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<br />[6{ that in Me event action is brought to forockrsa this mortgrge tar a1f ~ar any psrt of the debt aacured hereby, the <br />fbTOCtgegss. sltatl ba entitted W Immediate poesasalon ofi ttie mortgaged premiers. and the court. w situ tharig#-en <br />v~at:otc, Wray a#ap®inc a retsiver So table pasaesaian of saiaT premises to cailact and receive tams and pates ariidirg <br />thsre#rrwm; andlrarn-any rmatta"rs sa cnltsctad. to psy 2a:ras, Wovrde insurance, rn~ta Welded rapaiesta+m~tvvama+ts <br />utsws the pr+smiicas and nuihe any artier expenrtittuas autfrorizsai by the count; and aPP#y any stun raenaiexing after ttie , <br />F~,,:ne.:. ~ ~ - , ;: _: - ate,.»~ man Lhn.nuxr#naras i~dness. - -. - - - <br />s~~'~„~r~~~~+s~;vt-~o~~.-tria~ta+c~saanvafitsright-saranv#teges~tallnattatconstnaedoasavaiverthe*~#. - - <br />arty act of >~Ea: trac u+ae+ring ar+y s#secit`rc-rdefauh at Mon9a9o+ta1 strati not be eonstruod ~a waFtrara! any futate <br />defatatts; that in Caaa-af defatttt in the payment of any notes. installments arinterest. of in caaa o#-pagrrtrfsrrt:br~t~ongagaa <br />~ ate- tbdtc, tatnsrrc, tax. i»s~-ans~; cast nr sxptsnse. saiet NtarayA shad hatra tt~~~ivile%e--vrithauid~tcfaros9 dta - - _ - <br />rM ` ~ ' du$ and #3ay= to fssrttcleAS on aceaunt of such speettiEdetm~ tw sueft stuttsasareinds#au#tarld - <br />~,,'• 1`ta gactteadin+,#s tt:ay #sa hatf anct ftw tend (teaeoit~dtvatsin may be sotd. s~b~act'to fhsattpat~ <br />hsse&y saccusd. and they neortgaga st+atl Cantinile ar a Bert far any unpaid-#talarecei. <br />~_.. __~- ~_.__. dS6AlJ -~'~'e-.wc~i/ X i-t±~-~~^t ISFJ4f.1 <br />Le+:anard Fiieken ' <br />r , <br />y `--~~.---- (SEAL) <br />---_ _-__.~_-_-___.-_----._ ._-.__ -.__- Barlene Bieken <br />- -- -~--- iSEAIi <br />~.___~-~._.__. _ _.__.--- -----_-- 1, <br />4~']~, (: t' f .:inf.' .,1 emu. M <br />Fiet{sta m a .eT[_1r- ;=uhiie y;>aitfi+>! ::. <:;,d .. ::,anev, Farr>::i,s:x ..~:uur Leonard ^ielSen 87td f7dTlEtte a~ieken <br />rt.;.,w=it n, ms.?.> r~ t- -. •~r,!rnt fn,i ;,is t tr:.. t. r. , ,. :crcrume•nt. ;ira1 :x~kzwwled;;rY1 thx rxr.:~utton <br />1.».••,•.,( 7e # - w,,Isl+it,rr~: art z.# -: :-.~ , . , r ..e ,~ :3-. .. i,inf.y t._ .~t.,ti ds-.•rl ~-~4 Butt! ~'r3rtx>,:sFk.€e ~u.f tl:a! .;z c.>r- <br />iwrati^ SrnC w~gls~t3'.•reite sfesrtl Irv tI ~ ,a~ia.n€=- <br />tttr Fetlrttary 17, !y 81 <br />~t f <br />'d#~ tun t« ., i".5 R ~..... .,...~-. . '^,F{.~V~e,-. ._,-... 'VS:1~a7Y L'ut>Cl[. <br />~~'~ ~`- - .. _.. - - - i~r: tF•rxY: ;art index and- ttk it fe,r ;e vnt <br />C-.,unit .a :h=- ft.;:r,(,~r :.( LkYwiy ()ltia~t• _:! l t':,unsl e..<. <br />- -- .- _,.,tay tzf.. ... .. _. _.. c! ai „',dark anal. __. _.. ...._..__,minwtca -. _.-... M., <br />testis#~# in tick .-.i at {fir .... .. <br />4 <br />• <br />tt@ ~ ~ <br />rrt ~ ~ ~ ~ ' <br />~ rte i ~ i <br />~ W ~ i <br />~ - <br />y- {', ~ I <br />~ fk 1 'y ~ y ~ ~ 1~ <br />''~; cn ~ ~ F-+ ~ <br />tor- <br />I ; <br />~ -- <br />- k~ ~ Q ~ ~ t. ~ , <br />~ +~ ~ <br />-: - <br />~ ~ <br />,~ • <br />~ , <br />a i <br />~~ ! a ~ ti°m <br />67 ~ 9 <br />~; a <br />rr a a j µy ~, <br />tZ , " ~ ~ ~ c ~ ° p° <br />z <br />5 ~ ~u '~ <br />~ ~. - is <br />g ~ ~ S <br />S <br />~ o ,~ s <br />dC - ~ ss ~ <br /> <br />