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#- <br />ta~ther with a## tertomertts, itercdirarcte,+ia a:~t; a~Yartgsen^~ helnno~~ tg tYtreto <br />,~ itAVE Az;~D .~ ##C)L>~ the ahotrt. described, prtmtises with ail tht privileges and appurtenances thereunto he[onging including <br />a#1 mete, isstt~ and vrofiti thtreof untn b4nrtgag~, fc,fevex: And ?No*tgagnr hereby coxtnants that N#ort~goris weH-and tru#y s+st#ud o€ <br />a gostd tit#c to the prtmisrs ahr,ve c.,nvsssd in the taw, in fee limp#e, 2nd h_s Bond rigor and #awftt# aut#tnr#ty to convey the Banta, asd <br />~, that the title s4i cnnv2~ ~yd is clear, free and ttmnctttrrkxrtd except xs .,therwisr noted and that Mortgagor wil# forever warmntarttt de- <br />~ fend tht sartm tc~ Mortgagee agains¢ all clanms whatsncw~er, <br />~ T1tis Mortgage is twivtn ay tlurtgagx:rs to serum tl:e performance of eaetr agreemtnt contained herein, and to secure the payment <br />^~„~ ,Tf a }tar. to rhr' amount of the Tczta# ,f Paymenrs ~#towst ,ttavc, whia:h lean being etidenced by a promissory note bear#ngertit date <br />Q ftere::irh and which iR further deuritu^.d .rixrve• <br />i, iTRt~Yt3ETt A#.WAYS, anu tht`se present, are upon the txpresatd condition, that if the Mortgagors shalt pay in fuU ro the Mort- <br />t•y ~~ea~,r:,mts>erry n„rt t7partnx tvzn dart htrtw~rs£t in ate amount ,et forth abt,ve; payabh* in installments according to the tatrr~ there- <br />} ,+f tngetttcr :vith sntcrrst es set +.~,trlt slrercia, sec; ~batl >9~° _tll axes ~,.,t „ssessments levied upon said. rest estate before the same he• <br />Y, paY- <br />cc,mes dtltnyuet.t,d=td keep :r. -. url std t~ ,,s n i,~s ensure sr.r a t;sm c'quai t,. the indebtedness ;ecurtd hereby, Ices, if an <br />ab#e ro the ;std i~ic,rt~~gee, th .n tt ' pn e t , ht. ~ut3 ant# , ,iss ~ thcrvise to he and amain in lull forxe. <br />T#iI5 94flRTGAGE #S A#x5C} Tf} FIE, ,tN#7 t<i7SVT3'`[iE TO 8E, FRt}'.i4 TtbiE Tfl TIME, SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT <br />e atL'Cli S#,>?A qR S€~h1S flF',~tINEY AS FHE 4ft)RT!vAGEE 9!A'r` FRflN T#ME Tfl TL'!!E IN TAE Ft,TiIRE ADVANCE TQ THE <br />'N#3ltTG4CstlR. AI~:If F,V#Il>~iCE##} l#Y 3 SLJPPi,E94ENTt~Iw NOTE qfI NQTES, SU`T :ti4T Tfl EXCEED TI1E TQTAL flF <br />de9etriaj~x I6.4(l****~'**'s~.YCEP'#" FflEi ANY AD?AN£ES TI~IAT yIAY tiE MADE T'Q PROTECT THE SECURITY IN AC- <br />CC)RUANLT W#T## THE'TER.~tS 1lF TN#S YFt3R"TG A4;E. <br />Ad.a4#i~g~'Ter;aF errs; i`.~atni¢i:ers tns the revere "} *itu aer,',; day ;made a part hereof end in4orporatcd #terein. <br />;'~ VsiTNESS W'##E#il'UF, ¢trL satei \#nttriaj~s:Shave ~~°cuttd these presorts tlat day and year first above written}. <br />' r <br />,~ <br />-r ~' n <br />R4ortgagor <br />T° S'7`A'FP: t]F ~EBitAS1a;A s <br />t ~S <br />. HALT. <br /> <br />t'F#3RLARY r ~~ <br />- ---- ',s¢irre ant the undttst~~tttted a Nntaty Puhl+c, duly <br />SG'I? ANIP htAFCY L• . <br />c s+tSR <br />tXt rata 4 „t _~_, _____ - <br />,rlSit~ tie r <br />~r,H <br />_..------- ~-- <br />Syr. ~ ~tMi it St 1-tC~ r n 4St ~dlc~ tit'- 'l r i,i~ ~Ct <br />SlfRblp _ _ . . __.. <br />d <br />t3t. <br />'".L~:~gS~11, __ - xecr s., me ;;K ,, ftn,mtnt and acknowledge <br />e$ ,••°..._ <br />-- to-nom k~atuw'tr-ter :rt to ant€,,.tt ;ar:,.vt ,>. ~ , ~Is.t: ~ ~~an.e t : ; .t.v..,~ -=~r ,.. <br />the ?a¢tX.t'tr$nl:l#terCAf4, 3kC;s~r'`16rF ':4Ytt ~raN .:c:f-`.irtti '.Ice:. <br /> <br />AF~`my it.~ -3~rat2 Lnt tixr snit tar 'aSr dl'+,>1`e '.titiiGtt,' .___7 / <br />~'j <br /> <br /> <br /> , <br />Y <br />~ <br />' <br />~ <br />r ^,y/ <br />~ <br />ty <br />~ <br />F <br />r <br />~ * <br />_ .day ctr ~ .~,-.-__ _. __ <br />tt~res the ~ <br />r~act;t <br />` <br />9 ~-~- <br />_ <br />. <br />y urnm <br />. <br />t itJV:,, <br />iDD <br />17#I <br />~ TFEU~ A;vG t't)!Y #31T#Qbl« <br />_ <br />a <br />, <br />#t 'R 3tGL f <br />'~,i;~r Ei"t ~lcl' ;Y1 <br />NEr3. 4:.°:. <br />l?IGIItiAL <br />_._.3 <br /> <br />