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t- <br />Tuts tli. lf4egtt~' sift WY U+e ~ .. iseie+ahsfere fi ,_; <br />'That ~ ~~~ ¢ tha tterrier of asiG prrt'-trty in fee alatple and has 6+~ riEttt and lawful au£horitY to sell artd <br />iroaveY the nraie self that iltc.^~ as fecr~:and cftu d.tstsy lien or rfanum6ramt'r; scut-thK lu{nrt6aBor wilt warrankattd"dEtaXUI the <br />tlwr efairtta ad stt Pet*rwt .rlxsttros'ser. <br />title to atlid PTe'~~- ~ ssaaamY!nts, water charg+~, sewer serv- <br />- whtn dne p. d Irayab}tilt gtserd to«, gP^c'g* tsp. '°f. <br />Tn {pqr %' first ;:d ~"^t'^{!'- n+Ci 'Jt-flexes ltveeii cell the debt aacared hereby, aMlC 6e rsaddet3 to <br />ips cl+as'a+s• anti +aR~t-' ~~ and errs=6c~s ++ri tttRrefttr. TISe ;Kortga8nr aHtrr9 that ChCr^ <br />pse~tspe. ssQaesY• wfth t}se rxigitsal nr ,iuPL•rate ?ceeip#sc - hereby an amixint tatimated by the Mnrt6agee <br />eet rw}uitwi hrreundta nr urx(er the evirierer'r u>t debt aeeaied _ ta.:and similarcbaricet'sPtin thr:'ptt+r+- <br />eacts wfontttiY- a+Ym - -- . <br />-Crecirine disc-atL'~ - . <br />~ erts~ the IVlarti~R'e ~' ts+Y~ as tisey {nrnis sYsall be-{ortT~wiM dtposttrd b?' i(te <br />to ire s~ ,tef4cirntr kccstrsgt fir( ttt~ in,uSsciFtu•y ~( asst^Is alkl#titresal pfiy a h shalt F>e rieemrc! s default in <br />tYra-1~ tp~; ~I` tht !44ortgsaaa-rSaY +~aatt under t~sitt pltrat}r P -. <br />.;fir srth the blsrtgaaew a{Nxa drmetaf by _ ~.__- -..,-` ., <br />payraerit wf tates4 eta: m aiint1Af' etusrges reguiaed lsernsrnilrt- <br />rer-s tkat-there shsU aian- tar gddeKi Us each mnnthlY Gaymea2 .rf _prissczt~l aask inferrst reyutred: hate- <br />1~ ~ tr to !rt su~citnk t.. anabie the Mnrtgagt+' to pay, as it trecorrsts due. t}re rnsu ranee _- <br />ally eieCMitncy berauae t,< the ersscu~tceenFY of such addsUnrtgl pay <br />vardrf an aRUxtnt <-!timatwi hY the 1lnrtK+tt - dofauft un~Mar tha <br />paamium ens any tsnusrar'st'e punt+-• :trlivtred to the h4xxtg~Sa' n dcrttard bv'tfte S4friligailae RnY <br />S'srra` snail bn &srthsith .it}uiaitrd by the R4+rrts~Rrtr wtth tht ';Sinrtgttgtr upn rvt«i an' wch s>s hnntt^ <br />parsarrspl+ attatt hr s}etnsrEi a *k+(auts in the Fmynxant txf tnsurarsce ~Sttftintsts If tine Irnt"scy :rr P~n-T~ may apply tha daptra{t to <br />menrre or all risk psttisAe«. a 1 Niv dPtxts«ita are ~nxattfiv`ent sn ~>a5 ihr entire premiu-n. fix Vfnrttlaf£te <br />pay prettsiurnw caa ..~kx iv.'q'uirw_i sn hr snaur } ty' thss mgrt~akt- - - -- -~-~-mid' {yY it aart- _ <br />t r .~ndrr the vtxn+~ caraata}:hx r!xaY- ;tt 'tH' '*Pti~n of ihr diot't8a8ee. - <br />;tans. ;m+i unto sn applied. ssrch paYrronts ant tsesebY. - <br />P~a'cmenl-s roativ by t xr !at=>FtRasn (axb~ E~,r the ,~ut. ment .,f ,uch - <br />carttrsrinaia.t with e.tMr +uch F.tnds :.r at. , indr##€±dne~s-< - - <br />ptectgr+tf as sacunty tar the un;!ast tsatanrr= ;,f 'tu• mnrt,7.:t~e <br />tries aml <br />the i7fe of skis marer{age original (>at• <br /> <br />rrxasntasn t:x th r.:- fit <>f z ~} ,rf a~ u nn; - <br />T.,_ {rrc.c°urr. Ott ,.r °•. ~. c ,. ._r_ _ x. tx i -g snwrrnR agaitaxtt fire xnd >t!'ter snsttra~b~a <br />renewa~ ttxrr±x+f, rietty ..i at i asi x=,• -fiat? brf^~r,• rtu - i;ira <br />the Nnrtast.*r ^a.xv r'"StutTt• i~ n - araxrunt dual to ttse itdehtedneae <br />!ontsnittrk ~'! a"' tab}t to th@ ARtart87t- _ <br />}rstar~s.:-aaaa(tixs. and - i9:yn r, - - ttr ~~a' au+.- :rr tai.+r at anA in }arm aeceP <br /> t' - .{ s-rt,= n. th? :vtnrtesp',ee may protvre irsaursatr na flte - <br />hlartgaar, seat us cvmS seer r - :,r ,,,xt :, ^. - ~ _ <br />-r--~` t _ yr t,xamrr ty tv •tue and payabke with #nieretft at the-raft get <br />qew. In the a»:rnt an _is - r{n tr, rrt<~r. s -r~h n t`~eti - - <br />smPro""tmr+st" i?a7 tier .rrrm ~ _ .e ;>arc ,:( Litt titnrtga8~s* to Iutrsis#s stteh--renewals-. <br />(ntYft in ?.std xwte +rnU; t.a,ct anxi .bait !n ~+- tr .1 t>x~ hr -fr ~u££1 3~*~t - x .tv r~~n •r( ftte 4lnriSagat'. ruru{s{ute-a rlr(auft - <br />sts~i , fn„'ut+ .~, vftY x y um•t -ut x ~ ,{ :+.rfautt..~?*-~stuie an assiFnrtsent a( the un.. <br />as are h•r.;u+ rec-+ti 1"hr .- r .N ~ r .~. • .r £,+ <br />under t!w terms .,f it a t;a ~ ~ - - <br />rarrw•t frarmsrwa xr i attat[SyS -nay he retained by the MnrtgaKte <br />Anr wrrr. . - .s t -_ t t: r .- _h 3i -s.agre. such um+ eithtr whu(Iy nr fn <br />xwh h -x i ~.--r r} - ~ i,utkltnKs sn their , face or fur aay <br />an.i appisrd tr.wsrcf 1a- a?xsrr> -'# -h. v + -- .- ~ - <br />pa[t xuaT t.r gawn£ xnr r t,..M• vt-. xa-~.>r r ~ e.- },? "14` _ .. .:., €ur the fssli. antuuesS +rcu rext here.. <br />ntiXrr iruriw.«sr,: ;.r ,$]~ ,; s.-c~r* \# - <br />htk^rt vw'h f~Y~nt -- er fwtc y£eru-r. <br />- t. =..-r„-c,ts n ner«alf. ;xs tha Errmesex wiricl. may tie- <br />r ate. aKSt-ra -+r ~ - ,s ~& <br />'I'n vnrnttrii3 t> t _, t ,,.rs x - ,.:r .. 3 r Etcrt* any ryec,hanit~ v iten nr other lien nr <br />-..lntr :1amiKr='1 :N ~asirr_?••E. ,:, k?c- ~.u f x ~mt ~. ,. _ - ?},.- -rxrY t-' .'z.3 fxti s.*!H.' ,?E sr any nusPliru.'e to exist. nn <br />`ern ! <br />ctasta Ji lien sort rcPr..rii} aatstrdixralssf 4- - ' - .., t_ _,f ,~. .,.ua-r v fhr k>nrper!y hereby ranvayrd attAtl hecome- <br />ti s.5~t,-nt - t~, ,tnyl,. with ail rsqu-rvmenE~ !rf taw with resptet <br />stud 4tr"'x('t'rty Yt+,rr 4n irrrtnrt wauetr ,Y. eR e# - rrmtr-x r u_,. <br />leas vdsastsie. twr #a damenuth ^rr xtr+~ur :._ ~--at.s:~ t'=Y nr`_ z-, <br />to [h+a nwx*rRaXt'"f Pr~'rs`""r. a"'i fhe u~• thrrYO{. <br />.srr ar ar+ti • afx.r-~•t k'.- rai. .s -..r ,twm+tt.-.t ?,y rr- . +n of nn7 t:uhiic rmprnvrmrnt ur eandemnation <br />-haft hr entitled to aft c+xriptnt'+fsnna, <br />-(~~t s}uwskf ttu• iiW'x' tr rn itt <br />p~.y~{ins, ~x ua«1er t#~ rxFn. - r ..- u~rxato ..:::+ nn::,ttttir rna,xn. r. th>? 't1 rtaas", .. awez>c±~. a{'speer in attd Pr~u <br />tri~t ~ k . t ,r, tr i half he errTatlt: i st ~ -s' - y .,Unn wtt.x auC6 taWnK ur daanaKt- Wit: such <br />atsarda, end aay rstArr iwYrarrat fir, txsaie irrz ;•. ,_ .. ~+• wt .^n..~:s. rn ., s.• <br />are iu^rishY sstagrserl to-Ills (S~!-fratR~'"b°'irutY. a~-'_~-''tent <br />c~sett name an+- aE-tsr,n err txr r^.rrs#sns'- '~-rd .tsttaaa +~ 7~ - -d >_._ sat~!td tmeebY-'I`Iat.INart_ <br />t~psssastiaan ftsards. ata sa rerswerl 6v tt rsr attPl'a the s.~se un any~•a~••~--•-°` <br />~. its:ptpaaalea. RtLWa aay # d aay ~'txnsl+~'^aat°.n. awan#s, :tamattte, awti ritthW of attic+n arse{ @roener}a AS Ilse _ . <br />~,~ {$ atmtertlt catch faait*ea aaaaFnarssatss ` Y <br />~,tpalt *' v d:> na flat lafort6aifrr t Gtha11-rverythitst; - <br />•phye sn par ad ftaslitre w p~rlartn aay a. the iv*ewaata h.xrrsn. the :dt>+'ta? ~` the lien therenf. thai the ru(artgatar eri(t <br />4iartaastt assay alhn ciu aay xK it may r{e*r" to sY+3arY in },rrrtec4 {p~t}iar with <br />to cavteaa; the tl+r - os rl'a~6aaaed by fht rtdsretaitK` Cor aay nt the~a~tanrP~(fO Y sewted ~-maF ~ ia--- <br />+~ t>~ sand any taar~J• ~ wi3'tdtfte Plsail hem as fxsach ~..~_ of said prr+ni~t iC--°ta't.°tltae+w±rre , <br />titdeasa at tha ttKe p~ maasSaar sad ~ ?aeri +.wt n( the rents nr Prue~s aAY lien, ttxvmhranFra ur ciaitn in ad- <br />` ~' aallt dtcr+ss l iatP++ the 3~ar}1CaEt+x to tattuirr tat6 fix ~aiuiitY ~_~ tht ~rrrt#:ea;rtdsv'a~B~ aay <br />i as ,~ ixtt narehta[-betels oaMaiawi's~l ba shy r.anY Ptn~!ak.ha6ilety.4x~eatrta! vF stay-. <br />ass Os ~ araY +~ hteut.dsc; sad ltwY T.+ler't16 . - <br />l~at--ally awek D - : , <br />.atteaytt:dn ass at'it w da herauadss• <br />is etas etreat d_tire elefarait by ied~'~ in-tl+e patymtat ~.sp~ snttsNaseat. as ~4Nita~.bY ti>'r ;Jolt ac:ured hrtebY. ar <br />ai eke r+~ is tltis tgsartaa{e ar in ihr note aeetsrad tberelrY, ttss 'ids aisafl ~ enttt2rd so deelace FSte <br />in ~tw P+°OS yahie aritlTisat aaiiti. aruf the 4im ai'+tl last entitled st ~ ar the indet>b trd~ea ss!' <br />ds6t aac+s[atd 7rw~t'..Y 4€'~p+~ tEtrraai; axh: a.- .•• ~£'-!"t Les the aetagttat'Y _. - <br />. fed bT the f!f°~ .~~~. _ -tiesd let ealteet sad ~rec~'e «3>F :ra[5. :C'.u±-- and t+rvAb+--. <br />ar hY a iglte iDthar` al'thr murtglt:td Fir~rrsset. lye-ibis les9r~N: aa4J rrn1R <br />ewaSs 1NRa(t!• ~ ~;atYers, leas L9dlt !st ~ aMi rollecliar.ih tLtt~i~Y;, -r<nsleb{rdnLfa - - <br />tAasaad. aaA hiaabS ~ ~` IldartiaKe- Las f+trttr <br />I+Wta ~- y rdessae far the pur{tata at eapuitata8 raid Pam' <br />.st.sd4 have the Pia fO>a ens nr Kew tt tna_ to rrat- <br />' ~cptlelara~I the aunts. tewtx+tR+.atr~ ~nr~nre. and '• pay rxut g! slid irstatn-' ttti.atPe~+ ~ ~ <br />tarn tagfi®[ tha~~e~ tArrettuas. 'IRe IraLsoet ra{yuaanir. i1 aay shill br a~stiad <br />iadedpt~ss~ws-tTlrb ~ to ierm.rtatt sad hecnatr nuEt sad void oyes eetarta a( thae mortsgRa- <br /> <br />