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~! <br />-~-~'.~l~~Q s'~~ <br />., <br />`"~ ,~. 'Yhe ~ Eoweaaawa and astEea that if be shdl'lail eo pay +aid-w or asy T1e?t <br />ar Safi fait-te }~trfortn mty rwensnt ea^ ~ft~tir - < Bt ~'ry Here atemt~~~y~, ~. <br />ice ~ herEfw, secured shaft ~y baem~6 ~aa. payable. aetil rotte~ibbe without -ai <br />e~iiase ~if'tuE paf)•ee'~- assi~ ~ ~` tRat-~,v ~a tt..,~- -~ :~=esz sfi!6sm e'se:,~~.~~ ,~.~... <br />.~- sad y wilt ~ e_tfFe wtaRafamr,hatr'iwe waited lun3 aatipead. ta,t~ a,r~!_o~ <br />~) ~ ~ _al WlE paraaaat to the prori^iaeet oi28 U-S.G 2tt~l f ~ ~ : mf ': <br />z`.a <br />(EI ~ at tha d tha a by a ar by of-. $s~r. ~ar lf~~ CL~''-'T~~. - <br />~~ ~ ~d- iA~ MNh t~a tlrtlM Of Nfa li~ tiO~Or Of ~Mt i i~ thy' 1rSfil.O~irr~ <br />foist wrrfts' Mice e! ttie ti1OE. terms. ~ place a( steep ..le. bl ~t teat taa <br />d escb of east fear-weeks iw a wc'apeper padilished or dietrebcted is the cetwtty is wBieh Hid rtjP ,~$ <br />it w. all offset sNi~ f-eaa~ f waited 1-7 eba etart (asi said wseet(p~a, w ~ p#Itt~ w <br />Qf etsid , mal hai t.ith tint by said aster. ~ ass. iw <br />:.: or w t>ta pttepertr to 6r sefd ar at tke Faderal, cweatY. or city cawrthosaa tar the esaaty is w1~6 thr <br />ptntpetey is Mreated:lbc is berebr sutlwrised to e:Eeatt for ewd ao 6Khalf of the and b <br />fehver oa tha psuEhaser at such .ak a sa~ciaM cooveyaace of said property, which caavayaaae shad caatais <br />taieitteie r ~ tree 6eppesisa of the ddsuh epos which the eunttiea of the prrwer d sale hereia peastad <br />dapaaah; awd ~e aa~ sarr4~a~or hereby ~netitutes sad appbiau tba mar6~e or asj opst sir a of tha <br />area, dte a~ sad atfiiataey ~ fact ~ said mortpagot t4 asalta ~ reataia oaf to she as~d <br />aaave-arae said berefry reveaaais awd a~ tlmt the reeeteLt se made shaff fte effepaal tw Else tal ~T ae <br />r(pht~ sf rrdemptian. mead. dewEr. and alf ether eaempYuues of the msrt~ar. sit aef wbieL are faerehy <br />~` +eairad asf cmtvaysd tw the mortise; qr <br />Fuq t tafFe amt gkher eppotoptls~t act"tas psrtua~ w state ~ Federal statuaE either ie etatr or Federal <br />easnt er otherwise far the d~saitios s~f the pserprrev. <br />Ctt the t~etrt ~ a safe s! txreiw~uve providtd, the ntsr€pattor ar awr P¢rsno iw poaseaaima uadEr efx nnsrt6afpor shah <br />then lsoeastte-sad he tatsawa ho~~ aver sad shall ttwitb stelir+er poosesruin to the puteharrr as such sale or fee <br />l d~paatassed. iti arxordaaec with the pnaviiiasa tsf late syrPlieable to tECattts hoidiegt over. Tfx pewee <br />ae~ s hrrdey Ord srE coapfcd with as iatcreet sad satrtEYaealaie by death or athErwise. sad are Rraated <br />M spa tts' the tEs rev catfactiear of sold ~ provadad ~ Taw. <br />$. Tie esdr at+~y asie of-atid property is wi!# tfte ~*n~sB para~eaPia siwll he appEki $tst <br />~ !*7 the eartaeaad~ee.e+r of sa#a, fee E~ree-~rr:d fe}~ thane farHtr of mar t.ait <br />taBsialq acid property. rmi rrasowaaaiE stierncys` fees; sesllr, to pay the iwtlehiedeeras seeored Hereby; sad tbirdlp. <br />to poy my ~ s:cea- a ifre peeeew ar pereaeae ~ aaNitfad tiaereto. <br />5. Eta dsr ewaw saaf prapatty u self u a pediwal farEOlawre saie or prrsaaat to tha pswar a< sale tee:eiaahaee <br />ireawed, aaei tfse peasereds oar ase sniseaq ee psi the total iadektodams secu:Ed br this iwetratwsat asd eridasead by <br />send praohrory weer, flee erwrypepee wiU bo ewtflisf to s da6efeaey judipwut for the aasmwat of the daJFciewry ssiefiaeet <br />~• <br />~. to ttbr eYeast the mertXttrsr fait to per say Federal, state. or focal tax sauaesmeat, itsewae to ar other ta: fim. <br />c#asrpr, tee, ~ adeer ezlewaea chard aRaiast slse properly, she ,nort{Rapyee is trereby authoriaEd s; his optiotr to Pal <br />sasaa. irelg rrasne so i~ bl the weortgsfpee ahali he addax to awd bec»ea~r. s part ~ the priwoipai aaowat of the <br />Esidenead br ssid averse, avbject to the saaee tests ate coaditioats, tf tfte nwrt~altor skatl pay sad <br />~ tha =•wo-~s~- -- Erider+ted by saw protRi~ory amts. and rhsfl psy ettdt suaea cad s6af1 diae6wrge ~ tuo <br />at~,~gtaatw~k6h*aeettslmma mdaspente~:a+d=~tforciag, attd ttt«atiag this martfatse, rhea tkd. wwatp~r <br />akall 3s uwasiri:awd.sararo <br />'+. '~ eaveteaY iters~s east shalt 6esd aa~ the baw~ea asst ade<aattgrs aitafl lass tw tha-tatraetiw wr <br />sestets asst awq{na at dts psrtita hee~ wsear etai, tine tia~ie.aaesehwr aita~, iseirfe tits phtari, t~v phreat tha <br />a aodtireras!'~pwista'dtail~etatiraH~darw <br />b lMs rmeis~ eef=at4 ao+nserdk Bete an at des saetee~A ~ u ~ tt~_ a titet~v ~t <br />ttlrE S.trt~at ed ~w testae heret oc..t tteo s.fa aeaatsf trr~. <br />4k fs ea~eaes w~te~ tpL tt tdf s# ~- ?Rem- ~ t~ ~ ~a ; rae:~ (e8 <br />~~~ ~,, dlf-fttttteeatw~ ista 4soeaawed aad eesforaef it seeerdNae wqh apptisw-fYt Foslenl In-. <br />tt1 A NttlWiat_dswaa . ar i~at ~ +wl !~ or peetiatr of tide iastniatawt itnwhd or aa+ <br />ei asst its sal +~ iatp~ : thw of the -~ ptsea gr sit <br />...... <br />was swe.ap ta-tst <br />