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8.~_. t~o~0 r4~ <br />IINfttaRN Cavnrtaxrs. 6otttttuer and Leader covenant attd agtu as follows; <br />i. iihegaamat of ~ aai iaaeraee. Borrower shad promptly pay when due the principal of and iatetsat oa the: <br />i evideattaf by the tvate, prepayment sad left charge as provided in the Note, and the principal of watt interest <br />an say Ftuttrc Advances sectir~ by this Mortgage. <br />1 CestY tar fiance tttfs# ittraeaoace. Subjecr to applicable law or to a written waiver lry Lender, Borrower. shall pay <br />to L~ t>a the day tt~thly ittstatlments of principal and interest are payttblc under the Nate, retool flit Note is paid inrfttB, <br />~ fi~ciFt "r•uada`°f egtta; to one-tweif6t of tirc yearly taxes and assessments which tasty attain prioritp aver tkiss <br />~#', sad gtmtad teats nn the l*ronerty, if any, plus t~.iwelftlt of '~lY premium ran r-g f~ hr~*d ittwt*aac-a. <br />plan otso-twelfth of yearty pttextium ia~lltnen€s for mortgage insurance, if say, all as trsannably tsuutated lititially atxl firm <br />titffi to time by L as the bsais of assmammts and hills and reasonable estimator cheteof. <br />T~ Faada Fl be held is an iaatimriort the deposits or accounts of which are ittsuiaf or gtrtti'antamd by a Faddrai itr <br />sxaxe agrafcy f f~iudit[g Leader if Leader is such an imtitution 1. Lender shall aggiv the Ftxttds to pay said'taxes, ~, <br />ittwra'aacsa premitxtrat anti ~ttttd reins Lerttft:r may not charge for sa holding and applying the Futtda, analyZag said acsmfat, <br />ar vmitying and co+npdiiay( said assessrteen~ and hills, ua~s Leader pays 8ormwer itttetest on the Fttncts ate agpticalde lair <br />ptertmta Leader to make Bach a t:hatge. Borrower ate Lender may agttx in writing at ttr tithe of exewtit>ft of this <br />Marge that interest on the Funds shalt he paid to 8orrawez. attd uttFess such agrxymenx is made or applicahb IoW <br />tegttirra atilt interest to 6e paid, Leader sltali trot Ix rtgttired fo pay Borrower any interest or earnings un the Fits. Linder <br />seal( give to fiotrotrer, withtmt chargt, an arrrxuai accoutuirtg of the Fvnds showing i redita artd debits m [he Fttttds atxd tfta <br />purpose fur which each debit to t!x Fu:zds was made. The Futxds are piedgtxl as additional stcurity for fix sums stxured <br />try thus Monde. <br />If flee aatount of ehe Fttada held by f.eatder, together with the future monthly installttxnts of Funds payebk prior to <br />tf~ dtte dates of tttxm, assemmenrs. insttranrx premit[tns,and grn~•sd rents, shad excel t1~ amattnt required to pay said toffee, <br />tents. insataace prtanitaets attd grourxi tents as they fail lue, such excess shall he. az Borrower's opiian, either <br />tttvmptiy timid ro Barrosser or credited to Borrower on monthly ttrstaltments of Fttttds. If the amount of the Ftmda <br />hold, by [fir ~ti1 tort be sra~Ckat to pay foie, asfesaraen3, insurance premiums and ground .cats as they fail dtx, <br />Bortrrtrer x~l ~y to Lett any ~ttaunt necessary to make up the deftcxncy witftin 31) days fluor the date notice is ritsikd <br />hT I.mdar to Barrowxx taguestittg payment thereof. <br />[Gene payment m full of all norms secured by flits !Mortgage i.endcr (tali promptly refund to Borrower any Futtda <br />ha3d by I.ertder. If utsdtr paragraph it's !xt~f the Prapeny :s Sold nz =.ix Property rs utitctavise acgwred by Laadu, Len~r <br />s#aif apply, rxo later shwa ;mmsdisteh' poor :a :ltc ,alo of the Pragem or its acgttisuion by Lender, any Funds tseid by . <br />Linder ai the tia~ of applicariao as a credit agatnst the sums secured trv tats Nartgage. <br />3. tkas M ~'~ L;nless agptica'ate taw p:cvrdcs atiurwise. ail paYmetns received by Lender under the <br />tgom sad parasraphs t and Z hermf shall be appited by Lender first n payment at amounts payable to Lender b}t Borrower <br />under paragagtt 2 hetmi, thin to tnterest payable un the tiutc, then to the prtnctpai of the '`fate, and then to intere~ and <br />prtffitgat on say Futtcte Advasxes. <br />aL ~ t3atta. Borrower xhuil pay ell ta.acx, assessments and other ~Star¢es. fit> :mpnsitruns attribuiabie to <br />rho Froporty which tray attaui a pntmty over :his ttungagr. and teasehuis ,;as-menis ,sr ground reins. if any, in the man>xr <br />ptttvidetf uud<a pa[agrag6 Z hereof or.:r nut pond :n such maorxr. by &}rzawr::rtaktng payment. svtfrtt due, directly to rho <br />payee thereof. Horrowa shall pinrxaptly furnr_stt to Lender ail ttuttxs ,rt amounts Jtu under flits patagritph, and in the event <br />Barmwer shalt matte payment dtrec*.i}•. ilorzawer shall promptly turntsh to Lender receipts evidencing such payrtxn[s. <br />iarroteK short prrastgtfy dascharge atrr ;tort uhtch has ptratttY :~cer tats Mangagr: provided. shag Harrower Shelf na* be <br />re4utred to drac#targe any such lien iu tong as Bar:ower shah agree ;n +rst;n~q ;o the pa.xatat of she uhiigseian secut'cd by <br />strh lice to .manna accegtatle ?n i.ender, ear shai3 m good faith fn[nr3t ,itcfs ;:en try, t,r c3eftnd enforcement of such lien ia, <br />,-~. r....~....,..,njp... ~.~ tr, Y;tiv;=nt Fix cell-aza~s-tt s~: tse i:er, .,r ?ar€etturc ..€ the Prapex}` ar any part thereof. <br />S. Bkstd Iaeaestee. Borrowrs Shalt keep site rmproect^.rnds rciw ,°srsttng ,x hereafter vrecFCd utt FtK Property [mutes! <br />agauxtt foss fry 1~ tsazardstncittdcd wtthtn the term "eitrrtdrii .uvrsage' and stv-.'.t ,stfxr hazards ss f.cnder may reyutre <br />amd cn ~h attaounts sad for saut+;xrtads a.; L.etidcr may' rtquite: pn~~idett, ;oat Lezxiez :ftal! etct resluire Fha! :he amour.[ of <br />tuft ~rvera~C read Thai an°artutt tit ctrv-rra~ regtured tza Sae ti;c sums secured srv tRts tiongage_ <br />The ittwrance caterer provtdfng the rtxwr$art shall !se _hascn Ry Bexrusvzz submit to approval by Lender, provided, <br />thin such approval shall not be :tareaurnabiy wtthheid .iii prrnuums ,m rrtsutaircc troiictet sh:~ Se paid ar. fix :nsaner <br />pravt$t:d trader puagtgpdt '_' hereof ur, st nc.t pm;f to stash maa>ter. hv_ Burrower toaktng paytttent, when due, airectiy to the <br />its tasrrir~. <br />Alt imuraace polices attd te~wata tt~.teot ihari '*c ~r. sotto ,sreptaixr to Lentcr and aha11 =.tu:iudc a s?andard mortgage <br />in favor of and to form ae:s~egtab}e su Leader. t,ctider ;.'tati hav-c ,he rrgttt to 1tc>id flit pollees and renewals thereof. <br />'~ shelf prtnoptl}' fu.-twh to i.~s' art rertev-si ru-`te« and sfi :~.-etpis of pavi premntms. In the zveot of foss. <br />9rtrror+u shall give prompt nrntu to flit :cisurats..e ,eraser .uai Leredcz. Lender may make prat of ;ass .i sot made promptly <br />by Btu'rovar. <br />vtdms I.extxier attd iMrrnv~ otfterar:ee agree :n -..~ntetc((. rrtsurancc prvcmcls shall 4te agPit~ :_~ restcrr~ttian .rr rtgair of <br />th6 prspeiiy damagart, pruvsded str~'ft restorattun ,sr trgar :s xutiarrta~ally 'eastlsie amt ttx Securnv aT Flits tiortgagc rs <br />tt>M rboreby ttapattad. If sts:it ttiwa~irauun at rc fate m n K eccmama:aity tcaatbsc z>i .. ttte security ~,- .h:s ttangage would <br />hs tttttpured, tree ioattraace praceatis ehali be appited sn the sums xcured by [fns toe ngage. w:th ±he excess, if any. pod <br />m Barrotrtt- tf the Fropert} w atsatxiorxd he ifarmwrr ur +t tlerruwer ,arcs :o trsputtd `o Lender witfttn ~U days from the <br />due txotkx is tootled h}' Leader to Bn:raver trot ?he ituetrarti.c ,:arr;et tstfcts r:' uttfe a :farm ter :nwratxe !xetefrs. Lender <br />is artaed to Z am# apple the: rasurarxe prat?xs~ at Lcrt~r s ,goon stiftsr to ;ear_~ratzun «r regatr .~ the Propeny <br />tx ~ this usma s~ttred i:y the blort~. <br />tGttkas lerukr aim Barrawtr ,rtherse;±r igrte n wsrttttg, err} such apptharacm ~.d praeeds is prrtutpal she!} not extend <br />or ptartgotto ttse due. date of tie ntwtahl~ natailttxcnas =etertrd =u :n psragrsptts and 'terecsi sir change the amount of <br />sTat$ ~ . It par:~taph i$ herotrf ;~ Prope-rst s stqurresi by i.cntier. sit nest. utit ami :nterrst of Borrower <br />in sad to iaY iaauraace p~icsq anti +a sad =.w the ptotcti-d~ •."s°r~i rruttuag ir,~rn ;ia,-Wage tr, the Psaperty prior to [he sale <br />ce aton slxaii ptm to I.,~r to the exiet3t !f t1x Stitres xxured ay '.his Mortgage inmedtatefy error to such sale ur <br />#. tioaarttiaiaw trod e4 t°t+a;ratr; l.e Cadrriatars; t'lmteott t;me i/evdeptsewM. torrower <br />a,,-c~ ~.~. , s.y..:.~ .,. ~~..,r.., ~...a_-ten ~. _._ _.._ ,..._,_.. -. -:. _~ , ~ - _.. s-.~ ~.. ... d , . <br />sal a y die pray of m ~ - - - :.e~:::.:+:~ _~ :__....:_:e,........._ -~.t,a,-, <br />y itast :f Flits Wurtgage iR un a IrssehuM. [t this ttnngage is air a rrort sn a <br />:'sr a ptmaod ttmaz divginprnettr, Harrower sitasi perform ai! of Borruaers .rbttgauatw under the dedarauan <br />~ or li?eL rite ;ondomstttttm ur piattntd unit devetuatnent, the try-faros and regulatiorta of the <br />tar pieaaad umt devefaptnertt, grid _umtituent dtx:tutxnts. if a comiaminium or planned unit rieveiogtrient <br />~ k easarsteed by i~rortna atad teco:tdaxl tttgsther with this Mott~ige• the cuvcnaata easel agrtemeata ui such rider <br />~ 6ia r~ tia&+ ant! shall am~ti aril stdpxef~~zrtottt ttx sa)venanti and agreertxeats of this 'Matigags as of tree rider <br />+~ sx part . <br />": rt torttlarftr It B4t'ra~sv_r tails to <br />perform rite crmataann and agrcetnenn ~csmaitted in tins <br />is a! ~ tttay nst4tte or ~ ss s^srtameticed w3tleh easeuially afl~ts l:encfatr'tt intcres# in the pt'u4'ertY. <br />~tifldiapB, bat sae ~ ~ 4~in. ixts04vertey, ~tforrx~r~ ar artangcsaeats ~ ~np im+olvigg a- <br />harittapft ut daot~asa. rlems l.estda at t..eadttr's :rptian, cyan tttttiee to Bxtrrawtr, may ittaka tttc3t ~ dist7ttrse each <br />fora! taiwx mss9cta rat d ~Y is prat E.nxxdete`s tttttetest, tt~fttdittg, hint ;~ litntteti to. disburoeraexet ut <br />tsrexgat~ ~ a Estee and ettag the ~Y is ttsaii+a sapAirs. If I.ettdsr rettitirtal roan insuranrc as a <br />taewtwt~tiota of the loots soc~ri by' flier Manga(pt. BxNtx?t~xer that( stay tats prentittms rcc}uires7 to maintain wch <br />ia~ its atJ61tc1 uttt8 td~re ~ tlsa trsytratetasnt tot ttstxmtce tarxrciruttes m aGC~,xdattcc wi:h Borrawer'x sad <br />