_. - ,~
<br />nssi:'r
<br />irca rt• tt - ° REAI ES7A7'E corrczZrc^r
<br />t1. rq NEBR,45iCA
<br />{£lpen-Fred: To Saaura Present and >~uttxe Obtigatiaatts and Adrancesi
<br />~~~~~~
<br />#3eta Pebruarp 17 , 1991... ,
<br />Leonard Diekss-t and Darlene Diekenr Hue~and and. Wife.
<br />gi~rtga~artst.
<br />FiaL1 County, NebraBka- -- .:irr
<br />a~tat~ic~sstaur at ttto adtr~+ca tai t#~ grine+pst sum ret:st~dr~r n4taharaina#tar dtranriRsad itsem+tttitar:tirrtro#tntur$
<br />#bt to tftf s#~tY~o##t>r+ta~f+~ama#tatprotrided:hart~tmtMsa€?dcgtssrsysi4:
<br />~~ra a1y RFat H3t~~$a
<br />whose P+iod~f oitiu is-ttt _~e~t 'l~F€a~ =d-brtreet _~i'axt3~~~Zs-Iaa_3_--__ _~._ . [tiehrtttdca. Mortgs~tt. -
<br />tha tgltowiftg ita9e:rtbatR-read Rropwty in .-------~_~~__---- 1----------.----------- County, tVabraska,
<br />ststtjst:t to niR. gas: and mineral rights owned by parttas oefier than Mrstt9agortsi. ncist£n$ et+t:etnenTS of record;
<br />rewrratiotts in Urtibsd States arnd slate patents: end the righter at thr. pub#rc in sit h+ghways:
<br />~ut_htvest ~2uarter tS9d#? 25-4-11
<br />cF-•V raaom
<br />u^ontainirtg . ,15Z _ acres. mena oe tees. accurdrrry tss Guvernnar;nt ;.urv . togethl~tiliifya ~t t ~ laic, and
<br />irttsrast of ths.ill~tgag»etst rn urrf Uraperty now owned. or hxrea4ler a uueti ~'e„rt+ inns and
<br />improremantsnow ten, or heraafts+ pieced upon. Lard real pmPsrty, tncfrrdtng also tit water, zrrigatian, end drarntx}o
<br />rights.
<br />Thrtt irtartgapo #s 9!'~®rt to =asusa.
<br />i.~,}: [tOtet~o~t i'9titt]3S'j ..', i~$1 - rv ~rt Gv Morai~grtrt ori4 ~ex,
<br />nv tfst {trattr~t taertt otp"vYfe f#titdr~_'SWent~ 1'~cus<"ttt:l _ fix ?i-sndY#et~'- :WentV ~~w~z ~.. _. CLL RS.
<br />payaoie arith irrterast sccardrr+y .o the terms c,f sa.d nuts mad +> ,nsu, r•restta taken rn ret+nancrng. <actartdinid, or
<br />rtMBwYirtg etiri ittt8sbttWraass ur any part ttwraut.
<br />Ibt Arry ttrt4ra adtrancafii. with rntarebt, which may t>B :made from trine rp tans tJy Mortgagee, 3t +LS oAtran_ t4
<br />tY?9Ytgagort##. or any u# therm ei rnrrr SuCLxaai5r5 :n frti9. .t.r any psrrpf Sr; :r4 any 3niJltirlf it antt'rr.rnts. Rxtxvided.
<br />trrrr+ayer, that ava:ts future and addstrnnat advar t ha ~ u Innnau that t#sx fetal prrncrr3af amounts outstaneiing
<br />at any Dire t#ma s#ra£t nai azcrred the sum at ~ -- , •_ - ~.._ - -- . -_--. -.__.. __._._ .~__ t3t3LLARS.
<br />altd ¢rovidad.further tits future edvancx;s't so made shall tra Pa Yabte +n ar:c<x dance with the terms r;# a protrx£sstrry
<br />note nZ ncfai '1*ftrCtV may t)e takrtri t6 flYlti@nGP such advance#51 or -+ny ,rart therm*•fi,i3te ;rptt Jna! advanrets) fzerern
<br />auttt»riaOftatrelR be :;onsrdarxrt adtittronai to ttwr:):#vance±si trere,rrattcr authurrtrtE'o tie track Gv thra ~Aartgayee far
<br />the prutAGtto» of thri sacurrty err Mc=,ri~atts'MG s rmarxst therein r
<br />T3a+s rit{!tt$6tuO to ife votd L'pt}n ttRe payn;ant ;n fUii wrtn xnlbrxat Uf atay abia3aitfts!s, pr@Sent ~t (utLEe. S9CUrxd tar to E7e
<br />escursd heroby.
<br />The t1~Stt?~ary(4t£sj, a»d asctt of thorn, hmrabv warrrm:;st that they arr. ''e< owners of the nrrrtgaaud real ,sropertY. that
<br />t#fiY atrti4 deianft tt?a ttpe againft stt claimants- whumsoesrxr, and ttreY r~eEinqutstt afi rrghta c.t trumsstxad :n sate; pren;ises.
<br />one! ctiveftaat acrd giro with itte MOrtftayee as tc:itow,rrs.
<br />{1} Ttt ~y rrhare dot sit races. }rant. ;ud{rr'nenas. ,.r a3sSts3rtsents :vitrt:h „z:ra ttc iawfutty axsexset= ag:arn,t tht property
<br />trafein mortgaged. and the rafrtai cttaryes upon .,ny ;cease assryrexd as addrtivnai security ?err tars mortga#}a.
<br />tit 7o intxrra and keep nsurad i~rrritftnr~s ar:d ,ntt z;r ;>~-trruvevnents :.riw- r:rx <ss which rrtay hereafter tru ptacad tsar said
<br />Q/SrreitteS fti S#ta iatta#aGitun of tree Mortttattex ;tny pp£ic f avrdanCtrtg >urh nxxurancx shat tn* iandorsad waft a mor[gatte:s
<br />e:tausa: a;tPrttredf lly erred r» tavor Sri Mangey:^t±..:rzd depaufad Furth, t•>,s r#eerxucedsr to tzx payabRe ter. Martt3agsa as ~zs
<br />ip~rsst rrtaY appear At flea aptrtNt of MortGa{tusisl. arut srsir;r=s.:t to )xnxral requiattarts .af i#irt Farm Cred,t
<br />~dMilast[atiotr, su1q; aCr ratdrvxtt by Mi: ttt3arzee +elaY t>a used to tray fur reconsirurtran ut ftta ciz:g[royr=d nn rovamarrtps#;
<br />trr. £t net>~llpRt#reeR. maY- st the optru» tag '-.4urtgagess, tst :spptiad rn paYmrnt :>t any +erdetatednYSS_ matured err urmeturad.
<br />un±i try i#u?s nurrtt#aga_
<br />i:sl irr +aeap ail vrrriairiit4s irv.wP.ar.i ., . ., y.. ., ~P.rrr, m:zti tri %aTre - Prr,r.r :.-, . ,::.:s; ~.:..-. ~. .: .' a; : -:::._ _ ?.
<br />LfernitR4ttr~ri ce irrrtratrrnert( iheretif, :tirtyta cut ur [e/rtat fe. ~-::3t?reRlt t9"iiB C'Ji t r•r:ir;vi9ei Vany vraud 9f treitL'#t trctn* a.-srd
<br />root #goparty, and !p 4xsner»rt ur pe»ttrc nu waste or rmpa+rnlCrtr nt fhs vat:ee ct thu stei.'untY; to cantrnuUUSry practice
<br />armored irlutftodi at farming on said kanris. to trrsrarei araaian and the spired of nu~iuus and damag£ny wtretis. and ra
<br />Ctra feitckfy 4# the stYri-
<br />(+~ iirai rh tPe'- arrw°r~G ti r"f•Sy~viisi t_ ~ ;,.aY ~i.~--n- d,.a a:sy faze,. r~xlte! ctts:has •,uun ~?ny t?+ax ~tf aastgnad as
<br />taddciitirtat set;urstq #irr thxa martgayie, awns, tt+dgrrtan?s, err atsxscrrrer:ts law#u£ty assessed a5l;unsi rho pWgarty isxrercs
<br />....,e-~-,r..~-, tr. !ea;~sS =ra rrternti<rn uzasus as R~rtsittLteRcara 9*uvr$cd. ,r4dang~vae »ta'r make such oavrttant err ptcsx,drr
<br />arrstt snsuaartt;a, artC ttrt arrtourttisi paid theraRar stialt brcume a Para tat thr> ,n.iebtedeenu servretd irxrebv. duo Gird
<br />(tly~f£e aaimedi~aE~y. and sRta£R tsar r»terest at tree ct:rrarn rats of the Mortgagee a; the t+ma tttr+ fwart#£agee makes suet:
<br />payeitcst.
<br />{}} Ttssi. Mt tt+4 event t§kaiipst}urtsj del au£tisi rn ttie trayrrrani of :aid trr ptcrpai Surrr_ rJ, in fhr rxpaynteni r3f env a.idnrc nai
<br />.yhNtitt£C6ta/t7}nLwltt#4r era-#wrai9tprarWSd. w of trey ~t .rrrr; ?.t thareBrt, at the tune trttE.n tttr, sa+rte xnsrtin: _.tur- rr* wrrh rstsptta:# rc-
<br />snY eurtgiar4t sH crata±t±awrr fiercer. tteert; at the -.;ptron xt-ttAOrtgar~tr, ttro er>trre a»+ieGitrinro- S+FCtsret'F hkrur.y sR:sat
<br />`Gittvoa:~tt Rt~omttr~re artst tzatr3taw, shratt twat+attre=>ff>£ rt the s•rrrrent rate o t ttt„ tiny tt}aysa urt firs rRa t n r,.t :#x c#efa+stt. <t gut
<br />itpr#r34NXrfraY aftirtw+Rt3teiy tLtra€#+ris4 ih-# mr-..tt_aistx rx Teursua a?:ty-utnnr rru3•i: 133e #sy-q r-,.ttsdy- ;n ttix - r xt ,r a=eq
<br />adtrix+ `,aY Rp44rtyttt¢ss t~ err#tray;rt <~ltaarttrArr ilt-tree nxvrtetagP. dahf_ tht ltdur#€i:,#t.r{3j +a~rrnic. r#tat arty saperesx rr+c,urar•. s..,
<br />tarscvra n+fattiFMd•rWa ghytratit of filter ahau, yYtr@n par4 try tytsssaftMyeE_ tsnc'srrr+6 a t.~rrt rs_€ tf+et .#etz# ~.ErC Urrrq t.rtrc?"y. anal aha„
<br />t~-}ta.d aY tt~irrtgultPa[it<} t9>itw4txu ws#t alt ui tfn! to+arsta rpst[t as `.;uth et;r~.5n
<br />