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8~- 0(}0745 <br />Laa~der's written agtetatatnt or applecahk law. Borrower shall pay oleo amotmt of all ttrottgsgevnsurattca preneitrms in ilea <br />renter prosided: under paragraph 2 ht:teat. <br />Atrq smttuMa 8ialiurxd by Lander pursuant to ihm paragraph 7. with iatetest thereon, shaft 6ecatre additiowtd <br />i of Borra.+ver seeureti by thu Afinegage. Ualest I#vrrower and Lend agree to oilrcr terms- of payaneM;. srsah <br />setsaunts ~ tie payal~ upon rootlet ftmtt Gentfer"to Barmwer ttquestirtg payment themtf, seed shad bear interest [t+ola;ttsrc <br />d.-'>a.c°, Qg;,.s.,~„e.=. g thh r~ paf: ~ frc- t~ to tit:rr eft ~tst~ttg principt;I t..( the ?tom ~ka~s payt. ~ <br />lnttsteat at tatclr-rate would ba caatrary to ~ law, in which tvtert srtalr amounts bear itttetaat at the t`t <br />paw taa~r appgcabk Iaw. Na#hirtg rneeta~s! in-this paragraph 7 shad- ret#uite Leader to inCtlr any' ar earls <br />tmy aetiaa htreunder. <br />L. may mane ar eaatre to 5e rnatk teat~ttable entries upon am! inspeetiatts of t#xPtopetty: ptovlded- <br />tl£at t.,ettdes shad glut Harrower notice prior to an} sttclr inspection speti€ying reasonable cause therefor reta~ to t:aa <br />irttBtbY in the Property. _ <br />4. Tha pttteeeda of arty award or claim far darnagee< dfrect o< cortsegt:etttial; in t~tttrectian wftitt any <br />~+damnation or othetr taking of the Property, qr part thereof err €or conveyance in ilea of condattaatiae. are het¢6q tats <br />seed stmt bt paid to t.aeder. <br />#n the event of a ttrtad taking of the PraPeTiY• the proceed: shall be applied m the sums sectttaod by this Mortgage: <br />with ~ excess, if arty: paid to ilMrow+er. to the event of a partial taking of the Property. unlm_Borrower erred Calder <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shag Ire applied to the ;tarns sreutad in this Mortga~ retch prnpor£imt of the pt <br />as is equal t© that pt'f.; -+ttioer which the atttount of the sums secured by this Mortgage 'stnttrediately pttior to the dire of <br />ta3ting `seats to the fair trrarket value of the PtvpertYfmmediaaeiy prior to the date of faking, with the batatm of the proceeds <br />paid to iiertnacr, <br />#f the Property is ahatt&mstai by Borrower. to if. offer nrttice try Lender to Borrower that the condemtwr Dicers to make <br />an award ~ s•_ttle a claim leer damages. Bnrrawtr faits tq respotn t9 Corder within 30 days after tlEe date steep ffotl6e -ia <br />mailed. Lender is ao£harracd to collect seed apply the proceeds. at Lender`s option, wither to restoration or repair of the <br />Property err to the susses secured ny this Mortgage. <br />Links Lrttatr seed Borrower otherwise agree in carting. any' such appiic:a=.iqn of proceeds to principal shall trot ex[tttd <br />qr postpone the dtie date ~f ;he monthic instakfinertts referred to in parafraphs and 2 hereof qr change the atnotrnt of <br />sst[!t ittata[Itnen£s- <br />iti. iserawet `ttoR #Cek~ad. Extension qt` ttu time for payment or mndificatinn .sf amorti2aficm of the sums secured <br />try this iNart[YgC granted b} Letwtt to any suer in inferest of Horrawtr shah nt=t operate to release. in arty rnantxt. <br />fix tialtiiity at th¢ arlgr€41 Borrower and Borrqueri s?tecessnrs :n in*.erest. i_ender shalt not Lee tequixed to corrrmetttt <br />proeeed'engs ~gaattst such ttx:cxssor .?r refuse to extend t:[nc for payment :+s €}thernise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured EF±P this Mrtrtgagt by reason of any demand :Wade by the origtnai tinrower and &:rrower's saccrssors in interest. <br />tt. Fethesraara ley [.aier':Vo! a Waiver Any fgttxarance Fy tender .n excrc:sxna stn r;ht nr remedy hettunder, or <br />oFhtu~ist alTarded by app#icahit 'aw, shad tern he a waiver ai qr pmiude the esrrcise of any such right or remedy. <br />7'tr pmcttremtnt z?f imurarxx +~? the psvtttent ref roars err <xtir_ r ti<ms :;r : harzee by (.ender ~haA not tx a waiver of Lendetrs <br />riglut u- acctirrstr the matVrm• <sf tnc mdehtedttr.s ,e<!ared by cis:, '+wfnrtFas;e <br />12. s CaasehYlve. {il rrnudics pnt+fdrd ut This !siastaagc :arc dts¢?tut and cumutative to any other risbt or <br />retntdx ursstes this ktattaade =?r afforded by (au~ „r rquan^ end may he exert}srd <:,neurretttly. indepeetdentiy qr successively. <br />#3. Statcesasst ad Aasfps t#eaaa; Yaint ate/ Seveta# thy: Capsam. l7}c =_.ovettanta and agreements !:erein <br />::awtaatsesi stes¢z, ?>d rive rights :iron Eder s#taii loner so, the rrpectt ~ su<~ve~:,n sad r.~iitrts f i_ender assd Borrower. <br />astbiect ea she orct~'isaom at paragraph 1' he:rtts#, ill <°ov+enants and agtetttMtrtis rxf 8orsawer shall he joint and several <br />'iTre apty<vraa arki ira~i~a of the pasagraph5 nt this Mortgage arc for es?nernren:r orsiy and are not iq tae wsexi to <br />:nterptrr :~ ,#el#a+c .yc tx:+vssuxns 4ertef. <br />l6 ~saitt, Ex,~a -°qr ut+r native rco'}lied under at.>ir#?ta6k {aw to Lsr finer. En ]nwh~r ntatettr.. ia# any ttotitt fo <br />Bosrosrorr ;zrr+.o5rd °,,. -n ~~.- 'sfnngsgt xleall he given by marling ~akh .¢r,uu by :..°rnfted mail addressed tea Borrower at <br />the Przrorrt~ {,#drra+. -=s ~. st...h <xher address as E3cun,wer nfaG' :1e=+tlnare by ~~ticr to Lender as provided herein. and <br />=h3 ;asv 'fir :~ #,~- -t±ai3 !tr fir+?n ??y xrtit~c =xts:t, =eturr•, rcxc:pt :rslz~trd_ ±c+ i rnder'g addrezt stated herein or to <br />such ,char adettase as i,errdrt roar designate #+r naranr ',, Sgrra+ser as prrvxittd txrrtn. Isar ett>•riee provided for in this <br />'.#~ortgagr sts-±1 !x deet~ +.?havr %+e>:n g:yen za 9orxr~wes .,r t ~ndrtr when ~afven ist she nlas+nl'~"_disagrtTtited ~ItCreln. <br />IS. t}safeste t;,d. Laws Ss+arabist+. ?'h,. f;+rm of mortgage cnmbirtra tmifarnffibvniartis for ttatioaal <br />uaa amt tkest-untft:rtt¢ css-ensnts ~.i€l¢ itmitrd vanat§xas by .exrwztictr+ra t:~ _cttstxtttte a rartifft7rmii~tstnen£ Covering <br />;,eat prat4 ?'k,x M~sgagc stab tae .=~+Ferncd "^v rhr ':?w =,t the .uriscfictrxxt =n which the Property i~ roosted. In the <br />event that stay nr?rvrsasrn ns ctaust ~,t this Mortgage =+r the ti,xte .csnlttictY ~-ith appiuahir 'aw. such eonfliet si:ali not affix[ <br />o;ahe• ;nr+vtsecwes c}f tttxs {ic}ngaga .+F zht ticte w•h,<h 4an ?re ;turn e!ftt-t ,vethout tht conttictina provision. avd to fhis <br />erxt the tr<s+isanrss ~rf the 49art and .!+t 1.xe arc ,+:ecfared t=, t^r severable <br />#i.'s Cat~nr. Bern±war vhaii '.+e fsisnas7ted a ,:r,ntoFmed ~nny of the Nott and taf thss Mnregage ai the time <br />nt esexxrittatt :,r after rtxc+rdatirsrt teeFCS~+f- <br />t9. CeaaaRev trf lit AegwM; AaaalA~aiaat. if ati ,K an+ ;rare .r* the Prctptrty qr an fntetest thercm is said qr tramferrtd <br />isv I3arrtiwcr wfthgtbt L.tndrr's prior wnerrn ::Doren?. exa:ivding ~e: the ::ttattnn _+i a Lien qr eneumbran€e subordinate to <br />that ~, aa}y the ,:rratxm :rf e purchase .ass+ttts ~.:":rnty- :ntvrest f.,r hntrxh.sid appliances. !c; a tramfer by devise. <br />daaCttit qr h7 aptratiots of ta+t.:spcsn else .#eattt .:rf a ;pant truant .:s <br />i..ettder m:s. at f.cttdr.*4 .=t:trcm.:krtare all the sums secured by this Mortgage to be <br />:>,aSe]b and pa}~atrie. Let~.e*~r sr¢aii #ta+-e mat=rd-:;sr :ty''tuas +,+ aa:~eieratt sf. pro to the +ale ^r trans#er. Lender <br />a~ the perswt to +ahtast the Nrc3psszy x..:a %•r cold +;r srar}stesrri reaih agrcemcnt an :vntmg that zlr< credit ^f such pensm <br />+s satafas£sxy ao Lender acrd ¢hat t?tr :merest ^syahk en t'ec s.ams seslrrd hr thss +tgrtgagr chair br at such rate as Lender <br />siydl tom. it Lsadar has w;ttvi#i the cstMtcm to a.xirra'r pr=~vadrd ::a errs; paragrph 1'.. seed if Borrower's stsecessur in <br />atsetr'enE has aatcutasi a wrtrtcr[t sasumptiott agretmcrat a<~~.rt=test in wrong by i..rnder. L.cnsicr shalt release Bongwtr frotst ail <br />€r ~ and the'r"ott. <br />' t! L ~etsistrs sxesh gptmn to autittate. Len;fer citait rna¢t 8arrosvrr nntu-e }sf au~ekratssm an.accardance with <br />€A hereof. ~sslt norms shalt ptovtdt a prnud ai sr ±¢ teas than ;(? days frxsm the daft the rtutu-r is rttailtd,~w,~tt~„hi~n <br />'atltitle m'aY pay (ht tiuttt3 rtet.tared dtse. ii Barrgw"Cr r]fit: >te pay t11[:#'!. 0gm5 praUF tL} Ciie e.Ypifatian 4t sUCi9 y... ..,.., <br />a,taxies oat. ~a.:~..~e .',»...:._ ,-_.. _- a da~ad s}ra Hnrra^w~rr.:nvekc any rrtnedien. pesm§tted by paragraph tN htzeof. <br />~3t'~¢-L~tmattas f.`tri~trst~e7s. Borrower and L_ettdcr futtl~t <ovennnt and agree as folksws: <br />#s. ~ ~ t?sae}rt as pt~vrM#ed sa pasa4rtpt#t t7 hereof. satsowt,t3s 5raech of say covaeeaaa ate <br />aeP 5a ~r :44ynlgttgt, #aztstahfX tit cevaaea~es is pa} wimw doe aav sotterr secreea ley tleia M,u1g~. <br />tasrthe ~aior a tasalt trades to sorrows m psoviaod La pasageagls l4 beeast tpetifyht~ (tt the htataci; <br />t~l tlra aagaes to t~tse +aaei heaa~c6t {3S a dam, war less tA>m 30 dteys from the dart the twMcs ~ ttwiitd m sttereewes. <br />~ sellia#t s~a#e iseaefa apsal is ctseask seta tat rhea ftassve to etsra ssseh hreacb as err hefAre efts tit sPerilk# is the weis£e <br />errs alai# car amsiiaaKieia et Nat sensor taavwsa 6r tp'wr- ~• #us~ Isy r#sl p+rmresd~ ~d sdt aE the ~Pa4'. <br />t7t. taller ails tateiar psiesw ikarra+aar eR the ria~t w etdea¢uaa aiasr a~rceissatilaa rata the rpdt+ #o aeaaea la tit teeaetetasee <br />/ttastrd#as- she ttesuwsaueaet s! a es ass nehm aeh+nt u? itlaersswer m ttcetkntlow anal ftttzcleswt. #f ehar tuttaeb <br />~t tsa! eeststa tie-see tYaf art: ire eta kr tltr ws~C€, #rai~nt ,d's ~taan taay¢ ehtr#art a$ ,tf t#tt ta~et satttwsa bs <br />~ ~ tw h: ~ oat >~ pa[yaile wit fwHrar aitllranl > nary €a:en`Iwsa kn #adttlal ~. # <br />ti6t<str.rtl#Bttf as caitast Itstyacir ~s~aseeater>E all aayaaaat ~ #nstt3taett, iaa. Sat sea Iiwaaed t®, eeett a~ dwrsrietato.rr <br />ailsatssra era ~ rsrPptat. <br />#t a~tratiatids s~gi# pt ;tisttwtth'itsrtdirt~ E.cmlar'e x.r::t#eFatusn .xi tree soma ercumt its thn M ~a>ttR- <br />1#armatrtr siad€ ttytvk test mitt to tstivt soy ,~sr-sttttxtlitegs ta¢gsttt he # :rrthx tr= cnh=a."r th.z kttxtgage dtt}i:<mtmned at any tame <br />