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t- <br />tagrttssr with afl tmstnents, harsdiiamsnts and appurtenanr:es balattging thereto <br />TY)~ HAV£ AffD T(k tfC?t:•t?~ the abaua-. dsrcdbed..grasnisas with alt the priuifeges and appurtenances thersunro betanl~ng includittg <br />aq rents, issuetF and pmt'tts then!af unto flirtrrpagee, fat~ver. And RgcsrtRagar hereby cavemants that Itktrtgagor is weft artd truly ssiatd of <br />~. ~ ~# ritfe to the prsmises above conveyed in thr few, in fee simple, and etas good- right and fawfu! authariey to canvsy the same, and <br />"~ that the tills sa eatveyed is clear, Eras and unincumhared rxcept as otharwiss noted and that Morttsagar will fatever warrant and de- <br />~ fend the settle tra °+tar€kagee against all cia: ns whatsoever. <br />G7 <br />~.. e},n .±E;-.'4^~'3s. ~r ash :i~or~*"w,t r.,nt~} h~r~n,?ry~ tg cncu.~ t~ tst~t <br />:.:a ~~ Mu~> n ~~ hj , ur= ¢~ tv s°.ck.e ,,, puu. _ '~ _. _ <br />a£ a IcFan in fYe amattnt of efts Tntat of Payments shown aht}vs, which fe}art being cvidettt:ssd by a ptatnissary note bearing even date <br />! haraxt~ith~nd-whie}t isi'urtltet described ahcwe,- <br />~! ?~UtT?Lit°I? 4L~AY-S. and tttsss pre_~tu 2rs upon the aac€ressed ~nndltiatt. that if the ttttrrtrs stiatl ~y in fn#1 ttr the isitart- <br />gaget a ptt~rii~aty ncYte he5ring avian daze herewith in the atm}unt car :artf::tixive, payable in installments arrotdtng tr> the terrors thara- <br />af t:~FFetlter with interssi as set !i3rt!t therein, sold :ira3l pa4 .F#t Faces and ;tssssststents let-ied open said rral estate before the safna be•- <br />~otnas dshnqusnr, and keep tfts hnifdings €}n sari premissn :rsutsd for a aum e~usf zo the indebtedness secured hereby, toss, if any, gay. <br />ably it} tht said 4iettgagee, Then these preseatts to he ntil3 and void, utlttrwitie to #x and remain in full farce, <br />i His ;~t2t2;GA4:£ is ALS(1 TO $E ..alett3 CO?HTt;+1L'€ Tc? B£, FRt TL4iE Tdl TlhlE. ~L[.T~t'tY F~ Tt~tE PAYtttFNf <br />OF ~~H 56?~ t2R S±?MS QF f~QY'~£Y AS Iii MORTGAGEE MAY FROM Yti19£ TSi TtAtE tN TH£ EtJPT]It£ ADVANCE 7Yi 1'NE <br />!4@°.tTC:AG6?H= ,~tYl) EVit?ENC6ti BY ~ St3PPt,E.MENTAL NOTE OR !ttQTES. BUT' NOT T'O ESC(=E£D 'fkiE T'DTAL QF <br />~~**,~.1;,.14fi.,GQ*~.****#*.'tEliCEkT FOti ANY ~DYAI+iCE5 fiiAf MAY BE >tiADE TO PROT£Ci' THE SECI.itItYY iN At- <br />C{~DANCE FrTTH TTf£ T~R,04S OF THIS MOtt3GAGte. <br />,~:-;:;tires; trt ;ts aFtd f ~f^ci=#icrfs on tfta. eeve~ c7f ,t:i3 agrsentent a,r= c}5s3s a urt hrtr.~t' atd tncartmratai haxein. <br />I?r %IT'4F.SS :Yt{EttE{lF, 'hs said 14cutgagars havs executed chase presorts ehe day and ,year first aifovs written. <br />r~ °7"\ E- a~-r <br />~~ Mortpagm::' <br /> <br />STAT£ t~tr N£Bd2A,SKA I <br />1 sS <br />CL)L1rTY OF Fittt.L t <br />4n thts ~th,laro „} r"En"$i'.PSY .. -_._ -« ~_ -°€'.t,x ~;:r-. ?ice :tndct~agited a ~#utatY Public., duly <br />zoFnmdsu}txd and :}uahtted ;..; .,;.:.' •...:z a rr -r=~l .,aunty. DetSflnltil ~:at+.te '.+d?lit'IR 3;raik ZT.t1ttKE 5T;±tGLE 4AIL1 IN FLEA <br />to ate knt*wn ~n ?+s ?f.t ,fentFCaE ,.ers?~. ,~. ,<<t,a •.Er•se :tart.e ,:: c =,ar.>` .-~ z. ~Fxz-- <<. „te -iaestcetng utstrumsnt -and€nwtedged <br />tfte t3tefUtEan thefr<}f F(! SC hF~. feel •7, '.'=P.i "'~lit'43:'? 3~e 3F}it •ttYCi <br />Witness tTky' itans dtiu `tie't~C'ii 2ii `,ie .i_e z~+ ~ `~i , ~ - <br />*ai'AxY l~u~Llc <br />~. - ~ . ; <br />~ -T~ -- <br />1i,t! yt.;..,.:fi7!-lt :s t,>t~;,-1 ii'E a)fi's ', i€~ti ,Fu:.°.fti ~~f;€?;~IJiltt3~`': <br />NE6 ~?.E. <br /> <br /> <br />