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g~--.Qp063`~ <br />this Contract in the manner provided by law. <br />Failure of the Sellers to exercise any optional remedy hereby <br />specified at the time of any default shall not operate as a waiver <br />of the right of Sellers to exercise such optional remedy for the <br />same ar any subsequent default at any time thereafter. <br />6. Buyers specifically agree not to permit waste on the pre- <br />mises and to keep the same in good repair until the sums due under <br />this Contract have been fully paid, reasonable wear and'tear ex- <br />cepted. It is understood and agreed that all costs of repair and <br />maintenance of any kind, nature or description shall be borne by <br />the Buyers and Sellers shall have no obligation in that regard. It <br />is further agreed that Buyers shall not. be entitled to make any <br />repairs or alterations on the premises which might result in a <br />lien against the premises in excess of One Thousand ($1,000.00; <br />Dollars, without first obtaining written consent from Sellers. <br />This provision does not constitute permission to make any such re- <br />pairs or improvements not in excess of the foregoing amount. This <br />does not constitute or is there a restriction against Buyers ob- <br />taining subeauent mortgages to this agreement subordinate to the <br />interest of Sellers. <br />7. It is specifically agreed between the parties hereto, that <br />no person shall ever be entitled to any liens directly or indirectly <br />deriving through or under the Buyers or through or under any act <br />or omission of them superior to that in this Contract reserved to <br />Sellers upon either the land above described or any improvement <br />now or hereafter situated thereon or on account of any labor or <br />material furnished, for any such improvements and for or on ac- <br />count of any matter or thing whatsoever. All persons furnishing <br />such labor or material as well as all of such persons whomsoever <br />shall be bound by these provisions of the Contract and by notice <br />thereof from and after the date of filing of this Memorandum in <br />the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />8. This Contract shall not be assigned by Buyers without <br />written permission of Sellers, which permission shall not be <br />withheld unreasonably. <br />9. It is agreed that a Warranty Deed from Sellers to Buyers <br />is being escrowed during the term of this agreement as provided in <br />the Land Sale Contract and is to be delivered to Buyers ~~pon com- <br />pletion of the terms and conditions provided for in the Land Sale <br />Contract executed of even date herewith. <br />10. This Memorandum of Land Sale Contract is subject to <br />terms, conditions and restrictions contained in that certain and <br />recorded Land Sale Contract between Sellers and Buyers dated of <br />even date herewith. Any conflict between provisions of this <br />Memorandum of Land Sale Contract and the Land Sale Contract it- <br />self are inadvertent and in the event of a conflict the provisions <br />of the Land Sale Contract shall prevail. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the paarties here have executed this <br />Memorandu,-n this _ day of , .1 ~ x-"=~' ,-? 1981. <br />~}=" ~-1 <br />ice' ~,.~~~~.-~~ <br />.--~--~ <br />;, <br />EL <br />i. ~ '~ <br />BUYERS <br />~~ <br />