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This form is ttsed in cannr_v:- <br />~-~r tion with ttrortgages irreured <br />iillViL E lTlislT~ under the arts- to fourfamity <br />p ry it}~ 27]lVl~ ! ~T pravjeisns of the :dataona! <br />p ~'~" ~~~ d ~ ~ A Hausirg Act. <br />7'FIL~ A~til}1!'f~AfitE, ntads attd ex~nted this 13th Say of Febrttazy ,A.I} <br />44.8-1 ,hy-andbet~etn 13t~Et~tis C7tt and ~ytsdx L~ Utt, hts~s~aad. and wife <br />of the t;txtnty of I3a11 ,and State of Ne~axka: party ~ tle t'rst part: '€~• <br />the ~tmc, anti ' <br />SLIFERIfrY3 ~~+r ~°~ <br />a ccrrpetration organized and existing uncttr the laws of tiehras#€a <br />ParEy of thr secttnd part. hereinafter salted the Mortgagee. <br />wlT'YESSETH: T3tat rt[c said g4nrtgagor. far sort in consideration of Ehe stem of Thi r~ s@y~ tt,e,r+~»ti} sj,~ <br />3-urxir fifty mad :701100--------- _ tktllat*.+53~ 6500. ). paid try tbelt3~t- - <br />~get. the receipt of wt~h is hereby a~icnowtedgert. 3ras Crranted and St?Id sn ~Sy t st. prtsetits tls Grz.nt. 7-. <br />gain. Seri. t:anuey and Corrfrrm uma the 39ctrtgaget, its sueccssars atxi ussiprs, farese;, tF~ fir#7oivirtg-sue <br />. attd=Shtte <br />wt ..tort, ' ;-~i! in t?tS f'attttty crf doll <br />:rf VeMxaka.tawit <br />):at Two {2?, Piper's Glen Subdivision, being a Subdivision of Late Eight fg) <br />and :tine {9?, h's_rrstt Sttbdic-isicn, i.n the City o£ Grand ZeIarn3, E~Il Cotuttyr <br />T~hrasita . <br />.,i the tiia[h tjrtnctpx# '~tertt£[ar.- _ctn;~.ntrt n a=i <br />rent vsn e3 - <br />r.; rs ,ua'mrdt! e' to Ga>: ern- <br />i €} i{:~ 4' ; a .~ ~ t; t-r; iilJ [. u :nr , trrt[ se, :ti*c;ti e a: `:..:.t'*cv. ~n tt fi:..; t ~,r .~,^ ~ ia. te,::[ntrs [ he. enn[r~ ?+c!~?ng[nR ;utd i[[~iuaittt; <br />sif heattn~ piumMrs~.uuz ir~ttn~ fixtures sn~i e:rntt±men[ tus;+ =3t "terrat[er :.tta::rr.t eE, .~:€+ru rr, ..::nnecti:sn ui[h s:ud rrxi estate <br />stereo [he ttusi crrti ro ?t. ;u4; esx=rs .cod khargn~. ?rsres rr Chc ~i<;rt~agur ,c^rc~rnt. ?_,. -~ri:i _r,venants ~tth. the 41c?rig:r. <br />ate, rtes[ t:hc 4t fur has acvx3 *rpJtt 'cE -:r?t .,tai corxE-s ;.uci :+tcros.e-..hat ?hr~ .ter `rr: tr;+m ._rscumhrani.e:rnd that the <br />Mattgatetrt wall warrant xnd ciettnet stir ~atrtc :at~ttnst the',t-~. ti:. ,.i.n?t=. ,., .,: ;-rr=~; :; :. hc~m.<rrs ~r; rnr3 thr >aid \fr,rtttgt?r here- <br />M~ ~?~ w~=n:? _~~...r r~~ic~_ n+ t? .rart~ r•~+=== crt-net n x,a - r ,n r:st,ia.. ins .3!! :ytse[ .<mnngrnt interns= ~f thn: <br />Marrtgattaex to ttse:tbr;ve-,3exriL+esi pre[:t[ie~. the ;ntenticrn t+tin>r rr+e,n:: ~: 'te+ci~4 -,^ .,t,sca-.u[e ti[ic. m tee +imple, inctud- <br />:ttg ak trams c=t hsnsrr+txat,i. amJ o[txr nttitts e[[d =nteres€. ~s :tore: a;c# <br />lNtt1~ IUEll :yLLY~1`S..oxt these presents etc ca.e~:uteci and :~ei[sered utwtx ;he r cviluu tng.arrdizrans. to wit: <br />s ne s;ort~sa~r :,yree• co pa.{ sc; ;hc ~,cr~pet. „f :~ver_ =_ttr r:-~s~_, -;:cr, ..f zzi~,~ sa~r~xt t3~'[x~~d sip <br />htuttired fifty atsd '~loiiQG___..________~_______ !k~s`iar<,~,7t650.t)0 ?. <br />with interest frtrm dart at the tats <sf Thi=teen and one-hail F>et _rntum t 13.5 ~~ pet atsatrm on <br />,ter ut~xrid t~latnt until t*nai. The ?~»id Frirtt~al smi xntc:c: sh:ait tot Rat at+ie at tax utiR~ of <br />:ii1PE~iZG'R ~Er Z~". <br />!n Gratrd Zsland r ttesraska cx :rt such culaerl~t as errs bolder-o€ <br />[ore =x?tt may =krsryf[ate to wntrrttt, to mctnlsiv ttntailrrtsrris arf Pour hundre& thirty one stxl 2#(I~O--- <br />...._____..~ Ihrllar <c 4 31 55 F. Lr*mraet~ing stn tl~ lti3t day tr€ <br />Ap~ril ~ t" 81 rnu a=a`rlse tint uar .=f resit month tlttrcafttr utr~ the pritx.~ipat a@~ in- <br />sre>t ~r fop rx~ct_•t ;iiri fix [tttai „.ry[~at ?t t.ttxrpai rrrfi rntartat, if tart +ucrttr<r pxrd, slp~sl! be daE attd <br />purmFflt un YM +xst day of *4arcit. 2x11 .:tit accurdittg.ttt-tiu t+rf a. .. _ <br />w,er~ ttarie Esf even dart hetixyth a rr_tstt+i t*o gibe a;i4 :Ar.,rtg;attor - - <br />The'krxtggtr an:,n#er mirrr #uit; to pratrtt thr security ,•t' ibis M1ttrrtgage..[xret+- - <br />i.. 77ret h+t wry try errs ttreltttrtd[rr~>. 3s txrcnreetart Prrte•tdtti- Prtvrierat i» rt~crved t~ tray itre debt ig~>! aG ~k-i~t~, <br />atet tx: rat ,x tosser [sr>ttt#iv ~gtsent< -m the ,^.rtncrpai sFcat :ur next ~tx _~n the tri,tt, ,qr errs first-may tip>trih <br />presrt tt: ttr~urity. P7i» riled., 4`tret rrtiiez ma[ae aI sts [trtenriiis ru eszrcis~ wr:'a Psivi~ ix ge~esa3•'IsaaE itt~t+fs3Q) <br />;rays ta's~t te-r~=:a#'tt':r~- - -- - - - <br />>. t"itaE- [Ntrer ,rrtit, . :n ~tdtttsta to. ti,- -;;~,';thlr g-aristenty et t*riatc,rpa::,atl snttrr+t pay:et~ uadst tbp #+ades,,~=tfte <br />rrcttt .h*erucri ta;ret~e, the ~.+rtgsgrx ~rtt pay to the t . tt~xttet< on tore £nst rla~r t.i r'a~N, one=girth trtrtii the wilt nets ~ ft~q p:.t,~x _ <br />f; f~rrc#etg wrue: <br />€ay Artr+;arnr esi€krtm to pres+tdr the h+aider *sete,z[-,with fiurrtts err PaY tt[e r±zxt srxittgrt~ tr:~ltrence pret~Cmr ifthls <br />tustttutr~t apxd the nr,te ~v;urrd lrtrrby art irwrrted, err a ,rntnthiy =:Itat~ irn diru rff.s =~ +tWAitwtc~ jmr <br />Ott j tz: "-fie?` Wrr Ix1d ~ the `+.,~rrttary' <rf Ht»rttar[g, aad f, 4ti+an ?7t+xitytt.~nt. ~s #£-i}~-}ws: <br />tP7 tf w #~¢ ~ afsYC =rf slaEt ~€»xi tt€it sh75itvrrse=rx srr tmwrcx3 =y~ src ra,nlurtd tsruiar the pra• <br />air~isrtta trt` cite ?~tti*rrt~ ldttu Wit. xrr antozrart 'artf+E~atSrrrt =o :rxrtrtrul~t# ut '.#e hmnds of she hrddtt Ems <br />°rwMarse.tal,,.~s#$kr,++%~cim,++sr;-+~:,sM.rr..etsswtw:a•r:,~rwsrw '*'l`!7't':t)! ~'ftlM=itd`t4>; <br />tires: s: tt7lN t9-rNt <br />