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~~ . <br />-~- ~'i~3~ ~4I~3itTGAGE <br />This forms is used in comrtec- <br />tion with trtortgages insured <br />^nder the one- to four-fantity <br />provisions of Life Natianal <br />Housing Act. <br />Ti~fi~ SAGE, trtade anQ exscutKd tkis 13th- dag of P~ttary .A.Q. <br />83 -.t~6ettic~rt ~e~.n-JSSaaea Jar+3ertsett ash Peggy Sue Jozgeasen, huslaand and ttrif <br />of t'ota ~ HaZ l , ssrrd St::te of !deisraska. pa-rtq c~ the fsrst part, htxeiftaftcr ca8t d <br />the ~. and 3i~seziQZ mortgage, Inc. <br />rt ra~ecistifsgutfderthe#awsof the Ihtitec3 States of fltnezica <br />i~Y td ftte ~ecoad pmt. itereima€ter eaNed the A#t~tgagte. <br />~iP+i£'1`N:'Chst tt~ s~ M1irntgagar, far and in eoos~eratian of rise sum o€ Thizty &ix ThptEaartd Sight <br />Htt~diz~ @'i.fty sad -00/Iflflths---°-°----------~------- ikritars is 35,85ti, flfl }. p:sid by ttse ~iort- <br />. rte recce ~ rovh~-#t is #€rrehp a::~-sefEed~d, has C'rranted ~.d 'icld amd by shese pre.~nts does Grant. ~r• <br />rim. ate Czxrtfatss tutto thr °~iortga8ee. its .uecassara stet assigns. forever. the foilowitsg-dascnbed <br />z~ , siaoytted im the Ciasaty of iial l , amd Siate <br />of ~. to vrit: <br />~f ~~ [?1), PipezlB G1ezt SatbdiVision, hRi ng d Sttttdivision of E.otS Ei(~ilt ($~ z3.'iS~ <br /> t~3a i~rr~t Subdivision, in the City cxf Grand Island, i3a21 County, t~brasl~. <br />also tntronZ as: 21U #a. Piger, Unit 3, Gland Zslamd, ~ 68$fll <br />a€ ifte Sixth I'rstesi ~icrn, u?sstsitf in :~? County Fr~>ir °:y .=er:. ascot stn;; tt~ #i+av~rm- <br />tfleRt r~5rrt!' . <br />I`C13iAv E A?~b} tC3 334Jt.J atx presttzses ~~tvc i~,:rs;. ~,th nit ttx a;r,:ustresarF~e. thereon ~, ~t~ttsgtn~ tttciu.iinK <br />~ heaiic~, ~ anti Ea9ine fixtures arai es{use4 .fr hetta:#tt a; ta:tcu' :s.r zr s.csi i;s : vnnectie~n u;th sattt rea: <statr <br />u$to the A4tnt,t. aasd to ifs we+:e3wra asasgnt. torrses- #'#ar licxtgatfsu reitrt*rni. ;:..and :o~enents •.~tth, tttt 'r# }rfgac- <br />pas, the sfx rdaxt.x itss fwd ti~rt to -ris aftt# ;:ortstt =aui prrtnisc.: tit they a,e free in*tm emcurnhramtr: amd that fha' <br />~x wi4luanarrt and de€eed the }arise agair?+t the tan €ai :f;rttns cxf e[ ftct.,,nt Khx>t~?~,> end thr {aid '~7ortia-egor here- <br />t+~?~~> ~ $si, :±tad 83_`s i'tl~.ftlat (t~ltll. rtttStr to lau LC to rattrtiw. ark! cif iSEi}Cr E ttnttn~rnf intcre~ts of ittr <br />iTi Ia tAe ai+ave.Jest;rtt!ed mramtsr~,, rise isNxntnvs :'stems saa ~f?r.;e+ }~~; erg an .+-?±wluie tRie. in Fee simtpir. inclad- <br />inp rrii rt{ptaa rN hwhexts~i. asWl cuiscr rfa#tts aoai tftXacs3+~, :4fxxts>Ert <br />pRiJYit~Et? At 4~'sY"S. ~~t foss ~rr.rnt~ .err rx>:~ utr~ :,tr ~fsSt.earv c~M+;: tie ;t~d;.~wiryt ~,rnttfican;, to unit: <br />x. ~ ~u .~ app? `.~=F.c} f~= i~ ~~~ ~. ~:.~,i,:. ;b" 4',~y'-~§ - .z ~ r v Sie; Fi ~ r <br />F~#ty at1T$ {iQr'19flths--=-., ....__~,.__-,.--~_..~:A#:n4z[`4 3ti,85fl.f}D <br />ent~i estereat ftnm data ant ttse lets rat Rhi.rta~cn and hat f pzr ceattrsn; 13.5 °%) per smmum ~>n <br />tits ~ try tt iysid. T~ sari tv'itsc~ta; t~.rRt :ntrrr.t ~itnt! t+e , eyabit at the .}tbcr v€ Sapezior H&srtgage, Znc. <br />~ C3L Zs,Ltu:t3: t~ ash t»r at sects 4€Fn:r F iace ea4 [}te hrzider n€ <br />*he rrsm~ ~y tied ie wei9t~., in ~~ tttstaiftmeats E+# Fo:zr :itu>t3red 'T'wenty Twa and U8/144ths------- <br />~_ _ _ tloiiar5*~ ~~g ?..c matsen4ling jn ;ist first oat .~f <br />ljat<i I --~~---~r~-~~ , 1i~;~ . ~ti c:n:.Fa. -- ' .c ~a..:i e~h;stcztstfi tlsezcafttr ntt3 tht ~titrvi{+ai ani in• <br />ters~ct_ ~C~ # #, _ eft>apt tt+at #t~e fiat rrg,tarma tt# .-cd :;r.Ferrat. i€ s.6t scxttsrr ~.>ts;i, ha!t he due sad <br />ptyr rra ft#e tdrf t~ Piarc3t, 3QI1 : ~>it assn;rditt;z to the terms :,{ a certain+•tt,K•i•_ <br />se#~ tlttte tl#` errs ds~tc here>Eit~ t say ~~s=± ?°: ` s -..~h: K.~ciitagrrt. <br />. iessttier tnt'xe fnth #et pratecs #t±e ±ecurity r.€ thac tior#g~e.:~rce>- <br />:. 'i'tta€ ~-~'kttY LAC his, ax tger,*is#tefore cxotitki. Ptirslt~ i+ re,ervctt to ray the c#eht im •.t=Pt<tie, or tm :ut <br />a.~:rs .,¢ t;a-:~ ¢ _~ i+e~RRe53ts oa that {: rttsctpat that :rte ntxt dun :sn ttrr :krtte. ;.m ttsr !ir~t clay :,f :tn~ nxrattt <br />i< m >~ ~,r~te,.-Pl~ar. 9srtsr~t',T ~httxa~ tae: xe ? ;:-=5 smisasxxn t:+essrcnc =::>wh prs•-i!€ is siren st ie;tsi thtrt;~+}tl! <br />ry!s ;~.~ to "x5 <br />? Wit. t~,y~c;'t,~ rith, ,t~,li,au, skc fteth€g p~~t #=~nt3 ~f ~ttec amt tmt€crsc ~ps~a: utr~t the a~:tta .~f for <br />Rvtt¢ r-+xcd Aet_:,ziir . v,i ~y ks t~e'rtptcsre .t:: t=~t fttvt dag i>€ eus It tnaath unu! she *aiD testa s~ fu#t~ . thr <br />itt-t~g,:eaa4 <br />€i€ ,~ftuat~i t~rpitraai>~ tip ~ hteasrai-a~ttis 2'etfaia t., pyt~ itte trrttt ntESrar tr.!tutanc~ ptretsrtune It tilt{ <br />aasi ties ~ it t€tc rand: rtr a rtaot;cit#y c4texgtx t~ tisntr dif er rtrcrrft!~n itttrt+enrx~ tyre <br />,F t# _ #e t_t~ ~ ~rtset c.F _~ C=r3ratt [iv+rel¢ti+m~ai. as icts.#c~ea-. <br />41} if ate Sr e'a tuH$ n+,ta ot~a+rexs ~ ttiti nStttt# arc otsa:,-~# ~+a arc ~eattsnra:~t -s~s.ftt::€tc {>raa~ <br />+Sat Lire ^$tilastsMi to#. aft rsart zefii#tt ti~;ttcutoaia#a in the ttat~:x stf €.tsz t;vtc6rr ,vse <br />gwarb~te~tireaastt +aarr a, ;tnxa +v »k edrem~d +o7'=i't`(~=+3F` ~E~iiiiel:~l-A <br />twatx-ta~aw~A tie ettt <br />