n- �� �'�' `_ •:�� '_ . ' . .. _
<br /> .4' �''1 • � ' __ ?''. _ :, . , . . . _
<br /> .. .4t�� __ 3. - _ ' . .. . . _ i --
<br /> '� � `.,.e�`.�_�a..�._.r� . � _ . �. . � ." ; � , ` •_ . .' ` ' , L . , , ` ' ' . • . , . -.
<br /> . c S: _ . , .. .� ' . . . _ . . . . _ _ . .
<br /> �.. , . - -_ . � :_ _.. , -��aas�ss _
<br /> permds tMt t�eaaer nequina: The�su�noe c�rier povidu�g tbe ins�uanoF sh�il t�ee chba�idy'�'amwa sut,jxt co I.�eder3c
<br /> • : apprc►yal wltich sb�it mt be uruasuaably wnhtuld. If Bam�rer fu'ls to miu�tain cavsrage desaibed a6ave.l.ender may.�t
<br /> �� Lender's optia�,obtain covetag�e co pnxect I.rnder's tights 3n tix Pt�ope�ty in socadance with p�ur�graph 7. �
<br /> ` � � � All u�uuai�a policies�nd crnewats shatl6e scseptaUle to i.inder�nd siwl!ioctade a stuedud matpge ciausa. I.aider ,
<br /> ,shaU bsve the right w hoW the policies aiW�aewaf3.�lf Linder requises.Bwiower shall F�P�Y 8��e to Irencier all�+cceipts.
<br /> �o�p�Id p�e�s�iwt�wtd renwaf naboes. In thc eveat of loss.Ho�rower sl�all give pwnpt notia w the insutaoce catrier and�
<br /> ` Leader. Len�kr may make proof of loss if not made P�P�Y bY Hmrower.
<br /> Unt�ss'L ender�nd Boao�u otlieiwise agcx in wriang.inwraace procads shatl!�e applied tu nstoratton ar iepair.of
<br /> ---- _ — the PiopeRY dsma8ed.if tGe nstoration or repait-is econamicalIY feasiDte and Lender�s socarit�r_is not tessdxd if_yhe- - --
<br /> nstoration or tepair is noE aonomicalZY fe�cibit or La�der's security would be tessenod,the iasura�ce ptnaeds shail 6e
<br /> apptied w the sums sec�m3 by this Sec�uity lasumnen�.whether or nat thrn d�e.witb aay sxass paitLto Honower. If
<br /> Borrawer abandons thc Propeny.or das not answer within 30 days a notice from l.ender drst the ic�cumnGe curier_i�as ,
<br /> - offeced t�seWe a ctaim.tlun l.ender may coUax the insiu�ce proceeds. Lendec may use the pcocoals to�p�nr ar nstar
<br /> - th�PropeRl'.oc io pay scans secviced by this Seeutity(nsuwnen[.whether or nat thea due. 'ET�e 3fkday periad wt'It hegin when
<br />"== tbe notice is given. . .. . . ..,:;. .
<br /> i7nk�s Let�der and Bo�t�wer ott�erwise agtee�'.�cz;�ing.anv applicatian-0f gtioccedc io`prr�p�';:s�•�t extend or
<br /> postpone.tt�dae data o€the mant�lg p2_vnients�`:�sfi��Tss. '►or change 4 �� ��. �,
<br /> . � 2Y d�e �.s �.ses1 ��.e,a�' � . �;�gfit tu aay`:�Q�nti�s�ei�c���••:
<br /> under g�-+�.�� . �Y� ?�'.. .� �
<br /> "�r,�g rr�,`�he.piapeitY lxior t�:i�ac:a;:;���s�tF pass ta Lender to the extent the sams;: , d�° . .
<br /> �:�-. . ... :. . � . ,. ,
<br /> �+i.a�r�si�ediatel}}�mc'_i�-th��c��a�. . . . . ..� . � .
<br /> ;'�.:;'�,�atio�,':'K�iete�ce �id Protedion ot tbe Propecty; Bori�n�erk Lvan Appi�tion,
<br /> ;;,: - - . ,�,,e�-$armRer.�oxupY,estabfish.aud Use the Property as Borrower's principai residenee wilhin siaty ds►ys after --
<br /> _ �s'`',''`:�'::t�exccatian of this S�iitj�tastimmei�t and shall continuc to accupy the fivperty as Hamawer's principal tesideace for at --
<br /> � kast one yeu after'tbe'daze of occupancy,.unkss Lender otherwise agras in writing. which consent shalt nar 6e =--
<br />':,'..• � unmasanably withheld,or unless e�ttenwuing curum�stances eaist which a�c�e beyand�Bariawess cattral: 8orro�sW�1er slWl --
<br /> desdoy.daznage or impair the Ptaperty.allow ttie Praperty to deteriorate,ar cammit waste at the Property.
<br /> - he in defaolt if any farfeituie acaan or proceoding,whctltier civit or crimina{:is 6egun that in Lender�s gaod fuittt judgment --
<br /> y�. �4 could nsWt in forfeiture of the PropMy oc aherwise matedaqy impair the lien cceatal by this Saurity Insuument or --�:
<br /> «. � '� • Lender�secur�ty inte�est. Barrower anay cure such a defuult and ceinstate.as avided in t&.by caacin tlto actlan -�-�-`'_
<br /> P� P�8'�Ph B �,.
<br /> -- � • O!p(OCEtAlOg tA I1C dISt111s.SEd 1Y�tIt A tYIUi$fl1at.111LCIIQCtb gUOA fi11tI1 ACI�[l11111at,td11r Prectudes facfeituce oi the Bormwer� ���;�=:
<br /> '�'� interest in the Propetty or ather material impairrt�n�of the lien crcated by this Security insuumcnt ar LcnderS c+ccudty :` ?_:,
<br /> if4. ..
<br /> t`�
<br /> interesi, � Botrowet rh�!! also 6e in dcfautt if Borrower. duriag the loati application pracess, gave rta�crially faise or �;,�_;_�
<br />- inaccurate infortnation or statementg to I.ender(or faited to provide l.ender with any matedal infarmaUon)in cannecdan with �;:�_=u._
<br /> ,. • { ,. the loan evidenced by the lYote. inctuding. but not limited to. representatians conceming B�mnwer�: accupanry of the ,f Y .: _
<br /> • ' _ . Ptaperty as a pcincipal�idence. if this Security lnstrument is on a leaschold.Barrawer shall camply wit6 sdl the provisia� -_•..: :-�
<br /> � � of the kase. If Borniwes acquires fee tide co tbe Praperty.the leasehotd and the fee tide shall nrn merge unless L.ender agtees �„��y,_',=:
<br /> ,} � � to the merger in writing. �;� _
<br /> protection of Lender's Rigl�ts in the Prope� tf Bomnwef fsats to perform the covenanis and agreementa �;��-..,:-
<br />. p conta�ned in this Securicy Insuumen�or there is a legal praaeding that may signifieantiy affect l.ender's rights in ttie .-,,.a:��;:_
<br /> plroperty(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy.probate,for condemnation oc farfeiture or to enfarce faws or regulatians).tftert '_,�ry- :,
<br />