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<br />r- <br />it!_ That She Mottg>Dgoe will keep the bui}dings upoa said premiers in good repair. and nes[her commit nor permit waste <br />uttttnsztid fatrt. [rta'sufferlhr said premiststo bt used for any utdawfui pttrpose. <br />I i. That ifYhe premises, orany part thereof. ht can<femnrd urm9rr the power of ttnintnt domain. ar acquired for a public <br />use, tht darsages awarded, the pruereds for the taking of, or the comideration for such acquisition, to the extent of the full <br />a~artt of i~btedttrs upon rtes mc. -tgagr ant[ the torte which n is given to secure remaining unpaid, art hereby assigned by the <br />~¢ tt3 the ?Natigagee, aad shall txe paid forthvt-ith to said Mortgage to 6e applied by the tatter nn account of the [text <br />. of suet[ tttdtbtednrss. <br />~? '-'~+ ,aa tumor airs that sharsW this made attd _ the ttnte_ secured hereby trot be rti~ble -for in- <br />su.-ance t;ysdxr tkt Nxtstnat Kausittg r4t:t witltitr 3zxty >~ayt3 [mm,the daft hereof (written staetment of any a~cer <br />of the f)rftartt~at ~ [!dousing ate UrFina f4,evelnpment ar antharized agent of the Secretary of Ffousing at[d Urban <br />f3rvrt[t dared sub4tquent ter fix -sixty t)ays time from-the dart of This tt=ortgage, decliniitgte insure-said <br />s a~ t mats, being deemed conciusivt praeif of such itteiigibitity). the- titttrigagee car balder of the note <br />may, at its oprinn, dec#are atrsnme ~tl heret?p ir-nmediatels dttr and payable: <br />t3. T9mt ~ ttte Martgtr fats to make am_ payments of rnone! when the same-become dot, or fails to canfurtn [o aad <br />comply wi#t any of the cantrtirttts or agreements eontained in this mortgage. or the Wort which it secures. then the etttitt princi- <br />pal stmt and acctaecf irt'ierest s#iait at anti beeome-due attd payable. at the election of the ?Nartgagee: and-this martga~ may. <br />thtceupun be forretostd immediately for the wtu3tt of said money, iatsrest, tnonthiy paYmints. costs, ground rrms. taxes and <br />ties cast ctf txtag the abstract of title floor [tie date of this loan to the time of wmttttncing such foreclosure suit: and-area- <br />ante ast+ts[nty's fat= aft of which sfiatt bt inctudtd in the decree ofi fareetostur: aad i#~ contract embodied in this [gage <br />aad ttx t~ °_rurtd tsereby, shalt in alt respects be itoverned, coastruat sad adjudged by the taws of htebraska, where the <br />saint is rttdde. <br />Tfat coveet~ts herein cctatained shat) tend, and the Lxttehts and advantages shalt insure to, the respective heirs, extcutprs. <br />adarinistt'arors, successors and assigns of the parties iterMO. Whenever used. the singular number shalt ineiude the ptuta3, the <br />},;ta€rat the siaguiar. and the use of any gender shalt tx applicatzk to alt gender.. <br />The foregoing coad'tiictns. aiF and singular. t3tirge taetfornttd accordittg to their natural and legal import. this wnveyance <br />stud[ be void stet said prerttixs reieasr6 at the exptrtse of the iNcrctgatccx: vtherwist to be and rtmain in full force and e6'ect. <br />IN StafTtiESS W Hf.REOF, the .tifortga{;ort51 ha ~=y ncrctrt[t= setLbpir han~si£!s day a>~ year first <br />.dx~'+tt wiiI~tt_ <br />in tresettee at <br />~v.rsnAA ~ - i SEAF. ~ <br />DEYitd35 t73R` <br />iSEaL~ <br />,r <br />,.~ ~-. t ~~'''~L' ~~1 ~ _ _ ~ ~ 1 SEAL , <br />L. t7TT'." <br />` ;SEAL[ <br />SEA!_ i <br />..a.. -Sit-i?g <br />~`T4fE{}t:~EgftA4K~a. ~j <br />? '~. <br />t[~t`.`T}'t`S€ '§333 , <br />{~ etas 33t:lt day cd ;?ebrt>~;~ ! €? }y A3 . trrforc sere, <br />a rfYY pa7b31C ,a atxi for ,aid {~.~trntt . t!trx+r..3?v .:xrnt <br /> {JtE aixt ?.yrtda L. Qtt. txtxeLl9nd and vile <br />txr«anaiiv tt: trtc known <br />to hr t11e tdenttcai prrriHt 5 wttcaae rtamc s are athxed to the atxrvr sad hxe- <br />~:ttaitntaante3tt as 44aaei''e. ~ t~v bare cckt3ew kattAed the satd ins[ramsnr atal etx <br />sa ~ tttieratrt ro rue ~~, ~ 3?urrtat~ :s.t ass deed. iur fix ptxrpassta therein tzpressrd. <br />Is testy whettr*f. t Katie hertumc+ wet me barrel -yawl arrtntd t+v ato*..ari81 meat at viand i slsnd <br />the dart amd dax lax[ ataote wrtttrn ~°- `~ <br />t~ C"QIILIY{3!i B7~'Z~.S; ~ _ \r'F~{y,r.~.C.{ <br />»~ittpR-amrw~w.rra L'atar~ A.ablac <br />~ ! S <br />9~fw~tia~. ttt~,ttiti [933 <br />~-'1~fkt~tiEK <br />!~tlyd fa trc'tr+t tRa day .fit <br />~ a'<iotk <br />teaardrat m i3oott <br />~.~, t4 <br />5,t.. aed entered in ~uartru al tttdtx. and <br />Rtgistrr a!# !?etds <br />e+ilt3-~7ti~2iM {R~r9i <br />