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81-~-~(~ (~ 0639 <br />MEMORANDUM OF LAND SALE CONTRACT <br />THIS MEMORANDUM OF LAND SALE CONTRACT made and entered-into <br />this ~ day of -- ;i ~, 1981, by and between RICHARD S. <br />CAVENEE and LOLL N M. CA NEE, Sellers, and E. RICHARD BUHLMANN <br />and TERESA E. BUHLMANN, Buyers. <br />WITNESSETH: <br />WHEREAS, Sellers are the owners of: <br />Lot Five (5) in Block Four {4) in Pleasant View <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />which property and its appurtenances Sellers are willing to sell <br />under certain installment sales contracts; and <br />WHEREAS, Buyers have agreed to purchase the property, both <br />real and personal, under a Land Sale Contract made and entered-into <br />on ,-,~~~,4~r .=~.~ 1981, and <br />WHEREAS, the Land Sale Contract made and entered into of <br />even date herewith, provided that the parties hereto would execute <br />a Memorandum of Land Sale Contract contemporaneously with the exe- <br />cution of the Land Sale Contract far the purposes of recording. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises of <br />each of the parties hereto, the following are summarized provisions <br />of the Land Sale Contract of even date herewith included for re- <br />cording purposes: <br />i. Sellers agree to sell and convey unto Buyers and Buyers <br />agree to purchase from Sellers the following described real estate <br />and its appurtenances thereto: <br />Lot Five (5) in Black Four {4) in Pleasant View <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />2. Buyers agree to pay to Sellers for the above described <br />property the stun of Thirty-four Thousand {$34,000.00) Dollars as <br />provided in the Land Sale Contract, by a downpayment at the date <br />of close of the Land Sale Contract in the sum of Three Thousand <br />($3,000.00) Dollars and in graduated payments over four hundred <br />eighty {480) months beginning ~j -~ 3 1981, and each <br />and every month thereafter until the en re principal amount and <br />interest therein are fully paid. <br />3. Buyers are to pay the real estate taxes and the insurance <br />premiums on the property. <br />4. Time is of the essence of this Contract. Buyers further <br />agree that if they shall fail to pay any taxes or assessments <br />levied or assessed against the sale property or fail to pay the <br />premium of insurance, Sellers may pay the taxes, assessments or <br />premiums and the amount so paid shall become due and payable forth- <br />with by Buyers to Sellers without notice or demand and sha21 be- <br />come a part of the principal balance due under this Contract. <br />5. If Buyers fail to pay any amount due under the terms <br />of the Contract, or if Buyers fail to perform any of the other <br />terms, covenants or agreements of this Contract, or if Buyers <br />shall abandon the sale property, the whole of the indebtedness <br />dug under this Contract, together with any advances made by Sellers <br />as h2 rein provided, shall become and be immediately due and pay- <br />able at the option of the Sellers without notice or demand, the <br />same being expressly waived, and Sellers may proceed-to forec).ose <br />