+~?IE~T~iA4C'i~ sl -- c~c,o7s~
<br />This rntrrtgage reads aru! enttersd into this tlth day of >fpbruarv
<br />19~? _. by sat betsrserr Zatetast ]:nu Fartnership
<br />{hsrtanatYrr rs#trred to as mortgagor] and Commercial Nstiottai Bank and Ttvst Comt>snY
<br />{Ltereitarefe~dd'to ar.
<br />moartgagee). who nmttttsins an of~tex and-plea oFbusiness at #~~ ~. ~#aigd sire~iu Graff islwttd.
<br />Hall" County. 13ebraska.
<br />Wes, that far the rnnsideratson hereinafter stated. rscdpt of which is hereby ackat~wl; the m~
<br />does hctxbY , se3f, grant, assign, aml convey unto the tnortgagee, its sutx~ors and atslgus, all of t6ae ftal=
<br />Icrwing described. property sitetat~ and being in the County of ball
<br />,;rate of IVcMaslea. ,
<br />A tract of Laud caatprising a part of the Northwest quarter aE tha Sotitltrae9t
<br />quarter tNWtSSWta) of Section Twenty-Seven (27), Township Eleven (12) North.,.
<br />ti8nc~ Nine (9} West of the 6th P.LN. , in Hall Caun~ty, Nebraska, mesre parti:~
<br />cixiarly described as follows: Beginning at the Sauttttarist corner of said
<br />Northwest Qnarta;r cif the Sauthtvest quarter iNW°sSW4I , thence Easterly along-
<br />tha South line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (Nt~39Hrl
<br />a di.stattce of Six Hundred Sixty {6~0.~} feet, thence Northerly parallel la-
<br />the Hest lute of said Section Terenty-Seven (27}, a distance of Three Htandred
<br />Twenty-Fora {32#.~) feet, thence Westerly parallel to the South line aE.said
<br />tiart#nrest t~uartsr of cite Southwest Quarter (NW4S"Wic} . a distance of Six Htrrtrlred
<br />Sixty (6f0.0) feet, to the Hest Line of Said Section Twenty-Bevan (27),
<br />thence Southerly along the hest line of said Section Twenty-Seven t27), a
<br />distance of Three Hundred Twenty-"our {324. C) feet to the place of beginning.
<br />to~her with ati tht tenements aml appurtenances thereto fxionging, all the rents, issues and profits thereof, and al!
<br />easeaneatts. rights, royalties, mineral, oti and gas nghts and profits, water, water rights, and water stock. and including
<br />aN heating, phtmtaing, refrigeration, tiglt[ing, etjuiptnctit amt ail fixtures isf every descciptian i~tonging to the
<br />mortgagor irow or hereafter attached thereto or used in tnnneetion with the prtmises herein described and in addition
<br />thereto the foltrnving dsscritasd propema which arc and shah he deemed to be fixtures and a part of the res}ty, and
<br />are a portion of the security for thr inde6t~frsc-ss herein stst~S. i#f itane. start "none") *.done
<br />Fox have aim to-}raid the saint unto the'wlorttagsa, as herein providot:
<br />TRte trwrtgat~ is lawfully seized and possessed of and has the riglft to self a»d convey said property; that the
<br />cams is free frets ail cttcumhranc;a except as hereinabave ceeited: artd that Mortgagor covenarns to warrant and
<br />defetd the dtk aforesaid thereto and tvery part thereof against tht claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />This its:trutr~et is given to secure the payment of a promissory sort dated Febrtaary 17, 1981
<br />in the ptiragpal stem of S 750,Op0.Q~ ,signed by Etudolf F. Plate, 2Rtonas L. Andertsaat,
<br />inhx~lftaf .;"'~* Inn Partnershir~ Sohn Preiset~sarf, .Tr., Vi.rmeut L.I)~sdl
<br />also. as sash Hots ~ noees tray from tune to rime be modified, renewed or extettdsd in writing.
<br />ltt ita: c+tgtt f~ tiffs t€i said retat ^~tatc is trattsftrred, ar cnttttscted to be tratufertxmi, from zt~ tt3gtxrl far way
<br />reidtttt-car by a8y snethrxl whtttsaeva. the enurt prt~tpal sutra and assrued tmsrest shall at wes tasca~e dw alai
<br />ptcyt~le at tits election of the holder hereof. Failure to excretes this option ttecauss of tramfrr of titer ~ ai~e
<br />in uric iestattes shalt ttca opmatute a , ei ,~ of the tight to ext.,:iss the same in the event of anY ~ traastat:
<br />1, Ttaa trntttgttgan ixatnrnauts atnf agues as follows:
<br />a. To pra~tly pay the istdrbtedness evidsnad by said pmntassary rxatr at the titt~xs amt in the rttststtser
<br />~~
<br />h. ?a psty ah ut~es, asaesrt~itrs. v~atsr rats, attd tael~r gavernmemat or munici~f charges„ flries. or
<br />tt~IF`bitliCttS: flat whlrh provi~tm has not been tltade hereit:befors, Red- wiN pratnptiy dehYCr theOff`ieial resetpt5-
<br />tlisarsfor iv the wtd tnagt,
<br />e, Yte te~y suss exf+~xtssart aced- foes as rosy ds iltGUrred in the protection and trsain#enant^e irf said pro[aerty,
<br />trot fees tat arty mttasrtesx ~ try the m~ttta fr+r the sr.iieriion :~f asp or alt itf the irtdebteiditarxs
<br />tarraUt r~tued, rat itrrect~urc t+y rnc>rtgaact ~. oak. err Linen prtxeediregs, ±x trt anF ether iit?gatten err t'rcxrtding
<br />,tffeSttttp *.sid iaremeric.
<br />