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i <br />g" <br />• tr <br />e~i <br />THR AdpRTGAGOR kQ7RTHER pQVENAkVT9 RMII AGR8E8: <br />., '- i; <br />Thal lha M* wild pay the intteekftldlfesa mt herwinTxfrtre pmvitied. <br />Tlut the :Vfoctttag~ is tlta fyatwver of said prraperty in fee !simple and has gotwf right and {awful authority Yo sell and <br />mneoy the samtr and. that the.-swa+e is-Sgee atzd claar.'nf any lisp ar-eneumfmrfzCe'. and~lhat Mortgagor will warrant ated defend the <br />title to paid prernmfrs agatt~t .ehr ttimit»s~ ttf elf: fr~reotm whuntaaaver.- <br />'t',a amysr~i~aetiiateltr.wfien dszr tansl paya[r9e eeSil genera(-taxes, sptxik! taxes, epeeist at~t»mrnt-;, water rharF;ea, sewor serv- <br />iee charges, amt trtlirzz~-taftes-and eharge* against said proizertg.. and alt Faxes, ~-tevird on tits rkeht secured here hy, artd fn furnish the <br />Mvrtgagee, z#tx+n awr;uest. with the.uriginzik err du~.i=" - ~t~ts } cr:r. Th=-, tisrrrgagnr dgreea tha# there shatF kra added err <br />each tmrnthTy payment rr-yutrztk h~rtunder nr urHTe•r hr eE carne. c„ debt ::.-cured liars+hy 2n arnrremt r.Umateri by the MortBagee.- <br />tv k~. rieai-ta_-enatde tttc"M'nlfikagCe- !n {sav, as. Ih v tmcnm iuc. at) tazos a»e+t+menl,¢. and ;imtkar charge-s upon the'pretn• <br />fixes atttsjeet-therrfn; env dtficierres lzer-ause m ehr rnaurPct ~ncs -.f uch add #tr naT fey monks stwkk k,P farthwitfi deprzrited-by the <br />4.¢ertg-.,±gsrr wtth tkxt ;liar({actw ~rpan rtemand t.y fifes Ltr:ri;iaKre Y'tv dt.'fault .t„r.<r hi.. saxagra~h ~,hait 1>r rleemerl a defeat( in <br />paymen# c>f tairwm. a>~: .+sne=ntx. r,r aimelar r'tzargrs rx~yuirrcl tmrevnrl<,r. <br />Tt.<• '•#+xrtF;aK::: execs-. th.t ?h_r:~ .hx;1 ;,l;xz !w atkdvd t.l: rxr:nthiy ua±'mc.rt f trrrn,•rpat and intrraat reyuiretl_hese- <br />under an xrn-sr t -•gism a hr eh \i rtxaKec to sx• -u_`fi i rt to , eke ~ tt ° Aar t0. Kr_ -- -xy_ as it hee:rme•s due, the Insurance <br />i:nn zurn -n ini ,natarar F ht - i t,ar nxi u. th+- Ato tF ate ~ n t at o z _uu..w f th :nau}ytt ernt.y t such additirxnal pay- <br />r;•?rnta: v",Sfi tx• fnrthw:-r <n* .tt ~s ?he '.{.~a Lr~.iRrr t -~. "{e r:,,aeg-e rsr+n .T?rma d - Y hx~ -7- rtrcagt AnY default under this <br />.lar•t4r3i n +} at- -.a s .~ iy#~ : ~, - .. ;=n•minm Tfi t4 a f' - r Trrd 's step*pitrd-ere such aX hvme- <br />v.rss:x •rr .,1, ~k ,x !tr. :.n„ et :.e p.,~n* e ±,rih r, .. - `~~^ r=.r :•r ~zrz:m _ .. .t:,r.ra},, +• cone apph• the dc{xeyit to <br />trsv pmm!Umfi ::n ~s>LC zt-,?atr~*t r:= ix- ,n,a rr~,!r ;.. rFat ..rn![ace <br />n,y~.nFnE a-an-dc. d,v :hs• !i„rifss:=,r ., 'i~,s- .drnr.. ;,ar raFraph- .rav..,t t};r .grnon :d tPw `vt r.rtfiager. txe held by it and <br />. ., .o u4z ai her ,.+. ,. .,• :T. ,. ,.« ,.. .~ . - fFv . :,,.z =r *r,- _t. :zl w> apt,i u•d, such yavmeM!t are hereby <br />T:1ar:cx~i as z..^eant}~ !n. th,~ , s...• .... ... ... .. ...>,,.. --__ ,.e:3n. ~a <br />><zrm :f .,.. r > -. :.n -..a~ ... . -. _ t -zrnt,, 3p n ±na! (rota :rz and <br />a - ,j-:- - ~ --<•tr _ -a _ _. - _ _ - ,-: r r t, tinnot (ire an,T other :ncu able <br />-_~ <br />*a~rr?..~z-34ta_e- ;en+s -.<r„•.K: -.. ,. _. .,,: ',t. .._ac r.:,z ~ a .n n r*~-t t:t pus i. the sr-detdda~drmas secured ht this <br />4{:,rt~ax,• .+~+~1 sa r+>mr sa .- .+ . -. t' ,~-,: '''' .' - -. net t-.rm nr rt.ttatt- t :r~ L{ortt;a- <br />KsY In '.:+ • t=-nt .uxv ,. - - , ... -, ' '~ .• - - jt e - dy r v ur :.,+,eranre „n the <br />~ ,~ t r 3 E,! •a all nf'rv°sS a[ rite Lt#P te# <br />;rr};'.TS.'F'm:F11. 33 tr*r ). -. .. - ~' _ . <br />-:..,: <br />fart#t ,rx =re;rt .rrrc ,.ux2 = . -raa • r• . , .3•• ~ -r. . - . r . .- - ..,., . _ : hn Li ria„Tagar - t nitsh Mu<6 renewals <br />- asst;-~ -ttut' t •te•t alt <br />ss a¢n. >ts.rr ~.n .ry,urr.Vi - - rl ,,. :, . ~,:. ;~ - ., t to , at z3 ~r•sis tkr ., th, [rr. <br />r . : ,. <br />.•arnet# prr•mtuan. <br />,'ins ~r't: -a -. i:rt,~ ~ - ., t 'y tau-' F,~• tb \t tresses <br />arsl appFeec. taxan, r , a -nn e t -1:~- i t t • r- t -, i - :as. - fc~ - -n. vthar h I =.x :a <br />rsa3t assay hr (,.xieT se=er - `-tm• tie- cease( - -,. ,uTt ,-. .r .,:r-: - _, , w ... z ~. S z s ,. i nga ,n their pFa = r - ram <br />!,. - 7. ~ - •.c ter,>.,- =r h,• tu!I aa+„•r*.i ,. err .t ,;Nee. <br />at#irr anixts* .. ,=fete .ar: !.n ... -, ... _ ,- . .- .. <br />tev t'-z~ft:re ;~zt~n ;sa:artrrat ,-,-='r trr,3~ ;.iw<s <br />:=mpffr :;sate. .-......~ ._.? - - . ~ -~ r - _. .r r rn t - she err-m,-t•s £het~h may hr- <br />"' _ ,.. ate, , thar seen or <br />.,erne- ~fam.a#.'c-i :rr •tr~sf r,r.:.3 is -a:1 ..t <br />t•~atnz .rf liPt, SSV3 Ykpre55tF <-it}X•Ct:,i,5 irv1 ?'~ - is r r . , . ~. -.::. ,r.. r f '- -{ 1 _ i - - s F -i-k : [ t -_I.Y$ r:n <br />,, - :t -1 - -~a~rrt ~ -4t.t .bat. Let:umr <br />ear:f ; nytrrt. .e +. <, .•ra,<t ., snze -•rr ~,.t ~ ~ - s . rth :,?! :+•~ut rrtn. ±i.e .,{ 4aw wttfi respar't <br />Ire .•w#aahie. ra>rst, Fsrtinoa'c .:r . ~ :rir _.. .,x .. - z. r ..... ...... ... .. ..:... <br />so xt-.r rsorzeai~•.i ;~r«mtlx':'; .u, r ..r. .txw ?her,n . <br />• "C}tat tv,ti:l i - - . - t t - - - - r - r- ~t . nF;r -t i t ,: n:ir r-tnatec:r, <br />_ u~,.- #,. ~g -.}yti t. ,ntitlei ::it ~,nnire n?.attanx. <br />nrearrdtn3t .zez is~r xt ~ _z - t ~-. , .• <br />ward-, ~. ..-,~ ,~_ n - . .3 _ _ ,u zatT .. nttf lr ri ~k s t--: r€ film-rzz appear to and prostx:ute firs Ifs <br /><eva•n rz:arrze an. arittrt ~ , Ur,a.+~t n-. .:r „ n tc- -.av `t r ,. - f**-t n - t a ti,rn ~itn urn taitmK ur :taraage. mkt such <br />.zght =.f art u : ax,J K- t -,. rr u- tr:r-a. -ra. t-rtKatxr. '.vho ;nrv afie¢ deducttr,K <br />,~tpt-rsaatzar.. tatna.Re^a. - fay at ,.t ai'Ft#*~ - +' ~.ame ,.n any rnJsfrtF Tnern aecuresi i,ereby. The ;=rive#• <br />tl4lrYftnnt 2si it6 eat~rae-- .*£•t(`3€~ ~".'rr ntie'Si{=Yn Vii} it~L`r-_ ._i t <br />gJ~07 apfrca: tv r)FI.Cntt =sofa: fort}>ar assigt'+ruent~t :d ~.Y ~tren,°-+t-naiztuxz- axards..taenageS. aru} r:Tt ttts of acttvn and;3r<a4v:-~tl~ an khe <br />' aaeY. ~~-- <br />`T`hai to sax • es# to=eurx to fx•rt.•rzn an} ~*f tbr- . - - cant= t t rr .h, L{,.r2 F;aee. x aY =1c. r,n ehr 'ldvrkKaKVr`s »cjisakf +*vr•rvthtitg ..-: <br />~r cw _nsnttt3. ttult ttsc 4iurtg$tt+ - rnaV a}y,r :fez znp a- t r'rey a.r-m +ree•'9+:rrr 1== ,'r trrt ihs~ lean :tzereaf. chat fht l1n[tg8gur k _. <br />rstrAtg itpidat ttt:reeattd am ;mrneys -i~~ „r distturroed iav ehr ?,iartKage€ for any r•f the atxnw yzu rtx,ses. and wash rMZfMy! togetfier with ..~ <br />rnfart!st~ tisstxon at (ter coke prvvzdwl in :ax!- eerie rt#iaiT hw..~~tnss -v mach m#dtt#vnaf eridetrtednweaz hereby srrurwd and may fra, en- <br />eitxrh."si zn atry '~" f~"t`-~'znK t3si= :nvrtl,`~r and - Tar? ,,:a ~~1 c}yr retx c ,rr peaces<ts vf- of seed ix+rmrre~r. ff not ntbernrise P <br />U.~t t'. _.s.~tt zxst tx. cef~igairt-ry u}.axr. ?tsF f:{rertRagr.r :u .resiu:zr sole. 7F'rr' L'akidife <zf any [ee n. anc:rmhrsnees. ~,r claim in ad- ., <br />,,.~y~ s as attvrr. auttzaritted. but zmtfeisg t#er¢rsa ::vniatsxed shall t,r ctruvzi as rtxFatring ehr Si<ertgagre to advance :any <br />rya {~ 7itrp siae#e~ {zutgxraa mig' tar do- soy asst hereunder: and that Mvrtgageet sizall not incur env Fxraurtai liabi{ity ktecau>r of any. <br />thin! st may ttw to esmif En du htrsurid¢r. <br />In 4lW r•vrnt ~..f fibs +tefaratit. t'Y ,'rlurtgagvr :n thw pgtettsc,nt n{ an?! ~nstaitment. as rrrivirrx! by etzr PTvfr arcz+ml hrrtlzy. or <br />.tt ehr petfaxrr3rtarxr . # ihr_ ukxTfgatisen to ffx~ rnvrfFrBgr r rs to=r= nuts ~ncirrt4i t}te-rt~kty. ehr ?sSrtstgagts' =~SakT hY entitkrri tri declare the <br />rfe4at aarairred tarrehi` At,•r ,crd pat•ahFe wefhu=,t ,-,vtim. sr-u '` '-fir=> tEag'er :htelT hz• rntrtled at its vpUUn, without nvtice, either by itself <br />.sr fr,}~ a-rnea~-tYCr L tze agF~nt~i :sy =?rs~ s ,. ~' - ma=r *? =_~;tho;,t rcgarri t,z ihr ndequtt+.`Y ofaeeY aeruntY 4;r the tot#~trlerinea+ se, <br />ctutxl lteve$Ya to rntxr sriron atnt take lvn,~i tDte muztgaget{ {uz~z+ikaeat, and to t^aTlect arzd rtx,¢rrw 2}rn x-:tt;~. i_ z~ ;ra3 ;an,fiHs <br />ths:~6; anskp #!aa tr~~. Itt~ ;.carts arf s:pera#ivtz artd tvtlectivn. upt+zz fibs inde,Wa=rlnees aacttexd- i>y- tlsta mt+rttta~t said. retitirs-: <br />. ~„.#;.yng kwzc~y ~aaai~tz S to tfaa-44rrtgatft=e• as {nstiwr a.•cnntp for ttra paytsuznt esf a{k iridAbtedtwas secutwf hFa'vdry_ <br />• . mat! }~ the 1wzrAer ter appirrnt any aFteur <rr sgrnis if may drsi re fur itz~- pa rpm of rdp_irsrsg r~etk pr^!n- <br />.~:.; er~yn,_„r ~ --r~iEee-tirzg_ ehr rent~E. rcvrnu~w entT =vcvrn+r.. azuT it rrsrlr p$Y nut of .vatd tnzvitrtk_akk exF'grt;e~a ent+xxrtxk in rgnb <br />rxsg a~ raa~ewginl[ fix saner and .-s{ rr•,dkwctintt #hr ernisis threw#rnm. The ba#ant'e remaining. i{ anY. shall lze appkFExl tt;nrard tks- <br />t rid (fits mertgatte irzds3nert Tizis azwzgrs-mint .. t., terrnenatr seal Tw•uettr Hutt and .=nd upvn retea9r r:# this rm+rtttage- <br /> <br />