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d. Far .better seCacity of the it~btedtiess hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee; its ai~casors <br />or assigns, nwrtgagtit' simll execute and detiv« s iktneatal mortgage or mortgages covering asy additittris; <br />imprttveanatts, oc betterarcata made to the prop«ty h«einabove described araf all property acgtaiesd by a afier <br />the dsae l (all as form e~fadsxy to tmitutgagee}. Irtrihermase, shoals! mortgagor fain to carer mq! defauk <br />in the payment of a prior or inferior etrceiatbrattce on the prap«ty desetibaf by this ittstrut~em, ~'-1t~.: <br />tG7 by agrees su per~at atrtgffe trs-cure ; deft€tatt, but taorctgagce is trot abligatsrl Eo da ~, and-sirch adva~~rs. <br />~ shall becixae part of" dte ' seeored by this instcornets, subjsc[ to the saetnr [artns and sasititi~ns: <br />:~ e. T~ eights created iyy this coaveyattcc shall remain in full force sail effret doting arty. ca• <br />exttttsias of `ehe its of the payttmit of .the- ~s evit~tsed by said promissory note: ~ sKSteS.:cu say <br />r-a part[ thereof secured hereby. <br />°- <br />Oz- f. To ~Yiaitartsly main•.sia hams~d insuraiur, of sitdt tYPe m` [ypes and is stint amounts as [!~ moctga~ee <br />easy frees tu®e to cane regttirc oa the improventeats crow ~ hereafter on said Property. arm-will pay P>IY <br />wixn due any premiums eherdor_ At! iasitransx shall be retried in cocnpenies ~ to tt~tgagrar a~ rig <br />policies acrd renewah thtstmf shall 6e hdd by mortgagee and have attached thereto Foss paysbk clauses in fever <br />` of artd xi form acc~ttable [o cix ntorigagee. in evrm of loss, mortgagor will give immediate t~iee in writir~ <br />Eo mort~~, and mortgagee taay make proo€ tsf lass if net made promptly bq mortgagor, and-each itisitrattce <br />c~ft~Y coafcertred is h«eby autharittd and directed to make Payment for such loss dir+eccty to mortgage <br />iit:tead of to mortgagor and mortgage joimiy, and the inswance Proceeds, or say part thereof, may be applied. <br />by mcr at its option eal~r to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured or to the-restoration or <br />repels of the prom«ty dartui~tl ~ de~royed. to event of foreclosure of this mortgage, or outer ttartsf« of titre <br />m said property in eRtirtguishateat of the indebtedness secured hereby. ail right, title, and interest of the <br />mortgagor in and ta arty insurance poiiei+es rhea in force shall pass to the purehaser ~ mortgagee or, at Hx <br />aprien of tht rtmrtgagee, may be sorrendend for a refund. <br />g, To keep all boii~~s and ath« imPravements an said ~op«ty in good trepair atoi condition- to <br />p«atit, axaatit, or mff~ tto waste, impairment, der«ioration of said property or say 1~ thereof, in the event <br />of faUnrt of the mcutgagar to keep the fiuildittgs oa said premises and- those erected on said premises, or <br />improvetrt~ts th«eon, io good repair, the mvrigagce may make such repairs as in its disrxeciva it may deem <br />necessary for the prap« prmewation tl~reof, and the full amount of each atui every such Payment shall be <br />iram€diately due grid payal curl shall be secured by the kin of this mortgage. <br />h. To not voluntarily create ar permit to be created against the property suSjesY to this mortgage any lien <br />or Letts inferior to the i'ten of this mortgage without written consent of the mortgagee; ar-l futh«, chat r4art- <br />gador will knrp and- maintain the same free from the claim of alt persons supplying labor or materials far con- <br />stsuctiott of any and all buildings or imprevesramts Haw being «ected ~ to be eret:ted on said premises. <br />i. To rsot reset or assign any part of [he rmt of said mortgaged arop«ty or demolish, or remove, or <br />substantisl(y alt« any without the written cattsent of the mostgagce. <br />j~ All awards of damages in coriaeccion with any coadrinttruioa for public use of or injury to say of the <br />property subject 1a this ritortgage are hrrebyassigmad a~ simli be paid to mortgagee, w~i may apply the same to <br />f+aymesst of the installments fast due utter said mate, and mortgagee is hereby authorized, is the name of the <br />mortgrtgOr, to eaocute and deliver sequittaruxs th«eof acid to appeal from any such award. <br />k. The mortgagee shall have the right to iaspea thr mortgatted prdnsaes at any reasonable time. <br />i. Ta comply with the provisions of say ieaxr if this Mortgag; ;a oa a leaseFiold. f# this ltdortgsge is on a <br />unit in a condasitEnium or a planned unit dev Borrow« shall Perform all of Btxrow«'s obiig;itions <br />ter t9x dir:a os ~ `fig ~ gat-rrrnirtg tke ~ pisauied gait dt~loPruent,[tse <br />by-lmas sail rem of the or pi:saad unit devde>~ent, sad ccntatitusat dsscstmems. <br />2. [)etatth is say of the covenants or c•wtditions of this inatrtsauat or of thr tree or rose ageemenx secured hereby <br />~ ~ ibe mortar's right to posse ion, use. sad enjoytrteat of the property, at the . option of the <br />~ fa beittS agr~d that the mexigagor shall !save suds tight ttatil defsiilt}. Upon mty s~k <br />dom. the shall bettuue fhe awn« of all of the rents acrd profits securing aft« defsoit as security for <br />the iadtbtavtgm secured hereity, with the right to etx« upon saw property for the purpose of collecting suet: <br />rests sad profits. This inatrtiment shall operate m an assigttmettt of any rascals on said Propesty to Ehat eictem. <br />~. If-the isortr ~. and fails to rrtake any paytr+etttc what Niue or to eonfotm tti and. - with art 6f <br />tt3e c~ yr terra cantaintal in this nmrt ~aatR-y " Y <br />gage or the Hares which it secures, chars the etitira priercipai <br />=pam-state asxrf>ad i ~ once become dear and psi, aml draw *- per Beat f 29;fl ~t interest <br />of st Ebc eleatiaa e-f the mortga rma! this; maq thereupon be fareciosed imtnediaeely <br />fttr tMe w of t#e- txtebY secured. ittcietdiBg the omt of extending the abstract of title fmm the <br />date_of mortgate an case tie ad' Ong sticlt suit, •tiinetsr~a aercottt: <br />#; is tfx es of a ~ defrat~ tta protdd~ed hence, the mortgagee shall at ortcc ~ ;eetitled to the pos- <br />. traa. and ~ tie real eatette aforesaid a~ad to the rem. issues, royalties. sail prsft-tts thereof, <br />from tlutacts iaf smeb r-turd d the pt;ndettcy of frtrtcltffiure prtaesedinc~ atxi sueFt ppasessions, etc., <br />9>i~8 at la<~ to lets ~ upat regtxat, tspeat fs~tre such delivery of'sus~ ppsaeadan rosy be <br />~ ~e lE~ inclktdi~ s receiver for the pmp«ty. <br />'~. flta Arr+~atttds of asy rye of seise ~ is ' [lam preeadgt~ pa€e~raPlss sliaU he apptied first to <br />PaY lice cum ~ of rauvi sale, tilts' ~ m by the for the purpose of prexevting cu <br />?' _ may, .[u peer tlrc i see~turrd hesxby; «td shirdiy, en psq say surplus or <br />~,~ tlteHfrk -d.there~tu< <br />