erti ref ~urte fwrc r*rdinq'. or at the tittles the prrsperty is othemi•wrr acquired. the balAnet' then Ten,
<br /> Mr ter the fund- accuntilated undo t "-Serf parsttraph "s pre-ceding, is a rtrdit togain-t the atlraunt of principal the It
<br /> r•-Hoar? ni: unpaid under -aid rmw, and •Ltall prk4C't1M zdlu:4 am pati-n o,; ',mbirh -'call has*- bear". made• under
<br /> t•f {aitagrAp
<br /> t f r -AC, -.1,6 t-,unf -e(ttr,, taxCw. a.:A,er+r"YCntr, Lrsttt !"31C".. i..IJ oitt ' goNcm-ncrtal w"! .:aF~ t
<br /> a I n the 1 r 0. r
<br /> _'•.a~iKr. rtn[r. rrt *,.r ~`/r~rlSia?ri i't,.ar R't"t t+Crrt rraue htretlYt•rftKr. and in dCrr3uIY 11+crtr+f t",[ \i(aYt}:3'➢'t: ir.1".
<br /> n1r 'hc tent %Iort gK< %ill r trrtnrdi, de lrrcr tl+r r"-tgizcaf retici, is fhercfeiR Fa tnc ~tartY gyr
<br /> lht \tc"Fica ;."'T pz% a!: tawta *hsch nxAy t"e: 9r.i[w' ;it+t~n Lhwc ~isK:t+iltce'w interest in s.,id real estate and im, rr"rc
<br /> r ~ , r+;S w'te~h far tersrd at;M:~n tht• rrllwstgage er tRs i"eht +cctarrd hercl7p ►~"nt on9~ tc• rite [ ~ irnt char .ush t«- "Nr fir, cttyT' .
<br /> ,r. ind ,+r" *k, :!"w: cottet~: that such will n..rt Tnalc zhts loiin uwriou%o. Nut cxclud ng a -IA, incorne t Yx titst
<br /> ,.cam on w.S.•:tt;ai•rr c, .2 'A :z *t r!h[ tAt`.►t! rc, curt •lt+e+awmv ■uch f+ba nwnt %Lnh the Mortgagee L";e+n r~,!rtiren rr! thr• uT+drr
<br /> ' S.;tt~7•t't"„ r'! tT t.~.C ~t.H `i,J':;air >'w.. T. Tr,"~rot`ei['4 1^r :'ttR'ti I:tw w^atrw .wr hcre.eSarr exiMting trr••m ~ari.R~ ttx w"~.Pp[ l?T xrl4 j~triH+rt a+f !YM .YYrriC
<br /> A-.l!l:: RICH, it: L,- . the rC: %r rzzr g i4 an- 6, dreyte =+T C'r,~9t'!t➢rti: the 71% mcnt by the ~/eeri~.rrwrr Or AnN %U,6h. ia%rs, or If %t.rh !2 A
<br /> rti Jc'-:C[ Pro, 1dr~ iyT_" .kn1 a,:rioun:,w(' ,~„ii•.d bt, the !.Irarie;,.tgwrr rhsl! tv Ctedned on the mt-*r:g.%gv dcM. the Ntirrigarrr sh.:,'i 4:.•y C
<br /> it,! -Igh. tw" giro! tlwr tr dt_i'A'S' MTSttrn rratace to the .+wner of the rt4mi artd feremis", requiring the .'u:tricrot of the r wrt~:J~:
<br /> ,+r~: If 'al t: no,,ro r fir p%en.:he %.Aid %h:.•ti 1'ecinrtc intr. PaIial-k and r:w~'tlttiaiblc at ttic esriration t.f said mroety d.+
<br /> 6!w•:, Y •c.
<br /> IN:.! ltitrt r4 l..t taxi err psr aitr NUM Or lees ant err►riilcwt fir( in this then the - t F F ~ tip" ~
<br /> ;.r tt ..,z s ear or ;r.f :"rte th[ s- c, IT"t; 0 Cx-pendillat- sii, r9ade --%A be addled to the rrtr%.sp,il sum ooo m%z on the, atkirc r \tt'.
<br /> "
<br /> % 'k , be ti.:trc l kC cR'r . an,, , ..1 : Iscar interest at tyre -mc w[t fort, in the said t ir. until -A%!
<br /> t,a7%f[:s and retr c , CT t(th-C Mer':pgre, to be ar, titr' ;c + n 1 r ; a::ttcnt of star n. tc an :a'`:
<br /> ri,'"`, r. r[: tt•Ct: htrelw. tl',. C:A,t of 't k1AI.1% in t1bC rv.1rwrMincc of iin,. o ibir ictrir and, co is l°f T('tl+ ~ttrf?1~~C r`t !"IC
<br /> :r`C :C•':r, rev en: r% anAl v-L,cornt t,t tv derived 'Umn the m-wigAprd t+rrmtses durmr, si.-cn ismr as the mortgage s rc:Ci.^iC.'.r
<br /> 3geTli• !Y tld:7r dt[rT:t vwaT tf:i' t➢:t'i N[ Of
<br /> r;C.rl r!+a~! rtmat AmJ tt' \Iortragtt. shall ha%c ; aer tc~ zip,-knizt ary agem 46n
<br /> :ri a1T1'SF, s.a.a i't7"ttt4 vId of rtming the.arne and Ce?tl[cung thm rents. rr%cro -s and inc,,kn[..and it mar pps l+t.,t w•f •a;d in-
<br /> COMV, al! t,;stnre• of rc;;ttrirg Said ; rtmi-w% ar•,uf nvcr-,sar7- commis-worts wood expcnscs vxurTrJ -n renting and m4ro igmp the
<br /> s.kme an.'. N: c•'irr•atirg rcrital> thcrcfTt>T^: the tlitaraec remalmng. d znv. w be ar,r!itw 'reward t"nt diwch:rge of Y-JA rise .r~r
<br /> M r'.at [ rR wr wrac +•w k+ ;Te,r_C.v hrieA"zer eie'cieat on •tot ,^".(:rtp:gelf -7t,~_17n. m•uTcd as MA."t-C
<br /> 4a+f.Yattt't[S:rL+ 1r
<br /> frc- 4. mC 7O, i7.T t`V tree Mdwr'tg2~:re again-4 kl' ,N b) fuC :irid •xhrr hatar c:&%ua1t1Cs and
<br /> free"urY(w And for sash Red 7P:rlw as ma-. be rmirCd tti ahc !wt r6$aitee :lanes will par err trttr, wt►en due. ar.~ tr'etniu.^ r .+n tit
<br /> s trsrxrtcc CvA iswn for ;iaw"r►eni erf awtkh has not been ',made txrci'nber 4xce AU insurance shall Ise carried in :cvm,.inie•• t;
<br /> ,ro%cd t•s the Mee ig:,rawer and thr roticics and rcne+►atr ttirceif'wtli be held by the Mortgagee wid here attached rerrrii °r`r`
<br /> ;,:0-A "r claur. w in farces of and (n fn:n aea rttat*/c trs the WcrgWe. lrr c%enx Cif kvAw% xlongagc►r Y+i? tti%.c immedi tic n."tY,x hr
<br /> m tlY tt:c !~Is!sl ~t•[: A&tx m.aY crake P►00f 0! ll*ss if n„~t made prtarxlpt1%' by Mer.gaptr- and each insurance cc+.^.",: an. cw•n
<br /> ce.-toed t heret+y authorized and d(remm's to rnake payment for such lass directly to the tl(wrtga; ee anst,~,ad of to the Mo.-T free+r
<br /> xrY.t t`se Mortrlgtr js'4a st%. and the ii!rsura we trararecd-,, err agcy true ttaerrof, taay he a,•r+rlicd hM the MCIT11ag'et at its a•T tiw•fl t'i"Wr
<br /> tie tccttxetxxr► of the it'rrlt,Ntdrtesw lwre'~ir ecured cc to the rt:stormitaaa cif repair of the r rt'>r^eriv damaged. In m erit of fo, C';n .
<br /> . _w r:.r l"!tv:- tr'ansf .-f vt title to the atk ingn-cd yrrcrerty rn extitigui!thment of the iirdCt•tealnerr srC ure.: ht tch..
<br /> X+ ter Inn xnwrarrt.+f the VATt;a.,r(."r iaa attacl rx!*n%m-ka(•a#Ce•robctr%then W_fOT,ce sisatt ras%. til the rurc ha•ct.er F: a 1!'!C :writ t(.'+"..ttr?a; wer.itrrTr f ,r tt'.t r:a't otsxt Of tear mmir dekcrttv"'. and a.Yt -wumw ter Lsezomc due UnAler tht^P
<br /> tksuw', t'r[ tt,.at- .a i"r t"rrre!ht 2±4i,gns to the \Imt:gigee 0 peor4rts, tr%v&w rl±ra"tars, rights and tcmfitr ;oc%ti rung t.° the
<br /> '•"S`"" r t::rrs.'.r' arwf paA lvaorl, on witt% the right to r[4 ewre urj TCCCtpf !,.r t!ir ramr ;ally, _Y,^;'.
<br /> t +_::.^.ti ~tr"ir^;tr VPe":- YVfotr x4' afirr deIZU11 or. t':,se it>ri4o weer e*f %bi-. rrvrt'C-ah"C.. alid Ise Iort,g':a.grc Clrr JC!7.0h: +.3[
<br /> L 'ti t.= r• tit rf+C'gtreu r:r !l', tlitlt•.;w awr7f,'P ",'~ICPTt r'w i(? Tr" "';^•:f'C
<br /> 2"'~* _...'•.c" 9^'.r ..1+, ~"tw....;!,q.t.w yrv"nrte {~.ilie. :Pr„~3 w4.YY aK..t!;_. .C" rttl.r ~'1vw
<br /> *Sm, r-ws161 p"jZ_4,
<br /> 9: ace lw"
<br />