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r-- <br />~1--~~(it~79~ <br />x ~tttr aesuaemard attar s mow.: <br />a. ~6e wig,. ,}~ deo iatiahetedaees ersdeat®~ bT acid ptt~•easitaaey asie ~ ~ titsai sari i1t t#Ie <br />-_. , <br />~,,~s.wi~ ~ a$ ttnoa. e~saee wsere tisaes, std aber erisnwiiei¢et tsigapt, ETrs4 ttr <br />fir „ffiltdrp,s,esirr tfaE Loutt~t srd >~ p t1~ ei~eitaY taas~Eiv <br />>lfr tt+ the <br />t 8e trill pay rech e~xptasaes sad Eeea ss ttasq It iawrrt~ is the prateetia sad nnainta>ianse of s~ <br />. !''+ ~uditzB tha fees of say aitoyea7 t~rby+9d bi the atrorf~e t~ tlse eaL~aEfen of ~y or an ad, <br />i~e fib?' seettettd. or ten Car~httttae byr ei.tdie, s+r tsoMet of tat ttliiie'r` <br />~ lrr®eent~ a~ecthtg mid ptcmitKS. Atsarseys ~ i~eaeer,~id ~tv otfaei~ v+~~`~d <br />~ s±.te atert~r. <br />. ~ Fs !epee ssttariiy ad thr radsaw berebp t~tedr-tapew.dte t~egttetit d~ lbte.tts+rtr~ee..ias-we.^ <br />tttasssse e- nsitA-. lac Shan etteeete aced dsFieaen a >w#Pl~sastal. awrt#p~A or 4f a? `., <br />iappea+sae.serm. a laamseaa t~ t die prepertT hsreia dearribeti•rttd an pnspetl~~ttteq~+ad br <br />it eAax t#r drew beiaef fall its fottns areatarturF to tamtgageei. R'tashcttnwae aEtneld aaax4gtt~ttil`W ease <br />rosy eietata~ ~ ebe papat~t• a! a ¢s~:- m- it~erier enta~tiraetee oa-the per:pert3 ieerei6w~ br dtie+rett~mi-. <br />taetisgpsr Mrottebp ttttreas to peratit ntertgstpae to cure each .lefauit, Ewt moetgadtee is set obligated to ~ to: <br />atsd esdt sdvttatets aE-aSl become parr of the iadebtedneas xrutrd by this iratttrtaeat» subject to tit erase <br />tenor. trod awadHioas. <br />w. 't9~ rights crested bs title amrtvr<vaace tlrali rcmsia is #ui1 #oree sad etfteM dttrirtg sap paapotxtw~t <br />ar e:tetrion ~ the titer r+f pagmaat of rise iaaleEate.Earte evltiertaraE hq said pr+tmissory ante ac sag part tltett!ef <br />sststred isereb.. <br />j. lie atll roatlauoaativ taaintaia hswrd i~a•sttYe. ~ wteh typr ~s tsf~ auef is etteit amaatnts ss the <br />amat may from time to bate rrgeire on the itn¢rovrmeata aotr nr hrresfter as asid property, tttad <br />tell! vep ¢artpely tttbsa else arq pt+soitrsa tbete[or. An ittetraeree dtan ba tsstzisd u as~ea sesptaile <br />to tsera~e a.d the peiisias stud rseoawab t sbt:il >t haeld lay taort~ea .eel hs+oe ttu3ead thtarteae <br />let rayah6t eieaat m favae at seed is ft seceptabke ze the ateatgagee. ds teat d }eea. .aEtl ~ <br />tes~ce ~ m taaa+~ee..aei aaq ~ pree! ~ ittr it sort tatade pnetptiy by <br />wraf~ew attsd atseb iaawrmae aot¢say seaseraeda• lure~y authorised trod directed to tsks psyataet for aae6 <br />}st d3aaett- ~ tss~ee isaraed of to mar sad tort~e~ee jamotiy, sad rite iat~rasxe prooeedr, ar aaty <br />pert thnset, ~ bs ~~ b: tavt~es t its wither to the raadaetiaw of trim imta ~y <br />sanat~sd tae ae tits taaneatia6 ar ett~aie ~ the ~ darat~ed ar dwt~ee~ed. to Brat ~ [aree{ssens ttt th» <br />.n~lloet~e~,.er Ai~Mtt tsaflttae[ ad tgba to said pkn~t3y', is s( the sss tra:ased bit ~ <br />~--- ,,~ ~ ~ :.._ m1 en- rtq ieearawee,w thtes_~ ftar+se sbrul ptrs to tit <br />.~ Ar stye ttr..at2iltt stt of tha martgafpse, ray he sarreoirted foe a refettd. <br />Tt i!c teiR Eeeep ail bbi~lags sad abler itaprtatiti rm Kdd p~e¢erty lA p+td eepair steel ootaditian; <br />-`wilt penait, alit.-ar two oat tseste. ~ tdr-acid t@ ar aay part t~raot; <br />~ the eezat of failures of ehe eeretgsRor tg kraws t as ""pRSidae€ i~~=tlte.e eeeetd ar add <br />to ' tlseteea, is rep~r, tits ~ raay ash trtufi tars ss is itsdh!etarriert it <br />Harp Aeeta 9 far elre-pasoper ib*'at~ the+tteasf: sad t!m tali smaeaat of radssad erory.tatdtpayaesi <br />_° -_ " thte Heel itdthtr tttad !s sat_bs the ilea ~ ties mosgta~. <br />A. l~ tee oat •alaettatril3` txetett w persait is & created aRaiast tke prapertr ~ycet is tins caortgage <br />tray ar ittferiar ar wpetier to-rite tint of this- ~ trithtast [ire .rsttea of the ttrett- <br />mtd ~. he wiE# icecp sad taaiataia dte free frehs the claim a[ sit peeaesa wp~tyityE Tsbsr ~ <br />aa~tisttls fete aettstrttttiaa of rtt!r sad aEl baildhnge ~ iatpreescaaeats aa~a lieiag ettettad' er to Esc erected m <br />tatid , <br />c, is rri~ sea erect or assi:ta asrr part of six teats +ti aid mortgatged property arc dtssaalids, ar retaotr~ <br />' err arhteaaii.lty obey anq twii+3ia{t vitE>at the +rrsetett enaseat ui the taartgagee. <br />j, Alf awes aif da+nsiges is cmt~tetdaa whit aaaq ea~etaastisa far psrblie taco of ar iajarq m tray of tree <br />" ~ tills - vc ~ tsee~t ate' adtalt Ete° paw is +~+fiw' tttT"a!1"IY ~ <br />~~" . <br />seiaR trti pe~giaas ~ teat seder raid traea sad is lr ' ~t <br />traata ai thr e~scta~t+ted-tidi+rer vaiied arsgts4ttsrces tite~f sad: to seal itwt.mT aaeb asrstd. <br />k '4~te;tse shsi~ Etaar: the riteht 1ia:ieapaar# the astxspa~td_ pg'ewlst at twy- aoa~gae~s-. <br />lR bt ~ tfete ttr ai ~ itrsUUmrat ar ai the Hato ar loos aEreemettf +eetrtaed <br />m ~; taaa;aettcajaavatatet at-the property, at the o¢tiott of 7be <br />ar ka ase tit helatt agt+t±rd that the mortasgor shall here each riiCbt amtil detanlti. Upsa sap ueeh <br />~ rite ~ titsA lssrrwte the otst~r ~i ell ai ilea testa sad prvrsfsts aerruiatt aittr deist:k a aeeatitp <br />~!e derv ~ taeetr,i harsh.-, mate tlu r;sht teattiitr'apsa arid. pa~paerty for the pttrpoae +Pf roileaetietp scab <br />`°r sad i 'f'!-is ittsttztassat shell se ~ rerttsls ao acid preperty m ebae attract. <br />